I Know You’re Wondering—I Didn’t Have a Stroke!
This morning as I was reviewing the key words that you, my readers, are using to search for information about my TV show and blog, I gulped when I realized that within the top 20 search terms were these words: Nancy Zieman Face, Nancy Zieman Stroke, and Sewing with Nancy Stroke. I certainly haven’t kept my paralysis a secret; after all, I wear it! Yet, many of you still wonder. So, I decided to explain my paralysis. It’s just one of the unique features that makes me–me!
Smile, You’re on Sewing With Nancy
Perhaps the question that most of you want to ask me, but are afraid to do so, has nothing to do with fabric and thread. The topic—my face! Obviously, I’m not symmetrical. My eye and mouth on my right side have a partial paralysis called Bell’s Palsy—it happened (due to an ear infection) when I was a toddler; I was just over one year old.
During the 1950’s the treatment was to wait it out—it will get better. A high percentage of people recover from this paralysis. I wasn’t so lucky. As a child I was extremely self-conscious, my mom most recently told me that she prayed that I wouldn’t become introverted. Her prayers were answered.
Not being the cheerleader or prom court type—that was the ultimate goal in high school, I turned to creating with fabric and thread. Winning a ribbon at the county fair or a prize through the Make It Yourself with Wool contest, required skill not looks. Sewing became my outlet, passion, and eventual career.
The path between 4-H sewing and producing/hosting Sewing With Nancy is very convoluted. It has taken me through many turns, detours, and interesting byways. I’ve learned to realize that what I teach and how I teach via TV and DVD is what you’re most interested in seeing.
Being a public figure with a facial paralysis has prompted many people to write and ask questions when a friend or loved-one is stricken with a comparable paralysis. Sometime I kiddingly say to my staff that I’m the Bell’s Palsy Poster Child. I’m happy to hold this self-imposed job.
One of my suggestions when contacted by a viewer is to contact a Neuromuscular Retraining Clinic; I went through retraining treatments in the 90’s. Since I’m not qualified to give medical advice—isn’t that a good thing—I recently invited Dr. Justin Sattin, Neurologist and Medical Director of the UW Health Comprehensive Stroke Program, to be my guest for a Nancy’s Corner segment on Sewing With Nancy. Dr. Sattin explained the differences between the onset of a stroke and Bell’s Palsy, plus treatment options which DO NOT include the wait it out—it will get better treatment of the 50’s. If you have any paralysis symptoms, call your doctor immediately!
You can watch the interview at the end of the program of Landscape Quilting Workshop DVD and TV show (program #2417). Wisconsin newspapers also featured tidbits of my interview with Dr. Sattin. Here’s a link to the newspaper interview written by Jane Burns.
The reason for sharing this information is to answer a question, pass along information, and give encouragement. A letter written many years ago, that I’ve kept when I question whether or not I should be on TV, reads as follows:
Dear Nancy, This has nothing to do with sewing but about your inspiration to me while I was recovering from an operation. I had a weakness on the left side of my face and my mouth badly drooped. So your face was the first one I imagined and for the whole six days I was in the hospital I kept saying, “If Nancy can do it, so can I.”
When we’re taping Sewing With Nancy, the floor director counts me into each segment by saying, “Take a deep breath and smile.” I give you the best smile I can. After all, most of us deal with one issue or even two—I just happen to wear mine!
Nancy’s Autobiography—Seams Unlikely
Since the first posting of this blog, I’ve written an autography, Seams Unlikely. Click here to read more about Seams Unlikely.
Bye for now,
Thank you for sharing. I saw the interview with Dr. Sattin and it was very informative. I love what you wrote that sewing requires skill not looks. I can’t work outside my home because my son has autism. I am his sole caregiver. I can however sew and hopefully sell my products on Etsy. Thank you so much. This post has encouraged me to make sewing my passion again and a source of income.
Teresa Moffitt
Nancy, I was fortunate to have lunch with you in Sacramento this past June when you were there for the Sewing with Nancy seminar. You are such a beautiful woman and as I have watched you since the beginning, I am amazed at how young you look and how vivacioius and gracious you are! I do think we are in the midst of a sewing boom, with a new generation of sewers who are also realizing that you are the best when it comes to teaching and I imagine along with that comes a new round of questions. Thank you for being there for both me and now my daughters, who started as 4-H sewers, and for the inspiration that you bring to so many, not just with their sewing, but by also taking your “can do” attitude concerning your facial paralysis. Bless you for all the questions and comments that you have endured, but know that your work is much appreciated!
Nancy Reimers
You are so knowledgeable and thorough in your presentation. I learn something every time I watch your program. I love the segments that solve sewing problems that many of us have encountered. You are a truly inspiring lady who is honest, caring and patient. Thank you for everything you have taught all of us who sew!!
Nancy, I had Bell’s Palsy when I was a freshman in highschool over 30 years ago. Luckily The paralysis went away. You do a good job on TV !!!
