Embroidering for Kids Just Got Easier!
When I design embroidery collections, I always think in terms of coordinates. Fabric coordinates make it easy to design and sew a quilt with a variety of print sizes and color combos in one collection. The same principle applies to embroidery designs—a single motif, a grouping of that same motif—large and small, or an embroidery ideal for a border. Yes, coordinates make it easy to embroider!
Seven Cute for Kids Embroidery Coordinates
I started by sketching what I thought would be classic designs for newborns to toddlers: mid-century modern baby toys; playful elephants; fluttering butterflies; smiling flowers; curious puppies and kitties; turtles & leaping frogs; and animated trucks. Then, talented Sewing With Nancy artist, Laure Noe, took my rough designs and made my visions come to life.
Embroidery Coordinates
I rarely just stitch one embroidery design on a project. Rather, I like two or three of the same motif on the design. For example, the fluttering butterflies motif has ten coordinates. If you look at the product cover above, you can see the individual designs. Here the options are grouped together so that you can see the versatility of the embroidery coordinates.
I’m in the process of embroidering a baby layette. The playful elephants embroideries will someday make a great baby shower gift of a top, pants, and bib!
Bonus Bib Pattern
Three motifs are included within the Cute for Kids Embroidery Collection that are designed to fit a curved bib. Download the free bib pattern, cut two layers of fabric, fuse interfacing to the back of the fabric if needed, embroider one of the three curved embroidery designs, stitch right sides together using 1/4″ seam allowances, and add a snap or Velcro closure.
Note from Nancy: I used a No-show Fusible Mesh stabilizer in the hoop and a Wash-Away topping stabilizer.
Embroideries are Great for Quilts
The Cute for Kids Embroidery Collection CD purchase includes a FREE Baby/Lap Quilt Showcase Pattern.
- Alternate embroidered blocks with Log Cabin blocks. The 36″ square quilt is an ideal palette for showcasing embroidery.
- Position the single embroidery motif in the center of the Log Cabin quilt block—it’s a perfect fit!
- Use the linear design as embellishment for the quilt border.
Say it with Needle and Thread!
Cute little sayings, especially those relating to babies and toddlers, can’t help but bring a smile. There are eight timeless phrases that complete this embroidery collection. Hmm, just think of where you can say a word or two.
Embroidery Lessons on Sewing With Nancy
Polish your embroidery skills by watching Machine Embroidery in Six Easy Lessons Part One and Machine Embroidery in Six Easy Lessons Part Two with guest Eileen Roche.
For a chance to win a Cute for Kids Embroidery Collection, please leave a comment sharing where you’d add these adorable embroideries.
The random winner of Sew Simple with Rectangles & Squares is Precilla Palmer. She said, The smallest scrap I keep is 1″; you never know when you might need it for an appliqué!
Bye for now,
sandra oneill
these are lovely layette embroideries. You could add them to towels, either on in a corner or a whole row along the edge, with a co-ordinating washer and then a sheet set or muslin wraps. a whole bedroom of co-ordinating items!
Robin Parrish
I have two grand babies due this summer. So many ways to use this. Both of them need blankets all their own. One son’s baby has nothing yet and if the other is a girl she won’t have either.
Melodie Provost
Thank you for this delightful embroidery set. I’m the Project Linus coordinator in the southern part of Maine. I wish I had more time to quilt, but my responsibilities are with keeping our chapter running smoothly. However, this is so sweet that I’ll make time. I love the embroidered stars for quilting. I’ll be passing this along to our group.
I’m looking forward to your quilt for charity in April.
Thank you for your caring.
Cathy Van Daalwyk
I could use these just about on everything baby blankets the edge of a little hat bibs burp cloths clothes….the possibilities are endless!
Linda Whitham
No grandchildren yet, but my beautiful daughter just got married this past fall and is hoping to start a family soon! Where to put these lovely embroidery designs, there is no end of possibilities such as crib bumper pads where the baby can view them as they fall asleep, and little embroidered motifs for a hanging toy over the crib too! Followed by matching blanket and towel sets, Let’s make it happen!!!!
