Preview Nancy’s Spool Quilts Pattern
Nancy’s Spool quilt block first appeared when I was writing the No-Hassle Triangles book. The block really spoke to me. After receiving a gift certificate for a barn quilt, from my mother, a larger-than-life version of this block hangs on our fourth-generation family barn. Read more about the barn quilt, here. This design is the inspiration for the Nancy’s Spool Quilts pattern. It‘s a fun traditional quilt to sew in two different sizes. Learn how to create the Nancy’s Spoolsignature block using half-square triangles (HSTs) and quick-piecing methods.
Get your copy at Nancy’s Notions, or grab the quilt kit!
The quilt design features yardage from my debut fabric line, Garnet by Penny Rose Fabrics, a division of Riley Blake Designs. Make the quilt using Garnet or sew the design in your favorite light, medium, and dark fabric values.
The steps to make half-square triangles couldn’t be easier. Use your favorite HST method or use the precise No-Hassle Triangle Gauge. Here’s a quick overview. Of course, more detailed instructions can be found in the pattern.
Step 1. Mark
- Set the gauge to the desired block size.
- Place the No-Hassle Triangle Gauge on the cut squares.
- Mark the diagonal line with a non-permanent marking pen.
Step 2. Stitch
- Stitch 1/4″ from the diagonal line, along the left side.
- Chain piece multiple pairs of blocks.
- Clip threads between pieces.
Step 3. Cut and Press
- Using rotary cutting tools, cut each square along the marked diagonal line.
- Press seam allowances towards the darker fabric.
Assemble the Quilt
- Arrange the required HSTs as described in the Nancy’s Spool Pattern.
- Sew pairs of blocks together to form rows.
- Sew rows together to create the Nancy’s Spool Quilt block.
Sashing and Cornerstones
The Nancy’s Spool Quilt pattern gives detailed instructions for cutting and assembling the sashing and cornerstone pieces for the quilt. These units are used to frame the 20 quilt blocks to create the design. If you don’t already have your copy of the Nancy’s Spool Quilts pattern, get it today at Nancy’s Notions. Are you looking for a downloadable pdf pattern? Find the e-pattern at QuiltWoman.com.
To see a more detailed demonstration of the No-Hassle Triangle Gauge, watch the following episodes:
Watch No-Hassle Triangles (Part One and Part Two) on Sewing With Nancy online.
For a chance to win a copy of Nancy’s Spool Quilts pattern and No-Hassle Triangles Gauge from Clover, please leave a comment sharing what quilt size you most frequently create.
The randomly selected winner of a Carefree Curves Template Set from Clover is Sally Ann. Her comment was, “I easily have half a dozen orphan blocks….turning them into pillows is a great idea!”
The randomly selected winner of a copy of my new McCall’s M7548 Knit Top, from The McCall Pattern Company is Becky Payne. Her comment was, “How much fun to make my own knit clothing with my new Ovation!! I can’t wait to try it!”
Bye for now,
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Marsha Dimond
I make a lot of twin to king sized quilts. I love the calm feeling I get while chain piecing hundreds of pieces and I love Nancy’s version of the spool block!
Stacie Pinkston
I am working on my first quilt now. I love learning different techniques from Nancy!
i make a lot of lap size quilts as giveaways. Also do bed size for family and friends. This is a great spool pattern. <3
Laura Smith
Lap size is the usual size quilt that I make. But these days I call it grandkid size.
Mary K Bell
I make full and queen size quilts, and I have completed one King.
Mary K Bell
I enjoy working on all sizes. I work at adapting them to fit my beds.
Ennis A
I’m new to Quilting and this looks like a great beginner quilt. I’ve wanted to begin with some lap quilts for a local nursing home. Thanks for more inspiration!!! I love this Spool quilt pattern.
I like this Sppol quilt! I usually make either nap or twin sized quilts. Thank you!
Carol Ballard
I have been quilting since the 90s and love your shows. I want to work on your Dresden table toppers as have had the directions and templates for a while now. I make mostly baby quilts but have gone as far as king. My own quilting is done on my home machine.
Mary Brock
I usually make queen size or I “add” to lap size or make a smaller queen size to something close to full size “lap” quilt. My favorite size is between 80-86 inches. The men in our family are all over six feet tall so when they wrap up on couch to watch tv they need something bigger than a traditional lap size. I want my quilts to be loved and well used!
Donna Fecteau
Recently, I have been making a lot of lapsize and baby quilts.
I make mostly small throw size quilts, but did I manage to finish a king size for my husband’s and my bed last year! Love Nancy’s sewing shows!
