Simple Simon Guide to Patchwork Quilting Book Tour

Simple Simon Guide to Patchwork Quilting Nancy Zieman Blog

Simple Simon Guide to Patchwork Quilting Book Tour

Simple Simon Guide to Patchwork Quilting Nancy Zieman Blog

Welcome to the Nancy Zieman Blog stop on the Simple Simon Guide to Patchwork Quilting Blog Tour. The first-time quilt authors who also happen to be sisters-in-law, Liz Evans and Elizabeth Evans, are online bloggers and active in Facebook and now authors of The Simple Simon Guide to Patchwork QuiltingRecently, I had the opportunity to interview the authors about their upcoming book.

Meet the Authors:

Simple Simon & Company Nancy Zieman Blog
Q: When did you start sewing/quilting?

Elizabeth—My grandmother bought me my first sewing machine when I was 12, and I began whirling on the machine. I took a long break during high school and college, but I found sewing again as a young mother when I felt part of me was missing. I borrowed Liz’s sewing machine that was still in the box—I was off and running. I call sewing my “thing that I can do everyday that can’t be undone.” It fills my soul.
Liz—I never wanted to sew or quilt or do anything even remotely domestic. In fact I was kicked out of my 8th grade Home Economics class. Later in my 20’s, I cried when my mom gave me a sewing machine for Christmas. (I thought it was the worst gift ever.) But then one night my mom dragged me to a quilt block making class and everything changed! I fell in love with the fabrics and limitless possibilities, and I have been sewing and quilting ever since!
Q: When did you first start brainstorming this creative book collection?
Liz—Elizabeth and I are both former school teachers and avid readers. Once we started our blog, we knew that writing a book was something that we could accomplish together. The book breaks down the basic fundamental quilting block units.
Q: Do you have a favorite quilt block?
Elizabeth—I am partial to the half-square triangle block. They are a simple unit, but they can make some pretty amazing quilts.
HST SimpleSimon
Liz—The basic 9-patch will always have a special place in my heart. It’s the first one I learned to sew together and still use ALL THE TIME!
NinePatch SimpleSimon
Q: What is your favorite project in the book? Ok, you can pick the top two.
Elizabeth—My favorite is the flying geese quilt because we got to use our first fabric line in that quilt. It was a thrill to see it all come together.

Flying Geese Simple Simon

Liz—I love the Ohio Star Chapter. I am named after my Great Grandmother Elizabeth who was known for her beautiful Ohio Star Quilt Blocks. (I even have one of her Ohio Star Blocks framed and hanging in my sewing room.) We were able to use her original treadle sewing machine in the photos of that chapter and I was so happy to have a piece of my family history included there!
Q: My staff and I are particularly fond of the 9-Patch Quilt. Can you give us some insight?

9 Patch Quilt Simple Simon

Liz—We wanted to create a quilt that although simple in construction is visually interesting. We chose a modified Irish Chain pattern, which is a 9-patch block next to a solid block. We’re very happy with the results!
Q: What is next from authors in the world of sewing, quilting, and design? Should we mark our calendars?
Elizabeth—We have been working on our fall fabric lines with Riley Blake Designs. We also do have some other upcoming hush-hush projects!
Q: Any other info you’d like to share with quilters & seamstresses of all skill levels?
Liz—It’s never too late or too early to begin sewing or quilting. Also, don’t strive for perfection. Enjoy the process.
Q: If you weren’t writing sewing books and working on your blog site, what would be your dream job?
Elizabeth—It sounds weird but I always saw myself going to law school. But, I am certainly glad I didn’t; I love this job so much more! 
Liz—I would love to be hired by Disneyland to redesign “It’s A Small World”…that would be SO MUCH FUN!