There are so MANY things that make you an interesting and charismatic person, that you could (should?) write your biography. I am of the same vintage, born in the 1950’s, and like you, went to college at “Stout State Univ.” in Menomonie, WI.( I have sometimes wondered if we may have shared a class together at that small college). Yet, look at where you are now! A self-made, nationally known business person and teacher working from a small town in WI. Being successful at doing what you love and helping so many others along the way. I think many young women and men would learn from your experience and advice when beginning their own careers! You’re the best!
Nancy Zieman
Lynn, you made me blush! Thank you for your kind words.
What a wonderful column. You are an inspiration to all. We all have something to deal with, as you said, some are just more obvious than others. Thanks for sharing this.
Linda Martindale
Nancy, thank you for sharing your story. You are truly an inspiration to all who have watched your programs. I think I have watched you since you first came on tv, and I know I have most of your books and/or phamplets. Please continure to educate us and inspire us to try something new and go beyond our comfort zone! Since sewing and quilting are my “retirement” hobbies, I hope you will be around for a long time. I”m glad your Mom prayed for you not to be an introvert, I think her prayers were answered and then some!
Sharon Carbine
Nancy, you are more than perfect the way you are. It seems to me people were searching about you because they care about you. This is a tribute to your pretty smile, personality, generosity, and superb teaching skills. I thoroughly enjoy learning from you. You are my most important and helpful sewing muse. Thank you for everything you do! Warmly, Sharon
Betty Bingham
Thank you so much for all you do I watch your shows for years. I have learned so much watch them many times learn more each time. You are a very special lady. Thank you again.
Mary Mastin
Nancy – you have always been an inspiration to me but after reading your response to why the general public had questions as to your personal appearance, you are even the more inspiring, a great teacher/instructor, and a very gifted “real person” that has made a mark in the industry of fashion and design…your medium is fabric…you are a true artist in every sense of the word my dear! Continue to teach, update as well as inform everyone by sharing your many, many talents.
Nancy thank for being an inspiration to me. I watched you when you were teaching my mom to sew on TV. I asked my mom who is she and what is wrong with her face(i was a kid). My mom explained to me and I said wow – U were one of the people that helped me when I was younger to look past what I looked like and how people looked at me all through my life you have inspired me through your talent and your dedication to being you and helping others. Thank you for being the creative and kind woman that you are and continue to be – thank u for not hiding under a bushel
Nancy, you are beautiful just as you are! I recognized the Bell’s palsy. You are graceful, vivacious, outgoing, so knowledgeable in the art of sewing, you offer so much to everyone “out there”; thank God you never hid from the world all that talent and your beautiful smile!
You are an inspiration to all! Thank you for being you and for your honesty. God bless you!
Our experiences and how we deal with them make us who we are. I’m sure all of us who have learned to much from you and enjoy all that you do are grateful for the person that you are. And come to think of it, I don’t notice anything except that you always look lovely.
Alice Money
Nancy, the first time I saw you, I knew you had Bell’s Palsy. I had that when I was young. The first time I was 13 years old, then 15 and the last time was 17 years old. They told me that Bell’s Palsy does not return to the same location twice, but it did happen to me – twice and one side and once on the other! Anyway, you are an inspiration to us all, I love your shows and your appearances at my local Sewing Expos. Keep smiling and bye for now!
Nancy you have always been my favorite! you are the best of the best. how do I know…. I have been sewing for 53 years. everything from clothes out of feed sacks to wedding gowns and redesigning heirloom wedding gowns – right now I am getting ready to redesign a parachute wedding gown. I’ve made King and Queen outfits – men’s clothing and quilts. I am as passionate about sewing as I ever was. You have been a great part of that passion. I can’t imagine the sewing world without you.
Nancy Zieman
You made my day, Delilah!
Sandra Rohde
I let you know in person a few years back but would like to say again how inspiring you were to me when I got Bells Palsy in 1998. I temporarily lost the entire left side of my face but felt if you could do it so could I. Luckily, I have mostly got my face back. The only time you can really tell is if I smile but that dows not keep me from smiling. I just had my picture taken at church and they wanted to do some touch ups and I said no, this is the way I am and this is the way I will be in my picture.
I truly love coming to the Sewing with Nancy Weekend and have been doing so for 18 years. As they used to say “and a good time was had by all”.
YOU are beautiful!
Hi Nancy,
My Mom had Bells Palsy, too, and hers was also from an untreated ear infection. But, that never affected her creativity nor the lessons we learned from her. I’m delighted that it didn’t stop you either because I enjoy your programs so much and have learned many, many tricks of the trade from you. Thank you for sharing and thanks for the great sewing lessons.
Your face and voice express calmness and confidence. I LOVE that, especially since I can be a “Nervous Nelly” when I sew. God bless you!
Jerry C Davis
It must have been terrible as a child for you. I’m sorry you had to go through that…kids are so cruel.
You are a great lady and so beautiful.
I often think of you.
Linda Martin
“what makes you you” is what makes us enjoy your show. your warm and friendly smile and demeanor and your anointed talent are what keep me watching each and every time.
Hi Nancy, I think your Bell’s Palsy is a gift. Your face is unique, grabs our attention because it’s not an average photo usually seen on a book cover. And that makes you more marketable. We remem ber you because of your face and your superior skills! God has blessed you 🙂
Nancy Zieman
Thanks, Chris, for your perspective. Yes, I have been blessed!
