Use Fabric Scraps For Rainbow Quilts
Do you have volumes of fabric scraps? Today you’re going to learn how to sort your fabric stash into usable pieces. You might be surprised to find the fabrics you need to create scrap quilts at your fingertips. Nancy welcomed Judy Gauthier, scrap-quilting aficionado, on this episode of Sewing With Nancy.
Rainbow Quilts for Scrap Lovers is the title of Judy Gauthier’s book with C&T Publishing; it’s also the focus of this two-part series, of the same title, on Sewing With Nancy.
Packages, Boxes, and Bows Quilt
Judy shows us how to separate odd-shaped scraps by color, then create quilts with the scraps. Her quilt, Packages, Boxes, and Bows shows us why it’s important to separate fabrics by color. While revisiting scraps of fabrics, Judy was able to divide Nancy’s stash into a rainbow of color. Once the fabrics were chosen, the piecing was a joy!
Color Brick Road
If you have leftovers from making Packages, Boxes, and Bows, consider creating yet another quilt from your stash, entitled Color Brick Road. Small rectangles are cut in two sizes and the colors are sorted using the rainbow gradation as your guide. Just like Judy, you might find yourself chanting “Follow the color brick road, follow the color brick road.” Watch as w this quilt is made on Sewing With Nancy.
Fretwork Quilt
On Sewing With Nancy, learn how to make fretwork designs. This quilt style was originally carved from wood to adorn furniture or musical instruments using a fretsaw. The same geometric style can be translated into a quilt pattern, using a rotary cutter and fabric scraps. The technique is reversible appliqué. Learn how to sort your fabrics into 5-1/2″ and 4-1/2″ squares, and then let the fun quilt-making process begin!
Rainbow Quilts for Scrap Lovers Starter Kit
You’ll feel like you’ve taken a trip over the rainbow with scrap-friendly quilt designs, using techniques Nancy called remarkable because, “Not a scrap goes to waste.” Book includes clever tips for organizing your scraps and assembling quilts, along with 12 colorful patterns. Kit includes book, Fast2Cut Simple Squares Template, and Sewing With Nancy DVD.
Watch Rainbow Quilts for Scrap Lovers on Sewing With Nancy online.
For a chance to win a copy of the Rainbow Quilts for Scrap Lovers Book/DVD from Nancy’s Notions, leave a comment sharing the most predominate color in your fabric stash.
The randomly selected winner of a copy of the Rope Sewing Reinvented Book and DVD from Nancy’s Notions is Carolyn Borst.
Her comment is: When I was reading and checking out the tote bag, I thought, “How would that look with leather straps, and scrolled down to see the everyday tote. “Now THAT’S my bag!” Fun. Love the added strengthening stitches on the bottom of both bags…
Happy Quilting,
Team Nancy Zieman
Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC.
Susan shaffer
My stash has more blue than any color.
Patty Coulter
I would love to win the Rainbow Quilts for Scrap Lovers! I think my most predominant color is blue, I have lots of scraps that would just love to be sewn into a lovely quilt, this book sure would help.
Anne Z.
The most prominent color in my quilt stash is green. However, I have many scraps that I would love to use when creating a quilt top.
Mary O.
My stash has lots of purple and blues.
I watched the episode of Rainbow Quilts part 2 this past Sunday on PBS and dreamed of my 30’s being made in The Circus Comes to Town. I have lots of 1930 prints and some batiks. I have noticed I have collected lots of purples and oranges.
Ennis A Weeks
Stash color?? Red, Red, Red!!!!!
Every shade of blue there is!
I would have to say the predominant color in my stash is blue. Which really goes so well with everything
Kathy Johnson
I have mostly blues, purples and greens in my stash. I need to start doing some stash reduction. This book would be great!
Julie Kill
The most predominant color in my stash is two colors- my favorites Red and Green. All shades, All designs.
JoMarie Coster
Mostly red, but blue a close second
Deborah Whaley
The most predominant color in my stash would have to be teals and aqua.
Rosalind Gutierrez
I have a lot of red and blue but that is probably because I like to make patriotic quilts.
Patricia Evans
My predominant colorway in my stash are the blues/purples. Needless to say, I have lots of other colors also. I could just see one of the patterns in this book in a black/white/offwhite color – amazing that all start with 5 1/2″ squares
My most predominant color in my fabric stash is purple. Love the color.
W Staker
My stash is so very varied, but would have to go with shades of red.
