NEW Strip by Strip Patchwork Quilting
Someone once asked me, “Why do you cut perfectly good fabric into pieces just to sew it back together again?” My answer, “To create great quilt designs!” One of the designers that I have the privilege to work with is Donna Fenske; she’s here to share her latest ideas. The premise of this NEW Sewing With Nancy program is to use a variety of fabric strips to achieve designs that have great visual interest. Strip by Strip Patchwork Quilts is the new two-part series this week and next on Sewing With Nancy.
Horizons Quilt
Horizons is the first featured quilt design. It gives the sense of the colors of the sky either at sunrise or sunset. In part one of Strip by Strip Patchwork Quilts, Donna shares how to create strip-sets making this quilt a snap. Watch the new episode here.

Diamond Spectrum
Choose a variety of batik fabrics with one striking background color and you’re ready to create Donna’s next quilt design, Diamond Spectrum. On this new Sewing With Nancy series, you’ll learn how to make a fabric tube from strips of fabric, then creatively cut it into blocks. It’s an impressive design!
Sunset Streams
Many fabrics cut to the same size are all that you’ll need to create our next project, Sunset Streams. Even though simplicity is the key to the process, the final result packs a lot of wow factor. Next, learn Donna’s modern quilt-making techniques on Strip by Strip Patchwork Quilts.
Strip by Strip Patchwork Quilting Book and DVD
- Nancy Zieman and guest Donna Fenske demonstrate how to use a variety of fabric strips to effortlessly achieve quilt designs with great visual interest.
- Learn how to confidently explore the use of color and design while using fabric strips to construct quilt blocks.
- Discover how fabric and dimension changes within a pattern can produce a quilt with an entirely new look.
- Book includes six projects.
Watch Strip by Strip Patchwork Quilts (Part One) on Sewing With Nancy online.
For a chance to win a copy of the new Strip by Strip Patchwork Quilts DVD, from Nancy’s Notions, please leave a comment sharing your favorite time of day to sew or quilt.
The randomly selected winner of a copy of the new Free-Motion Quilting 1-2-3 DVD, from Nancy’s Notions is Cindy Cooke.
Her comment was, “I’ve made quilts from queen down to baby. I love embellishing them (once made a frog in a pond quilt for my grandson and made a curled tongue that rolled up, a dragonfly with glitzy wings, and a fish with flapping flippers, just for him to play with). I like my quilts to make the recipient think happy things, and to feel all the love and prayers that go into its making. I’d love new ideas!”
Bye for now,
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I quilt any and all times of day or night since I’m retired and live alone. I’m a real night hawk so that is the most likely times for me to get thinks done with no phone calls, etc.
Karen Badger
I like to sew when the light is best in my sewing area. Makes it much easier for these aging eyes!
I love mornings in my sewing room!
Marilyn Jaye
All day…usually only have one day a week to sew…anytime will work!
Patty Coulter
I love sewing in evenings while I catch up on my favorite shows, including Sewing with Nancy that I record on my DVR.
Also rainy weekends when I can’t get outside. It’s so nice to sew along with Nancy
I love to sew in the mornings when I can. I still work full time so most sew is done at night. The Strip patchwork reminds me of the old string quilt.
I love to quilt during the middle of the day, when I am most alert.
Ennis A
My favorite time to Quilt or sew? ANYTIME!!!! Day or night!!
Quilting is my reward for getting my chores done! So I sew most afternoons and sometimes in the evening.
My favorite time to do anything creative is early morning.
I like the early morning hours.
Barb Jansen
Mornings are my best time to sew, but sometimes I don’t get to until the afternoon since I get my “chores” done first.
randi knott
Mondays as that is when I teach the sewing class in our rv park and Saturdays during football season. time, well, from 6 am to midnight as once I get started it is hard to get me to stop.
I sew whenever I have the time. However, it is getting more difficult for me to sew at night, especially on dark fabrics. I usually sew by machine in the afternoon, and save hand sewing for the evening while watching tv.
Janet Leachman
I like to sew in mid morning or early afternoon after my other chores are finished. It’s like dessert after a meal!!
Jane Graber
Right now I’m trying to organize my sewing room ( how did it get so messy?). When I get that done it time to get busy making Christmas gifts.
Linda P.
I love to sew on rainy afternoons or evenings when the house is quiet.
carolyn montgomery
my favorite time to sew is any time i’m awake 🙂 love the diamond spectrum quilt.
My favorite time of day to sew is in the evening. Since my sewing room is on the west side of the house, sometimes I can catch the sunset.