Hi Nancy
I too have had residual effects from Bell’s Palsy for 21 yrs now. It started with a sorethroat and as the results I have lost hearing in my left ear and have visual affects in the left eye as well. Well guess what I have still remained employed as a nurse and now wear bilateral hearing aids as well as glasses. I have my DVR set to tape your show while I work and don’t ever want to miss a segment. I have been sewing for 44 yrs and still love learning.
I have had Bells Palsy twice. Once on each side of my face. I went to an acupuncturist and this helped me. Both times it brought my face back into place with several treatments. I just want to add this information to let you know that there is treatment if you are willing to try it. It’s a little different, but it worked for me.
Nancy Zieman
Mary, I have tried that form of treatment. Unfortunately, since this happened decades ago, the damage is now permanent. Thank you for your suggestion and continued success!
Amy B
As I frequently tell my husband who wears a different battle that people can see “I see it hasn’t stopped you from having a successful career, getting married, having a family and enjoying your life”. Good for you and keep up the good work! There are lots of people who need to see people who are normal like them on TV doing what they do best, so thanks.
Linda Ellis
Thank you for your honesty and positive energy!
Cathi Cogle
Thank you for working so hard at what you do! I love your show, and your ” can-do” spirit shines thru each one! I’ve been sewing since I was 7, but am a long way from being as good as you are. I hope as I age, I will allow The Lord to use me as He is using you, to show how to overcome adversity, and conquer! Blessings to you!
Debra Rhodes
I just wanted to say Thank You for sharing!! I just happened to be browsing when I came across this article. I have always loved your teaching techniques, the way you really give it your all to show all of us the way it should be done!! You are a beatiful person inside & out, Thanks again Nancy for your many talents!!
Debra Chouest
Any suggestions on a good beginner quilt book? My daughter is making her first and I have no clue. Also way to go Nancy for hanging in there when others would have given up! Awesome!
Kathleen B.
You’re an inspiration not only creatively but as a confident woman. As a mother I think I’ve become more aware of public expectations for girls. It truly is the person we are that makes us beautiful. I hope my daughter follows her heart/ passions in her tender adolescent years, as you did, rather than succumb to superficial pressures. Thank you for all that you’ve given us through your instruction and craft. As an novice, you’ve provided wonderful instruction that’s given me confidence to try new projects and techniques. Thank you.
Nancy, you are not just talented, but brave and inspirational! I’ve watched you on TV for years and have learned a lot from you, have been inspired to try new ideas, learn new skills. Today, after reading your blog entry on your face, I have learned to admire you for another, new reason! God Bless!
3 ml. AC. ES. LIMON
Nancy Zieman
Dear Doraleia,
Thank you for your kind note and for your suggestion for treatment. Since my paralysis happened when I was one year if, a very long time ago, the nerve is dead. I am so glad for you that you found a solution. My best, Nancy
Hi Nancy, Love your Spirit and relationship style! I’ve watched your show dozens of times and never really focused on your face – I guess my attention is more tuned to your voice and whatever is being created… After noticing the paralysis today, I did as others did and googled one of the search phrases you noted above… thanks so much for your teachings and your sharing of yourself! I really love the authoritativeness of your tone… it lends creative confidence 🙂
Marcia Greene
The first time I saw you on TV, I thought you were a gutsy lady who had the determination to continue a post, traumatic, accident career on TV; and then I grew to believe it was more of a stoke. Somehow/somewhere on your site I found a link to your article on Bell’s; I’ve always wondered but obviously not enough to search it out. Now I know a little bit about Bell’s and to increase my admiration of you. – You began a TV and teaching career before there was much of a female presence, made it through the “Barbie”-only era of aesthetics, and continue on now as TV personalities (an EEOC opportunity for both females and males) are routinely cast aside for younger models. You are even a gracious role model and teacher to us all beyond the walls of your sewing classroom.
Nancy Zieman
Marcia, you made my day! Thank you for your kind comments.
Hi Nancy! Just wanted to tell you thank you for sharing your passion and talents and I’m so happy to see your program on t.v. In fact, I have it scheduled to record on my DVR every week. Reading your blog, re: Bell’s palsy, it’s interesting, but when I watch your teaching, I don’t ever focus on that. You are such an accomplished teacher and I think of you when I have a sewing question and try to find you in the Internet for help. I have sewn since MY 4-H years (something we have in common..:)…) but never felt very accomplished. I get by! Now, I’m very interested in quilting and cannot get enough info… I read, watch tv instruction, blogs,etc… But I must say, I get more info from you than anyone else. Thanx sooo much!! I really enjoyed your 30 year anniversary show and you have such a beautiful family. And, please tell Mary M. how much I enjoy her too. You make a great team!! I hope that you are blessed with a long career…. You are special to so many!
Nancy Zieman
Pam, thank you for your kind words! You made my day.
Dawn Moody
Hi Nancy! I just have to leave a comment because I’m sitting here with my sixteen year old daughter, watching your show. That, in and of itself is such a very COOL thing for me!
