Sew Strip by Strip Patchwork Quilts
One of the aspects of sewing and quilting that holds my interest in this art is the use of color and design. Change a color; change a size, and bingo—a new look. A master at giving visual interest to traditional quilt designs is Donna Fenske, a long-time member of the Sewing With Nancy team. On part-two of Strip-by-Strip Patchwork Quilts, Donna shares her methods to create wonderful designs. If you missed part-one, watch it online.
Jeweled Illusion
This quilt is aptly named Jeweled Illusion. The combination of multiple Ombre or gradated fabric strips with a black background gives this design great movement. The slightly varied widths of the strips provides the intrigue. Stitching the quilt couldn’t be simpler as we’ll show you on Sewing With Nancy.
Tumbling Leaves
Continuing with our theme of using strips of fabric to create a focal design, with the Tumbling Leaves design we introduce you to offsetting the strips and offsetting the cutting of the fabric. Create this version of strip by strip patchwork in fall shades or spring colors—you get to choose. Learn the easy techniques for construction on today’s episode.
Blues, greens, and browns are Donna’s favorite shades, which is certainly evident in her Fractured Sunlight quilt. You’ll learn yet another artistic quilting technique from this final strip by strip quilt design in today’s episode of Sewing With Nancy.
Strip-by-Strip Patchwork Quilts Book and DVD
- Nancy Zieman and guest Donna Fenske demonstrate how to use a variety of fabric strips to effortlessly achieve quilt designs with great visual interest.
- Explore the use of color and design, while using fabric strips to construct quilt blocks.
- Discover how fabric and dimension changes within a pattern can produce a quilt with an entirely new look.
- Learn to create the six strip by strip projects included in the book.
Watch Strip-by-Strip Patchwork Quilts (Part One and Part Two) on Sewing With Nancy online.
For a chance to win a copy of the new Strip-by-Strip Patchwork Quilts book with DVD, from Nancy’s Notions, please leave a comment sharing your favorite time of day to sew or quilt.
Bye for now,
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Betty Tolan
This looks like an interesting concept to try! I love doing things with mitered ends to my strios
Glenda White
I like to sew in the afternoon the best. Sometimes in the late evening. If everything is cleared off, I like to sew in the morning before going to work.
Mornings are my favorite time !
Vicky Douglas
Quilting is new to me or I am new to quilting. This would be a very good book for me to use in my adventure in quilting and piecing. Have a blessed day!
I love to sew anytime, but my absolute favorite time is early in the morning when the house is quiet and I am by myself. Thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful book/DVD set!
Debra L Swanson
My schedule is crowded right now, so chance I get to squeeze in a little sewing is my favorite time. Love these looks!
Mary K Bell
I get great natural light late morning and early in the afternoon, which makes for a great time to work on my latest quilt project.
Ennis A
After my home chores are completed, l retreat to my sewing room. Any time of the day or night. When I sewed for my daughters it was at night. I could accomplish more at that time with fewer distractions. Sewing, embroidery, quilting!! Any time is the right time for me. Most of the projects are for someone else and I get so much joy out of it. I thank God quite often for my resources and ability to do these things.
Carol P
My favorite time to quilt is in the afternoon. I try and get most of my work done in the morning, so I get to enjoy my afternoon being creative before evening duties need to be done.
Marilyn Garcia
Morning is my time to sew, when the day is fresh and so is my mind, ready to try new often exciting quilting patterns.
I like to sew in the morning or early afternoon before I get tired.
diane c
Anytime is a good time, but mornings are my favorite. Sometimes if I have work to get done I have to barter with myself. One hour cleaning will get me 2 hours in the sewing room
I prefer to sew in late morning and in the afternoon.
Love to sew mornings but many times life and housework get in the way of that. Afternoon is my next choice. I just leave my projects out in sewing room so can sometimes do 10-15 minutes while cooking lunch. Quilting is very therapeutic , my opinion!
My favorite time to sew varies. If i am in mid-project iwant to sew as soon as i wake up, often 3 or 4 in the morning, I can’t wait to get back to my project. I start new projects in the afternoon
I like to sew in the morning. I like to get going as soon as I get up and then I can stay with it as long as I can.
Martha Hood
My favorite time is any time can fit in a little MORE time, never seems to be enough, when trying to get things to a stopping point, ha ha. Never a good time to stop.
Thanks for all your ideas, suggestions, and great guides to all things sewing.