Diane C
I like to make quilts and bibs for the new additions to our family. These designs would be perfect for these gifts
Pamela Pope
I love these designs! Very nice and light and useful for may projects for a baby. Sometimes, I feel the embroidery designs out there just look to heavy and bold for a baby item. Look forward to maybe being able to use them.
Waiting for that granddaughter to make that sweet quilt!
Very Cute… Love all the things that can be done with the designs.
Deb Wallace
My granddaughter is in love with butterflies. I would make her a quilt using the design for starters and then go from there.
Oh my goodness. How adorable. I have a couple of new nieces that would simply love these. Also, my husband has been asking me to make a quilt for a coworker who is expecting. This would be a great collection to use.
Lisa Latimer
Oh wow! These designs are PERFECT for the (many) baby quilts that I make for family and friends! With every pregnancy, I start a quilt and then personalize it as the “details” become available. It is a “must have”…
I am so into sewing all things baby. Our grandchildren are ages 27, 23, 9, and 6; so not much need for “baby” things there. However, I like to keep baby gifts on hand, because someone in our family is always needing a gift, and how nice to have something handmade for them to give. Just think of the bibs, blankets, burp cloths, etc., ready to go.
Phyllis McCord
I make burp cloths out of old flannelette – the kind that are meant to be used and abused – and I think a little elephant in the corner would do the trick.
Sandra Chavez
I love the idea of a coordinated “coming home” layette and blanket set. The designs are so sweet, not too comicbooky but really sweet. Thank you.
Sandra Chavez
Our first grandbaby is due to arrive the week of my birthday, and I have been thinking about the perfect quilt to make. This collection gives me lots of inspiration! Can’t wait to get started!
Kelly Sasman
I am a newbie to machine embroidery having bought my first machine at the end of last year. Cute for Kids Embroidery Collection is perfect for me – just had my first granddaughter and all my friends are having their first grandchild!
Phyllis McCord
I make burp cloths out of old flannelette – the kind you are meant to use and abuse – and a little elephant in the corner would cheer them up just enough.
Nancy Rosetto
I have 7 great grandchildren that I sew for a lot. These would be wonderful. I would love to make the quilt too in case there are more grandchildren in the future.
I love this design collection! I see cute little shirt pockets, hooded towels, little girls’ jumpers, bibbed pants, collars, bibs, blankets, quilts – the possibilities are endless! Thanks for the inspiration.
Besides making a darling baby quilt I would make burp cloths.
I love elephants, which makes me lust after these designs.
I would all these beautiful embroideries to a matching layette set for a new mom to be.
I would add all these beautiful embroideries to a matching layette set for a new mom to be.
Bessie Curran
I would embroidery these designs on blankets, bibs and little t shirts. I have twin great great nieces that I would love to make something special for them.
Sharon Mueller
I Just got my First Grandchild and what would be sweeter than to make him a quilt with these sweet designs, especially the fire trucks, since his Dad is a third generation Volunteer Fireman.
Glenda Marsh
Burp ‘rags’ are a favorite; I also create premie isolette covers that are donated to a metro NICU. These designs are precious for both!!
Bettie Papajohn
These designs are adorable. I would use them on bibs, towels, clothes and quilts.
Carol K.
The quilts are adorable! But I would also use them on the burp cloths — those are mainstays in a baby’s world!
Kathy Opalinski
I have a grand nephew on the way and would love to make the quilt using the patterns in this set. Awesome.
What a fabulous idea to make so many different coordinating versions of embroidery designs!! The quilting idea is just brilliant…LOVE it ALL!!!
DeDe Grove
These are just fabulous and look like quick stitching as well — just love the elephants and may have to do the baby quilt….
I have been wanting to try making an embroidered quilt and what a great way to start! You make it so easy!
Sandy Trachsel
I am the new owner of a slightly used Babylock Ellisimo Gold II! I have been machine quilting for about 10 years on an older Pfaff machine, and am looking forward to learning free motion quilting using the nice wide throat space on my Ellisimo!. I am just learning to do machine embroidery. With a new Grandbaby, these embroidery designs have gotten my attention! I would love to incorporate them into a baby quilt!