I started watching your show in ’82…I was 11 years old. My mother put me in sewing classes and to this day, I sew. My 16 year old just started to show an interest, but for my kids’ whole lives, I’ve watched your show too….and today when I switched to PBS, my 16 year old walks in and goes, I LOVE NANCY!
Full circle, to me, and I’m basking in it. By the way, she’s looking through your websites and finding so many neat things o try. We just finished her first sewing project….an apron that took 4 hours and she’s so proud. I’m beaming, that goes without saying.
Keep it up!
MUCH love from Texas!
Nancy Zieman
Dawn, Greetings to you and your daughter. Thank you for watching all these years! Your comments keep me want to “keeping on!”
Nancy, I am not sure if you could ever possible know how much you and your story has meant to me and how inspirational, encouraging and motivating you have been!!! In 2006, it was determined that I had a rare benign facial nerve tumor. After remove it and rounds of radiation, it has left me with partial facial paralysis. Since then, I have been severely bothered by my crooked smile and eating in public, because my left eye would squint when I would chew. I have hidden from cameras ever since, and only if insisted upon, I would never smile! I also have the worst kind of Crohn’s disease and after 15 years of battling with it, I had to have a colostomy. This, had left me depressed and discouraged to be in public. “What if people knew I had a poop bag?” After seeing you in a commercial, I am embarrassed to admit that I too, googled what was “wrong” with your face. Your story was so motivating to me, that for the first time, last night on Halloween, I smiled in a picture with my children. Also in the past months, I have begun to open up to my friends regarding, Lucy (my ostomy.) After asking some of the silliest questions, I realized that they really didn’t care. I also have done some internal searching asking for God’s help and I am now able to say that I am truly working on not having these blemishes define me. “I am not a crooked face or a poop bag.” Instead, “I am Jennifer, which happens to have partial facial paralysis and happens to have a colostomy.” And for this revelation, I AM TRULY THANKFUL to you!!
Nancy Zieman
Jennifer, thank you for telling me your story. I am humbled by your comments, thank you. Like you, I look to God for strength and guidance. “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” Keep on smiling from the inside out.
Kathy Daniel
What a successful life (even if you did not sew)! Please accept my admiration. Kathy
Nancy Zieman
Oh, thank you!
Peggy Cooke
I enjoy your program very much and It has inspired me to make 2 quilts for my grandchildren. I also had Bell’s palsy when I was pregnant with my daughter but I did not have any lingering effects from it. You do an outstanding job of explaining different aspects of sewing and the shortcuts and tips are invaluable. Thanks for your show, I tape it every week.
I will say it again…. Nancy you are the best and I have been learning from you for 30 years. You are a beautiful lady inside and out. Please continue to provide us with “the magic”.
Nancy Zieman
You made my day!
donald calloway
I have epilepsy and I understand when you have a problem you just have to work through it. I have lived with epilepsy since I was born and I have not gave up and I am glad you have not either.
Dawn Shaw
A friend of mine sent me this link because I have a facial difference. Otherwise I had not heard of you as I do not sew. 🙂 I wrote a book and am working toward becoming an inspirational speaker. Good for you that you are on television- that is one of my goals as I hope to raise awareness and help people be more respectful of people with physical differences as well as encourage people with differences not to let it stop them from living a full and productive life. You can read my story at http://www.facinguptoit.com if you are interested. The more of us out there in the public eye, the better.
Nancy, your a very gutsy lady and you inspire all of to know that bad things but it’s what we choose to with them that people will remember. You are a beautiful with heart
Nancy, after reading your story I was encouraged to get up and get going once more. I had given up feeling that I could do anything to help myself or others. Disabled Senior is not a label I have ever wanted. But, now it occurs to me that I CAN SEW! The little dresses for Africa just sparked something in me to motivate me to do for others. Thank You so much for your courage.
Lois Flinkman
Thank you for answering a question which occurred to me as I enjoyed watching your program. I’m glad you are not introverted. We are all unique in our own special way. You have many unique qualities and all of them combined make you a beautiful person.
Wendy K Gosling
Dear Nancy
I have yearned to quilt for, quite literally, decades. I wasn’t lucky enough to have anyone who quilted (or even sewed!) in my family or friends. Because of severe health issues, including rheumatoid arthritis (which began at age 19 months) and EDS & uncontrolled Fibromyalgia, whenever I would express my deep desire to learn to quilt, I was always told by well-meaning people that I would not be able to do it, mostly because of my inability to cut fabric, hand stitch, etc. due to the arthritis, or to sit at a machine for more than 15 – 20 minutes.
I would often watch your instructional videos on YouTube and on your site. I recognized the Bell’s Palsy, and always thought “How brave this woman is to be in the public eye!”. In our often cruel and thoughtless society, which is so centred on physical beauty standards, your bravery inspired me to begin to go out more. Because of the R.A., I have quite a few deformities of my own, and the needlessly cruel comments and actions of others while I was growing up (and sometimes even now!) lead me to be ashamed, to hide away, and worst of all…to no longer dream. But – there were all these beautiful quilts in my head, so many designs and oh! The fabrics to choose from!! Sounds silly, I know…but I SO wished to quilt. To create. I had spent too many years yearning but believing other people (some of which were my health professionals) who told me, “You cannot”.
