New Sewing Notion: Supersize 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge

New Sewing Notions Super-sized 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge by Nancy Zieman

New Sewing Notion: Supersize 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge

New Sewing Notions Super-sized 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge by Nancy Zieman

Welcome the newest member of the family: Supersize 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge. One of our most popular notions, the 6″ original 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge, now has a big brother. The new tool can accurately mark up to 11″ in length.

New Sewing Notions Super-sized 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge by Nancy Zieman

The super-sized sliding gauge is as easy to use as the original gauge. Use it for sewing, quilting, home décor, and long-arm quilting projects. The slide locks into place allowing you to accurately mark projects.

Make Perfect Circles

Use the eye at the end of the gauge to mark the center of a circle.

  • Lay fabric on a cardboard, foamboard, or pressing surface.
  • Add a push pin to the eye to anchor the center.
  • Slide the gauge to the desired circle’s radius.
  • Trace.

New Sewing Notions Super-sized 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge by Nancy ZiemanMark a Straight Edge

Use the larger gauge to create precise straight edges of any distance.
New Sewing Notions Super-sized 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge by Nancy Zieman

Determine Grainlines

Grainline is important in apparel construction. It determines the stretch and drape of a garment. Make sure your next pattern is set on the straight of grain using the Supersize 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge.

New Sewing Notions Super-sized 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge by Nancy ZiemanHems and Home Décor

When projects need a wide hem, use the Supersize 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge. The gauge lets you make long marks, equidistant across your project’s extra wide edge. This application is wonderful for curtain and drapery sewing. You’ll also find the gauge useful when creating a flanged-edge on a throw pillow.

New Sewing Notions Super-sized 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge by Nancy ZiemanTrim Placement

Mark the edge of your next project with the larger sliding gauge to determine trim and decorative stitch placement. The two straight edges work together to create perfectly parallel lines.
New Sewing Notions Super-sized 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge by Nancy Zieman

Bye for now,
Nancy Zieman The Blog

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  • Vickie Snow
    June 4, 2016

    Hems, for sure. That’s my next project.

  • K
    June 4, 2016

    What a great tool for hemming draperies! Can’t wait to try it. Love my original gauge for you quilting and sewing projects. Thank you Nancy for these great notions.

  • Judi Ylvisaker
    June 4, 2016

    At last! An easier way to find the grainline! Thank you, Nancy. 🙂

  • Erin Ashby
    June 4, 2016

    I love this tool! Now that I am starting to draft pattens this is going to help determining grainlines and seam allowances.

  • Nancy ray
    June 4, 2016

    I have never used one of these but I think it would be a great tool to help making bags and keeping things even

  • Teresa Ortell
    June 4, 2016

    Could have used that for my last project of putting trim on my draperies. What a great tool.

  • Carolyn
    June 4, 2016

    Machine quilting placement of repeated measurements in straight stitch designs. It is hard to keep straight lines and this can be set and repeated.

  • Linda Wilkin
    June 4, 2016

    I would use the new tool with pivot & slide for a more accurate measurement. My body measurements make it very difficult to get a pattern to fit.

  • Elaine
    June 4, 2016

    what a great idea! It would be so helpful with quilting.

  • Janet Swanson
    June 4, 2016

    What a great way to make larger circles (for when the dinner plate isn’t large enough)!

  • Jan Ross
    June 4, 2016

    That’s really nifty. I use circles on occasion – drawing your own of course, and this is going to make a handy addition to my sewing cabinet. It also looks like it would help with quilting to make measured top stitching guides. Thanks for showing us what’s new on the market.

  • Debby
    June 4, 2016

    I would finally try circles as this seems to keep everything accurate!

  • Judy brekhus
    June 4, 2016

    This is the perfect tool. When trying to make round quilts and table toppers I can never seem to get them round, this will be the perfect tool, and I love the old one, but I can see lots of uses for the new larger one, especially for these old eyes, making 2 inch marks will be much easier.t

  • Janet H
    June 4, 2016

    I’d use it to make accurate circles for crafts or quilting.