Trish in Iowa
The “Fractured Sunlight” quilt is a stunner! Thank you, Nancy.
Susan Spiers
Any time of day – but I do get started as early in the morning as possible – Thank you, Susan
Usually in the morning–but I have been known to quilt in the middle of the night
Any time, and all the time
My preference is late morning and early afternoon as I get the best natural light in my sewing room! Whatever is going on in my day, I set aside 10 minutes to sew. It’s surprising how much can be done in such a short amount of time!
I actually have more than one time of day that I like to sew. I like to do it in the am after breakfast and late at night!
Sylvia Erspamer
My favorite time of day for quilting is mid afternnon to dinner time. I get all of my busy-ness done early in the day…appointments, chores, dinner started, etc. … then head to my seeing room knowing I will be free from distractions for a few hours.
Afternoons ~ when sun is not over-bright in my large east-facing window but I can still look out to see birds and squirrels in our backyard!
Ann Buckley
I like to see early in the morning before “life” takes over.
Jean N
I find that I machine sew more often in the late morning or afternoon. I like to get my errands or work out of the way first and then I can enjoy sewing. In the evening I work on hand sewing, embroidery or cutting out appliqué pieces.
Love to sew in the afternoon. Morning chores are done and it’s time to be creative.
Alice Goehrig
I do my sewing in the late morning or early afternoon when the natural light is at its best.
Donna N.
My favorite time of day is when my quilty friends and I manage to get together for an entire day to quilt. We try to do this every 2 weeks. What could be better?
Trish in Iowa
Traci Y
I am a homeschool mom. I find any free moment during the day or evening to have my therapy session of sewing.
Reneé S.
My favorite time to sew is early in the morning, when I am fresh and full of energy.
Joyce West
Anytime but I seem to get more done when I sew in the mornings.
Mornings are the best for me.
I find that sewing in the morning is best! Of course gathering supplies needed for a project usually means a trip to the fabric store and that delays my process.
Debra Williams
I love to sew very late at night (or is that very early in the morning). I just seem better able to focus and definitely get much more done since there is not interruption! Thanks for the opportunity.
Morning and afternoon are my best times to sew.
Mornings are best due to the bright light that comes in the sewing room window.
Patricia geishirt
Donna Fecteau
My favorite time is all day! However, with a full time day job, I do most of my quilting in the evenings.
Kobishop Vicky
My favorite time to quilt is in the wee hours of the morning. I can find 3 or 4 hours before my husband goes to work. I need to make the Fractured Sunlight quilt next. It is beautiful!
I personally love to sew in the daytime ,when the sun shines brightly thru my sewing window.
Karla Tolson
I like any time that I can sew for an hour or more.
Early morning is my best time to do anything!
Pauline Elertson
I love to sew after my 2 cups of coffee in the morning until lunch time. Have to rest my eyes after that until later in the afternoon. I can remember when I would sew until 2- 3 in the morning.
Joanna Ellis
I find sewing in the morning to work best for me. It starts off the day with a bit of fun and I am far more awake!
Sandy Dallas
Any time of day is good to sew. I have been sewing since I was around 10 years old. I have to say I was determined to sew. Some of the things I made were pretty interesting. I remember that one of the sewing designs that appealed to me was contrast stitching, everything that I made and wore back then had contrasting stitching.
I love the strip quilting ideas and would love the book.
Janice Williamson
I like to sew in early afternoon because I do my Bible study early, get some housework and laundry done, walk the dog, etc. I then have all afternoon to sew/quilt. I can look out my window and watch the leaves falling on my dirt driveway and the trees swaying in the breeze. Just a lovely time.
Marti Morgan
This is a bit too modern for me – but as I read this I realized I am really going to miss not having The Blog and Nancy Zieman emails. This getting old has some real sentimental feelings, don’t you agree?
My favorite time to sew is early morning when I am the only one awake and up. To sew in a quiet, calm environment seems to increase the calming pleasure I get from sewing.
Thanks for the great ideas in this book and the chance to win it.
Connie Bredernitz
I love to see ANYTIME!!!!!!
I love to sew first thing in the morning when the natural light is ample and my brain is fresh.
Joyce Cornett
I love to so when the household is all quiet.
Rosalind Gutierrez
Morning works best for me as I have more zeal & daylight is best.
