No-Hassle Triangles Summer Table Runner Sewing Tutorial

No-Hassle Triangles Summer Table Runner Sewing Tutorial at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog

No-Hassle Triangles Summer Table Runner Sewing Tutorial

No-Hassle Triangles Summer Table Runner Sewing Tutorial at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog

Make an easy-to-sew table runner (or wall hanging!) with a few fabric rectangles & squares, half-square triangles, quarter-square triangles, and Team NZP’s FREE! No-Hassles Triangles Summer Table Runner Sewing Tutorial – below. With our step-by-step directions, and timesaving sewing tools, we’re confident you’ll add the No-Hassle Triangles Summer Table Runner to your stitching projects to-do list.

Made in the same style as the quilt projects featured in Nancy Zieman’s Quick Column Quilts book, the triangle blocks and column strips(fabric rectangles & squares) make for a fast, easy, and no-hassle assembly of this 21″ x 56-1/2″ table runner.

Tools, Fabrics, and Supplies:

Cutting Directions:

Green Fabric:

  • Cut one 21″ crosswise strip (backing).
  • Cut one 10″ crosswise strip (backing).
  • Cut one 5-1/4″ crosswise strip  (triangles).
  • Cut one 4-7/8″ crosswise strip (triangles).
  • Cut six 4-1/2″ crosswise strips (background).

Subcut the following  from the six green 4-1/2″ background strips:

  • Subcut four 4-1/2″ x 4-1/2″ squares.
  • Subcut ten 4-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ rectangles.
  • Subcut two 4-1/2″ x 10-1/2″ rectangles.
  • Subcut four  4-1/2″ x 18-1/2″ rectangles.
  • Subcut one  4-1/2″ x 20-1/2″ rectangles.

See green fabric Cutting Diagram Below:


Navy Blue Fabric:

  • Cut one 4-7/8″ crosswise strip (triangles).
  • Cut one  5-1/4″ crosswise strip (triangles).
  • Cut four  2-1/2″ crosswise strips (binding).

First Step, Building the Half-Square Triangle Units



  • Set theNo-Hassle Triangles Gauge to 4-1/2″ block size on the left side of the gauge.  The left side notes Half-Square Triangle sizes. The gauge tells you what size blocks to cut, 4-7/8″.

1 HSTGaugeSettings

  • Cut 4-7/8″ crosswise strips of green and blue. Layer a 4-7/8″ green strip on a 4-7/8″  blue strip and cut six square pairs, measuring 4-7/8″ x 4-7/8″.



  • Use a 1/4″ presser foot as a guide to stitch 1/4″ from the right and the left sides of the marked line.


  • Chain piece these half-square triangle shapes. Stitch one set of squares right after another. After creating a long “chain,” simply clip the threads to separate the units.



  • Take the stitched units to the rotary cutting mat and cut the two halves apart along the marked line.
  • Open and press the seam allowances to the darker blue side.

Second, Create Six Quarter-Square Triangle Units

9 QtrSqGaugeSettings

  • Set the No-Hassle Triangles Gauge to 4-1/2″ block size on the right side of the gauge.  The right side notes Quarter-Square Triangle sizes. The gauge tells you what size blocks to cut, 5-1/4″.
  • Cut 5-1/4″ crosswise strips of green and blue. Layer a 5-1/4″ green strip on a 5-1/4″ blue strip and cut square pairs, measuring 5-1/4″ x 5-1/4″.
  • Place a blue and green square under the gauge and mark the diagonal line.
  • Stitch 1/4″ from the marked line, following the guidelines for the Half-Square Triangle Units, in the first step, above. Cut the units apart and press. These blocks should measure 4-7/8″ x 4-7/8″.
  • Lay one Half-Square Triangle block on another, matching right sides. It is important that the diagonal lines lock. You’ll feel this “lock” as the seams meet.


  • Set the No-Hassle Triangles Gauge to 4-1/2″ on the left side of the gauge.
  • Mark a diagonal line, perpendicular to the seamline.
  • Use a 1/4″  presser foot as a guide to stitch 1/4″ from the right and left sides of the marked line.


