2015 Adventure Quilt—Block of the Month #1
Welcome to the first of twelve Block of the Month patterns. The series of blocks will go together in, what I’m calling, The 2015 Adventure Quilt. Join us on our journey as we stitch our way through many quilting fabrics and scraps using many different techniques. I’ve compiled a collection of blocks that will look great as a sampler, which features one stitched block for each month, or as a single block in a quilt design.
Remember, this quilt will be a scrap adventure for you and I. Total yardage for the entire quilt is not provided, rather we will be working in a color pallet of scraps (or Fat Quarters).
If you’d like this block pattern as a downloadable PDF, please click the “Print Post as PDF” button at the lower right of this post.
Notions, Fabrics and Supplies:
- Clover’s Trace ‘n Create Quilt Template—Dresden Collection
- Clover’s Pen-Style Chaco Liner and/or Trace ‘n Mark Pen marking tools
- Clover’s Rotary Cutter and mat
- Fabric Scraps or fat quarter collection
- Pellon Sof Shape Fusible Interfacing
- Optional: Clover’s Point 2 Point Turner
Let’s get started on the quilt adventure by choosing fabrics. I recommend choosing three colors. Any three colors should work. I’ll be working with black, white, and a green/chartreuse color collection. As I rummaged through my quilting fabric scraps, I found that I had the most of these colors on hand, many of the fabrics from Riley Blake Designs.
One thing I was thinking as I pulled my fabrics is that I may need to have interchangeable pieces as the months progress. By that I mean, a collection of black-based fabrics, a collection of mostly-white and an assortment of greens. As we add more blocks, I want to ensure easy addition of fabrics if my scrap bin gets low.
January: Scrappy Dresden Fan
The block this month measures 12-1/2″ x 12-1/2″, and it measures 12″x 12″ once it is stitched into a final project. A 1/4″ seam allowance is included.
Cutting Directions:
For the scrappy strips:
- Cut a 5-1/4″ x 17″ strip black fabric.
- Cut a 3/4″ x 17″ strip green fabric.
- Cut a 1-1/4″ x 17″ strip black/green/white print fabric.
- Cut a 3-1/2″ x 17″ strip white fabric.
- Cut a 12-1/2″ x 12-1/2″ square/block fabric. (We made two blocks, cutting a 12-1/2″ square of white/black print for the featured block and a 12-1/2″ square of solid green fabric for the second block.)
For the 1/4-circle:
- Cut a 4″ x 4″ square/block for the 1/4-circle. (We made two blocks, cutting a 4″ square of solid green for the featured block and a 4″ square white/black print for the second block.)
First Step, Stitch the Strip
- Arrange the strips as shown above. Keep the narrowest strips in the center.
- Match right sides and use a 1/4″ seam allowance to join the strips. Press.
- Once the strip set is stitched, it should measure 9-1/4″ x 17″.
Create the Dresden Plate
- The traditional Dresden wedge is 4″ to 8″ in length. I designed a template that creates traditional to super-sized Dresden blocks, the Trace ‘n Create Quilt Template—Dresden Plate Collection.
Follow the directions included with the Trace ‘n Create Dresden Template, select the wedge size desired, and trace five wedges per block.
- For each quilt block, trace five wedges on the top layer, following the instructions in the package.
- Use a rotary cutter, mat, and ruler to cut wedges along traced lines.
- Alternate cutting directions with the ruler. This will make efficient use of your fabric and yield a scrappy design by rotating the cut wedges.
- Place wedges right sides together and stitch using a scant 1/4″ seam allowance.
- Use the chain stitching method to stitch all five wedges.
- Cut threads between wedges and finger-press seams open.
- Turn wedges right side out.
- Create a crisp point using a bamboo pointer or Clover’s Point 2 Point Turner.

- Make a pressing template from a 4″ square of tagboard. In the center of the pressing template, draw a straight line from corner to corner.
- Insert pressing template between fabric layers, aligning seam with straight line.
- Press. Use the pressing template to assure that all five wedges will align in the next step.
- Place two wedges right sides together. Stitch with scant 1/4″ seam. Press seam open.
- Stitch five wedges together.
- Press the seam allowances open.
- Pin the Dresden petals to the background, aligning the bottom and right sides of the petals to the background.
- Machine stitch around the points of the Dresden petals using a blanket stitch and monofilament thread.
- Use a straight-stitch along the bottom and right sides to secure the edges.
- Determine the size of the circle diameter used in the lower corner of the quilt block.
- Follow the directions on the Trace ‘n Create Quilt Template—Dresden Plate Collection to determine the finished diameter.