  • Shaela Forbes
    June 4, 2016

    I’d like to use it for cutting circles

  • Karen Videgar
    June 4, 2016

    I’m in the process of making curtains for door windows–long ones–it would come in handy to measure accurately for the tabs. I’m also making pajamas for my grandsons and it would help to measure them so they are on the straight of grain. I have so many uses now I could use one 🙂

  • Gina French
    June 4, 2016

    I love the idea of a larger version of this great product. Would love to have it.

  • Judy Sherwood
    June 4, 2016

    Oh, where to start! I think I would start with measuring a hem using my cover stitch, always a problem with me. Thanks, Nancy.

  • Grandma G
    June 4, 2016

    I’d use it for determining grainlines! And a lot of other ways, too!

  • Cindy
    June 4, 2016

    I love the original 5 in 1 gauge and use all the time! I can’t wait to get the new, larger version. I can see so many more uses in my sewing and quilting projects!

  • Brenda Melahn
    June 4, 2016

    Oh my – I’m 63 years old and haven’t seen this … yes, I worked for 30 years and missed too many good “gadgets”. I would definitely try the hemming function — one of the areas I struggle with to keep them straight!

  • Kathy
    June 4, 2016

    I would love to have this. It would great with a lot of projects.

  • Rebecca Monnin
    June 4, 2016

    You read my mind! I was thinking a larger version of the 5-in-1 tool would be perfect for garment sewing and drapery hemming! I’ve been going around in circles lately and the “big brother” would widen my circles, too! Excellent! Thanks, Nancy!

  • Pam Hopp
    June 4, 2016

    I love the original and often wished it was longer; now it is!

  • Mary
    June 4, 2016

    Great way to make circles. Also love the long straight edge. Much better than current short for marking hems, etc

  • E. Ann
    June 4, 2016

    Lots of uses!!! I sew a lot of children’s clothing and always check grainlines. That would be my first use. Then marking hemlines. Would love to have this in my supplies!! Thanks for another great one!!

  • Nickarimom
    June 4, 2016

    I would use to mark for trim first and then many of the other features would soon follow. Sounds like something I should have had years ago and it would have saved much time and stress!

  • Cheryl
    June 4, 2016

    This tool will be one of the most used tools in my sewing room for quilting, hemming and much more. This tool could also be used to make straight lines for hanging pictures on the wall in order to keep everything spaced evenly apart etc. Wow! Cant wait to get this set. I’ll have to hide it from my husband because he would find many uses for his projects.

  • Jessica Sparacio
    June 4, 2016

    Great for hem lines for sure.

  • Audrey Dlugosz
    June 4, 2016

    Being a “Notions Freak”, just one more “Gotta have”.

  • Cheryl
    June 4, 2016

    Everything from the sewing room to marking wall for hanging picture groupings. Can hardly wait to get this handy tool.

  • Eleanor C
    June 4, 2016

    I might try the circles first, great for applique, or maybe checking the grainline

  • Florence Dupuis
    June 4, 2016

    I see Nancy use this all the time on Sewing with Nancy. Always thought it was a great tool but convinced myself that I all ready have the five tools that it replaced. Just recently I changed my mind and thought that would make life much easier than chasing down the five things. Please save me from having to pay for it. Thanks.

  • Karen Payton
    June 4, 2016

    Hemming draperies would be my first use for this great looking tool, thanks Nancy!

  • Carol Kojis
    June 4, 2016

    My aging eyesight plays tricks on ruler lines so I have to check 2 or 3 times before cutting. The 5 in 1 gauge would help me get it right the first time. My quilt borders and hems could be straight with the grainline and I’d be more accurate in placement (without all that double & triple checking) before I cut and sew. Thank you for this tool!

  • diane c
    June 4, 2016

    I have had one of these on my wish list for a long time. It would come in handy for so many reasons

  • Karen A
    June 4, 2016

    I would use this first to help lay patterns on fabric.

  • Renae
    June 4, 2016

    Have wanted this for soooo long to use in quilting.

  • Renae
    June 4, 2016

    Would use if for quilting!!!

  • Joan Ethier
    June 4, 2016

    I’m a garment sewer and use the 6″ gauge in a variety of ways on every project. I often wish it were longer and know I’d use the 11″ gauge in many different ways.

  • Gail
    June 4, 2016

    I make blankets for my grandchildren using my own shapes / fabrics appliques in the design. This will be perfect to help me keep all the various measurements consistent. What a great idea!

