Quick Column Quilts Heartbeat Table Runner

How To Sew a Heartbeat Table Runner | Quick Column Quilts by Nancy Zieman

Quick Column Quilts Heartbeat Table Runner

How To Sew a Heartbeat Table Runner | Quick Column Quilts by Nancy Zieman
No matter the size—table runner to king—you can sew a quick column quilt in a heartbeat! Colorful accent strips in a variety of widths make up the heartbeat pattern, while the subdued one-color strips add a perfect background for the design. In Nancy’s book Quick Column Quilts you’ll find this design sewn in various sizes up to a queen-size quilt. In this post, we’ve scaled down the design to a table runner size, 24″ x 57″. See all the different ways to adapt this method by watching Quick Column Quilts Part One on Sewing With Nancy.

Create Strip Sets

Prepare assorted scrap fabrics (or fat quarters) and white yardage, by stabilizing all fabrics with spray starch or starch alternative, and then cut:

  • Cut twenty-four to twenty-eight crosswise strips 2″–4″ wide  x 12-1/2″ long.
  • Cut the same number and same widths of background strips. (We chose white.)
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 1
  • Pair printed fabrics with background fabrics.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman A
  • Use 1/4″ seam allowances to join the short ends, right sides together.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 1b
  • Stitch 1/4″ seams at each end of the strip set to create a tube.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 2
  • Stitch strips continuously to save time.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 1a
  • Clip the thread between each strip set.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 1c

  • Press all seam allowances flat to set the stitches. Then, press seams open.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 1d

Determine Heartbeat Layout

  • Fold each tube in half, varying the amount of printed fabric that is visible.
  • Cut the folds of each tube.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 3

  • Sort the cut tubes, leaving the top strip for the top of the heartbeat and the bottom strip for the bottom.

Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 4Complete the Table Runner

  • Stagger the strips for the top and bottom, separately, in an interesting arrangement.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 5

  • Use a 1/4″ seam to stitch pairs of strips for the top half of the heartbeat. Press seams open. Stitch all pairs to create the top.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 4b

  • Use 1/4″ seams to stitch the pairs of strips for the bottom half of the heartbeat. Press seams open. Stitch all pairs to create the bottom.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 6

  • Use a 1/4″ seam allowance to join the heartbeat top and bottom halves, right sides together.
Note From Team NancyWhen pinning the top and bottom halves, keep in mind that the strip sets will not match up and you will not need to concern yourself with matching intersections. This is a very forgiving pattern.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 7

  • Use a stiletto to help guide the seam allowances under the presser foot.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 4a

  • Press the seam open.

Quilting with Decorative Stitches

  • Prepare the quilt for traditional machine quilting. Create a quilt sandwich, layering the quilt top, batting, and backing. Hand baste or pin baste the layers together. 
  • Use color-coordinating thread in the needle and bobbin.
  • Choose a decorative machine stitch. We chose 7-049, a stacked circle design, on our Baby Lock.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 8
Note From Team NancyUse the recommended presser foot for the chosen decorative stitch. Although you are quilting with your sewing machine, you do not need a Walking Foot or a special free-motion quilting presser foot for this technique.
Heartbeat Quick Column Quilts Nancy Zieman 9
  • Begin in the middle of the table runner and work outward. Stitch a single repeat of the decorative motif.
How To Sew a Heartbeat Table Runner | Quick Column Quilts by Nancy Zieman

  • Add decorative stitches at the recommended intervals listed on the batting packaging.

Note From Team NancyWe generally add a decorative stitch every 3″–4″ in random intervals.

Scrappy Binding | Quick Column Quilts | Nancy Zieman

Watch Quick Column Quilts on Sewing With Nancy online.

To watch Sewing With Nancy on your iPad, iPod Touch, or iPhone, download the app.