- Layer the circle fabric and interfacing, nonfusible side to right side of fabric. Trace desired circle size onto interfacing.
- For this block, the diameter is traced at the 6-1/2″ diameter mark on the circle template.
- Mark the stitching line.
- Stitch directly along the line.
- Remove the excess fabric, 1/4″ past the stitching line, using the Pinking Rotary Cutter.

- Trim away the interior of the interfacing with a scissors, leaving about 1″.
- Turn and fuse interfacing to the wrong side of the fabric.
- Place finished quarter circle on the lower corner of the Scrappy Dresden block.
- Cover the edges of the Dresden center by at least 1/4″.
- The quarter circle should line up with the background square.
- Stitch circle to Dresden Plate with a straight stitch, blind hem stitch, or decorative stitch.
- Straight stitch the corner edges to secure them.

Share your 2015 Adventure Quilt Blocks Socially
If you have a blog site, website, or online social sewing group, feel free to grab the code and share this button.

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If you are on social sites like Instagram, Twitter, Flickr or Facebook, let all your friends know you are working on The 2015 Adventure Quilt Blocks by tagging your post with the hashtag: #NZBoM.
The hashtag is a searchable “word” associated with an event or activity, which, when searched on popular social websites, like Instagram, Twitter, Flickr and Facebook, will show every single post using that hashtag. Even if you don’t personally know that stitcher, you’ll see her/his progress and a photo. Hashtags are a fun way to network and connect with people who share similar interests.
What would a Quilt Look Like?
As part of this Block of the Month series, included are ideas of what a quilt might look like if you made it with only this month’s block. Some of the concepts have sashing and others do not. These quilts are a good way to brainstorm what this block looks like repeated.
- This quilt features blocks made with different backgrounds, sashings, cornerstones, and borders. The Dresden petals all point in one direction.
- The following quilt features four blocks grouped together to make a circle or flower shape. No sashing is included, but a border has been added.

- Lastly, a Dresden block quilt for your wild side. This concept has Dresdens pointing in all directions to make a sort of “snake” through the quilt top. No sashings were used, but a border has been added.