Your strength, humour, passion for quilting and creativity have been such an inspiration for me. Six months ago today I decided to turn the “cannots” into “can”. Yes, it is difficult for me, and yes occasionally I have to have help – but I AM QUILTING!! Perhaps only a small square a day…but I am creating, designing, sewing. I am living my passion. Thank you for inspiring me, for showing me that it’s ok if we’re a little different…it makes us unique, and we are all beautiful – and so are our creations!
You are amazing – brightly shining, a beacon of light to show those of us who are unique that it’s ok to be unique, and that we must not let our own fears control the creativity within. I hope you don’t mind, but I named my first quilting project “Nancy’s strength” in honour of you. It’s nothing major, just a simple table runner made from Bali Batiks (which took 4 months to finish btw) but I quite literally couldn’t have done it without your online help videos and inspiration! I even stood proudly beside “Nancy’s Strength” as I showed it last month at our local library during a “Quiltfest”. When asked about the name, I said it was in honour of the woman who inspired me to try. I didn’t take home a prize, but I like to think I was still a winner 😉
Brightest blessings upon you, and all whom you love.
Nancy Zieman
Hi Wendy, Thank you for sharing your story and may you continue to strive to make more quilts. Your comments made my day!
Nancy, my mother used to love your show and watched it every chance she had. Now I watch and love your show just as much. I have a plethora of medical problems I won’t go into here, but just let me say, you are an inspiration. Thank you for being a positive role model for women, teens, and little girls!!
Nancy Zieman
Connie, thank you for your kind words! You made my day.
I’m a 34 year old stay home Mommy of two girls and happily married but despite my having no knowledge of how to use the sewing machine I bought 8 years ago (assuming I could self-teach) I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching your show!)
I imagine having my own craft room (and skill/learning) once my girls are a bit older and more independent but until then — THANK YOU for being that nice, quiet source of creative entertainment to tide me over! Admittedly (hangs head in shame) I googled “Sewing with Nancy” and GOOGLE automatically added/suggested “Face…” I’m guilty of curiously clicking but I wouldn’t have wanted to know if I didn’t think you were pretty AWESOME!!!
Keep on ROCKIN Nancy!
Nancy Zieman
Hey Meg, no need to hang your head in shame! Thanks for the note and the new “handle,” I think I’ll use it now and then!
Rockin’ Nancy
Thanks! I’ve been wondering about that.
I had a brother who developed a case of Bells Palsy as a teenager and it eventually went away, but until that time, I had never heard of it. Then a sister-in-law developed it. Hers has lessened, but not gone completely.
I began learning (over 20 years ago) to quilt from quilting magazines and the first time I saw your picture in one of them, I thought, “I’ll bet she has Bells Palsy, too!” Now this article verifies my guess. 🙂
I just recently had eye surgery to repair a hole in my right macula, so I haven’t been quilting lately. In fact, the first week, I had to keep my head down and look at my knees or the floor at all times, neither of which is very interesting. 🙂 I was told I could watch TV, but it was hard to do with my head down, so I positioned a hand mirror in my lap so I could see, even though it made everything backwards or tilted sideways. Your show was one of the things that helped me keep (most of) my sanity during this time (along with all four seasons of Downton Abbey on DVD!). You made me feel like I was sitting in my sewing room, even when I couldn’t, and I thank you so much for that. Now I’m waiting to see what the results of my surgery will be and how much quilting/sewing is my future. But no matter what, I will still be DVRing all your shows. 🙂
Sincerely and thankfully,
Sheryl W.
Nancy Zieman
Hi Sheryl, Thanks for your sweet comments. You made my day!
Katherine Nicholson Vasiliades
God Bless You & your strength! I have MS & trip a lot. You would not know I have MS unless I tell about it, so everyone calls me “Gracie” or laugh re my clumsieness. But I don’t care & don’t pay much attention. It’s their ignorance. Life goes on! All the best to you! I am new to your show & site & I love you already!!! Thanks for all you are & what all you do!
Kathy NV
Nashville, Tennessee
Nancy Zieman
Katherine, Yes, life goes on and our bodies are just “packaging.” What’s inside is the most important and I can tell there’s lots of goodness inside you!
Thanks Nancy for your info. I didn’t hear about Bell’s palsy until a few years ago, that my husband just woke up with that!
It seems it is fairly common because a cashier at the supermarket knew what it was and several other people.
I love your segments about handbags! You explain how to do it so clear! and after that it seems so uncomplicated! I love it!
Robin Spicher
I was not sure what had happened, I am just happy that it has not held you back and lots of us have things that make us not symmetrical. I had to have a breast removed about 4 years ago due to breast cancer. I chose not to have reconstructive surgery done. I have never regretted that decision. I too love to sew and I buy old sewing machines and fix them up, clean them up or whatever and then give them away to people who show an interest. Thanks for all your encouragement and your gift of sewing.