QuickColumnQuilts SewingWithNancy

Show us What You’re Making! We love to hear from you, so whether youve tried one of Nancy’s Sewing Patterns, or youre planning on stitching a project you’ve seen on Sewing With Nancy or on The Nancy Zieman Productions Blog, share your experiences and photos with us on Facebook or Instagram!
Happy Stitching!
Team Nancy Zieman
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  • KathyinMN
    April 21, 2015

    I won? Oh wow-that’s so AWESOME.
    I was just looking at this post thinking-wow Nancy Z, you sure do have an eye for color. You put these scrappy runners together and they are just stunning.
    Thanks for all the giveaways you do. FUN-I cannot wait to try it out!

  • Carol P
    April 21, 2015

    My favorite colors together are yellow and blue.

  • Virginia Frazier
    April 21, 2015

    Love the idea of quilting with our decorative stitches. We never remember that we have so many on our machine and probably would never use all of them in a lifetime. Thank you Nancy for reminding us what we can do with them. Love quilting with Greens and burgandy colors. And always look for fabrics with a little metallic in them.

  • Kathy
    April 21, 2015

    I love color! Teal or aquamarine with lime and fuscihia or orange. kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet

  • Ilana
    April 21, 2015

    I love to use bright colors and a black background.

  • Sandra Hall
    April 21, 2015

    I have made more quilts with purples and pinks. My daughter, granddaughter and I all love the color purple!!!! For our mother/daughter banquet we wore purple jackets that I had embroidered on the back “Purple Ladies”

  • KayZee
    April 21, 2015

    I love the idea of using a single embroidered motif to “tie” the quilt! My favorite quilt colors are sage green and pastel peach.

  • Pat
    April 21, 2015

    I tend to prefer earth tone colors for my quilts; oranges, browns and tans being my favorites. Thanks for the colorful examples in today’s post.

  • Judith Cushing
    April 21, 2015

    I love green. Earth tones…… I can’t help myself when I am in a fabric store to buy more green. But then I also have many shades of red in my stash…. along with blue, purple, yellow, and orange.. My name is Judy, I am a fabriholic!

  • Nellene Beaton
    April 21, 2015

    I love the old-fashioned colors of Civil War-era quilts.

  • Caroline S
    April 21, 2015

    There just isn’t enough time in my life to sew as much as I want to,,, so many creative ideas I just can’t keep up! 🙂

  • Karen McDanel
    April 21, 2015

    I really like all bright colors on a black background.

  • Diana G
    April 21, 2015

    I love earthy colors, so natural and calming when one is under the quilt and reading a book. But once in a while I go with purples (shades of) red,pinks, with a splash of white/cream depending on what I am making. Black is a good standby as well for me.
    Thanks for the chance to win

  • Norine Mohs
    April 21, 2015

    I really like black and white quilts right now, but I find my favorite color changes when I see another quilt I like.

  • Brenda
    April 21, 2015

    Great ideas.

  • Merle
    April 21, 2015

    My next project will be a table runner in ocean colors to go on the table in our new condo in the Florida Keys!

  • Barb
    April 21, 2015

    Love this quilt. I like to use brights but I need to do something low volume…love that look as well.

  • Joanne P.
    April 21, 2015

    I tend to use bright colors with a white background. I also like black and white prints with the white background. Love the fabric style called Asian/oriental too. The white background makes the colors stand out. Would love to win the book. I got it from the library, but they wouldn’t let me keep it!

  • craftygramma
    April 21, 2015

    Hot pink, turquoise, bright yellow, black or navy, periwinkle!
    But, I already have the book, couldn’t wait!!
    I could use some of your Carefree Curves templates, though…
    just sayin’.

  • Leslie Marling
    April 21, 2015

    Thanks Nancy for sharing. I do many of my projects for others, so I’m usually using their favorite colors, but that’s OK because I can have trouble choosing because of all the beautiful options.

  • Mary L.
    April 21, 2015

    My fav color is blue, but lately I’ve been using a lot of black ‘n white with white ‘n black prints with a pop of something bright.

  • Lydia W
    April 21, 2015

    I am going to have to make 4 of these adorable and quick table runners, one for each of the seasons but first I will make one in my favorite shades of lavender and white. I cannot wait to get started.

  • Cheri Hage
    April 21, 2015

    I have recently found I enjoy a splash of bright or deep shade of purple incorporated into projects. It is a great accent and fun color, no matter what the shade 🙂

  • Kim Harrington
    April 21, 2015

    Great beginners quilt! Excellent stash buster too. Love the fact that you do not need to match any seams!