I don’t know what I have the most of. It is an array of colors. Thanks for the chance to win.
Sherri G
Blue, without any doubt.
Purple, Purple and Purple!!!
Pinks and rosy reds predominate!
Christine Weber
My stash basket of blues and purples is overflowing.
LoAnn Trowbridge
I love blues, and therefore, my stash is overflowing with shades of blues. Love these quilt ideas!!
Phyllis Evans
My stash is mostly purple with a little black & white.
Sandy W.
My stash is mostly Pinks & Greens..
carolyn montgomery
i had an over abundance of green in my stash so i am now making a scrappy green mod bear paw quilt. now i have a fairly balanced stash with plenty of different colors and low volume cuts.
Charlotte D
My stash is full of pink and more pink. I think after reading about the book today and seeing the pictures, I am thinking I could work all of my pinks into a quilt with the Ombre effect. I wouldn’t have all the rainbow brights. However the pattern adapts so well, I may have the perfect use for my mountain of pinks !!!
Barbara J Myers
My favorite color has to be teal. Didn’t realize that till I started looking at projects completed and saw that color pop out.
Gabrielle Gilbert
Loved these quilts, great ideas for using up scraps. My predominant color in my stash is purple.
Theresa Kaveney
The color of my stash is mostly blue, blue and more blue.
I don’t think I have a predominant color… I really have a rainbow stash. I’ve saved every scrap hoping to someday find the right project to use them in and this is it!
Laurie Sieg
I was surprised to find that I have more greens in my stash. Blue is my favorite so why all the greens?? Guess I’ll just have to use up the greens.
Terry Cullan
Definitely a tie between blue and green
Oddly enough, shades of black are everywhere.
My stash has lots of blues!
Ann West
It is very hard for me to pick a predominant color in my stash because I have lots of fabric in all colors. I make children’s quilts so I have many primary colors. I make applique quilts so I need every color under the sun to make them. My scraps certainly could use the Rainbow Quilts for Scrap Lovers to work on my scraps! Thanks.
Sandy Granger
I tend to have more earth tones in my stash. one of these patterns should work out great for a quilt when I get enough.
I have mostly blue fabric scraps.
Opal Moore
I love blue but find myself liking the gray and yellow combination. Thank you.
I am stuck on blues and greens!
L Watson
I think I have whites, gray, black, and pink. However, if you count old jean material I would have to claim blue.
Nancy B
I have some of all the colors but seem to have more blues than any other.
Barbara Pointer
I have mostly blues and pinks in my scraps. Would love to be lucky enough to win this book and start using them up. Thanks.
Robi Malone
Purple seems to be the most dominant color in my stash.
Jane Wo!fle
I have tons of blue and red scraps!
Claudia Olivier
I have reds and blues my 8 year old granddaughter has lots of purple lol I love the Rainbow Quilts for Scrap Lovers patterns they are right up my ally.
Shirley Dukerschein
I ‘love’ green, so a lot of my favorite fabrics and scraps have green in them. Winning the ‘Rainbow Quilt For Scrap Lovers would help me find a quilt design to use up some of my green fabric scraps.
Cecilia Young
I have mostly reds, prints and solids.
Margaret Scott
I tend towards blue but also love multi colored prints.
Theresa Schlaak
My Stash is over-flowing with: TONS of Teals & Greens; followed by EVERY shade of Blue imaginable, including navy, azures & ‘purples’…close 3rd are the yellows, golds & Off-whites!!! Guess I’ve enough for SEVERAL RAINBOWS!
Laura M
I have alot of teal/turquoise in my curated collection. I think I will always love those colours.
Susan C
I have predominantly pinks and greens, but I am trying to diversify my stash with more colors. I would like to have enough different colors that I can “shop my stash” when I am ready to start a new project!
Judy Bowers
I mostly have blue.
Rita Long
I have quite a bit of purple. I would love to win this book.
Nancy M
I thought I’d have mostly blue but went and checked. It’s mostly green! lol
Kathleen Johnson
The color purple dominates my stash!
Ann Marie Oblas
My stash is mostly earth-tones…I need to diversify and add much more color. I cannot fear the Rainbow Quilts!
Anna M
All things pink!
I have mostly greens in my stash.
I have a lot of blues in my stash.
Colleen Terry
I have mostly teals in my stash, with purples coming in second.
I have lots of blues in my stash.
Mindy Washburn
Blues, blues, and more blues! Everything goes with blue! Followed closely by all thing purple!