Barb Steinmetz
I mostly make baby or twin size. I do make a lot of wall hangings & table runners also. Love this block and can see me making a twin qulit & maybe a matching wall hanging
Karin Wightman
My favorite size is lap quilting. Small enough to finish fairly quickly and designs that can challenge me creatively. Love the spools design. It would look terrific as a wall hanging in my sewing room.
I love your spool pattern, especially in your garnet fabics (although the blue is very pretty too). I’d love to make a wall quilt for my sewing room in this pattern.
As far as my favorite size, table runners and toppers are my favorite since I can try out a lot of patterns quickly. Next are baby and wall quilts, lap quilts and finally twin size. I’ve made a couple queens, but since I quilt them myself on my sewing machine, they really are too unwieldy and not enjoyable for me.
Carol Burns
I usually make queen size quilts, with a few king size thrown in as that is the size of beds most of my kids have. I have been making more full size for the grandkids now. I’ve loved the spool quilts since I first saw them. I want to make one for my bed.
Carol Netzler
The spool quilt is very pretty. Thanks for showing it in different colors. I usually make lap or twin size quilts. I have many unfinished lap quilts. Those are my someday projects.
nancy lewis
I have discovered that I can make more quilts by making the throw size. This size lets me try out the color combo and pattern, and I don’t get bored before I’m done. Saying that, I also make queen sizes, because I just can’t help myself!! I would love to win this great giveaway!!
I enjoy making twin size quilts for our local Safe House. They are an adaptable, useful size .
Because most of the quilts I make are for a Woman’s Shelter, I usually make baby or child size quilts.
Lillian K
I most often make twin & throw size quilts. (some for charitable causes & others for personal use & gifts) the spool pattern looks fun to make.
I usually create queen-size or tabletop quilts. However, after seeing this design, I’d like to make the Nancy’s Spool pattern in a miniature to hang in my sewing room using tiny half-square triangles. 🙂
diane c
The size I make most often is what I call TV watching size. Just enough to cover up with when watching my favorite TV shows.
barbara J
I’m new to quilting and make all queen size to fit my bed. I want to enjoy them.
I am a beginner and love all the stuff sent to me the thread spools is great and I will try it
mostly small projects that i do bags lap robes and shawls most for charity
love helping others been thru enough myself Happy Quilting
Erma W
The traditional blocks are my favorite. I love this traditional spool pattern with a bit of a twist to it. Most of the quilts I make are Lap size or table toppers.
Joanne P.
I like to make quilts about 45 x 60. Good size for kids/lap/wall hanging, and I enjoy quilting that size on my domestic sewing machine.
After making several queen size quilts, I am downsizing to lap size or smaller.
Cindy M
I so look forward to your blog posts, always something new for me to learn! I’d have to say the size I make most is either an oversized throw or kennel quilt size. I’ve yet to make myself anything (which would be larger!!) and everything I’ve made so far has either been donated to charity or given as gifts. Maybe one of these days I’ll keep something for myself??
lstangl482 at aol dot com
Tamie Kassner
I make mostly twin to full size with some lap size quilts. Have been trying lots of new techniques lately and am really enjoying it.
Great pattern… baby quilt and lap size most often
Shirley Clark
I mostly make small quilts or lap quilts because of limitations with my shoulder. I love any kind of quilts though!
Joyce D'Agostino
I usually make baby or twin sized quilts. The Triangle gauge from Clover looks like a great tool to help speed up the quilt design.
Eileen Girens
Since I have seen the Spool Quilt on my niece’s wall, I have wanted to make one. Your pattern is the one I will piece. Jane is a good friend that does the long arm quilting for my large quilts. My favorite size is the double/queen, also I donate a lap quilt to our Guild each year for local head start & Veterans. Last Sept., I was so happy to meet you & your husband at my first PBS Madison show.
I’m just starting out. I really don’t have a certain size. Made a t-shirt quilt and charm quilt. working on a mug rug now. Thanks Nancy for the opportunity to win.
Susan Spiers
Lap size for me, as I am still working on my domestic sewing machine-I am a beginner! Thank you, Susan
carolyn montgomery
i make a lot of baby quilts and wall hangings; and unless the quilt is for a specific use i just make whatever size the pattern is written for and always find a place or a use for the quilt whatever size it turns out to be.
Gretchen Uhas
I am still working – self employed – so I don’t have time to devote to a full quilt. My solution is to make table toppers & runners. This Spool Quilt would make a great runner.
I like to make baby and lap size quilts. Love the spool pattern.