  • Nancy
    June 4, 2016

    Big daddy would be a great addition to my accessories. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway!

  • Karen
    June 4, 2016

    I’ve been using a piece of cardboard to measure my draperies hems, so this would be a lifesaver!

  • Linda Farmer
    June 4, 2016

    5 in 1 gauge — Wow!! What a wonderful tool! Love the ease of marking buttonholes, checking seam allowances, marking hems — what’s not to like?? Great tool!!

  • Pat
    June 4, 2016

    I am always digging for objects (saucers, lids, bowls) to use as templates for making yo-yo’s and for appliqué. This tool is on my wish list as it would be helpful in so very many ways.

  • Phi
    June 4, 2016

    I would use it as a hem gauge & to check seam allowances.

  • Rose Burnett
    June 4, 2016

    I am 82 years old and can still out work most young people.
    I spend lots of my time sewing and quilting. If I could have this new big 5″ sliding gage I will shout to the roof tops “Look out world, here I come with tons more baby quilts to sew for mission projects, and they would all be straight. Thanks for making this new product, I love the little one. Rose Burnett

  • Carol Wendt
    June 4, 2016

    What a wonderful way to make a circle. I would certainly use it to do that. Circle can be hard to make and get just the right size, with this it would be effortless.

  • JOM
    June 4, 2016

    I have the small gauge and love it. I use it for quilting and
    sewing projects. Would love the large one for button holes and as a compass,

  • Andrea Smith
    June 4, 2016

    I would definitely use the big one! for purse and bag construction instead of a T square.

  • Shirley Clark
    June 4, 2016

    This would be wonderful for hems and trims. I’m so glad you’ve made a larger size!

  • M.R. Beat
    June 4, 2016

    Wow! What a treat to find a tool that will measure straight of grain on 60+” fabric. I have made many cape-style “cover-ups,” and full length coats. So the need to measure great distances accurately has forced me to master the yard stick trick. I truly feel this will allow me to achieve the same accuracy without the awkwardness I experience now.

  • Sherry
    June 4, 2016

    What a wonderful idea to make this 5-1 gauge larger/longer. This is one tool that is so useful. Love it.

  • Mary Tague
    June 4, 2016

    I would like to try drawing out different size circles. My grandson would love a solar system quilt, and I need to make different size circles to represent the planets.

  • Margie Herrell
    June 4, 2016

    I would love to have the 11 inch sliding gauge. I have 2 6 inch sliding gauges and use them each time I sew and always wanting a longer one.

  • Eva Hada
    June 4, 2016

    Circles, circles and circles! Watch! Here I come! Have so much trouble finding something to fit the size I need. Won’t have to spend time rummaging around anymore!

  • Beverly Raleigh
    June 4, 2016

    Would use it for quilting

  • Marilyn I Hanks
    June 4, 2016

    I like to make my pot holders round so this would be a great tool for me.

  • Vina Hoffman
    June 4, 2016

    I most definitely would use it to correctly Mark western snap settings for shirts.a must have for sure.

  • Denise D
    June 4, 2016

    I would use it for the circle and trim placement. I would use it not only for sewing but I also cut out and decorate wood door signs and I make hand made cards, I could use the tool to mark placement lines or draw circles on those crafts too. So many projects to use this cool tool on!

  • angi harrell
    June 4, 2016

    Heming, marking buttonholes evenly and width of strips.

  • Kathryn Farver
    June 4, 2016

    I love my original 5-in-1 gauge and have often wished it came in a larger size. Yippee!! Now it does!

  • Nell
    June 4, 2016

    I would use this great tool for hemming—anything and everything.

  • Diane
    June 4, 2016

    WOW! I have seen this before but didn’t realize its many uses. Thanks so much for the tutorial! I will get both sizes soon!

  • Kim H
    June 4, 2016

    Love it! Longer means more versatility for me. I would try circles for sure!

  • Patricia Foht
    June 4, 2016

    Such an awesome tool. It would make hemming things so much easier and also very handy for all my quilt projects. You are a great inspiration Nancy.

  • CarolR
    June 4, 2016

    Now a tool for larger circles. Some of the Amazing Scarves can be easier with this tool.

  • Maria Zoltowski
    June 4, 2016

    Buttonhole placement would be my first use of the tool.

  • Maria Z
    June 4, 2016

    Buttonhole placement would be my first use.