  • Connie S.
    April 21, 2015

    hi Nancy, love the print fabric blue and gold. I think blue, red and white for July 4th. would be pretty. Put on my to do list.

  • Sharon Harmon
    April 21, 2015

    I love brights against either black or white or even a gray tone.
    I also love black and red together.

  • Starla
    April 21, 2015

    I really love the gray and yellow combination

  • Lori Morton
    April 21, 2015

    I love using bright colors & fun prints in quilts…but do use alot of greens & blues (My 2 fave colors for sure! lol)

  • Lorna Kirby
    April 21, 2015

    I would probably use yellow, blue and white to match my kitchen.

  • Dawn
    April 21, 2015

    No matter how I start out, I usually end up with red in the quilt. It may be just a small accent but it is almost always there.

  • Patricia
    April 21, 2015

    I tend to lean toward Red. I made a red/white quilt which I love. Now I’m designing a scrappy quilt and using all colors.

  • Paula Howard
    April 21, 2015

    My favorite color is blue. So calming for me. I would love to win the book for new inspirations. Thank you for the opportunity.

  • Elaine Williams
    April 21, 2015

    I am currently collecting remnants and fat quarters in reds, pinks and 1950’s aqua.

  • Delaine
    April 21, 2015

    I love to use blue and cream in quilts. Thanks!

  • Allen
    April 21, 2015

    No matter which colors I choose to make a quilts, there is always quite a bit of black in them to “ground” them and make the colors pop .

  • Elaine W
    April 21, 2015

    Red, white, and blue…..always a winner!

  • Susanna
    April 21, 2015

    all colors scrappies

  • Gail Beam
    April 21, 2015

    I like the bright colors like lime green, orange, hot pink, purple, bright yellow, and turquoise. To me, they are the fun colors.

    • Barbara R.
      April 21, 2015

      My favorite colors are cool colors—purple, blue and green. I love the idea of not having to match intersections!

  • GG Bocchino
    April 21, 2015

    My favorite color I like to use in quilts is the various shades of Aqua/Turquoise. Lights, Darks & Mediums and in many hues and complimentary colors.
    Fabulous Table Runner & Great Color composition!
    I love the no matching seams idea- a stress reliever

  • Faye Johnson-Lynch
    April 21, 2015

    My favorite colors are various shades of teal and purple. I find the two together are awesome!

  • pat sendelbach
    April 21, 2015

    Blue, teal, pink and purple!

  • Cecilia Huether
    April 21, 2015

    I just love almost every color, but love the turquoise, purple, lime, orange, some blues. Like this pattern, not having to match seams, great. And yes I do need to use my decorative stitches more often

  • Cecilia Huether
    April 21, 2015

    I love almost every color, but especially the aquas, turquoise, purples, limes, some oranges and blues. Also greens, love this pattern, no matching of seams, wow. Also using the decorative stitches for some of the quilting, I never use those stitches enough,

  • Leigh L
    April 21, 2015

    Like many other commenters, I lean towards teals and turquoises. I love throwing in red, coral, yellow or oranges in with it for even more color pop.

    April 21, 2015

    Love the table runner!

  • Karen
    April 21, 2015

    Bright and colorful fabrics for my grandchildren.

  • Kathy Renz
    April 21, 2015

    My favorite color to use in quilts, my favorite color – period – is blue. It is soothing and beautiful, blends well with other colors, and comes in so many gorgeous variations. Thanks, Nancy, for another fun pattern!

  • HagridsMom
    April 21, 2015

    My all time favorite color would be Periwinkle by Kona or Hyacinth. I love the blue purples and if they were polka dotted – even better!

  • Amy Brant
    April 21, 2015

    No particular fave colors for quilts. Depends on the ultimate use/recipient. Last year I did a king-size in browns, blues & greys for a gentleman. This year I’m leaning to violets, turquoises & whites.

