Celebrating 15 Years of Quilt Expo in Madison WI – Sept. 5-7, 2019
Quilt Expo Celebrates 15 Years of Quilting Fun, September 5–7, 2019 in Madison, WI
September 5–7, thousands of quilting enthusiasts will gather in Madison, WI to find inspiration, learn new techniques, stock up on fabric & quilting supplies, and celebrate the joy of quilting! Now in its fifteenth year, Quilt Expo continues to be the Midwest’s premier quilting destination. Team NZP invites you to join us at this year’s event!
It’s a Big Deal!
Presented by Wisconsin Public Television (WPT) and Nancy Zieman Productions(NZP), Quilt Expo is designed to capture and revitalize the creative quilting spirit. Here’s a sampling of the highlights for this year’s event. With over 200 educational lectures, sit & sew workshops, and hands-on workshops, and 191 vendors, there’s something for everyone. Plus you’ll find hundreds of quilts on display.
View the juried and judged quilt contest exhibit of nearly 300 amazing quilts
Best of Show 2018—Taking the Unmapped Road by Margaret Solomon Gunn (below)
2018 Category 4—Machine Quilted Bed Size—Appliqued: In The Garden by Kim Lapeck, quilted by Frank Palmer (below)
Vote for your favorite Viewers’ Choice quilt: 2018 Quilt Expo Best of Show—Judgment of Osiris by Georgia Spalding Pierce (below)
Visit the Special Quilt Exhibits
Here’s a glimpse at five of the 41 2019 Log Cabin Quilt Challenge quilts(above). Quilt Expo 2019 attendees will also be able to view the following collections, on loan from organizations from throughout the country:
• Block of the Month Club at Mill House Quilts: Amish With a Twist, Series Two—The Classics
• Cherrywood Hand Dyed Fabrics: Prince Challenge Traveling Exhibit
• Mary DeRay: Simply Sashiko!
• Monroe Street Arts Center: Kids’ Fabric Storyscapes
• Professional Art Quilters Alliance (PAQA): Impressions
• Rumi O’Brien: Quilting Bees and Striding Lines
• Sun Prairie Quilters: Remembering Nancy Zieman
• ThreadBenders: Photo Inspiration—Door
• Quilt Expo 2019 Kids’ Quilt Challenge
• Quilt Expo 2019 Modern Mini Challenge
• Quilt Expo 2019 Log Cabin Challenge
Shop in the 85,000-square-foot vendor mall with 397 vendor booths representing 191 businesses and organizations from across the nation.
Take a class from a nationally known presenters—purchase lecture, sit & sew, and workshop tickets on site at Quilt Expo. Seating is limited.
Attend a stage presentation—stage presentations are included with your admission ticket
Our Kids’ Quilt Challenge Awards Presentation takes place on the stage, Saturday morning at 11:15 a.m.
Attend an evening event—purchase tickets on site at Quilt Expo. Seating is limited.
- Thursday night, September 5, join Madison, Wisconsin’s own internationally bestselling author, Jennifer Chiaverini, for a special presentation celebrating the 20th anniversary of the launch of the beloved Elm Creek Quilts book series.
- Friday night, September 6, join Pat Ehrenberg & Debra Morningstar for Native Stitches & Stories—A creative presentation artfully weaving Native American quilt making, cultural education, tribal stories and flute music into an entertaining and thought-provoking program!
Participate in the Quilt to Give community service project—plan a few minutes during Quilt Expo to stitch on a community quilt!
- Our goal is to make and collect twin-sized quilts. Enchanted Makeovers and DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services) will be the recipients of the quilts..
For a chance to be the random winner of a pair of Quilt Expo one-day Admission Tickets, please comment below and share what’s the first thing you’d do when you arrive at Quilt Expo (getting a cup of coffee doesn’t count :-))
The randomly selected winner of the I Sew For Fun 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge from Clover, from the August 24 Blog post is, Teresa Bishop.
Her comment is: I think this would make a fabulous gift bag that could be filled with clothing, household items, or even baby necessities. Better than paper that gets tossed away.
Happy Quilting,
Team Nancy Zieman
Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.
Jean GB
We usually park in the back so the first thing we see is what is on display in the hallway leading to the front area. It really gets you excited for the show.