Blue! It seems I can’t help myself, I have tubs of blue fabric. I have gone to the store telling myself not to purchase blue, but there I stand, looking at the beautiful blues… FYI, my favorite color is green! Crazy right?
I would have to say blue.
Mainly have shades of blues on hand….the book looks wonderful and may very well help me to dig in to those blues mixing them with greens, purples, pinks and yellow. Did you ever look at a bruise and notice those colors looks nice together?! Lol
Linda Shumway
That book was written just for me. Over a 3 month period several people gifted me ####’s of their scraps, so I have very many variations of all the colors. The cover quilt is going to be perfect for me to make.
My stash is all over the place, from blues to greens to reds to yellows. I don’t think I’ve got one predominant color in there!
I need a book to help me with colors. I love color but do not know how to combine them to make any thing that looks like it belongs . Sure could use that book !!
Joellyn Partyka
I would definitely say the most predominate color in my stash is blue. I love this book and all the quilts I’ve seen that display fabric with the rainbow colors ordered across the quilt. It’s one I’d love to add to my book collection.
Donna W
Green is the dominant color in my stash. Seems like every time I buy fabric, some green comes home with me.
Patricia Phaiah
My stash has more red and orange. I have lots of scraps I would love to use. Thanks for the giveaway.
laura mitchell
All are bright, I have a lot of blues, reds.
Great book!
Jane Gustinis
I have lots of scraps cut into usable sizes. After my husband died the only thing that relaxed me was to cut up fabric scraps. I got real organized but have not used the pieces in a project. I mostly have shades of blue. I would love to win the rainbow quilt book for scrap lovers.
Janet johnson
I have mostly pinks and reds. I can usually find a perfect fabric in my stash to use for almost any project I am currently working on. That doesn’t keep me out of the fabric store !
Mary Ehrhardt
My predominant color would have to be yellow to orange.
Connie Cain
Since green is my favorite color, I have more of it in my stash! 🙂
Elizabeth Chapman
I don’t have a dominant color. I just have plastic tubs filled with leftover remnants from sewing projects that I was told to never throw away. This book sounds ideal for motivation to clean up.
Dorothy M
Orange and yellow — lots of those fabrics in my stash.
Rather bright – but I enjoy sewing with them.
Purple, especially in batiks. The shades with more blue are my favorites.
Probably tans and browns–but I have lots of colors.
Brenda Ackerman
I would have to say that blues are my largest selection of scrap fabrics. I love making scrap quilts and knowing that Judy includes advice on organizing, techniques and using up all those scraps is such valuable information, that I would use (as I am trying to gain control of my fabric stash and scraps)! Plus, after watching Part 1, I would love to make every quilt!
Lots of blues and I always buy more blue.
Thanks giveaway.
My favorite color would be purple but I have more blue and green in my stash.
Sybil Derderian
Most of my scrap stash is blues or greens, but plenty of fillers of the other rainbow colors!
Ann Thompson
Right the most dominant color in my stash seems to be pink. I’ve been getting ready for my new great granddaughter!
Red dominates my scraps. Not surprising since it is my favorite color.
My stash is filled with all sorts of colors, but blue is likely the predominant color because of its versitility. Blue captures the sky and water hues. Having a resource about how to use those cherished scraps would be great!
Pamela Smith
I have enough material that I will die before I use it all! LOL. I really don’t have a predominant color in my stash but my favorite color is purple.
Have all diff prints, inherited from a friend’s mother, lots of knits. Many already cut into squares, have made 3 quilt tops waiting to finish. Most had some shade of blue. I’m looking to go red.
Kaye M
Green is the dominate color in my fabric stash followed by aqua and red.
I have more blue and green than any other color. I think it’s because there are so many shades of blue and green. I love the idea of rainbow quilts.
Marilyn Logan
My stash tends to be earth tones with small prints. But then again I have a large stash of animal/vehicle prints that I use to make kids quilts.
Barb K.
My predominant stash color is pinks and reds–would love to win this book and learn new ways to use them!
Willow Olson
I recently sorted all my scraps and found my predominant color is most definitely blue. I’m completely lacking in orange, so I’m on a mission to remedy that 🙂
always seem to choose aqua and blues, althoughnI reallymdo like red, too.
Kathy R Hartwell
I can say without a doubt that blue is the predominate color in my stash with green following closely behind. Thank you for the opportunity to win this package.