Sharon Leach
All I can say is WOW!!!! Have been looking for some childrens designs to use on a birth panel for a friend. Love these. Thank You.
Gwendoline Jansen
I make a lot of burp rags. It would really look cute to
place a little rattle, duck, etc on them. I make them quite
large so u are well covered. I like the fact that they aren’t
real dense, it will keep it softl
I would use the designs on bibs, baby blankets, quilt blocks, and burp pads. They are sew cute!
I love doing machine embroidery for gifts, both for adults and children. The embroidery collection for children that is being shown is adorable and diversified enough to make quite a few different combinations of garments, quilts and accessories.
The only thing I would add would be a coordinating alphabet so a child’s name or a personalized message could be added.
In addition to the wonderful projects featured in this post, I’d also like to embroider these designs on onesies and receiving blankets.
Sabrina Fuller
Your designs are so cute! Have 6 grandkids, from 17 months to 21 years, so plenty of different things to embroider on! My favorite is quilting…Just finished a quilt for my mother’s 81st birthday. I embroidered all the grandkids and great grand kids’ names and birthdates on it. She cried when she opened her gift. (think she liked it)
Lori Morton
Ooooh so cute!! Love them!! would use on baby things for new Granbaby due the end of April!!! Thanks for chance to win!! 🙂
Diana G
Beautiful embroidery ! Thanks for the chance to win …
Sabrina Fuller
Your designs are so cute! I have 6 grandkids, from 17 months to 21 years, so plenty of projects to work on! My favorite is quilting. Just finished a quilt for my mother’s 81st birthday. I embroidered all the grandkids and great grand kids names and birthdates on it. She cried when she opened her gift. ( I think she liked it)
I have 26 neices and nephews that are all approaching the time when they will have babies. I would use this software to decorate blankets, bibs, and clothing and get loafs of use from it.
This embroidery collection is perfect for the sewing I’m doing for my granddaughter. She is having a baby boy this summer. I’m making gauze blankets and burp cloths using flannel and cloth diapers as well as a selection of bibs, all perfect for this great embroidery collection.
Paula Hendrickson
I’m going to be a Grandma for the first time and I can see soooooo many things I could do with this design! Bibs, Quilts, the whole nursery scheme. The possibilities are endless
Sharon Kirry
These are adorable. I think a border around a baby dress would be darling.
Barb Steinmetz
I have a baby quilt to make and was looking for some ideas and these would be perfect! I’d also add a couple deaigns to some bibs. I like creating a gift for the new parents.
Darlene Stolle
I would use them in a quilt for my youngest grand daughter and on some finger tip towles for all the grand childrens bathrooms.
Barbara Pointer
Expecting a new Great grand baby this year. These designs would be so adorable on so many things–bibs, burp clothes, onesies, quilt. Thanks for coming up with these beautiful designs.
No grandchildren just yet but it would be nice to start on some projects “just in case”.
Sheila Shelton
A baby rattle or one of the other designs would be precious on a little pair of pants and coordinating little shirt for baby. That will turn an inexpensive set into an original and one of a kind for Baby! Since Babies are sooo interested in their feet the designs would be entertaining and interesting for them to see on their footed pj’s or booties or footed pull on pants! I would also decorate fabric bows that I make for wrapping baby shower gifts!
What a lovely collection! Our church is experiencing a bevy of new moms and moms-to-be. Hand-made gifts will be a top priority for me for several months to come. Thank you for your inspiring give-away.
How cute! I have an idea, A set of features…eyes, mouths, etc. to use on stuffed animals and the like. I’m not adverse to doing them by hand, but sometimes time gets short, or I can’t get the expression I want.
Marilyn Longden
The patterns are adorable. A “newbie” like me could use these patterns and produce remarkable results.
Alice Cornelson
They would be adorable on burp cloths, bibs, dresses and boy outfits. And, a quilt with them would be very special, indeed.