  • Lynn Again
    June 4, 2016

    I’ve had the small 5-in-1 gauge for years and did not know that the body of the gauge had the 5/8″ and 1/4″ measurements. Guess I missed that. The length of the larger gauge would be great for finding straight of grain on fabrics. Right now I use a tape measure and moving it along the selvage and trying to keep it square is a challenge. Thanks Nancy!

  • Helen Young
    June 4, 2016

    Capes and scarves. If I don’t win it I will buy one! Thank you for another great tool.

  • Jackie Ames
    June 4, 2016

    This would be so handy for finding the straight of grain. I really want this tool to use in so many ways. Thanks for the tutorial.

  • Karen P
    June 4, 2016

    I would use it for a hem first. I’m really happy to see that one of my favorite tools has a big brother!

  • Carol
    June 4, 2016

    Love the littke one………….can’ wait to get the bigger one!

  • Peggy
    June 4, 2016

    I love my short 5-1 and would love to try the long one for determining grain lines. Another great idea.

  • Carleen R
    June 4, 2016

    I have had the original one since they first came out. Have often wished there was a larger size and now there is! Thank you Nancy for all you do to educate and make things easier for all of us who love to sew!

  • Ruth
    June 4, 2016

    Would be so helpful for determining grain lines before marking and cutting.

  • Suzie Simpson
    June 4, 2016

    Hems and circles. Love the little one, can’t wait to get the big one!!

  • VickiT
    June 4, 2016

    WOW! I love the new Supersize Sliding gauge! I can see so many uses for the larger sized gauge. The first thing I thought of when I saw this was how much larger a circle I could make with the supersize gauge. And using it to mark a nice straight line on fabric for a hem or anything else will be so much quicker using the supersize gauge because of the additional length. Great idea!
    Obviously, I’d love to win the Supersize 5 in 1 Sliding Gauge. I actually bought the original 5 in 1 sliding gauge for myself and my son’s girlfriend a few years ago at the yearly Nancy’s Notions Warehouse Sale.

  • KathyBB
    June 4, 2016

    The new longer gauge is THE wonderful notion for me. It would help in so many measuring tasks and to keep trims and hems straight.

  • Sharon Carbine
    June 4, 2016

    Nancy, I already have your small 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge. I’d love to have your larger one to make big circles and to measure large quilt-block dimensions.

  • M.E.WHite
    June 4, 2016

    I think this would be great for establishing the straight of grain-much better than a tape measure since it will be perfectly straight. Thank you,again, Nancy!!

  • Estelle
    June 4, 2016

    I’m obssessive about getting the grain straight. What a welcome tool to help. Trust Nancy to come up with the best aids to making life easier for the sewist!

  • Estelle
    June 4, 2016

    I’m obsessive about getting the grain straight. What a welcome tool to help. Trust Nancy to come up with the best aids to making life easier for the sewist!

  • Barbara G
    June 4, 2016

    You just made my life a lot easier I use my two gauges more than any other tool. The new one will be the sharpest tool in the woodshed – can’t wait to use it.

  • Helen
    June 4, 2016

    I love the smaller gauge and know I will love the big brother for measuring grain lines, circles and a straight edge.

  • Carolyn
    June 4, 2016

    I, too am excited to use for circles. Hemming would be another task that would be made easier and more accurate. Yes, I would love this tool.

  • Rosalind Gutierrez
    June 4, 2016

    Great guide for drawing a straight line for adding decorative
    rick rack or braid trim.

  • Karen B.
    June 4, 2016

    I am making new drapes, and the super-sized tool would be terrific. I also liked the way you can check grain line when laying out patterns. What a great tool! I use the smaller one all the time.

  • Pat
    June 4, 2016

    I love the original gauge and look forward to using the new larger one. My first application would be for checking quilt squares and squaring them up.

  • Carolyn
    June 4, 2016

    I use the smaller one and would like to try the larger one. Want to try making circles.

  • Carolyn B
    June 4, 2016

    Haven’t tried to make circles with smaller one–the larger one would be even better.

  • Sharon
    June 4, 2016

    This looks like it would be really handy when loading a quilt on the frame for longarm quilting.

  • Shannon Parsons
    June 4, 2016

    I use the 5-in-1 tool for nearly every project I sew. It also is useful for measuring non-sewing items around the house! I would love a larger size one.

