What’s New with Nancy Zieman
After posting a video message on my most recent health adventure, I decided to give you an update. This time I’m sharing better news. It’s been 12-weeks since my surgery, and I’m learning to adjust to the implant in my left leg—a partially new femur and a mechanical knee. The only post-surgery treatment is physical therapy, which can be challenging at times! I’m up and about with the help of crutches or a walker.
Back in the Saddle
Last week, I got back to the business of recording TV shows. We started slowly, recording three Nancy’s Corner segments—the ending segment of each Sewing With Nancy show. These segments feature the actual fashions from the Dressing Downton exhibit, which is currently on display at The Paine Art Center and Gardens in Oshkosh, WI. The segments will air late fall ’15.
If you are a fan, as I am, of Downton Abbey, the highly rated PBS drama, you know that it is worth watching the series just to catch a glimpse of the costumes worn by the actors who either portray the aristocrats or the servants at the abbey.
My interview with Laura Fiser, curator at the art center, highlights a segment on each of the following wardrobe changes: day fashions, evening wear, and activewear such as riding and hunting fashions.
Some of the costumes are vintage and others were made for the series. A fascinating tidbit is that if the fashions were made for the series, they were sewn according to the sewing skills of that era. Embroidery was done by hand during the 1910–1920s—subsequently if embroidery was featured in the costumes, it was hand sewn. If you have the opportunity to see the exhibit, which is on display through September 20, you are sure to be impressed!
Exhibition produced by Exhibits Development Group in cooperation with Cosprop Ltd., London. Downton™ and Downton Abbey®. ©2015 Carnival Film & Television Limited. A Carnival Films/Masterpiece Co-Production. Carnival logo ©2005 Carnival Film & Television Limited. Masterpiece is a trademark of the WGBH Educational Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
Watch for the New Sewing With Nancy Series
Starting August 11, 2015, the new Sewing With Nancy series will be available to Public TV stations and to view online—it will be our 34th season! During one mini-series, friends shared their favorite techniques, which allowed time for me to heal and recover. If all goes as planned, I’ll finish recording this series just in the nick of time. My gratitude goes out to the staff at Wisconsin Public TV, who co-produce the show with me, and my staff who have accommodated my schedule.
By the way, each Public TV station determines their own program line-up. The sewing or quilting topic that’s broadcast locally, may not coincide with what I feature on this blog. Remember, you can always watch online.
Thank you!
I have been showered with well-wishes, cards, and prayers for which I am totally grateful. Through the grace of God, with the guidance of a knowledgable medical team, and with the help and support of family/friends, my plan is to fully recover. So far—so good!
Bye for now,
Content in this feed is © copyright 2015 by Nancy Zieman and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website.
Shary Tafalla
Dearest Nancy,
So glad to hear you’re doing so well. Keep being your cheerful self. I always look forward to seeing your latest creations. You were such an inspiration to me during my illness. So good to know that you have a great support pulling for you. I know that this road to recovery is a long journey, I like to look at it as another adventure to log into my journal. Safe travels my friend.
Best wishes, Shary
Becky Ezra
I still pray for you and your family dearest quilt friend.
huge hug.
I hope you will never stop with the quilt and sewing videos.
so happy for the good report, continued prayers for your full recovery
So Happy to hear your uplifting news! you have been in my (& so Many Sewers’) thoughts. Sending you the best wishes!
Barb Meehan
Thank you, Nancy, for the update. I have been praying for you. You are such an inspiration. God bless you.
Much love, Barb
Faye Couch
Thank you for the update. Think of you often and have been praying for you. Looking forward to your broadcasts. Wish you the best of health.
Sarah Ganhs
You are in my prayers
Thanks for the great news.
Jane McLean
Thanks for the update and for continuing to share your journey with us. Best wishes to you in your recovery.
Brenda Kilgour
Love and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Karen McGehee
Glad to hear it’s “So far — so good!”
Diana from SC
Thank you for the update. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Continue success with recovery.
Betty Domal
Thank you for updating us on your surgery. Glad you are healing well and look forward to seeing you on the new shows. I really enjoy your program and try never to miss is.
Wishing you continued good health.
Linda Linard
Tks for the update. Keep up with your therapy.
Think of you often. You are the backbone of
Maureen Skau
Happy to hear that things are progressing well. You keep up the good work and I’ll keep you in my prayers. God Bless 🙂
So happy to get your update and thanking God for your healing. You are such an inspiration to sewers and quilters all over the country and the world. Thank you for the years you have dedicated to all of us and I pray the best are yet to come!
