Quilt to Give: Step Ten—Binding and Labeling


Quilt to Give: Step Ten—Binding and Labeling

This is it, the final step of creating the Quilt to Give. Bind your creation and add a label, then you’ll be ready to give it away.P6080026.JPG

Now for the final step: Bind and Label Your Quilt

Note: Samples for the binding steps were made from contrasting fabrics. The photos are not from a completed quilt.

1. Prepare binding strips.


Cut eight 2-1/2″ crosswise strips. (5/8 yd.)


Cut nine 2-1/2″ crosswise strips. (3/4 yd.)


Cut ten 2-1/2″ crosswise strips. (3/4 yd.)


Cut ten 2-1/2″ crosswise strips. (3/4 yd.)

•      Stitch short ends of the binding strips, right sides together. Press seams open.

•      Cut one end of the binding at a 45° angle. Fold in 1/4″ at trimmed end.

•      Press a 1/4″ strip of paper-backed fusible web to the folded-under edge of the binding. Leave paper backing attached.IMG 4965

•      Fold binding in half lengthwise, wrong sides together. Press.

2.  Attach binding to the quilt.

•      Meet the binding to the right side of the quilt, starting with the angle-cut end in the center of one side. Stitch binding to quilt with a 1/4″ seam, beginning 4″ from the end of the binding.IMG 4970

•      Prior to reaching the corner, fold the binding at a right angle. Press mark the fold.IMG 4973

•      Continue stitching, stopping at the press mark. Lock the stitch, raise the presser foot, and clip the threads.IMG 4979

•      Refold the binding at the 45° angle, aligning cut edge of binding with cut edge of the quilt.IMG 4984

•      Fold the binding down, meeting binding fold to top edge of quilt and binding cut edge to side edges. Stitch a 1/4″ seam, starting at the folded edge.IMG 4988

•      Repeat the process at the remaining corners.

3. Join binding ends.

•      Remove the paper backing from the folded-under edge of the binding.IMG 4998

•      Insert free end of binding inside beginning of binding so binding is smooth. Unfold binding and trim off excess length.IMG 5005

•      Stitch remainder of binding seam.

•      Press the newly created seam.IMG 5009

4. Fold and press binding away from the quilt. Then fold binding to the wrong side, covering the stitching line and tucking in corners to form miters. Hold binding in place with Wonder Clips or pins.IMG 5018IMG 5019

5. Secure edge of binding by stitching in the ditch from the right side, sewing in the well of the seam through all layers to catch the folded edge on the back of the quilt. Or, hand stitch folded edge in place.IMG 5022



Sharen’s happy to be at the final stage of attaching the binding!

Label your quilt

Your finished quilt deserves a label. Embroider or print a message on fabric; attach to the back of the quilt.


Ta Da! You’re finished. 

Nancy Zieman Quilt to Give

Thank you for following along with the 10 steps. It’s been a pleasant journey with a rewarding end result.

Here’s a review of the links for all the steps:

Step 1—Sort out fabrics from several stashes

Step 2—Cut column strips and center patchy strips 

Step 3—Stitch column lengths

Step 4—Stitch the patchy center columns

Step 5—Create the columns

Step 6—Piece the quilt top

Step 7—Audition borders

Step 8—Add borders

Step 9—Layer and quilt your creation

Step 10—Binding and labeling

Quilt for Others with “Quilt to Give” Learn how to set-up and organize a Quilt to Give Event.

When you make a Quilt to Give, be sure to post photos of your progress and finished quilt at the Sew Along with Nancy Zieman flickr site or on my Facebook page.

The gift is in the giving!

Nancy Zieman The Blog

Content in this feed is © copyright 2013 by Nancy Zieman and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website.


  • sandy
    June 25, 2011

    did you like the project?  I loved the quilt … easy and modern.  Best part was no matching.

    Would you enjoy other Sew Alongs? Yes I loved your sew along.  I’m slightly behind but have saved the instructions.


  • Robbin Jensen
    June 25, 2011

    Yes, this was an awesome project. Please do more like this. My current quilt project is very different from this one, but this gave me good tips and design ideas.

  • Denise
    June 26, 2011

    I have been checking the instructions and this is something I would like to do. Have some solid color jelly rolls that I could use. Would need to change the color scheme a bit but think it would be a way to use them up.
    Yes I would like more of these Sew Alongs. Thanks.

  • Patti
    June 29, 2011

    I would love more sew-alongs. Even though I haven’t started this one yet, I faithfully printed out the pages each day, and picked up a few tips for the quilt wall hanging project I am currently working on. I would love to see more projects like this to sew along with, or keep for a future project! 🙂

  • ChaplainDonnaH
    January 9, 2012

    I’m part of an online Martha Pullen group and we just finished a different quilt-along. I know for sure I want to nominate this one for our next project – bless you for offering clear instructions and pics so a mixed-level group can all enjoy it! My local charitable group, “The Nicholas Project” would also love doing this in different sizes to donate!

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