  • GretaMom
    June 4, 2016

    I have the original 5 in 1 tool and love it. However, there have been times when I needed to measure a larger area like the hem on a pair of sheer curtains I was making. I had to resort to a quilting ruler and mark it with a piece of painter’s tape. It would have worked much better with a longer 5 in 1 Tool.

  • Nancy Schwall
    June 4, 2016

    I would use the supersize 5 in 1 t find the straight of grain line!

  • Tia Jah Ayers
    June 4, 2016

    What a GREAT tool! Hope to win one.

  • AS
    June 4, 2016

    I don’t know what I’d try first–depends on what I’d be working on at the time.

  • Donna I
    June 4, 2016

    My 5in1 is used for everything from doll clothes to adult apparel clothing. Also for hemming men’s dress slack and measuring and blocking small crochet/knitted doll clothing! It’s time saving-5 tools in one spot!

  • Suzanne. Tetreault
    June 4, 2016

    I would try the trim placement first.

  • Ruth Lutz
    June 4, 2016

    Nancy, you’ve done it again! I surely need one of these immediately! I love it’s many uses, but particularly how much it woul help in maintaining the straight of grain when laying out and cutting patterns. Thanks for an opportunity to win.

  • Starla
    June 4, 2016

    It would help me with getting the grain straight, drawing lines and, ultimately, ending up with perfect pieced squares!

  • Jan Nelson
    June 4, 2016

    Wow, I would love to try the longer one too. I have a shorter one and love it! Thanks for keeping us updated on the new tools plus your wonderful projects!

  • Melanie
    June 4, 2016

    It would be useful to me in making circles. I’m interested in making New York Beauty quilt blocks of my own design. This would make accuracy a snap!

  • Torry
    June 4, 2016

    I would use it first for grainlines. And, then, watch out! I would try all of the other uses for it! Thanks for the opportunity to be a better sewer!

  • Kathleen
    June 4, 2016

    I would definitely use this to measure grainlines! A terrific idea!

  • gail livingstone
    June 4, 2016

    have the smaller one and use it for quilting. love to have the big brother

  • Paula Howard
    June 4, 2016

    Have often wished my 6″ was a little longer. So glad you came up with this new and improved. I want to make circles. Thank you for the opportunity to win one.

  • Lolita Cox
    June 4, 2016

    I would use it for finding grainline; seems so much better that measuring tape.

  • Karen L.
    June 4, 2016

    I am mostly a quilter so I can see using this gauge to check 1/4 inch seams and also making perfect circles. But I am sure I would use it other ways once I had it in my studio. It does appear to be really versatile.

  • Linda Gillian
    June 4, 2016

    I would love to make circles with this tool. . .. also, draw straight lines.. . .. AND measure hems accurately! Great tool for sure!

  • Judy e
    June 4, 2016

    I could have used this yesterday. Can’t wait to get one!

  • Beth Piper
    June 4, 2016

    Nancy, this 5 in 1 tool is amazing. I love all its uses. I quilt and sew all the time so it would definitely be a welcome new tool and certainly get a lot of use.

  • vickey Stamps
    June 4, 2016

    I make and give away (including P&H, two foot dolls for kids with cancer and other devastating issues. These are both genders and there are only 4 of us, cutting, sewing, stuffing and completing these dolls. They are of cloth and have no hair. (Picture available upon request of both genders). I use several yards of lace on the dolls skirts (doll is topsy turvy and so this applies to both inside nightgown and outside dress). I would like to have the big brother version to make the lace applications straighter and faster to sit into place. Sounds awesome. The skirts are 16 by 48 rectangles, so you can see this requires time and material, and why a tool like this would be so nice to have. I plan to buy one out of my meager monetary donations, used for supplies not donated and for the involved P&H. The boy dolls are supplied with used like new. t-shirts, hoodies and blue jeans, and overalls when I am fortunate enough to find them. The boys wear a knit cap and the girls wear a ‘mop-cap’. All boys clothes are in size 12 months. Many go to a Ronald McDonald house in Portland, OR.
    I tell you this to help you visualize what all is involved as well to tell you who to contact if you know of a child in need of comfort. I have a volunteer that tries her best to make and send a quilt for each doll, and I provide a short story and birth certificate to go along.
    Anyway, love to be a winner, but time shall tell. I am a 75 year old retired nurse with 34% lung capacity, but I can sew and so I do.
    Thanks for this opportunity.