Linda Curtis-Stolper
Blues are the most common color in my stash, but I am realizing more and more how drawn I am to creating quilts that display all the rainbow colors, fading from one to another and revealing all the shades along the way. Would love to have this book and gain more insight into how to organize my stash to be more efficient in choosing fabrics!
Robin Hessefort
I have a large stash of blues ,reds & purple.
Retia Shealy
I have more blues in my stash !
Joan Squire
Wow! Look at all these fabric lovers! I always enjoyed Nancy and am glad her company still exists. Blues and greens dominate my stash. However, to my astonishment, lavendar has become a favorite with age!
Leona Pryhorocki
Blue and pink seem to be the predominant color. Loved the shows and would really like the book!
Amanda Hilldore
I have the most green, closely followed by blue.
Crystal Conrad-Kauffman
Creams, tans, browns, and yellows show up a lot in my stash!
Barbara Rich
The predominant color in my stash is blue.
Arden Shelton
PINK!! I LUV pink….thanks for the opportunity to see the book and show.
Janel Kerr
My stash has lots of reds, blues and blacks. My other colors are pretty well balanced, and I have really been getting into playing with color and geometry. This would be great to help me do that!
Cynthia T
I have more blue than any other color.
Kathy Savage
I love the gem tones so my stash has a lot of purples, lavenders and other gem tones. I find that no matter where or when I shop the gem tones always win out!
Peggy V
My stash is filled with lots of blues, greens, and purples. I really need help with scraps. Sounds like this book was made of me!!!
Marcia Gaffney
Most of my scraps are green, but I am certain that her amazing book would be just the thing to help me focus on organizing the colors in my scraps besides green. I would love to have my name drawn for this, but I also wish everyone good luck in this gre as t giveaway.
Marcia Gaffney
Most of my scraps are green, but I am certain that her amazing book would be just the thing to help me focus on organizing the colors in my scraps besides green. I would love to have my name drawn for this, but I also wish everyone good luck in this great giveaway.
Earthy colors.
Valerie Thompson
I would say green is my predominant color. Good luck everyone and thank you for the chance to win.
Jan C
Blue. I have storage boxes of pinks and purples but a tote of blues. My grand daughter said that I don’t have many greens and no yellows. I had to buy some fat quarters.
I have blues in every shade and value.
Greens & blues are equally dominate in my stash… followed by Black & White mixes.
This book is right up my alley. I have a lot of scraps that I just can’t get rid of. I love the Rainbow look. I hope I win. Pat
Vicky S
My favorite color is rainbow – anything bright and bold. Since my first quilt at 16 from a blown up star block in solid blue, green, yellow and orange made at 100 inches square, I’ve been in love with color. Saw the episode on Sewing with Nancy and have GOT to get the book to use up more of my stash.
Karen R.
Blue. Lots and lots. It’s because I have a lot of hand+me+down fabric so I guess they were all partial to blue.
Randi Grover
My stash doesn’t necessarily have one predominant color. It’s really any color that’s bright.
Melanie Dumas
My stash in itself is a rainbow, a little bit of this and that but probably a lot of blue and green tones.
Marty Askins
I would love to win the Rainbow Quilrscfor Scrap Lovers. My dominate color is blue.
Purples and blues are the predominant colors I have. Also a lot of pink shades, because I have 4 beautiful granddaughters.
Lillian K
PINK seems to dominate my stash. Love the patterns in the giveaway book.
The most predominant color in my fabric stash is blue. I am a lover of purple but never keep it around long enough for it to get to my stash pile. I use it as soon as I buy it!
Sonja Henschen
My predominate color is white because I found it at such a good sale price I bought yards!
Linda Jennings
Blue is my main color, with green neck and neck
Rosaleen Mary Besler
I’d love to win the book. Such great ideas. I have a collection of all the colors as I sew for a charity sale……..but the vast majority are crayon colors…….reds, blacks, bright greens and all shades of yellow, about in equal amounts…………….it’s a BIG stash!
My most predominate colors are blue and purple.
Sue Camino
It seems like most of my sewing is geared to the patriotic holidays so I have plenty of Red, White and Blue fabric. What a great project this would be to display all year round.
When my mom passed away, I have all her material that she purchased and never had a chance to use it. I would love to make something for all her grandchildren to remember her. Lots of colors
Blue, seems. Or green.
Blue, and then green.