Any time of the day but mainly in the morning
Leslea Brodie
Mid afternoon, or late at night
eileen leathers
I love to sew/quilt mostly during the day when the lighting is good. Fall is here and I love seeing the leaves fall from my sewing room window. So quiet and peaceful.
The afternoon. I like to get my work done in the morning and then spend the afternoon relaxing with my quilting,
I love to sew any time of the day but especially in the mornings. I make mostly baby quilts because my sewing area isn’t big enough to do much more. Someday I hope to be able to have a larger space.
shirley marvin
Sewing time is anytime that I am in the mood and nothing else is in the way. Being retied I have that luxury. :-} The trippy method is not new – my grandmother was always doing either strippy or crazy.
I love to sew during the day when the light is good. My eyes seem to be happiest with natural light!
I like to sew anytime between mid-morning and mid-afternoon. That way I’m wide awake and don’t have to stop to make dinner. I try to avoid sewing at night because I get really tired and am more likely to make mistakes.
Because I have to work full time I try to squeeze sewing in anytime I am not too tired. I have a regular Friday night date after work at my mom’s and we sew together until we get too tired and have to stop. That is my best time since I get to spend it with my mother.
My favorite time of day to sew is any time I have my hands on my project and turn on the machine. I do like it best when the most light is coming in at the sewing station. I can peek at the world outside while engrossed in the creative process or growling with the seam ripper in hand!
My favorite time to sew, quilt or be creative with fabric is late evening through the early hours of morning. It’s so quiet & peaceful, my mind is clear and the hours fly by.
Barbara A Page-Ridgway
I have quilted 2 1/2 years now and never even owned a machine until I started. Took a couple classes, used U tube to answer any problems I had plus sit and sew to receive help for quilting. I spend all my free time quilting because I am 67 years young and have so much more to learn and beautiful quilts to make.
Jeanette Hasseman
I love to quilt thru the quiet hours of the day while my husband is at work.
Favorite time to sew is ANYTIME, but usually get to it in middle of the day or evening.
Theresa Brooks
I like to quilt whenever I get a chance! Because my eyes are getting old I need more light now to sew at night, but an extra lamp helps with that!
Jo-Ann Hayes
I love to quilt just about anytime, but find that I am more relaxed after all the chores and errands are done for the day.
Consequently, it becomes afternoons and evenings…. now if I could find someone to do my chores, I would just quilt ALL day long! Thanks, Nancy, for all you do for us!
My favorite time to sew is in the morning with bright sunlight streaming in my window. What a happy time that is.
Nancy Ballard
I would enjoy this book so much. I enjoy making scrap quilts.
Josephine Edwards
My favorite time to sew is in the mornings when I’m most alive. I’ve learned not to sew when I’m tired, I sew things backwards or upside down causing myself more work picking out seams.
Susan Nicol
I have always been a night owl. It is late evening and early morning sewing for me usually.
Nancy Ballard
My favorite time to sew is anytime of the day! I especially enjoy the time when my sister and I can sew and visit together.
Cindy K
My favorite time to sew is in the evening when the house is quiet and all the days work is done
Lynn D
My favorite time to sew is early afternoon into the evening. I have to force myself to do household chores (for someone who lives alone it sure can get messy). Once I get that out of the way then my time is free to sew as long as I want to. Time seems to fly by and it can be a long while before I realize I have been at the machine all day.
Virginia in AK
I quilt any time of the day or night that I have the chance!! Anytime is a good time to quilt!
I sew in the afternoon during the summer when the heat outside gives me migraines. Late afternoon in the winter when the waning lights outside beg for bright colors inside!
Sybil Derderian
I enjoy sewing in the afternoon on most days but if I’m really into a project I’ll start early in the day and sew voraciously!
Susan Spiers
Early in the morning, before my get-up & go, gets up & is gone!
Dorothy Martin
I love to sew in the morning with the sun coming in the window and before the phone starts to ring and the mail arrives. It is then that I can think clearly about the joy of joining fabrics to fabrics by threads in my favorite colors. The regular sound of needle to fabric by hand or by machine fills my heart.
Doreen Linehan
My favorite time is on a bright sunny day. My mother’s house is so dark that it’s much easier & more enjoyable with sunlight shining in.
I especially love to sew in the afternoon but really anytime is a time to sew. My 2 puppies (doxies) are at my feet whenever I’m sewing!
I usually sew from late morning on.
Linda Davidson
My favorite time of day is late afternoon. That’s when I sit outside with a book or my favorite magazine. As the weather gets cooler, that will be my favorite time to sew. Right now I sew while cooking dinner (my sewing machine is in the dining room right next to the kitchen) and in the early evening.
