Viewers' Dresden Quilt Showcase

Diane Ahnstedt 2

Viewers' Dresden Quilt Showcase

Sewing With Nancy viewers and blog readers have been busy at work with the Trace ‘n Create Quilt Templates—Dresden Collection.The Dresden quilt block is so diverse; the combinations seem almost endless. From traditional and historic to contemporary and modern, it is always exciting to see what you, my followers, create!

Without further ado—Viewers’ Dresden Showcase:

Sew Grand Dresden Quilts Inspiration

The first project submitted is from a long arm quilter in Sweden, Diane Ahnstedt. She made the quilt as featured in the Sew Grand Dresden Quilt book, choosing her own color palette. I truly admire Diane’s long-arm quilting skills!

Diane Ahnstedt 2

I bought the Sew Grand Dresden Quilt template last summer and quilted this after taking classes last fall. Thanks Nancy, you are inspiring! TV SHOW and BOOK.” ~Diane Ahnstedt Diane Ahnstedt 4

Diane Ahnstedt 1

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Dresden Melody Inspiration

Here’s another project from Diane Ahnstedt. She used the project/pattern sheet, Dresden Melody, to create a dynamic table runner. The multi-size Dresdens twist and turn through the project to add movement to this contemporary block design. I made up another Dresden for the local store with their fabric. I’ve always loved Dresden quilting. I made this table runner! ~Diane Ahnstedt Diane Ahnstedt 7

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Modern Quilt Guild Challenge

The Dresden block is generally regarded as a traditional quilt block; however, see what our next viewer created. Diane Heimel worked with the Trace ‘n Create Quilt Templates—Dresden Collection and multi-size Dresdens to create a challenge quilt for her Modern Quilt Guild(MQG). The bold colors on a black background highlight the Dresden petals; great composition.

“The Dresden plate quilt was a challenge in my Modern Quilt Guild. I had to take a traditional block and make it modern. I enjoy the shows; keep them coming.” ~Diane Heimel

Diane Heimel 3

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Fabric Play

This mother-daughter team worked up a couple Dresden blocks featuring a variety of fabrics. Calicos, eyelets, and solids really show how the block can move from traditional to contemporary just in smart fabric choices.

“My daughter and I are both enjoying the many combinations of Dresden Flowers. Thank you for your simple but rich tutorials that you share with us.” ~Darinka & Irena

Darinka and Irene 1

Darinka and Irene 2

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Block of the Month Inspiration

The 2015 Adventure Quilt Block of the Month #1 inspired several of our blog readers to create a scrappy Dresden or Dresden Fan block. January Block of the Month ~Suey Thomas Nancy Zieman Blog | Viewers' Dresden Showcase January Block of the Month ~Joan Zamojcin Nancy Zieman Blog | Viewers' Dresden Showcase

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Traditional Dresden Fan Quilt 

Royal purple Dresden Fans~Pam Margolis Pam Margolis Fans  For more Dresden quilt block resources and ideas, see these popular episodes, products, and blog posts:

What are you making? Send your project photos to [email protected] to be considered for a future Viewers’ Showcase.
Nancy Zieman's Giveaway Winner The random winner of a Cute for Kids Embroidery Collection,  from a previous blogis Judy G. She said, The Cute for Kids Embroidery Collection is adorable. I would put them on burp cloths, diaper covers, bottle covers, and even on a quilted diaper bag for a coordinating baby shower gift. How To Create Machine Embroidery Sewing With Nancy From my blog titled Absolute Easiest Way to Use Printable Patterns, the random winner of a copy of Sew Simple with Rectangles & Squares is Linda M. She said, The majority of my patterns are traditional. I will have to try the pdf versions sometime. Sew Mini Fabric Sacks/Fabric Scraps/Nancy Zieman

To be considered for a future Viewers’ Showcase, send your project photos to [email protected]. Bye for now, Nancy Zieman The Blog

Nancy Zieman—author, pattern designer, businesswoman, producer, and national sewing authority—is the host of the popular show Sewing With Nancy®, which appears exclusively on public television stations across the United States and Canada. Follow Nancy’s blog at and sign up to receive Nancy’s E-News for the latest news in Sewing, Quilting, Creating, and Block of the Month updates.
Content in this feed is © copyright 2015 by Nancy Zieman and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website.


  • laurel
    March 24, 2015

    Hi Nancy,
    I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed getting to know you better through your book, “Seams Unlikely”. I found some things that I have in common with you. (my teen years, dating my husband, church involvement). I was so inspired by your step of faith in starting your business and seeing how God blessed you and hubby and directed your business path. It is plain to see how so many recognize your integrity and admire you because of it. It unfortunately is not something you always see in business. May God continue to richly bless you and your family. (I donated my copy of your book to my guild’s library so that others will have the pleasure of knowing you better.)
    Laurel Niemi, S.Kingstown, RI

  • Deborah Richmond
    March 24, 2015

    I loved that you shared photos from others. It’s always so fun to see how one pattern is transformed into so many different styles!

  • eginter
    March 24, 2015

    Love the table runner,to use for John deer always looking for different suggestions.

  • Kim
    March 24, 2015

    Royal Purple Dresden Fan Quilt
    I Love this quilt. It has a great color composition and the workmanship is flawless! A beautiful piece of artwork. Thanks for sharing it with us all.

  • Sharon Kirby
    March 25, 2015

    Although I am a life long sewer quilting is something quite new to me and I would never have had the courage to start without watching your show and using your books. I am currently about to start the heartbeat quilt which looks like a cityscape as hopefully a wall hanging for my livingroom after three years of trying to decide on art for that spot. I will now display my art!!! Thank you for being a beacon for sewers. Where we live they no longer teach it in school and many younger people have not had the opportunity to learn, but I always recommend your program and books to them.

  • Jennifer Fried
    March 28, 2015

    Hi Nancy,
    Very cool Dresden projects. You inspire me.
    Keep on sewing, Jenny, the old sew and sew.

  • ellaliddle
    March 28, 2015

    It’s amazing the different looks you can get from the Dresden pattern. The purple table runner is beautiful. Thanks to all for sharing their beautiful work. Thanks to you too, Nancy. : )

  • Jennifer Fried
    April 2, 2015

    Dearest Nancy, I love the ones that look like ferris wheels. Just so breezy fun. Jennifer

  • zoraida
    April 6, 2015

    I have one and you gave a great ideas thank you nancy.

  • Courtney Hall
    July 6, 2021

    I am looking for the Clover CL9514 Dresden Plate Template to do these quilts. However, it appears to no longer be made. Does anyone know a good alternative to get these LARGE plates? All I’m finding only goes up to maybe 16″.

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