Join me for Baby Lock’s Sewlebrity Love of Sewing Challenge
Welcome to Baby Lock’s Sewlebrity Love of Sewing Challenge. For the next 12 weeks, twelve sewlebrities will create exciting projects on the Baby Lock Destiny II. I’m kicking off the celebration by sewing a roomy hobo tote. Join the Adventure! Find Your Destiny. Click and watch the video below on how to get started.
Supplies Listing for Hobo Tote
If you’d like to sew along with me, gather a few supplies for the journey!
- Clover’s Trace ‘n Create Hobo Tote Template Set
- Madeira Rayon Thread
- Klasse Embroidery Needles
- Baby Lock Hydro-Hold Stabilizer
- 5/8″ Create-a-Strap or 1″ Create-a-Strap(optional)
- 3/4″ D Rings or Rectangle Rings, four
- Inner-Stabilizers for the tote: 1-1/3 yd. Pellon Peltex and Shape ‘n Create
- Fabrics: 5/8 yd. 44/45″ wide upper tote outer fabric, 1/2 yd. 44/45″ wide lower tote outer fabric, 1-3/4 yd. 44/45″ wide lining, pocket and trim fabric—I chose Riley Blake’s Confetti Cotton Solid, 2/3 yd 44/45″ wide accent fabric for trim and handles, 1-1/3 yd. 20″ fusible interfacing.
- Bag Feet and 3/4″ Magnetic Bag Closure (optional)
Summary of week one of the Sewlebrity Love of Sewing Challenge
January 2: TODAY Nancy Zieman Hobo Tote project kick off. Gather your supplies!
January 4: Amazing details on how to size, duplicate, and position (wait until you see this) embroidery
January 7: Tips on constructing the hobo tote bag
January 10: Special memento feature, including a free downloadable embroidery
Follow The Journey, Create Your Destiny
To find out all the details go to the Sewlebrity Love of Sewing Challenge web site over at BabyLock.com/LoveOfSewingChallenge. You’ll find the schedule of events, a listing of the techniques/projects you’ll learn along with a listing of all 12 sewing, quilting, and embroidery sewlebrities, including Pam Damour and her project up next!
Bye for now,
Liz Fergus
This looks like a great project. I will be checking in every day.
Thank all of you for your participation and time.
Judith Minugh
I think i will make mine out of wool . Should be beautiful.
So many things I want to make. Don’t know if I will be able to do any of the weeks. I’m starting my t-shirt quilt pretty soon.
Wow. How timely. My sweet husband just upgraded my sewing room on December 30 with the Baby Lock Destiny II and the Baby Lock Evolution serger. This series will be a great way for me to get used to my new machines.
Diana I
Can these projects be done on the Ellisimo?
Marilyn Reames
Where is the PDF of the pattern and instructions? Maybe I’m just a bit early? Thanks!
Nancy Zieman
The Hobo Tote Template is a separate item. You could also use a different pattern if you wish. Here is the link to the pattern: http://www.nancysnotions.com/product/hobo+totes+casual+to+classic+book.do?extid=fbnz&code=NNOADV-1310
The remaining steps will be given in installments. Look for the next step on January 4th on my blog. Each week, new links will be added at http://lp.babylock.com/loveofsewingchallenge.html
Roseanne Coger
Does anyone know where we can watch these and the times? I don’t want to miss them. Thanks
Nancy Zieman
During this first week, the instructions will be given in installments:
January 2: Nancy Zieman Hobo Tote project kick off. Gather your supplies!
January 4: Amazing details on how to size, duplicate, and position (wait until you see this) embroidery
January 7: Tips on constructing the hobo tote bag
January 10: Special memento feature, including a free downloadable embroidery
Watch my blog for the details.