Great news!! So glad you’re recovery is going well!! I will continue to pray for you and thank you for the update!!
Tillie Bohanon
You are amazing! Back to work so soon and going so well. Prayer works as does good support from those we love.
Monica Wilson
Nancy – thank you for this update. You have been on my mind since sharing your medical news and I am so very glad you are healing. I wish you peace and continued good health and can’t wait to see you “back in the saddle”.
Thank you for the update Nancy and the good news. I am really looking forward to the new season, and to see the Dressing Downton segments. God bless and keep getting better.
Such good news Nancy! I’ve been thinking of you and wondering and praying that everything is going well. Take care and best wishes for a quick and full recovery. God Bless.
Thanks for the update. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You have inspired me and helped with my sewing for years and I look forward to many more years to come. Thanks again for caring and helping us all. Stay strong. Pam Hill
Bev Muzeroell
Thank you for sharing and I pray you have a good recovery. Take your time though. As much as we enjoy your knowledge, we do not want to see you get on a set back.
God Bless.
Thanks for the update….you have been a part of sewing experience for a long time and only wish happy healing!
Pat Nagy
Nancy, Thanks for bringing us up to date. Through the years your TV show has been my most constant sewing instructor.
I have had many teachers but thanks for the variety that you bring to my sewing knowledge. Physical therapists can be tough but I have found from personal experience that they need to be and they know what they are doing. Keep recovering !
Nancy, you are an inspiration to all of us; thank you for the update. So glad you are healing well. PT (which for me stands for ‘physical torture’) is rough but well worth the hard work. Take all the time you need, it will pay in dividends later on. Best wishes for your continued healing and recovery.
Judy G
Wonderful to hear that you are doing so well. Thank you for keeping us posted. Best wishes!
Patricia Hersl
You go girl! So glad for your good news.
Robyn Lam
I had 2 new knees last year–you will be so glad that you’ve done it. Also,my friends and I viewed the. Downton fashions at the Biltmore House in Asheville, NC. They were spread throughout the home,placed where they might have been worn. Gorgeous!
I’m so pleased to hear this news. All the best, Nancy.
Michelle Lynch
Thank you for sharing the update on your health situation. I just finished reading “Seams Unlikely” and have been wondering how you are doing. I will keep your recovery in my prayers. Thank you for all you do for the quilting and sewing world.
Thank God you are feeling better. I also have been praying for you, and will continue to do so. I am treMENDously happy that you are feeling better. God Bless you, your family, and friends.
Best wishes and Love being sent your way!!!!
Barbara Hughes
So happy to hear you are recovering nicely. You are in our prayers. Was blessed by your book review in Oshkosh. I look forward to your new series.
Jean Ahearn
Nancy, so glad to hear you are healing. Met you in Lakeland, Fl this year, enjoyed meeting you. Watch your shows all the time. Have been saying prayers for you and my friends who also are having health issues. Thank you for the update.
So glad to hear you are back in the saddle. We’ve missed you terribly. Prayers still coming for you and your recovery. Thank you for all you do.
Diana Stansell
I am so happy for you. You sound like you are on a recovery road that you will overcome with grace and humor. I continue to include you in my prayers and your healing is fast.
Joanne Schutte Macias
I’m very happy for you that all seems to be successful. Stay and and I know how hard physical therapy can be. Good luck with that. I’m sure you’ll truck on through!
So happy that you are healing, such a positive outlook is just wonderful. Thanks for sharing, I was wondering how you were. I will continue to pray for your complete recovery. xxKaren
Ruthann McCoy
I love your show, and you. I look forward to the new season. I am glad you are recovering good, and pray you are fully recovered soon. God bless
It was great to get an update from you. You have been in my prayers and it is nice to hear that you are healing well. We have missed you and your knowledge. Take care.
Nancy Dublin
Wonderful news, Nancy!!!! So good to learn you’re back on your show–even if it’s the last segment. I miss seeing you. You’re such an excellent teacher. God bless you towards full recovery. You are a wonderful woman, and we are blessed to know you. 🙂
Sheila Hixon
Hi Nancy so happy to receive your update, continuing in prayer for complete recovery. See you at quilt expo.
Best wishes Sheila
Margie V.
So happy for you and sending prayers for continued strength in your recovery. Have been a fan for many years via PBS in many cities!!