Beth Cox
I have about equal amounts of color as I love Batiks. I would guess my predominate color is purple
Jonni Noller
I have so much fabric in lots of colors. I would love to win and use up some more of my stash. I’m currently working on a cathedral window. Just finished an oversized queen grandma’s broken dishes quilt.
Earthy colors- oranges, browns, golds, greens!
Hope I win the book- I have alot of scraps to use up.
Blue by far but also have a lot of green. I have lots of white too
Maria Caprile
Pink, pink and more pink!
Caryn Sweeney
My fabric stash has more green in it than any other color. Green always reminds me of spring and growing things, it finds it’s way into everything I make.
Kelley Hughes
Victorian peachy pinks
Jean Palionis
Purples are my color family.
Kathryn Englebretsen
Blue is definitely my favorite color and the predominant color in my stash.
Pink, of course. And green. And blue and yellow… basically any and all colors!
Gail Beam
I literally have a basement full of fabric in all colors, so I really can’t pick one as my favorite.
Michelle Hall
I would say blue is the color I have the most of in my stash
Janie Harvey
Blue is my favorite!
Jennifer Reinke
Lots of colors in that fabric stash…a lot of blues, purples and teals. How exciting to see how we can use up those “I don’t want to throw out those scraps…because I may need them someday pieces”. Thanks you for the opportunity to win this book
stephanie Woodward
My favorite colors are yellow and orange. But I really love them all. Perhaps purple is lowest on my must get list. Even it is a must use at times.
Joan Palmer
Lots of pinks, blues, and yellows. Green seems to be the least favorite color, except for accents.
Janice Carroll
Blue is predominent in my stash.
My stash has a variety of all colors but my predominate color is purple. (All different shades of purple.)
E. Watson
I’d say the most common color in my scraps is veriations of black and grey, and a little brown. However, I also have some beautiful aqua colored scraps! I love the rainbow quilts, they are so beautiful! 🙂
Gloria Udy
Love the books that Nancy has written.
Do not have the quilt book with all these fun & scrappy patterns.
I have tons of blue, green & Brown’s in my stash.
Thanks for keeping her great ideas out there.
Gloria U
Emma Carpenter
My predominant color is pink. I love watching your lessons and easy to follow instructions. Thanks for sharing.
Jennifer Shirley
My predominate color of scraps is blue. I love making patriotic quilts and blue is one of my favorite colors for clothing.
Linda A
Most of my stash is blues and greens. I like
Moda’s Batics. I love to make purses using them.
Christine M
The most predominate color in my fabric stash is brown!
Dalina Stevens
My most predominate color is red
Judy Zedalis
I have shades of taupe stashed away to make a king size, quilt as you go, wedding ring quilt. The rings will have muted rainbow colors with marbled cream and Merlot for the center patches. But my biggest stash would be black for all my quilting needs. RIP Nancy, you are sorely missed!
I don’t really have that big of a stash, but I do have some teal, pink, and yellow fabric.
Doreen Linehan
My most predominant color is red
definitely BLUE!!!! and anything with daisies!!!
Nancy HUGO
This sounds like a wonderful project book.
Linda Janovitz
My stash is full of 30’s prints and this would be a great way to use them and continue enjoying their cuteness !!!!!
Judith Campo
I have a lot of scraps that would like for me to get them used. This looks like a great way to start.
Renee G
My stash has a large collection of greens.
Jo Ann Setliff
Shirley Hale
Pink and I don’t know why, it’s my least favorite color!
Nancy Von Arx
I have a lot of gold, for some reason. Use it for backing aprons – there is a favorite fabric, that matches a lot of prints in my stash.
June Krueger
Pinks and greys. SOOO many baby quilts!
Debbie Yates
I have bins of blue: periwinkle, true blue, navy, aqua.
Sandra Huse
Lots of variety in my scrap bin, but green seems to dominate!
Marya Thorpe
I found that I have more blues with greens as a close tie, in my stash. I do a lot of applique work and use blues for water and sky. The greens, of course, for plants, trees, landscapes. It is interesting to see the other comments. Love the feeling of community. Thank you!
Marya Thorpe
I have more blues with green as a close tie, in my stash. I do a lot of applique work using blue for sky, water and background and greens, of course, plants, trees and background. It is interesting to see the other comments. This lends the feeling of community. Thank you!
Patti Z.
I have so much purple, blues and greens. Guess I need to make something soon!
Anna Seals
Red is my favorite color and the predominate color of my scraps.