Jill collins
I have had my embroidery unit for quite a while–I’ve been a little scared of trying it out. This quilt definitely has me motivated. It is adorable!
Cindy Schultz
I love these designs, they are soooo cute. My son and daughter-in-law are expecting a baby boy the middle of May. I would love to use these designs to make bibs, burp cloths, and maybe even a quilt. When the baby gets bigger they would be cute on some clothes too.
verona H. mccord
Janet Bryant
I would make lots of little clothes for my granddaughter, especially with the butterflies and floral designs. And I’d probably try my hand at an embroidered quilt or blanket using those adorable elephants! Thank you , Nancy for designing these!
Debbie Whitman
My niece is expecting her first baby in June and my nephew is expecting their 2nd both are having girls. I could have so much fun with these designs on a hooded bath towel that I make with terry velour.
Evelyn McGavin
I have two small grandchildren and lots of nieces and nephews. These would be great for all kids of projects
Vicki B.
I love giving personalized baby gifts. Embroidery makes it possible for me.
Evelyn Ware
A quilt would be so special. A darling set!!
My niece is having her first baby in about two months and I would use these embroidery designs on some bibs that I would love to make, also some burp cloths.
Kim Alston
these designs are adorable! I hope I win them! I would use them on everything baby!!!
Anne Schafroth
No grandchildren for me, but would love these on a baby quilt for someone at work.
I just got a new sewing machine complete with embroidery unit. And I love anything elephants!!! Your new embroidery collection will be perfect for new grandchild items – quilt and bibs! I have my fingers crossed. kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet
Marie Atkinson
I was wishing for something exactly like this for a little quilt. Had to settle for burp cloths because what I have for babies takes more time and material than I had on hand. This would have been perfect. Maybe I can get it for the next baby on my list.
martha littlefield
These designs are everything I have every wanted to tell a baby via a bib, burp cloth or blanket!!
Young Maryann
These would be adorable on curtins. As a border on the curtins and crib bottom ruffle. It could coordinate the entire nursery. Appropriate for boy or girl and with the new white, which is grey. My niece wanted that.
Barb M.
What a cute baby quilt. I love the elephants showing from top and bottom.
Mary Jo Pigott Groom
These would be an adorable addition to an Easter outfit for my new baby grandnephew. I love the little ducks.
Margaret Schlimmer
These would be great for my “Greats!”
Myra Ungerman
These helped me convince a friend to buy an embroidery-ready sewing machine. She has been looking at new machines because hers is over 20 years old and she just retired. She thought at first she wouldn’t use the embroidery feature, but with 19 grandchildren and one on the way, when I showed her these, she changed her mind. Wonderful designs!!!!
Janet Weirauch
I have adult grandchildren but have wanted to make them baby quilts for their first child when it happens. It would be to remember me by. This is just the pattern I have looked for. So cute! Thank you.
nancy drake
I think the embroidery set is just adorable. I could use it for so many gifts. I like the idea of coordinates — makes for easy disign picking. thx
Cheryl Ruhnke
I like how versatile these designs are from infant to toddler they would be great on clothes. I can picture the butterflies on a little girls dress and the trucks on a little boys.
Laura Sniderman
I would use these designs on baby quilts and burp cloths
They would look adorable along the hems of spring and summer dresses.
Elaine Hall
i would use these designs on onesies, gowns, bibs, and burp cloths.
Donna B
Bibs, shirts and blankets.
Nancy Taylor
I think a matching bib and diaper covers (rubber pants) would be cute. See them coming and going.
Nancy Taylor
Linda Davidson
These embroideries for kids are sewwww adorable! I love quilting, so I will definitely make a quilt if I am fortunate enough to win the collection. I just got an embroidery machine a few months ago. I haven’t had a lot of time to play, but I am retiring from my job in June. Can’t wait to spend more time on my hobbies like quilting and embroidery!
Doreen Novak
These embroideries are perfect for the layette I’m making for my daughter’s first baby. This will be my first grandchild so I’m going all out!!! I’m going to need a very big box!!!