I didn’t know you wrote an autobiography. I kind of stumbled upon this post. I’m excited. 🙂 You’re beautiful and you’re such an inspiration! I can’t wait to read your book!
Faye Heffner
I also had Bells’. It happened to me during my pregnancy in 1980. At a time when I should have been at my very happiest, I was very upset for a while. I didnt even want to attend my baby showers, but I did. And then I woke up one morning and it was “just gone”! I do have some slight residual effects, mostly just noticeable to me, especially in pictures. I will have to try the 1, 2, 3 smile or ready , set , smile, to myself for pics sometime. I love your shows. You have been an inspiration and sewing guide for many years.
Rena O
Hi Nancy,
Thanks for sharing your info. Yes I noticed your face, but honestly, it became irrelevant very quickly. I mean that — keep up the great work and keep being the inspiring person you are.
Elizabeth Joslin
You are the “Best” Nancy. You also helped me further my growth as a person that has loved sewing from a very young age, I was self taught and made clothes for my family and home and myself for many years. It developed the creative nature I have for so many things in the arts. It helped me with my self esteem and confidence that I needed in life as a young adult. Your shows and books have helped me so much. Your professionalism is so good and inspiring. Thank you for being their for me and others. Believe me others don’t let anything get in the way of learning what you have the need to teach us. We all have flaws and problems but we should never let them keep us from doing what is so helpful and good therapy for us and others. God bless you for keeping on and doing what God called you to do.
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this latest fight to overcome yet another health issue. You are an inspiration to many, and you have touched my life in so many areas. You given me confidence which comes from wearing clothes that fit, and making quilts..gifts that are always treasured. Your calm demeanor, and depth of knowledge, inspire me and helped me overcome social anxiety and severe depression. Please get healthy and continue on sharing clever tips and tricks, sewing and fiber arts and demonstrating to all that courage, faith and determination can help overcome any adversity. Please know that you are loved and appreciated.
Colleen Ketcham
Never knew so many others were afflicted with similar issue until I started to read these comments. I did not have palsy but at the age of 5 in 1955 I contracted polio, along with a brother and my mother. We all survived, but I was the one left with a facial paralysis in my smile. I hate having my picture taken, but other than that (understanding professional photographers know how to do it right) I decided long ago, I am going to live the best I can and not let this “difference” get in the way. Was not always easy, the ego bruised, but stronger. I watch your show most days and although have been extremely busy with new “retirement career” real estate, still plan on doing that quilt or afghan for new great granddaughter due in December.
Your creative talents are an inspiration and your spunk is to be admired. Keep recovering and getting stronger every day. God Bless you.
Colleen Ketcham
how brave & inspirational of you to share your experiences with all of us, whether its with crafty bits or personal bits. i watch your show on KET2 and have learned so much from you. your calm, soothing nature and ways of talking and teaching have also taught me patience and grace. i am so happy & thankful to have you as a guide and teacher, even if it is only on the tele. i enjoy learning all of the tips & tricks of sewing that you teach and you make it very easy to follow. i think you are absolutely beautiful on both the inside AND the outside. please dont ever let hateful, hurtful words, remarks and/or comments belittle, sadden or discourage you- you are amazing, Nancy Zieman. you truly do use your hands to use your heart and it truly is genuinely inspiring. thank you so much for being you. you inspire me everyday. please dont ever stop feeling & being beautiful. ❤️ =] <3
ps.. i LOVE your hair!!! it always looks so perfect!! =] you are such a beautiful lady.
I don’t even sew and enjoy watching the show. Nancy is very attractive and very bright. What an inspiration – had no idea she’d had BP. I have a friend who never fully recovered from BP either – paralysis of face as well.
I’m not a sewer but do occasionally see the show while at my moms and her voice is soothing and she’s obviously talented. After seeing her the 1st time, I knew in my heart she had suffered from Bells Palsey. I had Bells Palsy once and can recognize the ecfects. It was a very scary ordeal at 32 and gave me many insecure feelings b4 it finally went away. I applaud her and think she’s such an inspiration not to mention fantastically talented and pretty. Hope she’s able to share her talents for many more years to come. Thank u Nancy.
Nancy, your story is inspiring, not so much for the physical aspects, but for the fact that you understand that true beauty is within! People who focus on outward beauty are superficial, but people who focus on inward beauty have an outward beauty that is enviable. As a woman of faith, I was pleased to hear that you give God the glory for making you who you are. I enjoy your show very much, when I get to see it, and hope you keep it up for many years to come!
I hope you will create more handbag templates. Also I hope you will consider a wallet template to make different wallets. I hope you offer the california template again on nancys notions.
I hope you will offer black friday specials.
Enjoy The Day!
Eye on art
I hope you will offer more handbag templates.
I hope you will come out with a wallet template.
I hope you will offer california template again on nancys notions.