  • Joyce Wilson
    June 4, 2016

    My small 5-in-one gauge pleaded with me to get her a big sister. You know, I think they would look up at me from my sewing tool tray and inspire me to more daring sewing adventures. Then they would giggle at my creations from beneath their sliding gauges.

  • vickey Stamps
    June 4, 2016

    love to be a winner. The brother to the smaller slider guage would be so very helpful to me, and this is how I would use it the most often.
    I am a 75 year old with 34% lung capacity but I can sew and so I make two foot tall boy and girl dolls for kids with cancer and other devastating medical issues. To date myself and 4 helpers have sent out 300 dolls, a few overseas as well as here.
    The use of the larger slider guage would be a definite bonus in arranging the multiple layers of lace that go on the skirts. The girls are topsy turvy with the inner doll wearing a nightgown. I embroider the faces.
    boys wear blue jeans, hoodies, t-shirts and overalls.
    all dolls are free including P&H and will stay that way as long as possible, at which time I will discontinue making them.
    To this point in time, I have hate to give up my website dedicated to them because the fees became to much, and decided the paying of postage to mail them out was much more important.

  • Chris W
    June 4, 2016

    I would use it to make circles and for trim and embroidery placement!

  • Debbie
    June 4, 2016

    I do alterations and this would be wonderful for marking hems.
    Thanks for continuing to present great products.

  • Kathy Bickocchi
    June 4, 2016

    I would love to try your new Supervise 5 in1Sliding Gauge. It looks like a very versatile tool.

  • Joyce
    June 4, 2016

    Making circles while quilting ,then using it to measure the straight of grain while garment sewing…and that’s just a couple of uses.

  • LindaC in AZ
    June 4, 2016

    First thing I would use it for would be finding straight of grain. The length is so great that I would probably use it regularly for measuring.

  • Nicole Rodgers
    June 4, 2016

    The very first thing I would use the new gauge for, would be marking pocket placement on my sweat pants pattern…it’s 6-1/4″ from the waist!! My original one is used incessantly in their construction, and any of my other sewing/ home dec projects.

  • Jane Hegy
    June 4, 2016

    This would be so handy for trim placement and marking wide hems on aprons.

  • Pam
    June 4, 2016

    I own the small gauge and would enjoy having the large one as well. I’d use it for grainlines during pattern layout first! I use a see-through ruler now but when I’m interrupted, I forget the measurement I’m using and have to measure again.
    I do wish you would have put metric measurements on the reverse side though. Though most of my patterns still use the English system, others…and my machine itself…are geared toward the metric system.

  • Donna Hoefler
    June 4, 2016

    I would use the circle maker part. I love all the things the 5 in 1 tool can provide, it would be a great addition to my tools.

  • Gail Beam
    June 4, 2016

    I would love to win this fabulous new sewing tool. I would use it to make circles, hemming and home dec projects.

  • Lillian Brownell
    June 4, 2016

    It would be with me continually as I sew. I’m sewing all the time as my hubby is a shut in and we seldom get out. Sewing , quilting, embroidering, crocheting keeps me sane. I measure, measure , measure what ever I’m working on so always have tapes and gauges within my range at all time especially as I quilt.

  • Lillian Brownell
    June 4, 2016

    It would be with me continually as I measure, measure and measure again everything I do. Hubby is a shut in so we seldom get out. I sew, quilt, embroidery crochet and knit. Keeping my hands busy keeps me sane.

  • Patricia Hersl
    June 4, 2016

    You had me at trim placement. I need these.

  • Barbara Snedegar
    June 4, 2016

    This tool is crazy cool!! It’s a good idea made even better. I used to use a tape measure. Then I started using a metal “L” that came in a set of sewing tools. Having both sizes of this tool is like when the rotary cutter came along!!! An awesome invention!!!!

  • Leah OConnor
    June 4, 2016

    I have the smaller 6″ Sliding gauge, I use it all the time. I find it very helpful when placing appliques, to get them in the right spots. A longer version of one of my favorite tools is good news indeed. I have often wished that the 6″ gauge was longer when when hemming. I’m short, so I usually have to trim off a fair amount of fabric to fit my short legs. I see perfect hems in my future.