I just found out that one of my life-long friends is going to be a grandmother. These embroidery designs would be great.
Becky M
I’m always looking for cute baby designs. These are adorable!! I would do a whole baby set with burp cloth, bib, onesies, and a blanket.
I just got a new granddaughter. These would be so cute on towels, dresses (or any baby clothing), cloth baskets for baby’s room.
I just found out that I’m going to be a great-aunt this fall. This would look great on a baby quilt. GREAT designs.
What a lovely collection! I would use these designs on a baby quilt. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Love the elephants. I would make a baby quilt. So adorable. I also love the trip that is one full straight line of alphabets. From bibs to clothing to quilting.
thank you for your inspiration!!
I would like to make a quilt for my grandson with these designs! They are the nicest ones I have seen in a long time!
Sandy Ott
Not only would I use these for everything for my grandson but I would also use them on the baby quilts I make for Abrams Angels. Small quilts for stillborn babies in the hospital. The family wraps the baby with it, may take family photos and it is kept as a keepsake.
Becky Darrow
All of these designs are terrific! I’m making some basic baby sun dresses and was looking for some cute designs for the front yoke and around the bottom hem. A Cotton Theory rug is also on my to do list.
Love all the cute motifs. I have my 1st grand baby coming in September and would love to make lots of stuff for him or her( we don’t know what it is yet)
Dot S.
I love making baby quilts. I would make your elephant log cabin quilt for my great-grandson.
Judy G
The Cute for Kids Embroidery Collection is adorable. I would put them on burb cloths, diaper covers, bottle cover and even on a quilted diaper bag for a coordinating baby shower gift.
Pat Guerin
I Believe there is NO spot on any baby item that these cute and sentimental sayings wouldn’t good! Especially incorporating the sayings on the label for a quilt!
Dee Rector
Would love to have these beautiful designs to make beautiful baby items.
These are so cute, just got the news,expecting grand baby #3. This would be great thanks Nancy
These designs are adorable! I can’t believe you embroidered all those elephants on that baby quilt! It looks so professional. I sew 3 quilts per month for the charity “Quilts for Kids”, and would enjoy incorporating these designs into those quilts. Thanks for the chance to win.
Kim Harrington
I sew and teach lots of baby and child garments and layettes, so I would add this to cute little daygowns and play-clothes, blankets and bibs. They are cute for sure!
Karen McDonner
Love the adorable baby designs. I recently made two baby quilts but only embroideried the baby names. Can’t wait to try something new!
What adorable designs. Would enjoy using them on bibs, burp cloths and quilts. Love the coordinate idea, Nancy.
I would add it ti daygowns, bibs, and bonnets! They are so cute and classic
Flo C.
I’m new to machine embroidery but would like to use it on quilts for my great-grandchildren. Machine embroidery as I have eight quilts to make!!
Patricia Phaiah
I would use these on a baby quilt. They are so cute.
With a new grandchild on the way, I would use the designs on a quilt
Linda M.
These designs would look great on a Linus quilt.
Shirley Lemanski
My grand daughter is 2 months old. I would love to make her a cute dress and add these wonderful designs! Thank you for the contest Nancy!
My first grandbaby is due in 19 weeks…. i don’t have a big done pile yet…. but it would help to know what it is….
:ery cute
Kay Coffin
These are adorable!
Mary Hutteman
My niece is pregnant with her first baby, a boy. I would use the designs to make her a layette.
Mary Hutteman
I would use these designs for a layette for my niece that is pregnant with her first child, a boy. I love the elephants!
Lynda Kulas
These are so cute and adorable. They can be used in so many different ways besides all the wonderful suggestions already made.
I can see them on nursing uniforms placed in an I spy fashion that helps to keep a child’s mind off of the procedure she/he is there for as they look for the 2 matching butterflies or shapes, etc.
My daughter is a nurse and we do things like this along the hem of her scrubs top with shapes and colors. These designs would definitely make it even more interesting for the children….find your favorite, see if there is more than one, etc. Fun! Fun!