Dawn Hollingsworth
I love to sew whenever I can, but evenings is my favorite time, it helps me unwind and relaxes me before bed. Thanks for a great giveaway 🙂
I am retired and widowed, so sewing in the quiet of the evening brings me great pleasure.
I prefer late morning into the afternoon, but anytime I can find is usually what I get. Many times it all depends on what kind of deadline I have to get something finished. I don’t like sewing at night unless I have to, bad room positioning for light and noise.
Lillian K
I always have good intentions of sewing in the mornings, BUT somehow other things get in the way. I usually find myself at the machine after lunch for a few hours.
The best time to quilt for me is early morning for about 3-4hrs then I usually go outside to work for a while. Sometimes when I am close to being done I will work for a hour or two before dinner as well.
I really enjoy reading all of Nancy Z’s emails and its fun watching the videos but this strip book looks like it would be easy to read and under stand. Besides it would be fun to win once in a while LOL.
Kathryn E
I like to sew after dinner. The events of the day are done and I can relax.
Suzanne Wilders
I too love to sew anytime I can but I still work full time so I usually sew after I put dinner in the oven and have 20 – 40 minutes before it is ready and then I get into the grove. After dinner and after the dishes I will sit at the machine again for 30 minutes to an hour.
Sobre todo por las tardes-noches
I prefer morning hours – get up, get ready, sew!
Sewing is my Happy time so when I am into a quilt project I can sew anytime of the day or night, but my favorite time to sew is late morning to early afternoon when my sewing room receives an abundance of natural light.
Joyce Ann
Anytime, is my favorite…..I would rather sew than almost anything.
I like too sew any time. I especially like to sew with friends.
Sheryl Swanson
My favorite time to sew is in the morning. Especially on a sunny day. The natural lighting is wonderful and it is easier to see the stitches. It’s usually quiet, and my fan club sits and watches me adoringly. That would be Hobbes, my shi tzu, and Ginger, my chaweenie!). I feel like a queen!
Jackie T
I prefer to sew in the morning but usually have housework to do, so afternoons it is.
Now that I’m retired I really enjoy sewing in the morning when I’m fresh and have lots of energy! I find I make more mistakes later in the day :/
Diane S.
I like to sew in the afternoon. My sewing room has wonderful natural light at this time of day. Sewing using artificial light has come and gone for me.
Any time day or night used to be my time for sewing. As I have matured, I have decided that I much prefer sewing in the afternoon when the natural light is flowing into my sewing room.
beth d.
I sew and quilt mostly on weekends. sometimes at night when I am off of work.
Peggy V
Evening is my favorite time, with the days getting shorter limits with my vision force me to sew earlier, until I finally decided to install, four LED lights in my sewing studio. What a wonderful idea that was, now I am back to sewing at my favorite time!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win this book!!! Donna is a very talented designer!!!
Rhonda D in KY
I like to sew around noon to mid-afternoon since the natural light in my sewing room is best at that time.
Mary Ann Stauffacher
I can quilt most any time of the day except at night when I’m tired. Mostly afternoons when the laundry, etc. is done and I have our supper started. I also need to be uninterrupted so I can focus
Brenda McNulty
I’d rather sew than eat when I’m hungry!!! I spend every minute I can at my sewing center – morning, noon or night!
I work full time; do my housework and laundry during the week-day evenings and then spend my weekends sewing! It’s awesome!
Daytime is best with the sun shining away. I am trying to “schedule “ a time to quilt to help me ‘manage’ my stash. Anytime one can work on their projects is the best times.
Beth in Mississippi
If I sit down at my machine first thing in the morning, I seem to get more done. It’s easier for me to sew when it’s rainy and dreary, too. Nothing needs tending in the garden then!
Susanne Frailey
Early in the morning;, less mistakes when I’m fresh.
Jan N.
I sit down to sew after I finish my daily chores, otherwise I’d never get any chores done. Once I sit down to sew, I lose track of time.
Patti Lawler
I’m an evening sewer. I can wind down from the day
Syble Ditzler
When ever my time and energy converge! Some days I really want to sew and others I don’t want to look at my machine! Have been know to sew early in the morning and after midnight!
Casey Swanson
i do not sleep well so my new apt is a concrete block bldg and my neighbor can’t hear my machine. I may prep work for an hour and when go back to bed. I do not recommend sewing during the night because I did and put 2 stitches in my left index finger. I lay out what I want to do in the morning and then look at the project in the light of day. No more stitched fingers.