Diane Wyte
Such wonderful news. All your fans are thrilled with your progress. You have inspired me so much!!
Janice King
So thankful you are on your way to full recovery. That physical therapy can be exhausting, but it’s amazing how much it helps. Take care and you are in my prayers.
Sandra Nettles
Thank you for sending us an update. This year is already half over so it won’t be long until fall is here and we can enjoy being inspired by you and the Downton fashions. Both will be a joy!
Ruby Steele
Just learned of your surgery this a.m. What wonderful news about your recovery. Just remember that you have millions of prayers out there. Have lost track of the years I have enjoyed learning from you, Love you.
Trish in Iowa
Thanks for letting us know how you are progressing. Keep up the good work. Am looking forward to seeing the programs for your 34th year.
Neosha Mackey
So good to hear of the positive progress! You are such a strong woman; I know you will make the most of those difficult PT sessions. We all look forward to having you back on SWN!
Colleen Bell
Thank you so much for giving us an update. I have been praying for you every day. Loss of a body part is the same as loss of a loved one. There is a grieving process and I am praying that God will comfort you through all the steps of recovery.
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8
Loretta Headrick
Your life work is so appreciated, Nancy. Thank you for all you’ve done for sewists everywhere. May you be encouraged as you have been an encourager to so many. Blessings to you along with gratitude to God for your recovery and continued health.
Jo polnack
Prayers for your continued recovery and well-being, Nancy. Thank you for your wonderful sewing shows throughout the years.
Catherine Romps
Thank you so much for sharing. I have loved you and followed you with great admiration for many years. You truly are a woman of courage brains and integrity. You inspire in more ways than you will ever realize. Love and Prayers. Katie Romps
Kimberly Hubbard
Life is challenging and you meet every challenge head on. You are an inspiration to me!
Looking forward to many more years, so many viewers sending positivity your way!
Mary Rugg
Glad to hear you are doing well, God speed your recovery, love an hugs.♥♥♥♥.
Christine Rex
Nancy I wish you fast healing with the faith you will be back doing what you love. I have had two knee replacements in the last 4 years and I was determined not to let it keep me from my first love of sewing. I have learned much from you over the years and I enjoy your programs when I can get them here. God be with you.
Lori Edwards
Prayers for your continued healing and good health. I have enjoyed attending your class and watching your shows through the years.
Shirley Kasprzyk
So glad you are feeling better!
Glad to know you are recovering well. Will continue to keep you in my prayers.
Wendy Feen
You have truly inspired so many; all the physical challenges you have encountered seem to have met with such faith and strength. I recently had a total knee replacement, not nearly the scope of the surgery you had, but know the challenges of pain and discomfort as well as the difficulty of PT. When I become discouraged, I only have to think of your path. You continue to be in my prayers for continued recovery. It was a joy to meet you in Nashua NH a few years ago.
So very happy to hear you are doing so well. PT can be a challenge but so worth the hard work in the end.
You’re a wonder person and an inspiration to all.
Looking forward to the new series.
I wonder if the Downton Abbey exhibit will travel to other cities? I would love to see that.
Wishing you continued good health.
Nancy, just wanted to let you know you are my hero! I’ve been ordering from you since I found you on the net. Please take care of yourself, I want to continue with you. You are so very inspiring to me. Get well soon. I’m looking forward to new adventures with you.
Linda Perkins
Great news Nancy!!. I am so envious that you got to see the Downton costumes. It is coming no where near I live. I can’t wait to see your segments. Keep on taking care of your self and keep up the pt. It is worth it.
Beverly Smith
Our God is good! Prayers for continued recovery and for all those afflicted with illness. Our family and friends keep us strong and our faith makes us stronger. You have blessed so many over the past 30+ years with sewing skills and groups who help others. I am convinced that the world would be a better place if more people sewed or crafted and prayed together.
Linda R
I have been thinking about you every day and am so glad to hear you are making good progress . I enjoyed your book so much and I know from that reading, what a strong person you are. Our prayers are with you and we all love you and want you to continue to make progress. We will continue to think of you and include you in our prayers every day. Thank you for all you have done for all of us over the years.
Carol Wineman
Thanks for the update. Wonderful news!!!! We’re all praying for you and cheering you on. God Bless.
God Bless you! You’ll be running your personal version of a marathon in no time! Stay strong and inspired! Big Hugs!