I love to sew in the late afternoon when I first get home from work. The light streams into my house during most of the year. Because I live in Alaska, I can quilt with natural lighting until ~9 pm in the summer. I really prefer to sew with natural light, it just makes the colors clearer and brighter. The thread is so much easier to see!
jenny boettcher
any time I get a chance to sew is my favorite time to sew; but usually early morning or sometimes late into the night……and if everything goes great it will last into the wee hours of the morning….
Anytime is a good time to sew. I grab every minute I can to sew if only for 5 or 10 minutes.
Anita P.
My favorite time of day is to sew or quilt is anytime I’m not suffering from brain fog. Makes it much easier to follow the instructions.
Catherine Black
I love to sew anytime. I am now retired and anytime is my favorite time. When the mood hits, I’m in my sewing room.
I am such a night owl that I tend to be more productive in the evenings. Or on a dreary Saturday with an old black & white movie on TV.
Cassy L.
My usual time of the day to start is around 2:00 in the afternoon then maybe some hand stitching in the evening.
Peggy V
My favorite time to quilt is early evening when the sun is shining in my sewing studio. I am able to get lots done at that time of day. I appreciate the opportunity to win this book. Beside you, Donna is one of my favorite designers.
Peggy Bibb
Would love to quilt all day but unfortunately I have one of those things called a job so my quilting time is limited to evenings.
Judy G.
I love to sew anytime and all the time. I am working on Christmas presents now so I sew when I can. Love trying new patterns.
PJ. Miller
I sew at all times of the day and night, but I love to sew at 5:30 in the morning. Although I find it difficult to stop and get to work on time, having 2 hours of uninterrupted time to sew starts my day off with creativity, fun, and satisfaction.
Since I am now retired I can sew any time I choose. I find that this gives me a lot of flexibility.
I like to start sewing in the morning. I am fresh then, and I like to stay with it all day.
Anytime of the day is my favorite time to sew. Just depend what is happening during the day. Most times I am in the room until 11:30 p.m.
Early in the morning, late at night~actually anytime!!
Kathleen Duncan
I prefer to do my sewing from mid morning till dinner time. That is when the natural lighting is best in my sewing room. As my eyes, (and the rest of me!) get older, I need all the light I can get.
Anytime I can find to stitch a little. My machine is in the back room and since my husband is ill, I have to keep track of him and look out for him, so when I have a few minutes you will find me at my machine. I love the patterns in that book.
Marsha Chibitty
I like to sew starting late afternoon until I get tired. That’s usually about 1:30 to 2 a.m.
Cyndy from the Funny Farm
I try to find time after work but before I get too tired to work in my sewing studio (formally known as the formal living and dining rooms). On weekends when I have no other plans, I love to be in there during the bright of day as the two skylights make wonderful lighting! But I always try to at least stop in the room, for even just a few moments, before I run out the door to work. That little dose of my happy place makes my day!
Jennifer Reinke
I love to sew in the early morning–with my coffee and where I can be alone with my fabrics and thoughts about how blessed I really am. Right now everything is packed up for our move into our new home (near Beaver Dam! yippee!-closer to Nancy’s notions)–so I am going through “withdrawal” from sewing!
Rochelle Summers
I start after chores are done..but only in daylight. Sewing after dark on the machine is really hard even with lamps. I save the hand sewing for evening in fro of the TV.
Marvel D.
I sew before and after work. I dedicate 5-15 min after breakfast to an easy sewing task. This is not when I see a zipper. Usually it’s a seam or piece some quilt squares. After dinner I work an hour or two a couple evenings a week. Then I can tackle larger projects or stick with mindless sewing. Depends on my mood and the day’s stressors.
beth d.
I mostly quilt on Sunday’s preferably in afternoons. I can get a lot done at that time. Sometimes I do machine embroidery at that time too.
I have so many strips already cut that I would find the perfect use for this set. If I’m not the winner, I may have to buy this one.
Gail Beam
Any time I have to sew is a perfect time for me.
My favorite time to sew is early morning when everything is quiet and I’M home alone to do as I please!
Charlotte Hebrank
I quilt anytime of day with friends or by myself.
Halley Sanders
I love to quilt in the afternoon. Fall is probably my favorite time of year to sew with the golden afternoon light filtering in through the windows, and a breeze coming in through my studio doors. As an expectant first time mother, I’m trying to take advantage of quilting whenever I can, before my belly makes reaching my machine too difficult!
Traci Y
What pretty quilts! I quilt whenever I get a chance. I’m a homeschool mom and take any opportunity I can. Nancy, my thoughts and prayers go out to you. Thank you for all the years of inspiration.
Edna Marks
I like to quilt whenever I get a chance, but my favorite is in the early afternoon, with lovely sunshine coming through windows.
