Sew a Beach Towel Wrap

TowelWrap Nancy Zieman

Sew a Beach Towel Wrap

TowelWrap Nancy ZiemanSummer is here and the pool is calling! Make a beach towel wrap easily with this tutorial from Nancy Zieman’s friend and Sewing With Nancy guest Mary Mulari. This wrap is one of 14 in Mary Mulari’s book, All Occasion Fabric Wraps. Today, Mary shares her step-by-step construction process. Watch the sewing demonstration on Sewing With Nancy.

Beach Towel Wrap

By Mary Mulari, guest blogger and friend of Sewing With Nancy


  • 1 Beach Towel
TowelWrap Nancy Zieman 1


  • Fold the towel in half lengthwise.
TowelWrap Nancy Zieman 2
  • Fold again, to create a second fold in the fabric.
TowelWrap Nancy Zieman 3
  • Mark the foldline on each side of the fabric with pins, as illustrated.
TowelWrap Nancy Zieman 4
  • Download the neck opening pattern here.
  • The pin-marked foldline will align with the shoulder line on the traced pattern.
  • Place and pin the pattern on the center front fold of the wrap body, aligning the shoulder line marking with the fold mark.
  • Trace the pattern and extend the line down to the bottom of the fabric, 1″ away from the fold.

TowelWrap Nancy Zieman 6.TowelWrap Nancy Zieman 5

  • Cut out the neck opening, cutting from the bottom up and around the curved neck opening.


  • Zigzag stitch or serge along the cut edge.
TowelWrap Nancy Zieman 8
  • Use a large needle to tuck serger thread tails into the serger stitching.
TowelWrap Nancy Zieman 9
  • Turn the prepared edge to the wrong side, 1/2″. Press.
TowelWrap Nancy Zieman 10
  • Topstitch a neat edge finish.

TowelWrap Nancy Zieman 11


This quick wrap is ready for the beach or pool!
See this wrap and 13 more in the All Occasion Fabric Wraps book, which includes detailed step-by-step instructions and illustrations for 14 easy to sew fabric wraps!

All Occasion Fabric Wraps book Mary Mulari & Nancy Zieman

Watch All Occasion Fabric Wraps (Part One and Part Two) on The Best of Sewing With Nancy online.

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Thank you, Mary, for sharing this tutorial! For more summer fun, watch as we turn a beach towel into a hooded bath towel for babies or toddlers and learn how to sew a noodle lounger! Read more here and watch online.

How to make a Baby Bath Towel

Happy Sewing!
Team Nancy Zieman
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  • Sue H
    July 2, 2016

    I have never had a proper beach/pool wrap. I’d definitely be sewing the first one for me. After that, it would be for my traveling, non-sewing daughter!!

  • Diann K
    July 2, 2016

    As far as the beach wrap, I would most likely make one for each of my grandkids and one for myself. The beach wrap has many possibilities using a variety of different fabrics other than a beach towel.

  • diane c
    July 2, 2016

    I think I might make a few to have on hand for visitors to our swimming pool

  • Cynthia Atwood
    July 2, 2016

    A great pattern ! I shall try to sew one beach wrap for each of my 13 grandchildren. Just yesterday, towels were being dragged in the sand and water as they slipped down shoulders ! I think I’ll add a “frog” at the front neck, too. Thank you for the pattern !

  • Cindy
    July 2, 2016

    I am going to make 4 beach wraps – for my daughter, two granddaughters and my daughter-in-law! They will love it! I can’t wait to give them to them!

  • Sandy Roberts
    July 2, 2016

    Really like all the different ideas but definitely need a beach wrap.

  • Susan Spiers
    July 2, 2016

    My daughter would love one of these!

  • L Watson
    July 2, 2016

    I would make one for my two daughters, and myself. It would make the trek back to the van from the lake much easier. Keeping your towel wrapped around you while carrying picnic items, toys, and floaties is always challenging. This would make a great summer sewing project to do with my daughters also.