The Simple Simon Guide to Patchwork QuiltingAbout the Book

Liz and Elizabeth show you how to create 21 quilting projects, each using one of seven different quilt block designs. The projects are contemporary, the instructions are thorough. Here are some of the 21 projects included in the book:

  • Bold, colorful quilts with graphic designs
  • Stunning skirts and accessories
  • Unique home décor, from whimsical wall art to a fabulous fabric basket

The Simple Simon Guide to Patchwork Quilting also includes tutorials to complete for each project, from cutting fabric to attaching binding. Whether you’re new to quilting or are simply looking for inspiration, you’ll be inspired with this stylish approach to a traditional patchwork.
For readers who would like to purchase the book through Interweave, use code SIMPLES to receive 20% off.

Join the Simple Simon and Company  Blog Tour: 

Nancys Giveaway 5 13For a chance to win a copy of The Simple Simon Guide to Patchwork Quilting, please leave a comment below and let us know the name of your favorite traditional quilt block. Interweave Press will give away one book to one US resident in the 48 contiguous states.
Simple Simon Guide to Patchwork Quilting Nancy Zieman Blog

Bye for now,

Nancy Zieman The Blog

Nancy Zieman—author, pattern designer, businesswoman, producer, and national sewing authority—is the host of the popular show Sewing With Nancy, which appears exclusively on public television stations across the United States and Canada. Follow Nancy’s blog at and sign up to receive Nancy’s E-News for the latest news in sewing, quilting, & creating.
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  • Elizabeth Owens
    June 7, 2016

    Nine patch.

  • KathyinMN
    June 7, 2016

    Currently obsessed with the 54-40 or flight quilt block, so I’d say that’s my favorite one today. This books looks interesting, I love their take on the Irish chain.

    • KathyinMN
      June 7, 2016

      *fight ^

  • Pat
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite has to be the LeMoyne star.

  • Kaym
    June 7, 2016

    I love their story and their book looks fantastic and fresh.

  • Sarah J
    June 7, 2016

    I love pinwheel blocks!

  • Gretchen
    June 7, 2016

    The Ohio Star is my favorite for the moment but as I make new things, my world expands and my favorites change, but I do love the complex simplicity of the Ohio Star!

  • Donna Fecteau
    June 7, 2016

    my current favorite is the log cabin.

  • diane c
    June 7, 2016

    I cannot pick just one as my favorite. I would love to make all of them. Just need to find the time.

  • Rosalind Gutierrez
    June 7, 2016

    I favor the 9-Patch.

  • Kathleen Sackett
    June 7, 2016

    This book sounds so exciting and just what I have been
    looking for to improve my sewing and quilting skills.

  • Roxanne Brotsky
    June 7, 2016

    I am recently retired and learned to quilt when I had a grandbaby on the way. So far, I like the 9 patch.

  • Judy Carter
    June 7, 2016

    I love the Ohio Star is my favorite at this time, followed closely by the 9 square.

  • Janet Swanson
    June 7, 2016

    I like the 9-patch.
    (FYI they are sisters-in-law, not sister-in-laws.)

  • Janet
    June 7, 2016

    I love stars of all kinds. The half square triangles are fun and easy to make.

  • Cindy
    June 7, 2016

    The nine patch is really interesting and would like to make that one in a kids version. Love the family connection that runs through the book and the business – very quilting appropriate!

  • Ida Mae Rypkema
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite quilt block is the nine patch because you can do son any things with. You can do things to change it to make it look more contemporary.
    Hugs and Blessings
    Ida Mae

  • Susie
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite block is a churn dash block. Looking forward to having the “Simple Simple Gulde to Patchwork Quilting”.

  • Bonnie Hernandez
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite block is the log cabin. It can be traditional or modern now and is a good pattern for beginners.

  • Sharon L
    June 7, 2016

    My absolute favorite block is the log cabin.

  • Debra
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite is the Dresden Plate. I made several Dresden Plate quilts but after seeing your review of Simple Simon Guide to Patchwork, I’m intrigued by the ‘reverse’ coloration of the traditional Irish Chain.