I have enjoyed watching your show for years you have taught me so much. God bless you and I pray for your continued recovery. Lynn
Vontina Collick
Our Nancy,
So glad to hear from you, keep up the good work and my the LORD continue to give you strength. Be Blessed and you said it in your message to us God has or every move. Blessing to your family.
Bonnie Thiem
Thank the Lord that you are doing so well. I have been a fan of yours for many years. I have had two knee replacements (one in each leg) and I am doing just fine. It may not be the same as you had but I feel we are connected in some way. Keep up the therapy and you’ll be back as new in no time.
MaryEllen Scavone
Glad to hear you getting up and around I to have a lot of metal but was only problem for me is traveling I sound off at metal detectors but i have my life back, hope your recovery is easy. I’m a fan of sewing with Nancy for years looking forward to next series. Again welcome back.
Gloria Thompson
Nancy…thank you for the update and so very glad to hear how well your doing. You are an inspiration to all and thank you for sharing. Prayers are coming your way. Thank you again…God Bless you.
Judy Gerhardt
Have been ” out of the loop” for a while and did not know about your health issues. I will keep you in my prayers. Thank yiou for sharing your talents with us. I pray God will continue to bless you.
Kathy Blasing
Dearest Nancy,
I am so happy to hear that you are doing better. Keep up the good work and your cheerful attitude. Look forward to watching more of your shows. God Bless
Peggy Owens
So happy to hear the good news!! With your strong spirit I know you will continue to adapt and improve!
How wonderful to learn that your recovery is going well. Continued prayers and good wishes. Looking forward to your new series. From what I’ve seen, your DVDs and instructional books are the very best in the business.
Sandy Curtis
Glad to hear you are doing well. Looking forward to the new season. After sewing 50+ yrs. I still look forward to new ideas or rediscovering old ones.
Nancy Taylor
I’m so glad you are getting better. PT can be hard. But it pays off. Looking forward to you new series and your guest hosts. Always a treat.
Prayers are sent you way for you.
Nancy Taylor
Frances Arnone
Our prayers are continuing for your safe journey to health. May God continue to bless you abundantly, Nancy, for all the love you have shared with us.
I too, had a knee replacement and “Take That Bend” was my mantra since then…. am up to 104 degrees!
Keep up your great work, and keeping us in your loop.
Best to you, Nancy, as you continue your PT. It’s a tough road, I know, but you’re sure a tough girl and a match for the schedule. I’m so happy to have the update and continue to pray for your full recovery!!
Thank you so much for an update on your health issues. I have been thinking of you, wondering how you are doing, and praying for you since you posted your medical issues. I appreciate you sharing as we are one big (sewing) family. I look forward to hearing more good news and improvements as you work on your PT.
Duane Wiley
Glad to see you are on the road to recovery! You are surely missed! Godspeed to you!
Lori Smanski
thank you for the update. so glad you are coming along nicely. I love it when we can see answered prayers.
Gladys Hontz
I just heard of your major set back and you will be in my prayers for a speedy and safe recovery, I have missed so much of your emails as I also had a bad fall and broke my tail bone and have two fractures in my pelvis. Its been VERY challenging, but like you I have great faith in God and the prayers and good wishes of many help me to meet the challenges. So Sorry..but we will make it!! By August I hope to be back in the sewing room. God’s Blessings!!
Jill collins
Nancy, I am so glad to hear everything is going well. Loving thoughts and prayers will continue your way!
Carol Hydeman
Thank you for your health update. Physical therapy is some of the hardest work we can do since it requires self-motivation, pain, and enormous amounts of patience. The rewards are worth it. As you know, every day is a gift. One day you will look back on 20+ years post-op as I do. Scarcomas are not stronger than we are! Hugs and continued prayers for you.
Judy Mihalka
So delighted to hear that you are on the road to recovery. That gives all of your fans something else to celebrate on this 4th of July ! My big treat every Saturday morning is to wake up and watch Sewing With Nancy. Thank you for all that you do to keep us up to date with sewing tips and trends. Wishing you a speedy recovery and the best of health. Judy
Donna Noll
I keep your business card on my sewing table with your picture on it so I remember to pray for you every time I’m sewing. I’m amazed you are up and out so soon. Blessings.
Betty Harden
Nancy dear, thanks for the update. I have been wondering, hoping, and praying for you. You are such an inspiration and rallied your whole life and still are, which I am so thankful. Even though we have never met, I still hope to meet you one day, as I feel we are friends already. Will keep praying that you keep progressing and are up and about really soon under your own steam. You are such a joy and blessing in my life, My husband watches your shows with me and it is so great that there will more new ones this fall. Do not rush though as we need you in our lives for years to come. Godspeed and I will continue my prayers and good thoughts for you, Blessings to you and your family. You are the greatest.