Enjoy The Day
Thank you and God Bless you for bringing your shows onto the Internet. I have been trying for nearly 20 years to talk Fresno, CA’s PBS staton and CreateTV to include Sewing With Nancy again, but to no avail. Every time I leave the California Central Valley to visit anyone, the first thing I do is check the listing for your show in the area. Other wise I would have to do without my sewing guru guiding me through my sewing projects. I am a self taught sewer so I depend on your shows greatly. I have nearly all of your sewing books; my next book to purchase will be your autobiograhy.
I pray your cancer recovery has been a speedy one.
Nancy Zieman
HI Lynn, You can watch Sewing With Nancy online at your convenience at http://www.nancyzieman.com/
Dear Nancy,
Thank you so much for the link to your videos. Are you planning to include all of your older shows on the site? I always looked forward toward your segments with the many hints and tips from you and your viewers which you share with us.
All of us have some form of an abnormality, but it isn’t what defines us, however, integrity does define each of us. Everyone is unique. I am so happy to see that you chose to tell your story because it shows you are not ony beautiful on the outside but, beauttiful on the inside too, and you have a lot of talent to share with the world.
How are you doing with your cancer? All of your fans love you with wishes and prayers for your speedy recovery and you are able to return soon.
Lots of love and hugs,
Nancy, I’ve recently become a fan and am trying to become a sewer. Yes, I wondered what happened to your face but almost immediatelys my curiosity was replaced by an appreciation of your skills and sense of humor. My darling daughter had Bell’s Palsy when she was pregnant with her first daughter. She still has a slightly crooked smile and a bit of a droopy eye but that hasn’t stopped her-she is so accomplished as are you. I tape your shows and watch them several times (slow learner) and share them with family and friends. Thanks!
Penny L
Hi Nancy,
I was born with Erb’s Palsy in my left arm, which occurred during my birth. Physical therapy when I was an infant and into the toddler stage, helped me gain almost full use of my arm–although there is some weakness and some tasks I cannot do with my left arm. The strange part is that I was also born left-handed. Go figure.
When I first saw your show I, too, thought it was from a stroke, but then I remembered that I saw you many years ago and your face was the same at that time as it is now. Occasionally I have to explain what’s wrong with my arm when someone who is very observant notices the differences between the two arms, and I’m sure this happens to you far more often.
I’m glad you chose to explain this your fans and followers.
Pam Groetzenbach
Nancy, I love you and I love your work. Your show has been one of my favorites for years. I’m sure you’re inundated with suggestions from your fans (only because we care about you), but Carole Maggio has helped many people overcome the effects of Bell’s Palsy with her Facercise technique. She has before and after photos on her website.
Pam G.
Linda A Taylor
Hi Nancy, I love your show and you truly are an inspiration. Sixteen years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and shortly after i completed my treatment ( surgery , 9 months of chemotherapy and 3 months of radiation ), i got severe Bell’s Palsy 3 separate times in the course of the year. I, too, was told to “wait and it will go away.” All symptoms did go away the first two times, but unfortunately not after the third bout of the Bell’s Palsy. I was left with some paralysis and what goes with it: crooked smile, eye doesn’t blink , trouble eating etc. I still don’t smile for pictures and avoid having my picture taken whenever possible BUT I have learned to accept it as being me and I thank GOD for my countless blessings, none of which i deserve. Just thought that i would share my story . You do such a great job on TV !!! GOD BLESS YOU !
Nancy Zieman
Linda, thank you for your compliments. Please consider Neuromuscular Facial Retraining. I found it helpful. http://www.uwhealth.org/physical-therapy-occupational-therapy-speech-therapy/facial-retraining/11376
Kit McNary
Nancy, I love to watch you talk about sewing – you are passionate and knowledgeable – great combination! I assumed you had Bells Palsy as I have a similar look. I had a severe case of Bell’s Palsy in my left side. My face recovered about 50%. I then got Bell’s Palsy on my right side (also severe) and it also recovered about 50%. The resulting speech problem is probably what makes me the most self conscious. As to the rest, I honestly forget about it until I see a picture of myself. Always shocks me a bit. Anyway, I admire you and I always look forward to watching you. Thank you for sharing your story.
Congratulations Nancy on the success you’ve had…and thank you for being an inspiration to us all!!
Marjorie Apicelli
Nancy…I have watched and enjoyed your show for many years. I also have muscular distortion on the left side of my face that I was born with. But I was fortunate that I had a normal childhood and I am a very outgoing person. I guess the kids just accepted me as I was and it was never an issue. Only a few people over the years have asked me about it. Believe it or not…it was (only) my. (first) husband who made fun of me! But I just want to say that you are an inspiration to all of us…whatever the physical issue.
Nancy, I catch your show now and again on public television in Upstate New York. You are a treasure! I have never had facial paralysis but your ‘our bodies are just packaging’ message is an important one for everyone to hear and embrace. We are all so much more than our outwardly physical vessels! Thanks for being an inspiration to us all and congratulations on your longtime success with “Sewing with Nancy.”
Nancy Zieman
Thank you for your kind words!
Tina Frank
Nancy, I love your show, not only for the creative ideas for sewing and quilting, but for your inspirational messages about self image. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist, who loves sewing. By public addressing Bell’s Palsy and providing factual information, you have greatly helped others. Thank you for all that you do.