Nancy M. Richardson
The first thing I would do at Quilt Expo is drag my husband around to see all of the quilts on display, then to the vendors to help me decide what to purchase (and listen to him howl about what I “don’t need”). He loves my quilts, but does not understand my love of fabric and notions.
Pat Howell
The first thing my husband (yes, he does come with me, willingly) and I do is visit the Quilt Contest display. The quilts are so amazing and we want to be sure we see them before we get too tired to appreciate them. I have been to several AQS quilt shows and except for Spring Paducah this is the best quilt display of all the shows I have attended. I look forward to it each year. We live near Chicago so it is about a 3 hour drive each way, but it is well worth it.
Judy L
The first thing I would do is take a deep breath! Then enjoy all the beautiful quilts on display and shop
Deborah J Paisie
I have only been to a local Show in Mt. Airy, Md. It was exciting. So I would have to imagine what it would be like to go to a show as big as this. EXCITEMENT all the way to my toes! I have watched Nancy on her tv show talking about and showing parts of the Expo, and it was so interesting. I have sewn for many years but never quilted, I started Quilting 2 years ago and fell in love.
I would take a deep breath and then ask where I could find Nancy Zieman booth and take pictures along the way. I have never really been to Wisconsin except to go through it to other places. And, of course, there is the hurricane coming my way so I really need to stay home. But it is fun to dream with Nancy at all times. Thank you.
Linda H
The first thing that I do when arriving at Quilt Expo is to walk through the quilt displays and read about each quilt. They are truly amazing. Then I go to the vendors. It is fun to see all the new gadgets and fabric. Love this show.
Nancy H
The first thing my friends and I will do once we enter the Quilt Expo is to look at the Challenge Quilts, as one of my friends has her quilt displayed there. Then we start going up and down the aisles to see as many of the quilts on display as possible before we take a lunch break and buy a bratwurst. After lunch we start checking out the wonderful vendors, and especially the Nancy’s Notions booth. This Quilt Expo is well worth the drive from Chicago!
The first thing I would do is look for my Log Cabin Challenge quilt and do a little shopping.
Annemarie Stall
The first thing I do is head to Nancy’s booth and shop. Then I dig out the map of vender’s booth and visit my favorites from the previous year. When I get on shopping overload I then take in the quilt shows and challenges. So much to see and do I can hardly wait! I always come away from the show with many ideas and wanting more.
Linda Rouse
The first thing I go to is the Nancy’s Notions space. It is usually so crowded that I visit again late afternoon.
Patricia M. Wondra
First thing I will do is pause at the door looking in at Nancy’s Expo booth and remember what a great woman and motivator Nancy was in every aspect of her life. In my heart I will again shed a tear that she is no longer with us to enjoy and share in this event. Her passing left a hole in my heart! And the recent closing of Nancy’s retail store left our entire community
of quilters feeling empty, and lonely.
Nancy E
I would have to get oriented to what when and where
Shannon M
I’ll be heading to the booth to find a photographer to take a picture of me with my quilt in the show. I was so excited and honored to be accepted this year. Then I’ll check out the rest of the quilts and do some shopping. I’d like to spend some time with the charity quilting this time too.
cyndy parry
Family circumstances have prevented me from going for the last 8 years or so. The first thing I will do is stop, look around me, take a deep breath and smile because I am so happy to be there again … finally!
Nancy H
First I would most likely head to the vendors and work my way to the long arm quilting machines. They endlessly facinating to me.
Kathleen Pagel
Look at all the fabulous quilts and then go through the vendor booths. So many to explore and shop shop shop.
I’d first have to find out where all the bathrooms are! Then head on to the vendor area followed by looking at all the beautiful quilts.
Kerry Mach
I will head directly to the Nancy’s Notion store space as there are many wonderful items to look at and great buys ! Then I will start with the vendors , and end with the quilts on display.
Gayle O’Grady
I went to Quilt Expo last year for the first time. I took so many classes that I didn’t have enough time to see all the quilts on display. So sad because the ones I did see were beyond amazing! Need to explore those first this year to make sure I see them all.
Patricia M Radloff
Upon arrival the first item to do would be thank the people for putting this great day of adventure together, as I have only been once quite awhile ago with my quilter friend who no longer lives in WI. I would love to experience this fantastic show again!
Anne Z.
My husband and I attend every year. The first thing we do is browse through the juried and judged quilt contest exhibit. It is full of inspiration.