  • Bessie Curran
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite quilt square is the 9 patch. I am just learning quilting and I can see many different quilts with this one patch. I would like to learn how to make the stars that I see on quilts so that one is next.

  • Sally
    June 7, 2016

    I love the disappearing nine patch…so many great ways to apply this block.

  • Cyndi
    June 7, 2016

    Like so many other quilters, I have many “favorite” quilt blocks. I would have to say “done” is my favorite-lol, which happens to be my favorite type of quilting. I like to complete projects and find I have many that have not gotten to that point. I do enjoy the nine patch and the stars! Thank you for the give away.

  • Glynn Martin
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite is the half square triangle block. They take the “old blocks” and transform them into something “new”, an outstanding idea. I’d love to win a copy of their book!

  • maryellen ronsman
    June 7, 2016

    I’ve always loved the Log Cabin block. I saw a jewel tone log cabin quilt at an Amish quilt auction, and it took my breath away. 25 years later I am addicted to my quilting & my ever growing stash collection.

  • Angel Eagen
    June 7, 2016

    I love the Economy Block for fussy cutting cute centers.

  • Lucy
    June 7, 2016

    Just beginning,so I don’t have a favorite,but would love your book so I could find one.

  • Carla
    June 7, 2016

    Presently I love the Ohio star. Can’t wait to get started on another quilt !

  • Linda Pawlak
    June 7, 2016

    I just love Dresden Plates! Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Judy Hart
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite quilt is the log cabin. I saw an ad in Woman’s Day magazine which stated the quilt could be done in 3 days. This was before templates, rotary cutters or any cutting aid except scissors and rulers. It took me three weeks and I was thrilled. We still have the quilt though it is old and beaten but well enjoyed. I made quilted, insulated panels for our patio door and windows. It was a long project but we enjoy them everyday.

  • Claire Ross
    June 7, 2016

    I like flying geese x

  • Margaret C.
    June 7, 2016

    I like the Ohio Star and the Whirly Gig for busting out the stash.

  • Marti Mogan
    June 7, 2016

    I find myself always saving star patterns and Irish Chains.

  • Marsha T
    June 7, 2016

    I was raised in Ohio and the Ohio Star block has always been my favorite.

  • Kristie
    June 7, 2016

    I haven’t ever quilted, it all seems so intimidating. But I love to look at beautiful quilts that others make.

  • Faye
    June 7, 2016

    Love the Nine Patch, Log Cabin, and Irish Chain.

  • Jan
    June 7, 2016

    Quilting and sewing provide opportunities for creativity which lasts.

  • Viki
    June 7, 2016

    I love modern blocks with lots of colors -all original designs!

  • Michaela
    June 7, 2016

    Flying geese!

  • Bonnye
    June 7, 2016

    I love the log cabin block.

  • Rebecca Pelletier
    June 7, 2016

    I love flying geese but also a modern log cabin.

  • Kay leighty
    June 7, 2016

    I appreciate what can be done with the nine patch, bear paw and half square triangle!!

  • Christine
    June 7, 2016

    I started with the nine patch and enjoy making it up with seasonal fabrics (solids and prints mixed). It evolved into an Irish chain, too. Right now a sudoku puzzle has become the inspiration for color placement. Looking to expand possibilities.

  • Brenda Ackerman
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite block is the Log Cabin Block! There are so many possible layouts that can be chosen with this block to create a fun a fabulous quilt each time!

  • June Jacobs
    June 7, 2016

    I love pinwheel blocks. They are whimsical and give texture/movement to a quilt.

  • Joy Teague
    June 7, 2016

    I like the Dresden Plate and the Nine Patch. Love to
    look at all of the quilts. Thanks for the chance of winning
    the book.

  • Laura
    June 7, 2016

    Right now I am enjoying the Prairie Flower. That could change next week when I try something else.

  • Merri
    June 7, 2016

    Currently it would be the log cabin.

  • Winnie
    June 7, 2016

    Any block with stars!