Mary Jolliff Moore
Dear Nancy, I used to watch you faithfully on WUNC-TV, back home in Manteo, NC. I moved to Florida, and it isn’t that easy to get Public TV on the system, but now I’ve discovered you on the computer. Happy day! From the early 90s till now a fan, and continuing. I love to see the little “imp” in your eye when you’re pulling a funny. Keep it up!
Debbie Stuttgen
Nancy, best wishes for your continued recovery. Prayers are being set your way as well as gratitude for all your years of dedication to the sewing world. I’ve been watching SWN for so many years that even though I could (and sometimes do) watch them online, I still turn you on Saturday morning and have coffee with you. You are like a friend and I look forward to many more years with you.
Sandi Yosten
Godspeed on your recovery.
Karen B
You do so much to encourage everyone in sewing and quilting; giving encouragement, inspiration, instruction and permission to try something new.
Thank you for sharing your talents and for all that you have done and will do toward this effort.
Be well, Karen
Anna Nusbaum
“So far, so good” is great news indeed. Those physical terrorists, er, therapists, know their stuff, so keep up the good (and hard) work. The old saying — the more you do, the more you can do — is so true (darn it).
You are appreciated all over the world and are an inspiration to all. We hope to have you around for many years to come.
My philosophy is ‘Never meet a person you don’t learn something from.’ You sure are at the top of that list. Sometimes in life we are grateful to meet someone like you! Thank you! You are a Godly, quiet inspiration as a person and mentor and then for your talents (even tho your talent caught our attention first).
I rarely read. Yet bought ‘Seems Unlikely’ when it first came out. Your memoirs meant so much to me. I had a different type of physical challenge from an accident that rearranged my body and my life. Your book offers great encouragement and leaves no room for a pity party.
May the Good Lord Bless and keep you cause we all love you.
Praise be to God. Thank you for letting us know how you are doing, Nancy. Prayers continue for you and all who need them.
Sharon Brennan
You were the inspiration many, many years ago for me to begin to learn to sew. Through the years I have accumulated almost every book and video you have created and use them for reference all the time. My love of sewing and crafts began with your constant encouragement.
I hope all of us sending our good wishes, support, gratitude and love to you will be your inspiration to recover completely. I think I speak for all of Nancy’s fans, we are here for you and offer many prayers for your recovery.
Linda Deutscher
Nancy, I’m so glad to hear that the surgery is behind you and you’re on the road of recovery. My thoughts and prayers will continue as you continue to recover.
Pat Peacock
I’m thrilled you are doing so well. May God hold you in His hands and keep you well! You have been missed, that’s for sure. Good luck to you in the future.
Sylvia Cole
May our grant you many Blèssings and a
Speedy recovery
Colleen Anderson
So happy to hear this! You’ve been a part of my sewing life since the 80’s so I feel as though you are a friend. Hugs and well wishes to you!!
Rebecca Monnin
Thank you for the update on your progress as well as the TV series. Don’t stop therapy until the therapist(s) tell you you’re finished. I learned that from personal experience. Will be looking for more good news on your progress. Keep at it! Continued prayers for your recovery, Nancy. God bless you!
Nancy, So happy to hear all is going so good. I enjoy your shows and look forward to the time when I can sit, drink tea, and see what you have in store for us. Hang in there.
Well wishes, Marylin
Kristine Friedrich
Nancy; I’m so happy to hear that your surgery is behind you and that healing has begun; good luck with your physical therapy – some days it can be a real bear. I’m look forward to the future installments of Sewing with Nancy. God Bless.
Dianna Hamilton
Nancy-so glad to hear you are doing well. I have had two knee replacements, my right hip replaced three times and many more orthopedic surgeries so I know how hard physical therapy is. Wishing you a speedy recovery
Nancy, I admire your tenacity and strength. Keep on keeping on, you are such a great example to so many women! But please do take care of yourself and Godspeed to you.
Genni, Nebraska
So happy for the update. and to know that you are progressing so well. You have been in my prayers. I am 92 years old and spend a part of every day at my sewing machine. You, your TV show and Nancy’s Notions are my inspiration, as I always find something new to try. Stay with us and continue to recover. God bless!
Ruth Lutz
So glad to share in the good news of your recovery! May God continue to bless your life!