  • Bonnye
    June 4, 2016

    This tool is amazing. I would use it for many sewing projects, i.e. hems, pattern placement, and circles for my quilts. In addition I would use it for knitting and crocheting..

  • Peggy V
    June 4, 2016

    I have the little brother, must have big brother!!! After all, must keep the family together!!!

  • BevM
    June 4, 2016

    I enjoy using the original Sliding Gauge, and would like to try the Supersize Gauge for t-shirt quilt blocks.

  • Mary Jean Gross
    June 4, 2016

    I look forward to using it to mark hems.

  • Lillian K
    June 4, 2016

    I would try the ruler for making circles. Hadn’t thought of using the ruler for that purpose. I always get such great ideas on Nancy’s Notions.

  • faith king
    June 4, 2016

    I have the little one, love it, and i use it all the time for everything, but if I were to win this drawing, I would want the prize to go to Vicky Stamp for everything she does for others.

  • Lynn
    June 4, 2016

    I would use it for circles.

  • Janet Sabol
    June 4, 2016

    I’d use the new longer sliding gauge for making perfect circles for quilting and finding the grainline in sewing. I can’t wait to get one!

  • Michelle
    June 4, 2016

    Probably my first use would be to measure grainlines and then to use it mark lines for trim. Definitely will be putting this on my shopping list

  • betty edelman
    June 4, 2016

    Trim placement for sure!

  • Berenice
    June 4, 2016

    Now that is what I am talking about!!! I love my little one, but have often wanted a longer one (went so far as taping it to a ruler to get the length I needed!). So many things to do with it, but definitely would help with grain lines on skirts!

  • Alice Cornelson
    June 5, 2016

    I am making pallazo pants, shorts from old jeans and blouses. I have been using a measuring tape, but sure wish I had known about this neat larger tool. It will be great for laying patterns on straight of grain as well as marking the wide leg pallazo and the hems of my new shorts. This will become one of my favorite tools. And, i plan on purchasing one if I don’t win one.

  • Brenda Howard
    June 5, 2016

    I would use it for the straight of grain. I am a quilter but want to start making clothing and I know this will be a game changer for several areas in both.

  • Susan
    June 5, 2016

    The first thing I would use it for would be circles.

  • Delaine
    June 5, 2016

    I would use it for making circles (I need a lot of circles for a quilt I want to make) . Thanks!

  • Missy
    June 5, 2016

    I would probably use the 11″. I am always grabbing a yard stick (which is too big) to measure the grain of my fabric. But I cannot imagine not getting the small one also. But would use the 11″ more I think.

  • Christine
    June 5, 2016

    Love the idea of a larger gauge. I would use it first for larger circles to make the kind of quilts where circles are sewn together and the leftover curved edge is sewn back with decorative stitches.

  • Carol
    June 5, 2016

    Wow! There are so many uses for this tool. I would use it for hemming curtains for my living room and then for every other sewing project!!

  • pgf
    June 5, 2016

    I would use it to make varied size circles and arcs for crazy quilting.

  • pgs
    June 5, 2016

    I would use it to make varied size circles for crazy quilting.

  • KayZee
    June 5, 2016

    I use the original size so often! I think the larger size would be great for measuring grain lines on pattern pieces.

  • Jennice Wilson
    June 5, 2016

    I use my original one so much! Delighted to know she has added the larger size!

  • Nellie
    June 5, 2016

    Thanks for this larger gauge, Nancy! I want to use it for marking accurate lines for adding trims to fashions for myself as well as for my grandchildren. Sew helpful! 🙂

  • Karen McDonner
    June 5, 2016

    Thanks for the larger tool. I have the 6″ and would love to have the larger gauge to do larger projects!

  • Jody
    June 5, 2016

    WONDERFUL ““` I use the 6″ all the time. A longer one is a great idea.

  • Kay
    June 5, 2016

    I have the original size tool but sometimes it is not large enough so would love to have the larger one for quilting and crafting projects.

  • Karen
    June 5, 2016

    I would use the new tool to make a large circumference circle. The 6″ one is a staple in my sewing room!