  • Chain piece the three units, stitching one right after another.
  • Use rotary cutting tools to cut the units apart.
  • Press the Quarter-Square Triangle Units.

Third, Arrange Table Runner Rows

  • Arrange the table runner into rows as detailed below.
  • Stitch the pieces using 1/4″ seam allowances.

16a Layout2

  • Assemble the runner by joining the rows to each other, using 1/4″ seam allowances.
  • Press the row seam allowances in one direction.


After all five rows are stitched, the No-Hassle Triangles Table Runner top is complete.

Create Backing

Cut the backing piece measuring 10″ x 42″ into two pieces measuring 10″ x 21″ each. Use those two pieces and the larger piece, 21″ x 42″ to assemble the table runner back as described below, using  1/4″ seam allowances.


Quilt and Finish the No-Hassle Triangles Summer Table Runner


The Ultimate Quilt ‘n Stitch Presser Foot by Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC for Clover

New! The Ultimate Quilt ‘n Stitch Presser Foot designed by Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC for Clover! An all-new presser foot with a built in stitch alignment ruler for guiding rows of parallel stitching. The New! Ultimate Quilt ‘n Stitch Presser Foot is ideal for parallel-line straight stitching, topstitching, and straight-line machine quilting! Premiering today at the NZP Blog!

  • Trim away excess batting and backing fabric.
  • Join the 2-1/2″ crosswise strips of  blue binding fabric, end-to-end, using 1/4″ seam allowances.
  • Press the binding strip in half, lengthwise.
  • Bind the table runner, using your favorite technique. Or, use Nancy Zieman’s Easy quilt binding instructions.


 NEW! Make our No-Hassle Triangles Summer Table Runner, with our NEW! Exclusive No-Hassle Triangles Ruler!

NEW! No-Hassle Triangles Ruler by Nancy Zieman Productions Available at

NEW! Create solid square quilt blocks, 1/2 -square quilt blocks, and ¼-square triangle quilt blocks from easy fabric squares – cut with a rotary cutter and our NEW! Exclusive No-Hassle Triangles Ruler!

Team NZP’s NEW! No-Hassle Triangles Ruler makes five different block sizes – for both 1/2- & 1/4-square triangles: 2-1/2″, 3-1/2″, 4-1/2″, 5-1/2″, and 6-1/2″.

Reference the convenient markings on the NEW! No-Hassle Triangles Ruler for cutting solid square quilt blocks, 1/2-square triangles, and 1/4-square triangles.

  • Solid Square Quilt Block Cutting Lines are marked on Ruler in GREEN.
  • 1/2-Square Quilt Block Cutting Lines are marked on Ruler in PURPLE.
  • 1/4-Square Quilt Block Cutting Lines are marked on Ruler in AQUA.

NEW! No-Hassle Triangles Half-Square and Quarter Square Quilting Ruler available at

Note From Team Nancy Zieman ProductionsThe brand-new No-Hassle Triangles Ruler is available exclusively at! Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC


NEW! No-Hassle Triangles Ruler and  at!

NEW! No-Hassle Triangles Ruler by Nancy Zieman Productions Available at

No-Hassle Triangles Gauge by Nancy Zieman for Clover Available at

Queen Size Nature's Touch Batting available at ShopNZP.comSchmetz Chrome Quilting Needles available at ShopNZP.comSchmetz Quilting Needles Assortment available at ShopNZP.comErasable Gel Frixion Pen Set available at ShopNZP.comQuarter Inch Quilting Foot Low Shank available at Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC

SHOP our NEW! Books & Patterns and Exclusive Bundle Boxes at

Exclusive Bundle Boxes and Kits available at

ShopNZP url lockup e1588723910112

SHOP Machine Embroidery Notions and Tools at

Machine Embroidery Supplies available at Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC

Shop Elastic, Cotton Webbing, Zippers & More at

Elastics, Trims, and More available at Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC

Shop Clover Tools & Sewing Supplies at!

Shop Clover Notions and Shop Clover Sewing Tools available at ShopNZP Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC

Shop Pellon Interfacing & Supplies at!