Kathryn Smotryski
Late mornings and afternoons you can find me quilting away. I retired 2 years ago and find myself actually feeling guilty some days for having so much “spare” time on my hands. Good thing I have friends who tell me to STOP feeling that way and enjoy. I’ve learned to hand quilt recently and cannot believe how much fun that is. Still learning and having fun!
Annette Swan
My favorite time to sew is in the morning after breakfast. I’m always anxious to get started and like to begin as soon as possible.
Karen A
I usually sew in the evening after my work day is done.
Jennifer Fried
Hi Nancy, I like to sew anytime during the daylight hours. I can sew at night if I use a light that can be focussed on what I am sewing. I have some loss of color in my right eye and I need good lighting to see what I am doing. Sew.. If I have good lighting I ready to sew.
Carole Diehl
I love to sew at night after everyone goes to bed. I plug in my headphones and listen to a book on CD or some good music and the pieces just flow through the machine. Strip piecing is very relaxing and yields so many beautiful quilts. I am anxious to watch new ideas being taught!
Regina Harris
I do my best sewing in the morning with the best light.
Judy Valentino
I love to sew all day sunday!!!!!
Stephanie Burroughs
I don’t have a particular favorite time to sew because I enjoy sewing all the time. Since I retired, I have grown to enjoy the art of creating more and more everyday.
Karen L.
Mostly I like to sew in the early afternoons during the week and Saturday and/or Sunday mornings. The afternoons are great for me because by then my dogs are ready for naps and they will come into the studio and settle down for a good couple of hours. By the way I love the look of that Fractured Sunlight quilt. Thanks for doing this give-away. And Nancy, I think of you often and hope you are surrounding yourself with family and friends at this life changing time for you.
Sandra Cantrell
My favorite time is mid-morning.
Gail Beam
Any time of day that I can find to sew is the perfect time of day for me.
Edna Marks
Love to sew anytime, but favorite is in the afternoon.
Anna Hollar
I love ❤️ to sew every chance I get. Making the bed, getting ready for the day then I’m off to the sewing room or quilting. Thank you
Anna Hollar
I love ❤️ to sew every chance I get. Making the bed, getting ready for the day then I’m off to the sewing room or quilting. Thank you
Sandie G
When I retired anytime of day was good but since my husband has retired it’s usually afternoons now. I need to know what his plans for the day will be before I can sit and get going on what I want to sew. LOL Love the new concepts of the strip by strip patchwork. Thanks for all that you have taught us Nancy.
Even though I enjoy sewing anytime, I prefer to sew in the morning when the lighting is just right. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Kristy Walker
I enjoy quilting from morning till evening, or whenever I get a chance to. Depends on what is on the agenda for the day.
Nothing goes better together than a cup of coffee and time to sew. Bring it on. I don’t care when. I enjoy looking outside to focus or rest my eyes for a sec. If I have sewing time with a friend……sweet. Nancy, you have always been a great sewing buddy. Love the fractured sunlight quilt. Wow.
Chris K.
My favorite time is afternoon (I’m retired).
Cindy K
I like to sew any time of day but can get the most done in the evening when all of the days work is out of the way.
Michele Jacques
I love to sew with my quilt group “Baytown Quilters”. They are a terrific group of ladies who always have a smile to see you, love to see anything you make and pitch in to help you whenever needed!
I like to sew in the morning before I get sidetracked with other responsibilities. This gives me time to meet daughters or grandchildren for lunch and then return to sewing late afternoon.
Tamra Botkin
I like to get busy sewing in the afternoon and keep sewing until bedtime. I have a need to do my chores first before I play. I wonder when that habit got drilled into me???
Carolyn Prentice
I love to watch your show in he mornings, my husband watches with me and he makes comments, which are very good and shows he has been paying attention and is creative.
I record it as it airs here at 4 am! in El Paso area. So I watch your show before it gets too warm. But I can watch anytime. Thanks for all you do and have done, so good to have you as my teacher and friend with me in my sewing room all these years. Thank you. I repaired 14 items of clothes in May after watching your show. It gave me confidence to do it! I visited my Family in California and told my Sister I would repair her clothes if she needed anything repaired!!! She was impressed. It was a challenge. I had my Mum and My “Nancy” by my side to give me the confidence to do the labor of Love. Thank you.
Judy M
Anytime my eyes are open is my favorite time to be sewing.
In the evening is my favorite time to sew. No interruptions and quiet time!
