2015 Adventure Quilt: Block #12

BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December WM1

2015 Adventure Quilt: Block #12

BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December WM1December’s Block of the Month in The 2015 Adventure Quilt is the Square Dance. This block features quarter-square and half-square triangle units. Once those are constructed, the block is assembled as an easy 9-patch. This block has a completely different look depending on the fabric color placement. I cannot wait to show the tricks for completing the Square Dance Block quickly. 

Block #12: Square Dance

All blocks in The 2015 Adventure Quilt measure 12-1/2″ x 12-1/2″, creating a 12″x 12″ finished block. 1/4″ seam allowances are included.

Notions, Fabrics, and Supplies:

Get started by choosing fabrics. Any three color combinations will work. I had a surplus of black, white, and chartreuse green in my quilting fabric scraps. If you’ve been following along, you know that this Block of the Month series is a scrap fabric adventure.

2a Choose Fabrics copy

No Hassle Triangle Table Runner by Nancy ZiemanFor each block made, you will need:

  • Four quarter-square triangle block units
  • Four half-square triangle block units
  • One solid fabric square cut 4-1/2″ x 4-1/2″

Cut Fabrics

  • For the quarter-square triangle blocks, cut four squares of fabric 5-1/4″ x 5-1/4″—two foreground colors and two matching background colors.
  • For the half-square triangle blocks, cut four squares of fabric 4-7/8″ x 4-7/8″ —two foreground colors and two matching background colors

Create the Triangles

  • Make the half-square triangle blocks first.
  • Lay a 4-7/8″ x 4-7/8″ background fabric square onto a foreground square, matching right sides.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 110

  • Use the pen to mark the centerline.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 2

  •  Sew 1/4″ from the diagonal marked line on each side, using a straight stitch.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 3

  • Cut along the marked line.
  • Open the half-square triangle units.
  • Press seam allowances towards the darker side.
  • Make the quarter-square triangle units by first moving the No-Hassle Triangle Tool to the 4-1/2″ measurement on the right hand side.
  • Layer  one 5-1/4″  background fabric square and one 5-1/4″ foreground fabric square, matching the right sides.
  • Mark the diagonal centerline, as we did for the half-square triangles.
  • Sew 1/4″ on the each side of the marked line.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 5

  • Cut the block apart along the marked line.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 4

  • Open the halves and press seam allowances towards the dark side.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 8

  • Layer the two different triangle units, matching right sides and locking the center seams together.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 9

BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 11

  • Mark the center diagonal line with the pen.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 12

  • Sew 1/4″ from the marked line on the right and left sides.
  • Cut the block apart along the marked line using rotary cutting tools.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 13
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 14

  • Open the blocks.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 16

  • Press the last seam allowance in one direction.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 17

  • Square up the half-square triangle blocks and the quarter-square triangle blocks to measure 4-1/2″ x 4-1/2″.

Assemble the Block

  • Place a half-square triangle in each corner.
  • Position the solid fabric square in the center.
  • Add the quarter-square triangles in the remaining four center-side spots.
  • Use a 1/4″ seam allowance to join pairs of blocks.
  • To each pair, add the third block to form a row.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 18

  • Press the seam allowances in the directions described below.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 18a

  • Join the rows to form the block, locking seams and using a 1/4″ seam allowance.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December WM1

The block is complete!

With each block of the month, I have created two blocks. Let me share with you my second block in the coordinating fabrics. It is stitched the same way as the first. I have only altered the placement of the fabric colors. Specifically, I turned the half-square triangle blocks so that the background points toward the block’s center, and I switched out the solid fabric square in the middle.
  • Arrange the triangle units and stitch to create rows.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December 19

  • Press and use a 1/4″ seam allowance to finish the second block.
BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman December WM2
The second block is complete!

Share your 2015 Adventure Quilt Blocks Socially

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Nancy Zieman Block of the Month


 If you are on social sites, let all your friends know you are working on The 2015 Adventure Quilt Blocks by tagging your post with the hashtag: #NZBoM.

The hashtag is a searchable “word” associated with an event or activity, which when searched on popular social websites, like Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, and Facebook, will show every single post using that hashtag. Hashtags are a fun way to network and connect with people who share similar interests.

What would a Quilt Look Like?

As part of this Block of the Month series, included are ideas of what a quilt might look like if you made it with only this month’s block. The tumbler block by itself was tricky to work into a single-block-quilt design.

  • The first quilt concept uses both blocks in an unconventional manner. 22 blocks create a wide border around a simple 12-block center. The middle border is 3″ finished.
FramedBlocks NancyZieman
  • Since the block design is based on a 9-patch, it will pair nicely with variations of itself or other 9-patch blocks—meaning the seams will intersect along all sides. Those intersections create a secondary design pattern in the quilt below. This quilt is created by alternating the block variations.
AlternatingBlocks NancyZieman
  • The quarter-square and half-square triangle units create a bold diagonal line in this block. A quilt stitched in a traditional manner and arranged in a traditional grid will look as if you set the block on-point.

DiamondBlocks NancyZieman

For even more ideas using half-square and quarter-square blocks:

Watch No-Hassle Triangle Quilt Blocks (Part One and Part Twoon Sewing With Nancy online.

To watch Sewing With Nancy on your iPad, iPod Touch, or iPhone, download the app.

NoHassleTriangles Sewing With Nancy Zieman

Don’t Miss the Other 2015 Adventure Quilt Block of the Month Features

In the 2015 Adventure Quilt Block of the Month series, we’ll be making twelve fun blocks from five different templates/tools: Carefree Curves TemplateDresden TemplateGrandmother’s One Patch TemplateLone Star Template, and the No-Hassle Triangles Gauge.

See all the 2015 Adventure Quilt Blocks HERE.


Bye for now,

Nancy Zieman The Blog

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  • Starla
    December 19, 2015

    I love the square dance block!

  • Darlene Joyner
    December 19, 2015

    Your techniques always give me hope that i csn make the block. Thanks

  • Gail Beam
    December 19, 2015

    Love watching and reading your tutorials. They are always easy to follow!

  • Jennifer Fried
    December 22, 2015

    Dearest Nancy,
    Thank you, for a great year of Block of the Month. I have looked forward each month for this and have enjoyed it very much. With appreciation, the old sew and sew Jenny

  • venita
    December 26, 2015

    Thank you for the quilt pattern. Has been an enjoyable experience

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