Nancy’s Absolute Easiest Sewing Techniques
We generally think of two or three different ways to stitch most techniques, yet we generally use just one method. Which one? The absolute easiest way, of course!
This week’s featured online Sewing With Nancy program is the first of a three-part series on The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew.
Use just a few pins for pattern layout.
- Starting with pattern layout, cutting, and marking, learn ways to streamline and improve your sewing skills.
Do sewing darts have you in a dither?
- Learn how to use an index card or sticky notes as the sewing guide for effortless dart stitching, It’s the next Absolute Easiest technique.
One size does not fit all when it comes to sewing gathers!
- The type of fabric, the width of the seam allowances, and the project dictate the absolute easiest way to add gathers to fabrics. Nancy show’s you four options during this TV episode, plus there are more in the book, The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew.
Changing the rules is part of the sewing game.
- When adding elastic to knits, you’ll find this, by far, the simplest way to a sew casing. You’ll be stitching less and enjoying it more.
There’s a secret trick when sewing a casing in sportswear.
- You’ll think to yourself, “Why didn’t I think of that!” (Watch online for the trick.)
All of Nancy’s favorite sewing tips are in one book.
The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew chapters include:
- Sewing Notions
- Sewing Machine Confidence
- Serger Spotlight
- Patterns
- Fabric Facts
- Sewing Basics
- Beyond the Basics
Watch The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew (Part One, Part Two, and Part Three) on Sewing With Nancy online.
For your chance to win a copy of The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew from Nancy’s Notions, leave a comment sharing your most common sewing challenge.
The randomly selected winner of a copy of the No-Hassle Triangles Quilt Blocks book, is Kathy Hartwell.
Her comment is: The first thing I would make is the sampler quilt. I love the colors in this one and would try to find the same fabrics. Then, I would try any number of patterns to make quilts for the people going through chemo that don’t have a quilt to snuggle into. Thank you for this opportunity.
Happy Sewing,
Team Nancy Zieman
Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC.
Jane McLean
I would love to use this book. My sewing issue is that I use techniques learned in junior high home ec in the 60s and have kept up only randomly with modern trends. Thank you!
Candy Abel
My sewing challenge is always when I try to sew in a straight line, especially when sewing embellished fabrics.
Candy Abel
My sewing challenge is always when I try to sew buttonholes on embellished fabrics.
Most common challenge? Adjusting thread tension.
Nancy Nichols
Shortening a formal full skirted gown into a street length dress is my worst most difficult challenge. Can this book help me make the job easier?
Linda C
My sewing challenge is putting sleeves in a garment.
Jo Savino
Oh my. I could definitely use this book. Especially if it tells me a good way to do elastic. That has always been my downfall.
diane c
My biggest challenge is zippers.
Julie Kill
I have this book! Itr’s wonderful! My biggest Challenge was Zippers!
It isn’t anymore. I forge ahead. If I were to win this book, I would give it to my friend to help her find easier, more efficient ways of sewing!
Martha Morgan
Bust – anything to do with busts. But I am currently really learning how to make garments.
Carol R
This book really helps us make the most efficient use of our precious sewing time. It is a valuable addition to any sewing room.
June Grigg
I think this book would be great to help get back into sewing clothing. Right now I am sewing doll clothing but plan to sew some bath robes and women’s tops.
This book would come in handy when teaching my Granddaughters how to sew. Thanks for the giveaway!
Suzanne R
My problem is sewing knits. I need to shorten a silky knit tunic top, and I’ve been avoiding even looking at it. 🙂
My challenge is joining the elastic in a pair of pants. The thread always bunches up.
Janet johnson
I really liked learning Nancy’s way to apply elastic in a casing. I am going to try it soon — I have a stack of fabric to make pj pants for everyone in family. It’s been years since I’ve sewn garments so I’m hoping this will be an easy first step to get back into the habit.
Anne Z
My most common sewing challenge is sewing hems in knits.
I would really like to win a copy of this book for my daughter. She is just starting out sewing clothing and I think it would be a big help to her. I especially like the one on replacing a zipper that I read on the website. I spent hours trying to replace the zipper in the hubs hoodie and could have used this tip.
I would love to give this book to my granddaughter. It would be a great reference book.
Sewing with knits can be really challenging. I’d love to be able to do hems without them crinkling.
Crystal Conrad-Kauffman
My challenge is in gatherings. Getting things equally matched, breaking the thread when pulling, trying to use my gathering foot and adjust machine tension…ugh! I am looking forward to checking out Nancy’s tips!
Joyce Migliore
My biggest challenge is anything with a casing.
Let’s see I have 2 sewing challenges-zippers and the setting of tension. Too many times my zippers do not come out even?? and the tension thing drives me crazy as to which way to set it !
Sue Camino
I would love to learn all I can about casings I am sure Nancy has some great tips to guide me as I plan to make several pairs of pants and skirts.
Well, last night I was trying to sew a narrow double folded hem on stretch embossed velvet on my machine so that’s my challenge right now. I’ve decided it would be easiest to do it by hand.
Denise Wichman
My challenge is top stitching especially on zippers. Nancy’s skills give a novice like me the confidence to sew with boldness.