Barbara gearin
Love the spool quilt, I would my one in a twin size to take to quilt camp.
I create a lot of lap size quilts. They are useful as gifts for all occasions – even baby quilts i love the spool pattern you just sent directions for.
I make a lot of baby or lap quilts for charity and twin to queen for family gifts. I really like your method of using HST for the spool block.
Dottie Macomber
I’ve never made a spool quilt but have always wanted to- this looks like a good way to make one!
I tend to make lap quilts, since I work on a domestic machine- that size is just easier for me to wrangle!
Jackie T
I prefer to make lap size as it gets done faster than a queen size and is just as usable. Also less worry about the quilt fitting in with someone’s decor.
Mary Anderson
I am usually making a twin size. All graduating seniors at our church get a quilt. If I’m working on something for myself, it will be queen size
I agree with most of the others! For some strange reason the lap size tends to get finished, and the larger quilts usually end up in the to-do pile. Love the spools. Perfect for my sewing room.
Gina M
Quilt size is usually determined by the recipient. Recently I gave a larger-the-lap size quilt for a friend in the hospital with cancer. It magically changed the entire mood of the room, the conversation of staff/visitors, etc. I would like to make a stash of that size quilt for spontaneous gifts to friends in a medical crisis.
I usually make at least a twin size quilt. The family members are all over 6 feet tall, so anything smaller just won’t cover us !
I am not too far along in my quilting adventures…I have made an almost queen size, a twin size, and some oddly shaped rag-a-muffin quilts (oddly shaped as in animal shapes!) I love to quilt, but finding time to do it is the real mystery! Thanks for sharing your knowledge, Nancy!
jenny boettcher
Queen Size: As you can wrap your whole body in it…….if needed; when its not on the bed.
Absolutely love the blue spools quilt. The fabric is subtle yet very striking in the pattern. Usually make queen size quilts. But try to make a baby quilt for the babies born in the valley.
I like to make lap quilts, or elongated (not square) lapquilts for couples to snuggle under together.
Priscilla Snider
Love the spool pattern. Have only made a few pieced quillows and some rag quilts. Retiring in August. Hope to get some quilts done then!!
Sharon Kirry
I love this pattern, especially the blue version. I like the use of half square triangles and color to make the pattern.
I am rather new to quilting so I have only made lap quilt or wall hanging size quilts. I haven’t had the courage yet to start a bigger project. This just might be the one for me to move up. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful pattern and notions.
I enjoy lap sized quilts and smaller. I love the blue and gold quilt colors.
Valerie Thompson
I’ve made two queen size quilts and I’m working on my first lap quilt for my husband it’s a memory quilt. I really hope he likes it. I’ve been wanting to buy your hst tool to learn how to make hst
Mary Esser
I love this pattern. Most of the quilts I have made, are baby quilts and twin size quilts, which end up on the couch for a lap quilt.
I usually make queen size quilts.
Peggy V
My favorite size quilt is lap size. Easy to quilt on my DSM!!!!
I generally make king size quilts. All of my family have king sized beds and so the daunting task of large quilts. Also my husband keeps saying it is not big enough if I do not make king quilts.
Well looks like I hit the wrong button. Sorry about that
I generally make king size quilts. All of my family have king sized beds and so the daunting task of large quilts. Also my husband keeps saying it is not big enough if I do not make king quilts.
Linda Edwards
I make more baby size than any other. Love this pattern!
I haven’t made a full quilt yet, but this one would be perfect…spools….seamstress!!! I love the colors you used!
Diana W.
Most of the time, the quilts I’ve made are either baby-sized quilts, or around the twin size. Our quilt group makes and donates several quilts a year to Haven or a group helping young mothers. This looks like a pattern simple enough for even our beginners, and yet enjoyable by the more experience quilters. I haven’t made any spool blocks yet, so this would be a new experience for me, too.
Mary Green
I most often make lap size quilts as gifts tho in between those I make baby charity quilts that run about 40″ square.
Detra Braymen
I love to make twin bed sized and smaller- wall hangings, baby size and throws! They go quicker and I feel more accomplished when I can finish something timely!!
Guillermina Runge
I mostly make baby quilts for Alpha House and laps for cancer patients and vets. I haven’t done queen because it’s too big for me to handle (I’m a little person, LOL).
Vela Lloyd
Due to disability in my arms and hands my most common size to sew is a “throw” size…hard for me to manage anything larger with my sewing space…Best feeling ever though when I complete a throw quilt..as usually a gift …
beth d.
I mainly make lap size quilts. I would love to make this quilt. I hope I win the pattern and tool.