  • Brenda
    July 2, 2016

    I would make them for my two granddaughters that just moved to the beach this week.

  • Judy Hayden
    July 2, 2016

    I will be making some new wraps for my granddaughters.

  • Judy Hayden
    July 2, 2016

    I will be making these for my Granddaughters.

  • Debra Armstrong
    July 2, 2016

    I would like these for my daughter and I and would be interested in seeing the rest of the wraps.

  • Mary Zana Lawson
    July 2, 2016

    I have great grandsons who need a new beach wrap. They are first on the list!!! These are great!! I see one in my future as well!!!!

  • Florence Dupuis
    July 2, 2016

    I will be making this for myself. I brought a beach towel several months ago and have been looking for a pattern. Most of the ones I found on line were wrap around the body and I am looking for this wrap style.

  • Tina Morgan
    July 2, 2016

    Going to make the wrap for family and friends for Christmas.

  • Rita Calhoun
    July 2, 2016

    Making for my daughter , granddaughter and friends. Love this pattern!

  • Heather
    July 2, 2016

    I would like to make one for me.

  • Frances Powell
    July 2, 2016

    My grandson. His parents are planning a trip to Destin in August.

  • Melody Stewart
    July 2, 2016

    Practically the only sewing I do is from what I have learned with SEWING WITH NANCY. I start and quit as the mood hits me and then I fall back on my library of her books and videos. I do water aerobics year around with a great group of all age people. I am going to make three of these wraps for our volunteer leaders..after first practicing on one for me. Am heading to store now to buy 4 more beach towels…and I guess I should make one for my granddaughter…5 towels and then for the twin grandsons,.7 towels..well, now I have projects for July. Thank you!

  • Pat
    July 2, 2016

    I’ll be sewing the beach towel wrap for myself. I like a cover-up when I get out of the pool and this is a wonderful one.

  • Connie F.
    July 2, 2016

    Wow! This is sew simple! I’ll make one for me, 5 for each of the daughters, 3 for each the granddaughters. Who knows, maybe the guys will want one as well.that will mean 12 more. Thanks for teaching us this project.

  • Joy
    July 2, 2016

    I’ll be sewing cover-up for grandchildren this summer. I would like to make Mary’s nice shoulder wrap for sister-in-law to wear to church.

  • Francine Meyer-Drasutis
    July 2, 2016

    I think I am going to make a dozen to keep on our pontoon boat. At times it gets chilly and we could use it as a wrap or a blanket.

  • Tina
    July 2, 2016

    My daughter would love this!

  • Barbara Lussier
    July 2, 2016

    I have 6 granddaughters. I will be having a sewing afternoon with them and they will be making their own beach wrap to wear when they get out of the water.

  • JeannetteM
    July 2, 2016

    I would like to make one for myself and have a few extra on hand for guest. There are always a few family members who forget their towels when they come to swim.

  • J
    July 2, 2016

    I would like to make one for myself and have a few extra on hand for guest.

  • Barbara
    July 2, 2016

    LOVE the beach towel coverup. Plans for 2 daughters, granddaughter and myself!

  • Denise Braybrooke
    July 2, 2016

    I’ve been waiting for inspiration, and a great pattern to make a beach towel wrap for all four of my grandkids, and one for my mother-in-law who has the pool!!Yay

  • Melissa
    July 2, 2016

    Going on vacation later this month. Definitely need to make one of these before I go!

  • Livia
    July 2, 2016

    I will see it for me! I love this idea! I’ve made all of Mary’s travel gear, so I know this project will be fun and will turn out great

  • Livia
    July 2, 2016

    I will see it for me! I love this idea! I’ve made all of Mary’s travel gear, so I know this project will be fun and will turn out great

  • Joan
    July 2, 2016

    Wrap me up with Mary and Nancy anytime!!!