Renae Walters
Sewing hems. Getting the length right and hem even.
deanna klintworth
My challenge is hemming up jeans, I could use the book.
I have sewn for a long time and my biggest challenge has always been making adjustments when a pattern just isn’t a good fit. I love Nancy’s tips and they have helped often.
shirley marvin
would love to be the winner of this book. You can always learn something new if you are willing to try.
Deborah Herold
Though I’m a good sewer, since I’m short, and my upper body is large & my legs & lower body don’t match , I always have to alter clothing. Nancy’s shortcuts would be a dream to refer to while trying to alter all the patterns I use. I can’t always find time to watch her shows on the internet or TV.
Margaret C.
My biggest challenge is knowing what is the most efficient way to tackle the issue. Is it best solved using a sewing machine or a serger.
Barb K
Zippers were always a little challenge for me.
Kathryn Englebretsen
Putting in zippers is a challenge. Especially invisible zippers.
My biggest sewing challenge involves sewing slippery knit fabrics.
Jean Palionis
I certainly would love to have this book! I have sewn almost my whole life, starting at age 10. But as I get older ,I am into SIMPLE, but I don’t want to look “homemade”. Learning the new technics will help take care of that. Thank you.
Jennifer Mead
My biggest sewing challenge is fitting. I have sewn several garments in the past only to give them to someone much tinier than me! I also struggle with hems and waistbands. I love all the tips in this book. I miss Nancy.
Bonnie Thiem
My most common sewing challenge is mitering a corner of binding anything. It doesn’t always come out square and pointed.
Tina Julich
My challenge is knowing when to use the serger and when to use a ‘fancy’ stitch on my sewing machine. I would love to learn methods that will make sewing easier and quicker.
I’ve been sewing for 50 years and I learned some new things just from this post! I’d love to see ALL the tricks I’ve been overlooking! Pick me! Pick me!!!
Janice Schultz
Sewing is my therapy; therefore, I don’t want to deal with complex construction or the “latest”, “bleeding edge” methods. When I sew I want simple methods that give a professional result. I love ❤️ to sew; this book could be my muse to do better, look better and feel better.
Knits are challenging.
My zipper technique could use a little zipping up so to speak. I cna put in zippers, but must admit that towards the top and bottom of the zippers that the casings can lose some of their precision. Any helpful techniques would be welcomed!
Rita Skraba
I would love to learn the easiest way to make a casing. All of the tips sound helpful even to someone who has been sewing for awhile. I’m always up for learning something new.
cindy buzduhanov
love the show a lot of information looks like the book has a lot of information
My sewing challenge is sewing 1/4 seams.
My problem is getting a zipper in the waistband of a pair of pants and getting it to overlap and lay correctly.
My most difficult challenge is sewing elastic to anything so that it doesn’t grow in length due to the stitching.
Buttonholes are probably my biggest sewing challenge.
Zippers are always a challenge for me !
Lisa Koen
Casings, zippers, and buttonholes! Oh my! I am thankful for Nancy’s expertise to help me improve what I love to do…making things for my family!
Renie Arrigo
My toughest issue right now is thread painting/free motion quilting. Nancy always made it look easy. I sure do miss her.
Diane L. Putzer
Zippers are my least favorite sewing task.
Gail Beam
Zippers, buttonholes and sewing on stretchy knits are the most complicated for me . I would love t have this book. Thanks for the chance to win it.
Patricia Lish
My biggest challenge was finishing up a pioneer dress, collar and bonnet with a broken arm and wrist. I wanted the outfit to be authentic so I was hand sewing it. The challenge was trying to sew gatherings. I could not hold the fabric so I found more ways of not holding then holding. I made a “hand” to hold the fabric by taking a old metal embroidery hood attached two metal coat hangers to put around my neck.
I finished the outfit and my niece loved it! Seeing the joy on her face and the pride she had for her outfit was worth all the pain
My most common sewing challenge is fitting. Making pattern adjustments to fit my figure is always challenging. This book would be very helpful in solving this problem. Thanks for the great giveaway!
My biggest challenge comes at the very beginning of a sewing project when I need to adjust the tension.
Lee Ann Wagner
Buttonholes have always been a challenge. Very difficult to make them look good.
Suzanna Bowman
I am always looking for new tips on sewing. I have became a better sewer due to watching Nancy’s videos. I would greatly appreciate this book.
Peg Cox
Can use that elastic technique illustrated in this tutorial on a sewing project I’m presently working on. Thanks for bringing this idea of same to us.
Brenda Martin
I have a new granddaughter and am starting all over learning garment sewing. My biggest challenge is lining the Bodice of infant dresses. I would love to have this book. I have learned so much watching Nancy’s videos
Deborah Klich
My biggest challenge as a newer sewer is to stay consistent at building my sewing skills. I’ve learned so much from Nancy and I am hoping to build upon my skills.
I want to win this book for my granddaughter who is 11 years old and loves sewing. I know she would learn so much from it and since we don’t get to have as much time to sew together as we would like, it would be a great help to her. Thank you for this opportunity.
Mindi Parsell
My most common issue I have is making sure I cut evenly when cutting out a pattern. Second most common issue is even hems.
Fitting can be a problem. It would be nice to have a reference
book for this.