  • Tina
    June 7, 2016

    Pinwheels are great. So versatile thank you for your inspiration. Love all your helpful hints.

  • Buffy
    June 7, 2016

    I’m obsessed with half square triangles. I’m forever perfecting and trying different techniques and feel like they are forever versatile. It is a block I am can when I am delaying on a project and keep a stack going to make whatever…a bag, a mini quilt, a pouch, etc.

  • Pat
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite block is the log cabin. I can use so many interesting fabrics.

  • Judy Abbott
    June 7, 2016

    Usually my favorite is the one I just finished…therefore my favorite is Storm at Sea.

  • Marlene Fontenot
    June 7, 2016

    I love making baby quilts for my three great granddaughters. So many different blocks can be used and it’s all fun!

  • Sorahart
    June 7, 2016

    I love the log cabin or disappearing 9-patch quilt blocks!

  • Cathy G.
    June 7, 2016

    I love the log cabin block. I you can do so many things with it!

  • Kim
    June 7, 2016

    I love Granny Squares! I have yet to make one, but it’s definitely on my to do list! This book looks so beautiful!

  • Soundra Hill
    June 7, 2016

    I love the Log Cabin. I have always wanted to learn to quilt. I hope I get the chance to one day.

  • Paulette Ransom
    June 7, 2016

    I like the nine patch because you can slice and turn it into so many different designs.

  • Dawn
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite and goto block will always be the 9 Patch.

  • Kathy Fitcher
    June 7, 2016

    I love the 9 patch…versatile and very pretty!

  • Gabrielle Gilbert
    June 7, 2016

    I loved he bold colors and simplicity of the flying geese quilt. I don’t really have a favorite traditional pattern

  • Mary
    June 7, 2016

    I like the nine patch, so many possibilities. This book looks great.

  • Marjorie
    June 7, 2016

    I love the bear paw block, but a close second is the New York Beauty…not really a beginners block, but oh so pretty.

  • CE Denlinger
    June 7, 2016

    Quilting is fun, but often frustrating. I am learning to be precise, but it humbles me often. All tips and suggestions are so welcome.

  • Mary Tague
    June 7, 2016

    Looks like a fun book!!

  • Patty
    June 7, 2016

    Looks amazing.

  • Peg G
    June 7, 2016

    The log cabin block is my favorite.

  • Starla
    June 7, 2016

    Missouri Star is my favorite — I have to make stars!

  • Susan
    June 7, 2016

    Love the resource!

  • Cassy L.
    June 7, 2016

    Right now I am really enjoying making flying geese blocks.

  • Tracy H
    June 7, 2016

    I don’t have just one favorite :), I love so many! I have on my list to do is a Churn Dash, one of my favorites!

  • Kathleen Swinkowski
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite block is the Lemoyne star but I love all the star blocks.
    The book sounds interesting and I would love to win. It.

  • Pam Griffin
    June 7, 2016

    I love Ohio Star!

  • Joyce Comfort
    June 7, 2016

    I love any block with stars!

  • Helen
    June 7, 2016

    There are so many favorites, but right now enjoy doing the Dresden plate, half square triangles and split nine patch quilts. Book sounds interesting and would love to add it to my collection.

  • Kelly P
    June 7, 2016

    I love the nine patch, and I’m really getting into what I think is called the economy block! I’d love to win this book!

  • Jennifer Jepsen
    June 7, 2016

    The book looks interesting. It sound good for teaching my daughter to quilt. She has recently become interested. The Irish chain is the quilt pattern I gravitate to at all the quilt shows.

  • Donna W
    June 7, 2016

    Looks like a fantastic book. Any type of block with a star in it is my favorite.

  • Karen
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite quilt block is the pinwheel.

  • Tonia Jeffery
    June 7, 2016

    I love cathedral quilts. I think they look so lovely.

  • peaceful
    June 7, 2016

    Log cabin.