Nancy Zieman
Tina, thank you for your kind words! Crazy, I know, someone with Bell’s Palsy on TV, but that’s the way it goes. After all, our bodies are only packaging.
You are so beautiful Nancy. It always amazes me when someone isn’t hampered by external appearance that may not conform to the norm. I for some reason let my eyesight and “coke bottle” glasses affect my self image for much of my life. I enjoy watching you even though I’m not into sewing. My girlfriend and I were wondering about this and so I found your webpage. Thanks for bringing you beautiful face and person into this creative show.
Rhonda Jackson
Hi Nancy,
I did not think you had ever had a stroke. I thought it was probably something from childhood which turns out to be correct. I have watched you on TV from the 80s and onward, and followed you online many years when you were younger and a stroke did not make sense. It never made any difference to me. I was grateful to have someone like you giving sewing pointers and tips. Looks do not matter, it is what is inside that counts. All the best to you, Rhonda
I’m so impressed with the story. You are very strong and an inspiration for all. Love love love the Show!
You are a beautiful woman…….
n j murray
hi sweetie.. i have been watching your program for many years and today i searched to find out about your facial paralysis.. just was a bit curious, and totally uninformed about bells palsy (but thanks to you, not anymore) i used to sew (not very well) but now my eyes have gotten so bad that i cant thread any needles… but i love watching your show… thank you so much for being there for all of us … we love you and what you do !
Georgine blaney
What a wonderful uplifting explanation you have for your bells palsy. I don’t sew and I came across your program a few years ago when I was very sick. You were such a calming influence for me. I couldn’t understand it because i don’t sew, was never the least bit interested in it, and was one of the few people who managed to flunk home ec in high school. Whatever it is I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am well now and am a faithful viewer! And I’ve learned a few things too!
Jerry Davey
Thanks for the encouragement. I was one of those people that typed in stroke out of curiosity, or concern. Reading this article has given me encouragement. I deal with depression and low self-esteem. Even though I get help it’s still a struggle. Thanks again for making my day with your positive attitude ❗
Dear Nancy,
I never had the opportunity to meet you “face-to-face”, or just sit and have coffee (a wish) and talk all things sewing – yet I know you. Your wit and wisdom (for one example – aprons – cooking – “kick it up a notch” sewing PBS special) had me rolling. You’ve taught me much dear friend through the years, lessons I treasure, wisdom I’ve shared. YOU are a legend in your own time. And, Phil. 4:13 hangs on my wall! So precious Nancy, across the miles, I pray and send blessings, peace, comfort and love. C
Dear Nancy,
I was telling my Mom how much I admired you for being in front of the camera on your show, when you could have been planning and running the show behind the camera, (which I am sure you would have been very successful at). Because you chose to be the host and teacher, I (and countless others) have been blessed with your enthusiasm, creativity, and inspiring attitude.
My Mom said, “You should write and tell HER that.” So I am writing, and telling you THANK YOU!
May God continue to bless you and your family.
Tonisha Rizvi
I like the helpful information you provide in your posts. I will bookmark your site and check again here frequently. I’m quite sure I’ll learn many new stuff right here! Good luck for the next!
I truly believe “If Nancy can do it, so can I” Thank you for Being You.♡♡♡☆☆☆♡♡♡
Kohlie Nicole Reimers
Rachel Bickley
Love you! You are living what always say–being open and talking about things is the way to go : ) I mean, why not?!
I read today of your retirement. I’m sorry to hear of your grim health diagnosis. I’ve watched you and been inspired by you and by your sewing programs for years.
Little did I know when I first started watching Sewing with Nancy that one day, I too, would get Bell’s Palsy. I woke up one morning and the left side of my face no longer moved as a mirror image of the right. From watching you, I suspected that it might be Bell’s Palsy. I am fortunate that only minor hints of the diagnosis remain.
Thank you for sharing and educating…and most of all for not becoming an introvert!
I had bells palsy and other physical symptoms that were later realized were from Lyme disease. Steroids cause suppression of the immune system thereby facilitating a perfect environment for Lyme disease bacteria to grow. Please have your blood tested at a reputable lab that is specific to Lyme disease and co-infections such as IGENEX.
Máquina de corte por plasma y llama
There are some fascinating cut-off dates in this article but I don’t know if I see all of them middle to heart. There’s some validity but I will take hold opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we would like more! Added to FeedBurner as effectively
bobina de aluminio
I am always invstigating online for tips that can aid me. Thank you!
Eddie j
I hv ball posly take me like 6 months to get better but my face never stays the same
Betty L Wells
I had Bells Palsy back in 1978. A number of years later my dentist told me Ohio State University had discovered that Bells Palsy is caused by a virus. My face on the right side became completely dead and I experienced all the after effects. 43 years later my right eye lid droops, sometimes when I awake that eye lid does not want to open. I can’t wrinkle the right side of my nose and some other movement problems. BUT I really don’t think anyone knows. I did have the fortune of meeting you in Paducah Kentucky at the national quilters show. You are a beautiful lady and I have enjoy your talents so much over the years. Thank You!!!