  • Tina
    April 21, 2015

    Currently I like maroon and blue

  • stephanie burroughs
    April 21, 2015

    My favorite color in quilts are bright pinks and teals.

  • Berenice
    April 21, 2015

    Jewel tones on black. Or since I have 3 girls, pinks and purples!!

  • Deanna
    April 21, 2015

    I love blues, pinks, yellows, purples.

  • Kathy Parks
    April 21, 2015

    Can’t wait to try this in Peach, Aqua & Cream to match my dishes. Have to do one for Christmas too…

  • Jennifer Fried
    April 21, 2015

    Pink florals, blue florals, lavender floral, and light lime green solid. Jenny

  • mary
    April 21, 2015

    Ocean shades, blues, greens;)

  • Bonnie
    April 21, 2015

    Purple and green are my favorite colors to use in a quilt.

  • kathy
    April 21, 2015

    I have fallen in love with lime green with black and white. Funny how our color choices change over the years.

  • Gloria
    April 21, 2015

    I just love reds! Blues and yellow often add that punch of color contrast for me. I really like the ideas in Column Quilts. Thanks!

  • Jan Larson
    April 21, 2015

    I am from Mi . So green and white for Mi State Univ . They are favorite colors. But I alway but a little gold in my quilts, mug rugs, table runners. I also DVR your program every week so I don’t miss any programs.

  • Deb T
    April 21, 2015

    I have red, green and black (watermelon colors) that I have been thinking of using on this column quilt, since I saw the show. They are so fresh and bright!

  • Candice
    April 21, 2015

    I love the varying shades of pinks/blues/greens with a pop of a deep, bright purple or teal (depending on the main colors used), or a saturated, intense color of one of the quilt colors.

  • Chris Reeske
    April 22, 2015

    My favorite colors currently are black and white, with a pop of lime green.

  • Kay Bennett
    April 22, 2015

    First I want to make one in red, white and blue to celebrate this great place we call home!

  • Kris
    April 22, 2015

    Very cute table runner! Thanks!

  • Sharon
    April 22, 2015

    My favorite color combination – for flowers in my garden, for decorating, for clothing – is lavender, pink and white. But I’m a color gal, so there really isn’t a color I don’t love and use!

  • Gail Davenport
    April 22, 2015

    Right now I’m into turquoise and lime green, which I’ve done in a modern quilt and will soon do in a more traditional pattern.

  • Meichele Juve
    April 22, 2015

    I would use purple, yellow, white and green . Of course it would be variations of these colors, when using them together they are very refreshing.

  • Eunice
    April 22, 2015

    the colors you used reminds me of the pretty spring flower colors like the tulips and daffodils. i like using light colors in my sewing and quilting projects.

    • Meichele Juve
      April 23, 2015

      Exactly, refreshing and calming….

  • Marianne Wilson
    April 23, 2015

    This looks like a perfect pattern for a lap quilt for my 26 and 30 year old grandsons. I would love the book.

  • Dawn Walton
    April 23, 2015

    the quick column quilts look like great fund. I have many many scraps which would be fun to use. Would love to make one. Will add it to my list. Thanks

  • Annie
    April 23, 2015

    I would love to make this with bright colors and white background.

  • HMOE
    April 24, 2015

    It is yellow, pink an orange…with a splash of bright blue…for me!

  • Barbara Palmatier
    April 25, 2015

    Love those column quilt ideas. Table runner..never would have thought of that! I like a rainbow of bright colors.

  • silvana from Brazil
    April 25, 2015

    I loved it. Becomes really easy!

  • Rose Edwards
    April 25, 2015

    I love the rich colors of batiks, think this would be stunning in teals, purples and blues.

  • Diane S.
    April 25, 2015

    I really want to try this. I have your original “columns” book in my SWN collection!

  • Sharon Davis
    April 26, 2015

    Really like the original column quilt book. Am sure I would enjoy this one also. Thanks so much for your inspiration!!

  • Dawn
    August 13, 2015

    i am really liking the grey’s and yellows. Looks real modern. Also like the scrappy look.

  • Quilting Jeannie
    September 5, 2016

    I love the yellow gray and white, but I also love red white and blue combinations.

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