2016 Quilt Extravaganza – May Block of the Month by Nancy Zieman

May BoM Nancy Zieman

2016 Quilt Extravaganza – May Block of the Month by Nancy Zieman

May BoM Nancy ZiemanHopeful Hearts is the fifth block of the 2016 Quilt Extravaganza! This month you’ll learn how to create heart-shaped wedges that are machine appliquéd to scrappy background fabrics. Use the Carefree Curves Template to create the shapes easily and without setting in any curved seams.

Have you selected fabrics and created the strata for your 2016 Block of the Month? Check out the details in the January 9 blog. I encourage you to use as many scraps from your stash as possible. I’m using bright and neutral fabrics in this quilt.
FabricScraps NancyZiemanAll blocks for 2016 will be created from pieced fabric strata. Read more on this blog post.

2016 Block Of The Month Quilt Extravaganza by Nancy Zieman | Sewing With Nancy
2016 Block Of The Month Quilt Extravaganza by Nancy Zieman | Sewing With Nancy

Block #5: Hopeful Hearts


Cut Fabrics

Cut the following fabric and interfacing pieces:

  • From neutral strata cut one 12-1/2″ x 12-1/2″ fabric square (background).
May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 1
  • From bright fabric strata, randomly cut eight wedges using the Hearts and Gizzards Template included in the Carefree Curves Template Set. Cut the smallest triangle wedge.
  • Use a fine tip marking pen to trace the arch on the wrong side of the bright strata wedges.
May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 2
  • Cut one interfacing rectangle 3″ x 32″ (for tops of hearts) Consider also using scrap pieces of interfacing for each heart.

Create the Semicircles

  • Place wedges at the corner of the background fabric to determine the best layout. Number the wedges or snap a picture to remember the arrangement.
May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 3
  • Lay out wedges onto fusible interfacing. Pin.
May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 4
  • Straight stitch, using a short stitch length, 2.0–2.5, directly on the marked curve.
Note from Nancy
Use a short stitch length to ensure a smooth stitching line when sewing a curve. I often compare using a short stitch length to driving in the mountains. To maneuver the curvy road, a slower speed ensures that you’ll stay on course.
May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 5

  • Use a rotary pinking blade to remove excess fabric and interfacing.
May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 6

  • Remove the excess interfacing from within the arch, leaving approximately 1″ of interfacing.
May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 7

May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 8

  • Press.

May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 9

  • Using your numbered pieces or your photo as a guide, sew pairs together. Match right sides, pin, and use a 1/4″ seam allowance.
May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 10
  • Press seam allowances open.
May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 11

Build the Block

  • Create four heart shapes per block.
May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 12
  • Match the corners of the four hearts with the corners of the background fabric. Cut edges should also align.
  • Pin in place.
May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 13
  • Edgestitch with monofilament thread.
Note from Nancy
Notice in the photo I used an Open Toe Foot and a narrow blanket stitch to stitch the circle to the background. Each point takes a small dip into the circle itself. Choose a blanket stitch, decorative stitch, or straight stitch to apply the shapes.
May Block of the Month Nancy Zieman 14
  • Baste corners by sewing 1/8″ from the cut edges.
  • Ta-dah! Another block is complete.
May BoM Nancy ZiemanIf you are on social sites, let all your friends know you are working on The 2016 Quilt Extravaganza Blocks by tagging your post with the hashtag: #NZBoM.

What would a Quilt Look Like?

Suppose we were to make a quilt using only this one block style, what would it look like? Digital quilts are made using Electric Quilt 7 (EQ7) software.

  • This first digital quilt features this block repeated nine times. Two borders, 1″ and 4″, were added to this baby size quilt.
BabyQuilt Nancy Zieman
  • This month I decided to switch up the color palette options to show the same block in a different hue, or in this case black and white. Notice how the corner stones create centers to the flower shapes.

BlackAndWhiteQuilt Nancy Zieman

  • The last digital quilt shifts all the colors in all the fabrics. The look is quite eclectic and bohemian, in my opinion.
BohoQuilt Nancy Zieman
We’ll be using the Carefree Curves Template throughout the entire 2016 Quilt Extravaganza. Watch episodes online for more tips on using the templates in my two-part series featuring the Trace’n Create Carefree Curves tools on Sewing With Nancy.

Watch Quilt with Carefree Curves (Part One and Part Two) on Sewing With Nancy online.

To watch Sewing With Nancy on your iPad, iPod Touch, or iPhone, download the app.


Sew and Share

Send in a photo of your blocks and quilts and we’ll share with others in upcoming blogs and on Facebook. I’d really like to see what fabrics you’re using! Send the images to [email protected]
Bye for now,
Nancy Zieman The Blog

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  • Suibhne
    May 21, 2016

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for Offering this Post as a Readily Printable PDF!!!
    I sincerely hope you’ll considering INCLUDING this PDF Feature on ALL of your current & future postings,
    Especially the QALs, BOMs, &/or other serial Topics (:-D

  • peaceful
    May 21, 2016

    I also really like the printable PDF pattern.

  • Ryan Jaxon
    June 24, 2016

    A very informative detailed you shared with me which is very helpful for us

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