In the 2015 Adventure Quilt Block of the Month series, we’ll be making twelve fun blocks from five different templates/tools: Carefree Curves Template, Dresden Template, Grandmother’s One Patch Template, Lone Star Template, and the No-Hassle Triangles Gauge.
See all the 2015 Adventure Quilt Blocks HERE.
Watch for the next block to arrive on the third Saturday of each month!
Bye for now,
Content in this feed is © copyright 2015 by Nancy Zieman and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website.
Dear Nancy,
this is a nice post! For me the Dresden Pattern is a bit ‘old fashioned’, but in your new snake order it is beautiful!
Liebe Grüße from Germany,
Mary Ann
Is there a PDF for this block? Sure is pretty.
Thank you!
Nancy Zieman
Mary Ann,
We haven’t considered doing a PFD file of this blog posting. We’ll look into the process.
Iris Ray
Thank you, it would be most helpful.
Cathy Parker
Thanks, as you always come up with unique ideas that are easy and beautiful when completed. I love the change you gave to the Dresden. Love you help.
Pretty!! I think I will try this..
Pam Stultz
Thanks so much for the beautiful quilt pattern. I have the tools to make it made a dreseden plate a couple years ago. can’t wait to try this one
Jackie Brown
If I wanted to gather all the fabric now for the 12 month BOM, how much yardage would I need of each 3/4 colors. Thanks
Pam Stultz
thank you for a beautiful pattern. Made on a couple years ago and I like this one too
Janet L.
Love this pattern, can’t wait to make it.
Bonnie Thiem
I love your idea of the BOM. I also love your color way. I learn so much from making different blocks.. I can’t wait to see next month’s block and all the rest of the year’s blocks. I’m real excited. Thank you so much.
Merrill Bennington
This look really pretty. But could you give us an idea of the amount of fabric that will be needed…I would hate to start out with one color scheme and get half the blocks finished and not be able to complete with coordinating colors.
Nancy Zieman
Morning Merrill,
This BoM quilt is called the Adventure Quilt as we’re making it as we go along! I have the 12 blocks chosen, but we haven’t made them all yet. (Only three are finished.) I started the blog by asking readers to go through their fabric scraps to choose a color scheme. You may not has as many fabric scraps as I have, obviously I have a lot! Let us see what we can do to help with yardage. I appreciate your suggestion.
In December, we’ll have options for lap and then bed sizes for the sashing strips, borders and backing. This may be an unconventional approach, but it’s an adventure!
As always, your instructions are perfect and I am inspired to follow, and make, your Adventure Quilt along with you. Thank you for offering a year full of anticipation and excitement as we work on and wait for each month’s block, and also for sharing ideas for quilts using just the one block for an entire quilt. This lovely block would make beautiful table runners and kitchen bench mats, too.
I’m wondering what the finished quilt size will be and what would be the total material needed. Will be fun to do this.
Nancy Zieman
Morning, Nancy
This BoM quilt is called the Adventure Quilt as we’re making it as we go along! I have the 12 blocks chosen, but we haven’t made them all yet. (Only three are finished.) I started the blog by asking readers to go through their fabric scraps to choose a color scheme. You may not has as many fabric scraps as I have, obviously I have a lot! Let us see what we can do to help with yardage. I appreciate your suggestion.
In December, we’ll have options for lap and then bed sizes for the sashing strips, borders and backing. This may be an unconventional approach, but it’s an adventure!
I LOVE IT! Wow!! Is there a reason you trace your blades and cut instead of cutting the blades directly using your template?
Nancy Zieman
The Trace ‘n Create Template—Dresden Collection is a design tool. It’s not made of thick acrylic, so can’t be used as a ruler. Thanks for asking this question.
Iris Ray
Is it possible to print the pattern off as my computer is nowhere near my sewing area. Thank you.
Nancy Zieman
Iris, we’ll look into the possibilities of preparing a PDF file.
Ha! I thought I was not going to have New Year’s resolutions!! Looks like I will have to change my mind and resolve to finish a project following your tutorials. Love the snaky pattern too, I know a certain child that would love this.
I have a different Dresden template. How wide should the top and bottom be?
Bertha G
Love the scrappy wedge – Just a bit confused — a couple of places it says “20 wedges” is that a typo, or should we be making 4 squares? Also, I have a different dresden template, can you tell me the top width of the individual plates on this block? It looks like it might be 4 1/4 — Thanks so much – I love Nancy’s site.
Yes, I’m wondering too. We’re just making one block, right? Perhaps we’re using the other wedges later?
I Can’t make this quilt with out a print out I would love to make it but I would have to look at my pc and then run down stairs and do part of it thanks
Very interesting. Being opposite of those that need to know ‘yardage’, IF it is ‘scrapy’, I can see each of these fan ‘blades’ being in different colors. Scrapy is as scrapy looks. Smile.
Karen Todd
I am new to Nancy Zieman and have never quilted. I am looking forward to following for twelve months. Just need the yardage needed for a King Size bed. (Is it possible to make the quilt that large?).
Love the scrappy look. Would also like a pdf for this block. Looking forward to next month!!
Carolyn Andrew
When I checked my emails this morning, I never expected to see a BOM that you were starting – what a great way to start the new year off! I follow you regularly on my local PBS station as well as every visit you make to the Puyallup Sewing Expo (I live in the Seattle area). I think I own every template you make, so I am ready to start this BOM today! I’ll be using Black, White and Red fabrics and hopefully decreasing my stash a little bit over the next twelve months! Thank you for brightening up this rainy, gloomy Saturday for me. Now I’m off to my sewing room to get started….
Sandy Curtis
Love the block. I make my own pdf by doing a copy and paste into Word editing out parts I don’t need, making pictures I want to refer to smaller, etc. Then saving as a pdf and printing it out.
Thanks for all the great inspiration.
Carolyn Andrew
I have a program on my computer called PDF Architect which allows me to simply hit file, print, PDF Arch, give it a name and it automatically sets it up in PDF form for me. Love technology!
Sandra Hall
I am so glad to be able to see you on your blog. Our PBS doesn’t carry your show any more and I was really missing you!