Thanks for following along,
Kathy Britten
Where do I find the pattern for the hobo tote in your week one class
Nancy Zieman
Kathy, the Hobo Tote Template is a separate item. You could also use a different pattern if you wish. Here is the link to the pattern: http://www.nancysnotions.com/product/hobo+totes+casual+to+classic+book.do?extid=fbnz&code=NNOADV-1310
The remaining steps will be given in installments. Look for the next step on January 4th on my blog. Each week, new links will be added at http://lp.babylock.com/loveofsewingchallenge.html
J. Ruth Heater
I just can’t resist this question! Although I love this tote, the embroidery, this fabulous machine, & will follow all 12 challenges, I can’t keep from staring at the sweet & pretty twin set Nancy is wearing in the photo!! I just love it & want to make it!! Where can I get the pattern??
Margie Read
Can this project be done on a Janome 15000?
Nancy Zieman
Margie, you can certainly use your Janome 15000. Of course, the features of the machine are different from Baby Lock’s Destiny II, yet some of the principles can be applied. Follow along and I’m sure many of the tips can be transferred.
Jessie Fyfe
Can this challenge be done on the Brother 2003D ULT sewing and embroidery machine?
I think we have to wait for the next installment:
Summary of week one of the Sewlebrity Love of Sewing Challenge
January 2: Nancy Zieman Hobo Tote project kick off. Gather your supplies!
January 4: Amazing details on how to size, duplicate, and position (wait until you see this) embroidery
January 7: Tips on constructing the hobo tote bag
January 10: Special memento feature, including a free downloadable embroidery
Janet Elwood
It it January 2nd and I cannot find the challenge video. The only thing I can find is the Nancy Zieman ad for the challenge. I also do not see a schedule of the other shows. Please add a link for this because this is very frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!
Nancy Zieman
These lessons will be shown in installments. Here’s a summary of week one:
January 2: Nancy Zieman Hobo Tote project kick off. Gather your supplies!
January 4: Amazing details on how to size, duplicate, and position (wait until you see this) embroidery
January 7: Tips on constructing the hobo tote bag
January 10: Special memento feature, including a free downloadable embroidery
Ann Hester
If we don’t have the templates to make the purse, will we still be able to do the project? Thanks so much!
Nancy Zieman
Ann, You could certainly use another bag pattern if you’d like. I will be using the Hobo Tote templates, but perhaps you could apply the techniques to another style. A lot of what you’ll learn is positioning a design. Hope this information helps!
Cannot find link for the Jan. 2, 2017 video for LOVE OF SEWING CHALLENGE!!!!!! Also why didn’t you tell us about this 12 week video and the temp plate we needing to buy weeks before I received my first email, which was Jan 1. I can’t get the Hobo Tote temp plate now. So sad because I would have liked to participate.
But link still doesn’t work, I can’t even watch.
Nancy Zieman
My apologies for any confusion! Please check out my blog to watch the video: http://www.nancyzieman.com/blog/machine-embroidery/baby-lock-sewlebrity-love-of-sewing-challenge-2017/
The hobo tote is available under this link: http://www.nancysnotions.com/product/hobo+totes+casual+to+classic+book.do?extid=fbnz&code=NNOADV-1310
Please contact our office if you need further clarification: [email protected]
Patricia Tomes
Nancy, the picture of you is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Your ensemble, hair, make-up and calm demeanor add up to being the best one I’ve seen. I’m 73 yrs and have been watching you for a long time. May 2017 be another great year for you.
Randina Bliss
I tried ordering template and it said it wont be ready until January 17. it will be too late to follow.
Are there other items that need to be purchased and if so can we do it before the videos are due?
Nancy Zieman
Please order with this item number which is available: http://www.nancysnotions.com/product/hobo+totes+casual+to+classic+book.do?extid=fbnz&code=NNOADV-1310
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Susie Simpson
Nancy, I love your program and always learn something new. I’m fairly new to machine embroidery and have an entry level non-Baby Lock machine. However, I feel like those of us who do not have a more expensive complicated machine have been left by the way-side. Can these projects be done on a simpler machine? I do have embroidery software so I can do editing of designs, but not on my machine. Please don’t forget that some of us want to keep up with your projects but just don’t have the same resources.
I have been a fan of yours for YEARS and love your show!!
Jeannette Wellman
I keep trying to order the template and book, however; the site is stating that it is not available. I would really like to do this challenge with you. Do you know when the product will be ready?