  • Marnie Pettey
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite block is Drunkard’s Path

  • Kathy E.
    June 7, 2016

    I really enjoyed reading this interview! Especially the advice of not striving for perfection and enjoying the process! I need to remember that more often.
    Even though I am driven towards modern quilting and improv blocks, I love the traditional pinwheel. It always makes me happy! Isn’t that what quilting is all about? 🙂

  • Peggy
    June 7, 2016

    I love the log cabin. This book looks fantastic, thanks for giving us an opportunity to win.

  • craftygramma
    June 7, 2016

    I love the friendship star

  • Martha Hood
    June 7, 2016

    The quilt block I like most is Ohio Star- have not tried it yet- but want to use as main focus in a large quilt- Loved reading your link- thanks for the ideas –

  • Suzanne Bartlett
    June 7, 2016

    Any star pattern, but especially Ohio Star

  • Pam
    June 7, 2016

    I love the Dresden Plate but I have yet to make one!

  • Nancy W
    June 7, 2016

    Difficult to determine a favorite. Quilting has come so far and the new ideas, shortcuts and timesavers are amazing. I love what the girls state about not worrying about perfection. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Their book sounds awesome! Best of luck in all they pursue.

  • DeEtta G.
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite block is the nine patch. It is versatile, and it’s fun to watch the block emerge as you join the fabrics in the rows then rows into the block

  • Florence Dupuis
    June 7, 2016

    It’s a toss up between log cabin and Dresden plate. I also enjoy paper piecing. I have made many different blocks that I enjoyed making like one from Nancy’s book Column Quilts.

  • AS
    June 7, 2016

    I always like the log cabin.

  • Diane Wyte
    June 7, 2016

    I have always loved the log cabin and all variations of it! But I also love flying geese and use them whenever I can!

  • Rita Honz
    June 7, 2016

    It took me a year, but I made a Dresden Plate quilt out of
    Neckties. Turned out great. Love your show.

  • Melody Lutz
    June 7, 2016

    Fenced Rail….my first quilt.

  • T. Johnson
    June 7, 2016

    Thanks for the chance to win this great book.
    Love flying geese. Churn dash, log cabin and many more.
    All quilts represent warmth and love.

  • beth
    June 7, 2016

    I love the nine patch quilt, but my favorite quilt book is by lynn roddy brown.

  • Rhonda D in KY
    June 7, 2016

    Even though I haven’t made one myself, my favorite block/quilt is the double wedding ring. I have the one my mother and grandmother made…my pride and joy!

  • Nancy Cooper
    June 7, 2016

    Mu favorite block is the star shape. Also, I have an amazing amount of leaf material which I love. However, I just want to make quilts for all of my six children and their families. Thanks for all you contribute in the craft of sewing, etc., so that we can make our families happy and our homes beautiful.

  • Nancy Cooper
    June 7, 2016

    The star block is my favorite.

  • Barb
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite block is the Dresden Plate. Everytime I cut fabric, I cut a few Dresden blades, and I will use them for a super scrappy quilt. Thanks for the chance to win their book. I saw them on Love of Quilting.

  • S. Sirhal
    June 7, 2016

    Trying to choose a favorite quilt block is like trying to choose which is your favorite child — love them all!

  • Helen Stewart
    June 7, 2016

    I love the versatility of the HST as it can be used so many ways. I would love to win a copy of the book!

  • Anne Z.
    June 7, 2016

    I love the LeMoyne Star qult block.

  • BevM
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite traditional quilt blocks are the log cabin and the star. My grandmother hand pieced and quilted several works of art using stars and flower garden squares.

  • bobbie Calgaro
    June 7, 2016

    I’ve always loved the bear paw especially when it is made into a flower!

  • Marilyn Moss
    June 7, 2016

    I like the hour glass, its so versitle.

  • Joan
    June 7, 2016

    The first block I ever learned was the 4 patch. I became hooked after that, so the four patch always holds a place in my heart.