Peegy Andresen
I make little summer outfits for my youngest granddaughter they would look great on the front bodice
Keryn Shaver
I have a brand new grandson and have already made some outfits and bibs. This collection would give me more fun things to put on clothes, bibs, quilts and hats. My daughter-in-law is a nurse practitioner for pediatric oncology patients and these would also brighten up her uniforms.
I would use these on bibs, burp cloths, and other small items ass gifts for co-workers. A receiving blanket, and bath towels are also likely candidates. i love these designs. They look like delicate little paintings.
Denise Z. G.
With a new granddaughter & many babies on their way at church, this would be a great addition to my design library!
I see quilts, bibs, baby onesies, bath towels for use with this set. It’s very cute and versatile!
Tammy Fincher
I would love to use these designs for my grandbabies. I basically for the most part only have time to embroider for them (due to health issues) so I am always wanting new designs to embellish their clothing.
Julia Hatch
These designs would be adorable on curtains for infant’s and children’s rooms.
Charlene Kreidler
My Granddaughter loves elephants. This would give the perfect finishing touch to her elephant bedroom!
Kathy Smigen
These embroidery designs would be great on doll clothes, onesies, infant and toddler clothing, towels, and bedding.
kim reynolds
I am a beginner with embroidery. Although I bought my machine a few years ago I haven’t used it much. I just recently had to retire, so I have much more time to sew. I am also going to be a first time grandma in June (kids are all in their 30’s and I thought I would never see this:) I would use it to make a quilt for the new baby as well as a changing blanket and a bib. I love the delicacy and beauty of the patterns. Maybe this will inspire my children to get busy and begin their families. Whoever receives these will have a great time seeing what they can do with them. I as well as everyone here, would love to benefit from your generosity.
Elaine Caskey
These are the best, adorable designs. I can see them on clothing, quilts and bed linens, curtains and just about anything for babies and small children, boys or girls. Your quilt idea is beautiful for a little boy or girl. I would love to have them.
I make so many baby quilts and this would be perfect to use for that purpose. Thank you so much for a chance it win the collection!
Lorraine theurer
I would use the smaller designs on doll clothes, baby bibs or
small receiving blankets.
Roxanne Hartwig
I would use these adorable designs in making a baby quilt for my oldest daughter who will give birth to her first child in October! Love these designs! Thanks for the chance to win!
Jan K
I will be making a quilt for my 4Th greatgrandchild and these. Designs.will be so cute!
With 3 small grandgirls the possibilities are endless. I envision capris and matching tops for summer machine embroidered with these cute designs.
Cheryl Feyen
My nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews are having babies. These embroideries would be so cute on everything baby and toddler.
I’m in the process of making a quilt for a g-nephew that is similar in design to yours only mine has a bear and friends that I hand drew and digitized. He is going on 11 and asks all the time why he doesn’t have a quilt on the wall like I made for his older brother (a cat and a hat). I finally had to make one for him too.
Valerie Thompson
Let me think of the ways, baby bibs, burp cloths, quilts, towels, onesies, clothing, etc… so many things for babies and they are all adorable for boys or girls and the saying are super cute
Barb Torrey
What great timing! I am currently sitting at home waiting to get a call to tell me about the birth of my seventh grandchild! Number eight will come about a week from now! I have a new embroidery machine and would love to embroider these designs on onesies, burp cloths, towels, baby washcloths, all kinds of baby and toddler clothes,and even make a quilt! These would be adorable on personalized birth announcements ,too! My daughter who is delivering today loves elephants and has already started an elephant theme in the nursery. She would love these and so would my new little grandson! All of the designs are adorable.
Priscilla Snider
I especially like using the embroidered motif as the center block in the log cabin quilt. I like this collection as the designs are light, not too dense.
Kristen Brown
I just adopted two super adorable baby sugar gliders and I would love using this set to make fleece cage sets, bonding pouches, and sleeping pouches for them. So many different cute sets can be made! That way there will always be clean cute sets ready to go. Maybe possibly get good enough to sell them to other glider mommies and daddies.