Jan N.
I sit down to sew after I finish daily chores, otherwise I’d never get anything done in my home. Once I start sewing, I lose all track of time.
Alice Noles
I especially love to sew when it is raining outside. Other than that I love to sew anytime!
Marilyn D.
If I am working on something that I really want to get done soon, I will sew most of the day and even in the evening just to finish. I go into my sewing room at any time and start sewing if I’m bored or want to start something new or a quilt to give my neighborhood Sunshine Group. I guess you could find me in there just about anytime.
Even though I enjoy sewing anytime of the day, my favorite time is the morning when the sunlight brightens my sewing room. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!
I’d prefer to sew in the afternoon, but most times that doesn’t happen. I’d love to win this book. Thanks for the chance.
Sewing & quilting in the morning is wonderful as the sun brightens my sewing room.
I almost always sew in the early to mid afternoon – I can take my time in between morning-lunch and getting dinner ready – it’s my special ‘me’ time.
If I am working on a complicated block, working in the morning when I am wide awake and fresh — especially if no one else is up. Later in the day I may work on simpler things, but I have to be ready for interruptions.
I love sewing the late afternoon, I call this “my time”, all my housework is done and dinner cooking in the oven. So I can simply sew and happily lose track of the time.
Vicky Douglas
I love sewing very early in the morning before the sun comes up. Saturday morning before Sewing With Nancy comes on. Then, I get my coffee and watch every second of the show.
Mary Green
After lunch on my at-home days.
My favorite time to sew is in the evening. There is no better way to unwind from the day than bringing something together.
I like to sew after 10 PM. No one calls, there are few interruptions, and sewing helps me to refrain from eating.
I love to quilt when I get home from work. It’s a nice way to calm down if you’ve had a bad day. But I’m probably most productive when I get up early and quilt on Saturday mornings.
Any time of the day is a good time to quilt. If I’m not sewing ideas are always in my mind!
My favorite time of day to sew is any day, all day! Seriously I only sew during daylight hours, I find I make too many mistakes in the evening. So getting up early gives me the . most time per day to sew.
Judy W.
I like to spend the afternoon piecing, but prefer to do quilting in the morning. I put on a CD book and work for 2-3 hours, happily listening to a great mystery or an entertaining story.
Mary profitWippold
I like quilting on Sunday afternoon while listening to a baseball game.
Any time I can have some uninterrupted moments to concentrate and create…
Carolyn M Lawson
I love to sew anytime I get a chance – morning, noon or night.
Early in the morning when I’m alone and the phone doesn’t ring yet. It’s a wonderful time to sew!
Love being in my sewing room any time after 11 am: when I pause from sewing, I can look up at our green backyard with its busy bird feeders and my flowers without squinting into thevlarge window’s early morning sunshine.
Vic Lashley
I enjoy sewing of an evening. It’s my relaxing time after a long day, kinda a peace after the storm.
Randi Grover
I sew best in the morning and early afternoon. The later it gets in the day the more mistake prone I tend to be.
MaryEllen Lett
I like to sew when everyone is a sleep. I have a disability, and I don’t sleep much. I like to sew from 11:00pm – 4:00am that is when I can concentrate the best.
Linda Green
My favorite time to sew is from 2 pm until 10 pm. The hubby is either at work or outside and the house is so peaceful. My fur babies are at me feet encouraging me to hurry so I can give them attention, too.
Anne Z
I love to sew early in the
morning. It is my favorite way
to start the day.
I enjoying sewing at night when the house is quiet.
Reneé S.
I love to sew any time of the day, but when quilting a quilt top, I like to do it first thing in the morning when my mind is fresh and I am full of energy!
I’m a middle of the day sewer
Mary Mortland
I enjoy sewing afternoons or evenings when all family is gone doing something else.
Sometimes I quilt at night after work. It is so soothing to relax and forget the day after work and on weekends. I can get a lot done.
neecee crisp
i enjoy sewing during the day when the sun is shining.
Jen Deming
I work a lot so I sew when ever I can get a few hours free
Being busy most days, as soon as I can manage to get 15 minutes to myself!
Kathy R.
I love to sew on a bright winter day. January flies by!
Julie Murphy
I like to sew in the afternoon. The window over my machine looks out on the afternoon sky and the light is great.
Any time during the day, especially when I get involved in a project!
I love to sew when the weather is bad, then I don’t feel too guilty not doing outside chores. I can thoroughly enjoy the creative experience.
My husband works nights,so after I make him something to eat before he goes to bed, I enjoy sewing when all is quiet.
David Nelson
I like to see in the evenings after dark. I have finished all my outdoor chores and then relaxe making projects.