  • Natalie
    June 5, 2016

    I also am a fan of the original sliding gauge. The “app” I’d most likely use the larger one for: determining grainline! The 2 parallel straight edges would put my mind at ease about whether I’m truly holding the measuring device at exactly 90 degrees to the selvage. I’ve used an acrylic rotary cutting ruler to do this, but this tool looks like it would be less awkward to use. Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Ginger
    June 5, 2016

    So many good ways to use it. I suspect my kids would borrow it to draw big circles.

    June 5, 2016

    Oh, I have a lot of home dec projects left to do. Wish I had this Big Brother when I was doing my huge drapery project. My first use will be as a hem gauge, with the placement of the quick bias close behind. Thanks for make this possible for us.

    June 5, 2016

    Oh, I have a large pile of home dec projects. I can certainly use the BIg Brother as a hem gauge. Wish I had had it when I was doing my most recent drapes – yards and yards and yards of hems. Using it for spacing the quick bias will also be a close second. Thanks for making this available. I remember my mother taking pieces of cardboard from cereal boxes and notching it out to use as a hem or seam gauge. She should have had Nancy.

  • Karen Christensen
    June 5, 2016

    I think I’d try it for marking trims and it would be great for making circles

  • Dotti Giles
    June 6, 2016

    I love this idea! I would use it first for large circles for the crown of my sunbonnets and for shower cap/sleep hats. I would use it for keeping my patterns straight on the grainline.

  • Debbie W
    June 6, 2016

    I would probably use it most to draw quilting lines and to mark for trim application. What a great tool to have!

  • Bev Hancox
    June 6, 2016

    I use the small one ALL the time, the bigger one would have come in handy for heming the 10 curtain panels (30 yards!) I just made for the porch. It would beat the old “tape on the ruler” technique.

  • Carol P
    June 6, 2016

    I would use it a lot for making circles for my quilts.

  • Christina Gonzalez
    June 6, 2016

    I would use the circle making feature.

  • Beverly
    June 7, 2016

    I’d use to mark hems

  • Quilting Jeannie
    June 7, 2016

    I’d love the 5-in-1 tool. How handy for hems and for quilting, to check my blocks. I’d love to win one. Thanks.

  • Quilting Jeannie
    June 7, 2016

    Thanks for the giveaway. I’d love to win the 5 in 1 slide tool. My little one if perfect for hems, but this would be great on quilt blocks.

  • Ell
    June 7, 2016

    Any project with a deep fold-under would go so smoothly.

  • Sherry Laferriere
    June 7, 2016

    Ok, Ok, Ok, I own the 6″ size, and I really need the new 11″ size to make alterations to all the hem’s I need to make on all the dresses, slacks, and yes even my PJ’s. I buy a lot of clothing, and every bit need to be hemmed more than 7″ or 8 , I am only 5′ 10,” and everything I buy needs to get hemmed, even my PJ’s
    P.S. Even petite sizes need some hemming. Ha-Ha.

  • Candice
    June 8, 2016

    Wow – a large one!! I thought the original was great, but can’t wait to get one of these. I would have to go with trim application – I honestly never thought of using it for that, and the large one would be perfect. Can’t beat that circle use, as I’ve had to remake my baby ball pattern a few times, and it uses a half circle shape. (as well as oval)

  • Nancy
    June 8, 2016

    I have the original… would love to make larger circles with the new one!!!

  • Karen
    June 8, 2016

    I would make circles. Please give your freebie to Vicki Stamps, she seems to be sewing for others in need, so she would be a great choice!

  • Martha Hood
    June 8, 2016

    Been watching the small tool thinking of all the ways it would help when trying to get all the sewing and quilting trying to get done- thanks for all the ideas you give, and the chance to receive something like this-

  • Eliza
    June 9, 2016

    I have the original 5 in 1 ruler and use it all the time.
    the large 5 in 1 would be great for hemming

  • Anita Phelps
    June 10, 2016

    I envision a large quilt with LARGE circles in a variety of sizes.

  • Wanda
    June 13, 2016

    I’d use the new supersize 5-1 sliding gauge for many things. The first thing would be aligning the straight grain

  • Karen
    August 24, 2016

    Would love to have this to help with all the hemming and measuring that I do. Thanks ever so much! Happy Sewing to whomever wins this!

  • Linda
    September 9, 2017

    I would love this !! What is the width of the long middle piece ?? any one know ??

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