Shop Pellon Peltex, Interfacing, and Batting at Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC

Shop Schmetz Sewing Machine Needles at!

Shop Schmetz Sewing Machine Needles available at

NEW! Watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 118 No-Hassle Triangles in Quilts

NEW! Watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 118 No-Hassle Triangles in Quilts! Join Deanna as she demonstrates Nancy Zieman’s No-Hassle methods of cutting, marking, and stitching 1/2-square or 1/4-square triangles – without ever cutting a triangle, or guessing at the sizes! Plus see a gallery of quilt blocks and find inspiration for your next quilting project.


Nancy Zieman Productions The Blog Giveaway

S!S 5-inch Fabric Squares Short Stack with Stitch it! Sisters Sticker and Button Giveaway at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog

For a chance to be the random winner of a Stitch it! Sisters 5″ Fabric Squares Short Stack with S!S Button & Sticker, please leave a comment below sharing plans for your next/current quilting project. Nancy Zieman Productions will give away one Stitch it! Sisters 5″ Fabric Short Stack to one US resident in the 48 contiguous states. Winner must reply within 30 days to the official giveaway announcement email message – sent from Nancy Zieman Productions.

Celebrate Summer Sewing!

Team Nancy Zieman

Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.


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  • Lorna
    July 21, 2020

    I am planning a fall table runner for my daughter.

  • Susan Du
    July 21, 2020

    Currently finishing up a Christmas tree skirt and will then make a fall table topper for my mom and dad to enjoy.

  • BevM
    July 21, 2020

    I am trying to decide what to sew for a house warming gift. I will probably trim &/or embroider towels.

  • Ann West
    July 21, 2020

    I am working on an applique quilt with a Once Upon a Time theme (castle, princess, knight, dragon, crowns,wands, etc.) for my grandsaughter’s fifth birthday. It has been so much fun to make. I can’t wait to see her face when I give it to her. Thanks for the opportunity!

  • Joyce Migliore
    July 21, 2020

    I want to make a summer table cloth for my living room coffee table

  • Hannah W
    July 21, 2020

    I’ve got a few things in the works, I have some placements ready to bind, an astronaut quilt that is being hand quilted and a finished quilt top waiting to be hand quilted after that.

  • beth d.
    July 21, 2020

    I am working on a mystery quilt for my quilting group. once I finished cutting fabrics, I will start piecing it on my sewing machine.

  • Julie Kill
    July 21, 2020

    I’m currently working on a Halloween runner. After that, I have to finish a couple of quilt tops that I started, and make some baby gifts for a new great niece who will be arriving in November!

  • Nancy
    July 21, 2020

    I have to get going on quilting the four quilts that I have pieced! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  • Janet
    July 21, 2020

    I am planning to make a new baby quilt for new member of family expected in a few months.

  • Bonnye
    July 21, 2020

    I am planning to quilt 2 wall hangings.

  • Rosie
    July 21, 2020

    I am finishing a baby quilt, and making lots of masks for grandkids for the school year,

  • Jade
    July 21, 2020

    My next project will be a quilt for my son’s wedding. Plan to tackle a Judy Niemeyer pattern, so expect it to take me the whole month of August…wish me luck!

  • Marge
    July 21, 2020

    My next sewing project is a pair of half aprons that will have strip pockets on them, mother & daughter style.

  • Susan
    July 22, 2020

    My next quilting project is a wall hanging for Thanksgiving to give to my daughter.

  • Mary
    July 22, 2020

    I have been going through “stash ” material and just finished an apron and table runner. Plan to continue with a fall table runner. Also want to do some coasters and hot pads that you showed recently.

  • Cynthia d.
    July 22, 2020

    These days I am quilting two patriotic table runners and have two more quilts to quilt on my little Brother machine.

  • Diane Putzer
    July 22, 2020

    I need to quilt the baby quilt my sisters and I made for my grandson.

  • Clovis
    July 23, 2020

    I was making a quilt for our Lake County Fair, but it was cancelled.

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