I just finished your book “Seams Unlikely” and enjoyed it cover to cover. I am going to share it with a good friend.She will love it too! Block of the month is so great! I will be following all the time. Hopefully I will get to see you in person again. I am sewing on the machine with your signature on it, from the Houston area event several years ago!!
Nancy Zieman
Sandra, thank you for your kind note. Let us know the call letter/location of your PBS station. We’ll see if our broaccast consultant can urge the station to put us back in the line-up. In the meantime, watch online at nancyzieman.com
Sandra Hall
KUHTHD in Houston, TX (channel 8)
I will start following on line! Thanks.
Pauline Dean
I love this block. I love the snack layout. Need to go through my stash and see what I have. Can’t wit to get started. I am also in a quilt group with Leah Day. So I will be working on 2at the same time. This is my first BOM with Nancy
This was a great surprise to find in my email box today. I’m in the midst of reorganizing a room for sewing or I would start this second. Cool idea!
it’s so cool to see the different patterns that can be made from one block!
Barbara Howe
Wow! This new quilt block looks FANTASTIC. Quite modern, yet quite traditional at the same time. I love the black/white pattern with the accent color. I think this will be my next quilt project. Thanks Nancy!
Mildred Squyres
This month’s block sure is a different twist to a traditional Dresden or Fan block. I love it. Nancy, you sure come up with some neat ideas. Read you book “Seams Unlikely” and really enjoyed it. Just to let you know, my husband was a police officer in Houston for about 25 years. You mentioned that one of your sons is a police officer.
I’ve watched your sewing program for years and sure miss it now that Houston PBS doesn’t carry it.
Rebecca Eveland
I’m in there with the rest of you who would benefit from having a hard copy of Nancy’s great instructions as well as the wonderful accompanying photos, so tried this and it worked.
I placed the cursor and clicked in the middle of Nancy’s first paragraph of dialog. Then on my PC, went up to File, Save as, Downloads, shortened the document name that had transferred over, then hit Save. Just to make sure this worked, I went into Word via the icon in the lower left hand corner of my desktop (the MS logo), clicked on it, then clicked on Word, made sure I was in Downloaded and found Nancy’s great instructions.
Hope this helps someone…
Jackie Branscum
I love this approach. I am looking forward to the Adventure! Can hardly wait to see what’s next. I’ve got some fat quarters that may work for this-I’ll have to sort them out to see what I have. I’m thinking of bright colors on black. Then small prints to coordinate or blacks. Gotta see what I can find.
this is so exciting to get to start right at the beginning! I first saw your show when I lived in Wi 17 years ago! Was let down when I moved back home to Tx and you were not on our local PBS. But thanks to the internet I have found a way to still follow you’re wonderful ideas! Thanks for your instructions and inspiration!
Carol DeWitt
Today is my birthday and I have been watching your show for too many years to say. What a treat to find this BOM adventure. I’m going to make it for myself in 30s reproduction fabrics. They remind me of the quilts my Grandma made. Hope I get it finished before my next birthday. Keep up the good work Nancy! I’ll keep watching.
Love the fact that these “Double Wedding Rings” don’t have to be identical!
Love the ‘snake’ look!
Katherine Caldwell
Thank you for this block of the month I love the colors. i just got the Dresden tools for a Christmas and now I get to try them out.
Thank you
The cutting directions say to cut a 12 1/2″ white square and
6 1/2″ green square, but for 2 blocks we should need a green and white of each size, is that correct?
Nancy Zieman
Good morning,
Thank you for asking this question. We clarified the instructions. Please refer back to the blog. Again, thank you.
Do we need 20 wedges or 5 wedges?
Sandi Clark
I am so happy that you have started a block-a-month, Nancy! I have been a NNotion’s customer/fan way back before you had an actual catalog…your supplies were printed on sheets of paper, and yes, I did order from them. My sewing room is filled with NNotion’s items. You have filled my days with happiness as I sew for myself, family, friends and charity. Thanks so much!
Judy Nicely
Any chance for a PDF of the BOM? I prefer to have the paper pattern to refer to when sewing. Also, how long will these patterns remain on your blog?
Jennifer Fried
Dear Nancy, Love how many applications this has. So many designs! So many different looks with just the change of a color.Thank You, Jennifer
where is the PDF. early on in this it says to click on “print as PDF” at lower right at bottom, but I do not see it anywhere. please help. I need to be able to print the pattern. thanks.
Is there any way for me to make my own template I do not have the finances to buy at this moment but would love to do quilt I look ed for template in local joannes they do not have and besides money is tight
Nancy Zieman
Sherri, try searching online for the dimensions of Dresden templates. Then, cut out a wedge shape from quilt template plastic or lightweight cardboard (cereal-box cardboard works out well). You may find a variety of sizes, meaning that you might need more or less wedges for your block—the look will be comparable. Good luck.
Tina O'Shea
I have never done anything like this, but looks like so much fun. Just received the Dresden templates with book and DVD. Going to start today since it is snowing and cold. Thanks Nancy!
Christa Jackson
Love the idea of a BOM, something to look forward to each month. Thank you.
Just competed this first block. Great fun! Can’t wait to see the second block. When will it be posted?
Nancy Zieman
Look for the BoM to be posted the third Saturday of each month. Thanks for following along.
Beautiful as usual! Love your color choices and tutorial has perfect instructions. Looking forward to the next block! Thank you so much for doing this!!!
Sandy Andreasen
When is block 2 coming? I’m ready!! Love the look
Nancy Zieman
The BoM will be posted the third Saturday of each month.
Eileen Tolson
still waiting for answer and want to purchase the block of month club on the on with the dresden templet with has the black and white and green material no one on the phone knew the number and wish to do please answer this please answer as it the 3 email and 4 phone calls and no luck
Nancy Zieman
Hi Eileen, The Dresden Template item number is BK2720. The tutorial is free here (above). Have fun choosing fabrics from your fabric stash. Please email us with questions at [email protected]. Thanks so much for your interest in the Block of the Month.
Thank you for this! But I scrolled down to find the Print PDF in the lower right, and I cannot find it. Help!