  • Edna Marks
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite block is the Dresden Plate, like to fancy it up with lace, ribbon or rickrack around the edge.

  • Jan
    June 7, 2016

    Trip Around the World is the first quilt I pieced and has fond memories for me. Also, my Aunt Ginny pieced a Grandmother’s Flower Garden when she was 12 or 13 years old. When she was in her 50s or 60s, I took the quilt top home with me and had it quilted for her. She did beautiful work on the quilt and was so thrilled to see it completed. My daughter Ginnie (her namesake) now has the quilt.

  • Sandy Uhos
    June 7, 2016

    I love so many, but the ones I’d like to use in the near future are the square in a square. the rose bud, and the Ohio star.

  • Marty
    June 7, 2016

    My favorite is strips sewn diagonally across blocks (sometimes with half-square triangles imbedded) and then put together in various directions or into a kaleidescope medallion.

  • Sandy K
    June 7, 2016

    I am a beginner, my favorite is 4 or 9 patch block.

  • Vicki H
    June 7, 2016

    I like the log cabin block.

  • Christi J - UT
    June 7, 2016

    I love pinwheel blocks.

  • Ola Norman
    June 7, 2016

    Nine patch

  • Margaret LaVenia
    June 7, 2016

    Ohio Star

  • Mom C
    June 7, 2016

    Love log cabins. Thanks.

  • Dee
    June 7, 2016

    Log cabin , there are so many ways to set the block.

  • Brenda
    June 7, 2016

    I love the nine patch.

  • Patricia Foht
    June 7, 2016

    I really like the 9 patch. There are so many ways to change it up and make it look like something else.

  • Judy G
    June 7, 2016

    The first quilt I made was a traditional “Drunkard’s Path”, and it remains my favorite to this day.

  • Lillian K
    June 7, 2016

    Pinwheels and nine patch – oldies but goodies!!

  • Chris
    June 7, 2016

    I love a Granny Square but second would be a Log Cabin.

  • Jean Palionis
    June 7, 2016

    Thank you! I need all the help I can get, and this book looks like the answer.

  • Christine
    June 7, 2016

    Any paper pieced block but a half square triangle block is a close second.

  • Michelle Hall
    June 8, 2016

    I love the double wedding ring, I hope someday to be good enough to make a quilt with this pattern

  • Heidi Story
    June 8, 2016

    I love blocks with half square triangles. I just completed a quilt with a modified Jacob’s Ladder and loved the hundreds of HST’s.

  • Cindy Harris
    June 8, 2016

    My favorite block is the Ohio Star. I like the way is shines.

  • Alice
    June 8, 2016

    I like the nine patch, simple but versatile.

  • Linda Davidson
    June 8, 2016

    I love the log cabin block. The one bed-size quilt I have made so far is a log cabin and it’s on my bed. I can’t wait to do something with Dresden plate, though.

  • Deborah Long
    June 8, 2016

    love the log cabin block the best!

  • Colleen
    June 8, 2016

    The 4 patch block simple

  • Debbie Ahrendt
    June 9, 2016

    Just learning to quilt on my own. I’ve made a quilt out of strips. Don’t know if there is a name for the squares.

  • Dawn
    June 9, 2016

    looks like an easy block, need to look thru my fabric stash to come up with some colors. Thanks for the idea

  • Christine
    June 11, 2016

    Flying geese block is my favorite!

  • Nancy Hilderbrand
    June 11, 2016

    I am still learning so I like the nine patch. It is fairly simple to piece.

  • Carole
    June 11, 2016

    I love, love the log cabin block!

  • Dara
    June 12, 2016

    I love the nine block.

  • Connie Kapferer
    June 13, 2016

    I made a king size ” Irish Chain Quilt ” loved making it. I have helped my Grand daughter make her Grandpa a quilt when he had open heart surgery. What a joy it was to work with her. She was 9 then.

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