Nancy Zieman
My apologies. The hobo tote is available under this link: http://www.nancysnotions.com/product/hobo+totes+casual+to+classic+book.do?extid=fbnz&code=NNOADV-1310
Please feel free to email us any questions at [email protected]
Shirley Robbins
I’ve got my fabrics and ordered the template. I’m curious about the Shape and Create required. The fabric store had never heard of it, nor did it turn up in a Google search. I find pellon shape-flex. Is it the same thing?
Also, will the project videos be available after the 12 weeks? I don’t expect the templates in time to follow along real time, tho I will be watching.
Very excited to sew along with the SEWlebrities..I love the look of this bag. My template has been ordered so I’m just ordering my fabric. Can you clarify, it looks like faux suede was used for the blue and green. Was the same fabric used for the trim and handles? The video only shows the 3 fabrics but the supply list has me confused and wondering if another fabric was used on the handles. Thank you.
Linda Elgin
I went to the website to order the hobo bag and it is not available to ship until Jan 20, 2017. I just got my Destiny II yesterday and wanted to see if I could catch up and sew with you. I won’t be doing this one right now. Are the videos going to stay up for a month or two?
Nancy Zieman
Sorry for the inconvenience, the videos will be available indefinitely! Follow along at your convenience.
Pat Kimball
It is January 8th, checked yesterday and today for the video for the 7th, can’t find it.
Nancy Zieman
Pat, the instructions for January 8th are in the blog posting. Since there are numerous steps, there isn’t a video, rather copy/images. Look for the last video on the 10th. Here’s the link to the blog posting on the 8th: http://www.nancyzieman.com/blog/sewing-general/tote-making-tips%e2%80%94baby-locks-sewlebrity-love-of-sewing-challenge/
Lisa Stokoe
How can I purchase the flower that is used for the embroidery?
Nancy Zieman
Lisa, I used an embroidery that is included in the Destiny II. Online I found many free floral embroideries, some of these might be of interest to you. https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEV735FnRYi3oAFBknnIlQ?p=free+floral+embroidery+designs&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002
Thanks for following along,
Cissie Rice
how do I see the next part? Where you make the bag. Am I too late to see it?
Nancy Zieman
Cissie, Here is the next step: http://www.nancyzieman.com/blog/sewing-general/tote-making-tips—baby-locks-sewlebrity-love-of-sewing-challenge/
The final step is also at my blog. Thanks for following along,
Nancy Zieman
Cissie, here is the link to the bag-making techniques. http://www.nancyzieman.com/blog/sewing-general/tote-making-tips—baby-locks-sewlebrity-love-of-sewing-challenge/
In the blog, you’ll also find the link to the final video.
Love the tote! Where can I find the downloadable embroidery design you stitched inside the tote? I’ve looked at BabyLock.com/LoveOfSewingChallenge and can’t seem to find it. Thanks!
Nancy Zieman
Thank you for following along! In the middle of this blog is a link to dowload the free design: http://www.nancyzieman.com/blog/sewing-general/sewlebrity-love-of-sewing-challenge-embroiderydownload/
I’m sure you can find it there.
Thanks so much! Also, thanks for showing us step-by-step how to make this beautiful tote!
Barbara Lundemo
Can you please email me the link to the instructions and videos in entirety for the Hobo bag. I got all the supplies and cant seem to find the instructions. Or is there someone I can call to walk me thru the website.
Thanks for your response!
Nancy Zieman
Here is the first posting from the Baby Lock Love of Sewing Challenge. http://www.nancyzieman.com/blog/sewing-general/embroidery-tips-from-nancy—sewlebrity-love-of-sewing-challenge/
Notice the four dates listed and that the dates are highlighted. Simply click on the highlighted dates and you’ll be taken to the blog posts that detail the steps.
Not all of the constructions steps are listed in the blog posts since the basic construction of the hobo tote bag is given in the instructions of the template set.
If you need additional help, please email Lois Kurtz at [email protected] and she’ll guide you along.
Thanks for following along!