Julie Kill
ANYTIME is a good time to Sew! I like Mornings, Afternoons, Evenings and during the night. I work it in whenever I can. Sewing and creating are sanity to me. It’s what I do to keep calm and on track with everything else. It’s my slow down me-time.
My favorite time to sew is in the daylight. Better for my eyes. But then I also like to do hand stitching in the evenings.
Susan Novak
I love to sew in the afternoon….right after lunch.
Christine Allen
I love to sew anytime I can work it in! I’m recently retired, and I’ve enjoyed being able to spend more time with my grandchildren as well as spending more time sewing/quilting/crocheting. Unexpected bits of time, like when I take one of them to “practice” or “lessons,” are now spent working on English Paper Piecing. Grandchildren are the best, but my sewing is a really close second!
Nancy, whenever I have time to sew I do. Sometimes it is 20 minutes, sometimes it is all day. I have my grandmother’s floor lamp and bright LED daylight bulbs in my ceiling lights in my sewing room so anytime day or night, I can be found sewing. I have watched and have been inspired to make quilts from your show, keeping a quilting tradition alive in my family.
I like to sew anytime, but do some at night when the house is quiet. I belong to the ASG, and getting together with more ladies always is fun and educational. You have been an inspiration to me for so many years, thanks for sharing your knowledge. Cecilia
I love to sew anytime of day, whenever I can fit it in. Sewing is my fun time so anytime I can be at my machine is a plus!
I love to sew anytime I can. Sewing is my refuge, my therapy, my fun time, so I try to get to my machine as often as possible!
If I am not busy, I start about 11:00 a.m. and be off & on until 11:00 p.m. I start watching sewing/cooking shows about that time. Sewing with Nancy is one of the show I watch. Thanks for the chance to win.
I usually do my quilting or sewing in the afternoon. I turn on my XM radio to the Radio Classics station, and sew with such well-knowns as Joe Friday, Matt Dillan, Jack Benny, and Johnny Dollar. We have done miles of stitching together.
Barbara F
I like to sew in the morning but it seems to be early afternoon by the time I get all those everyday things done. My husband and I are retired and he does the cooking now so I do have several hours to sew and listen to books – both of my favorite things to do.
Cindy Hoover
Not necessarily my favorite time, but sometimes the ONLY time is late at night when all is quiet and I don’t have any distractions. Now that fall is coming and the weather will prevent me from spending time in the garden, I’m hopefully going to move that time to more reasonable hours!
Whenever I have the time!
I like to sew in the evening. Sometimes I Sew late , after midnight,
Especially if I have to finish up a current project. I so enjoy your
Quilting programs, and I have learned much from you over the
Diana R.
Love to sew any time of day and especially on a rainy day!
usually in the afternoon when ‘domestic engineering’ work
is done
Carol in Arkansas
I’ve done only a very little bit of quilting, doing free motion quilting on panels. I would love to learn more about other types. Thanks for the chance.
Anne Z.
I love to sew first thing in the morning. I love starting the day with an activity I enjoy.
Claudia Davis
I love to sew throughout the day, but my best time to start sewing is mid-morning—after my coffee. 🙂
Judy Allen
I usually sew in the afternoon. The light is good then.
Kathy Berlincourt
I am very new to quilting, I just started in April of this year. I love to quilt with Nancy all day but my favorite time of the day to quilt is first thing in the morning, that is when I feel most creative.
carla hooker
Nancy, I would love to have Strip by Strip Patchwork Quilts with DVD. I still work full time so I am usually do most of my sewing, like a wild woman, on Saturday and Sunday mornings, EARLY! LOL! The best of luck to us all. Carla.
I like to sew in the evening, when it is quiet. It helps me clear my mind of the things that went on during the day so I don’t lay in bed thinking about them lol. I turn on my music and sew or watch youtube videos. I absolutely LOVE the Fractured Sunlight quilt. I think I will make it for myself for Christmas 🙂
Kathleen Johnson
I generally end up pulling all nighters to get projects done!
I sew in the evening after work,but my favorite time is a snowy weekend.
Barbara Murphey
Normally I sew early in the am and late in the pm, but currently I’m a frustrated quilter. We recently moved and my sewing space in not in order, can’t wait to get my LongArm put together.
Gladys Jackson
I love to quilt in the evening. I am a beginner in sewing and quilting. I appreciate your show.
I love to sew in the afternoon, right after lunch.