Florence Dupuis
I think I make the most baby quilts. I would love to have the no hassle triangle gauge as I make a lot of quilts with triangles in them.
Diane Carter
I most often make queen size quilts.
Edna Marks
Have finished 2 twin size quilts, have queen size that I’m cutting out now.
Brenda Owen
I have done baby quilts, queen size, king and I am getting ready to do a California king, so it will fit our bed.
Sharon P
I most commonly make lap size. They are just perfect for curling up on the couch.
Roberta A.
I’ve only made a couple of memory quilts for my children after my husband died. The spool quilt would be nice to try.
Traci Y
After getting a new Babylock machine I have been exploring FMQ. I started with some table runners but now moving into lap/throw size quilts. I have several in process.
Sharon Dvorak
Although I don’t plan it, I seem to gravitate towards twin size. Maybe I like the smaller yardage requirement. Who knows.
Deb Wallace
I make all sizes! Love the spool quilt. The blue one is my favorite color combo.
I have made personalized wall hangings and baby quilts to hive as gifts. I have been intrigued with the Spool Quilt pattern since Nancy originally showed us her barn quilt.
I usually make baby quilts because I love to give hand made gifts but I am almost finished with a full size quilt. I will probably get it finished this year. Maybe. I love the spool quilt.
We have dropped down from full size to twin or an overdue throw and always baby quilts. Babies are sew much fun to see for.
Kathleen Renz
Most of the quilts I’ve made have been lap-sized. They are manageable with my busy schedule. However, I will be moving into a new home soon and aim to make at least one quilt for each bed in its new bedroom.
I have been looking for the no hassle triangle gauge with no luck and I really, really like the spool quilt. Please pick me!
Mary Ronan
I love this spool quilt…it makes the spool really pop! I love all clover products too…have not tried this ruler yet.
Nancy Runnels
Love the spool quilt. And I can see that block mixed up with a sewing machine and pin cushion and scissors. You make me think and create. Most of the quilts make are king. We are very tall family!
Vicky Griffin
I am working on my first quilt, and it will be a throw. I have found that sewing the pieces and pressing is so fulfilling, especially compared to trying to cut the pieces accurately. Thanks for sharing your vast knowledge…… and the link to your great barn quilt story!
Mary Ellen
Usually I make baby quilts and lap quilts. The design of this spool quilt is easy to see and really stands out especially in red.
Gail Beam
I have only made one twin quilt. Most of my quilts have been baby quilts. Thank you for a chance to win Nancy’s spool quilt pattern and the No Hassle Ttriangle
Linda Barnes
I just took a King size to the quilter today and have another to put together. But have made baby, wall hangings and runner. I love this quilt so will have to make it when some of my other UFO’s are done. Thanks for the chance to win can’t wait to get it. good luck all
Linda M.
Mostly throw size with a few queen sizes thrown in for good measure! ha!
Jean Long
I made a wall hanging with 4 spool blocks years and years ago, I actually hand quilted that one. I have always loved that pattern. Seeing what you have done to simplify the process makes me want do make one for my couch to cuddle under. I usually make big quilts but the last few weeks have have been working on some baby quilts. I jst love the creative process of selecting colors but I love the Red on you made. Thanks Nancy!
Michelle Hall
Just starting to quilt so the few things I have made were baby or lap quilts
Julie B
I have a desire to try different patterns, which are usually twin or full size. If I want it for my bed I increase the pattern to make a queen. I really like this spool quilt pattern, and plan on trying it out sometime in the future.
Yolanda StClair
I usually make queen suze quilts. If I am giving a gift quilt I make it a twinn size quilt. I am loving that spool quilt. This blog is great! Having fun with 2017 BOM quilt..
Cindy Hoover
Mostly do lap to twin size, but love to make all sizes. Thanks for your great inspiration Nancy.
Susan L
I make a lot of wall hanging size quilts. I love learning new techniques and wall hanging sizes are easier to complete.
I like to make lap size quilts for snuggling or as an extra layer on the bed.
Jennifer Reinke
Love this block, and your tips always! I tend to make more lap quilts, as I can’t wait to finish the one I’m working on to start another. Thank you for the chance to win
I make a lot of crib size quilts for charity.
Patti Serenko
Greetings. Though still a beginner at lap to twin size quilts, I am progressing to bigger projects. I would like to do a wall size spool quilt for my sewing room first then a full size for my antique iron bed.
Just a beginner with lap and twin quilts. But want/need to make queen and king size quilts. Nancy’s Spool would be perfect with a set of fabrics I have for a king quilt for my bed. Finally, might make something for me!