  • Sherian Harrelson
    July 2, 2016

    I have two young 10 year old ladies that I give free sewing classes to. This would be an excellent surprise for them if I make one for each of them. I’m sure they would want to sew one themselves.

  • Karen
    July 2, 2016

    I would make one for a friend who does not have one!

  • Gail Beam
    July 2, 2016

    I think my granddaughter would love this beach wrap as she does a lot of swimming and water skiing, and the best part is it looks so easy to make! I think my sewing skills can handle this one.

  • Sue S
    July 2, 2016

    I would love to make one for my 3 grandchildren. It would be great for them.

  • Edna Marks
    July 2, 2016

    My self for sure, probably granddaughters also

  • Edna M
    July 2, 2016

    myself for sure, and probably for my 2 granddaughters.

  • beth daniels
    July 2, 2016

    I would be making this beach towel wrap for me for when I go the Mississippi Gulf Coast during the summer at my relative’s houses.

  • Patricia Neal
    July 3, 2016

    I would love to make one of these beach wraps for each member of my family. I have always found it uneasy to comfortably hold a beach towel around myself and I see others ‘fighting’ with them also, this solves that problem! Thank you!

  • Sandy
    July 3, 2016

    I would make these for my three grand kids, they just got their very first swimming pool for the back yard, so could use a coverup to go between pool & house. Swim lessons are coming up in a few weeks also!

  • Susan cournua
    July 3, 2016

    Would love to order book and make different wraps for all kinds of gifts !!!

  • Susan cournua
    July 3, 2016

    Would love to order book and make different wraps for all kinds of gifts !!! Especially my granddaughter and she’s been asking to learn how to sew. Perfect for her first project!!!

  • Gretchen Berg
    July 3, 2016

    I need a swimsuit coverup. This would be perfect,

  • Karen B
    July 4, 2016

    After I make one for myself, I’ll Make one for my granddaughter and daughter in love. Great and needed idea.

  • Sue Ridge
    July 4, 2016

    I would like to make this cute cover-up before my next vacation!

  • Betty Daniel
    July 4, 2016

    My 14 year old granddaughter will love hers!

  • Thunder
    July 5, 2016

    granddaughters are coming soon for a visit ! I think the older one would enjoy sewing one of these for herself, and one for little sister. thanks

  • Candice
    July 5, 2016

    I was going to say myself and the grandsons, but I know as soon as I make them, there will be a dozen requests from other family members! Looks like a lot of beach sewing in my future!

  • Gayle
    July 5, 2016

    I am going to make one for my daughter-in-law. I think she would really like this.

  • Ell
    July 5, 2016

    If I needed a gift or a donation, this would make a good one.

  • Elaine Caskey
    July 10, 2016

    I would love to make 2 or 3 different wraps for my self and wraps also for my two daughters, daughter-in-law and granddaughters. This is the very thing I have been looking for. How wonderful! I would love to have this.

  • Janet Duff
    July 10, 2016

    My grandmother is 94 and would love one of these. She saw the show and was telling me about it. I think she would love a wrap this winter. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  • Patty Hilker
    June 3, 2017

    Love the wrap ideas and will make a beach wrap asap! Would live to win your book!!!

  • Livia
    June 3, 2017

    For me! I love everything Mary designs…I have made a lot of her travel gear and love her instructions, ideas, and creative use of everyday things (read pony tail holders

  • Livia
    June 3, 2017

    For me! I love everything Mary designs…I have made a lot of her travel gear and love her instructions, ideas, and creative use of everyday things (read pony tail holders

  • Denise Zuhlke
    June 6, 2017

    Depending upon the fun/funky beach towel designs I find will dictate who gets the towels first. I do need one, and have been looking for a while to try to find one that I like and a price I can live with since I don’t swim that often.

  • Melanie Dumas
    July 24, 2018

    I’d like to surprise my sister with one, I will have so much fun searching for the “perfect” towel.

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