Kaaren Lynch
Nancy, so happy you’re coping well with your health problems. You are a strong, brave girl, and an inspiration to all of us. I never miss a chance to read what’s going on with you. You have such wonderful ideas about everything!
Keep up the good work, when I was 73 I broke my femur, have had three surgeries on it. That was nearly five years ago, It was a long tough road, but I did it. Part of my therapy was my sewing, and your program, thank you. I walk with a cane now but I can walk!, and sew, so thank you again,
Shan Cross
So glad to hear the good news you are getting well , keep up with your positive attitude . Cheers Shan
marlene stabin
So glad you are doing as well as you are. Coping with new leg and the wonders of technology. You are even back filming. Wow, good for you. Looking forward to your new episodes.
I never got to see the Downton Exhibit at Biltmore so I will look for your show on that.
Much continue success on your road to recovery.
Nancy, thank you so much for the update. It is so great to hear that you are healing well and returning to the taping of your show. Along, with so many other my prayers go out to God for your healing and blessing you, your family, and your staff. I certainly don’t mind watching reruns of your shows as there is always something I had overlooked or forgotten.
Again, may God bless you in your healing and your lovely attitude.
Sue Knudsen
So glad to hear you’re up and about. May your healing continue.
Rebecca Eveland
Nancy, What good news to hear that you continue to move forward with all the committment and spiritual strength we know you have. May God continue to bless you during your rehabilitation and professional endeavors. You are a bright and shinning star in the lives of many.
Lynn P
Thank you for the up-date Nancy! So glad to hear that surgery went well and you are well on your way to a speedy recovery! Take care.
Dear Nancy,
May your recovery continue, dear Friend. It takes time and important to not push to fast.
God is a giver of many good things.
He also gives us wisdom to know how far we can go without causing more harm than good.
Take care of yourself. I appreciate so very much the many
years you have given us the public to learn so much.
Linda Jimenez
I’m so glad to hear you are doing better. You feel like an old friend to me after seeing you on TV for so many years and reading your book.
Kim Harrington
Thinking about you often Nancy. My prayer for you is the comfort you need for your PT and the full recovery of your whole body and mind. May God bless you and bring you strength. Hugs to you. Kim
Karen Brayton
Nancy, I am so happy to hear your news it puts a smile on my face. Keep up the good work! Prayers and good thoughts always.
Thank you for sharing the update. Great to hear about your good news! Maybe you can come up with a great way to make something to make crutches and/or a walker fashionably fabulous and not just functional. Keep getting better EVERY day! Thanks also for featuring the fashions of Downton. I can’t wait to see your segments!
Corina Barker
Nancy, take it easy and rest. We want you on tv for many years more.
Ella Liddle
So glad you are doing well. Keep up the good work. God Bless you. : )
Donna Watkins
Nancy, so happy to hear you are feeling better. You are an inspiration! Best wishes for continued healing.
Susan Brewer
So glad your are healing! As a teacher, I spend most every summer morning “catching up” on your shows that air while I’m normally at school. God bless you as you mend and get stronger. Thank you for your sewing guidance and inspiration.
Jan Becherer
Nancy, I am so thrilled to hear you are healing well. You have certainly been in my prayers. What an inspiration you are to so many of us in so many ways! This whole ordeal could be another chapter in your book! I was so thrilled to meet you in Lakeland, FL in March…I am the one who wore the PINK blouse you commented on, and remembered the next day. Amazing.
Barbara Charbonneau
Glad to get your update Glad to hear you are doing better Hope that therapy goes well And i will keep the prayers coming from the PACIF NORTHWEST
Ruth Ferraro
So glad to hear you are doing well! I love your book & all your courage. I’m praying for you. You are an inspiration to everyone!
Glad to hear the good news Nancy! Will continue to keep you in my prayers, my friend.
John F. Luedtke - Fayetteville, Ar.
Thanks to all of you who had our sister Nancy is your thoughts and prayers – God Is Good! We appreciate you all, JFL
Nancy, miss your shows so much. You and your family have been in my prayers ever since I learned of your illness. Your willingness to share and give of yourself is so awesome. May you be bless as you go through this journey. We are so thankful that you are on the road to recovery. Take care of you, Nancy, and the rest will work itself out.
Dear Nancy,
Glad to hear the good news. You’re on your way to great recovery. May God support you.
Nina Cramer
Great news. Keep on walking! and sewing LOL
Barbara Dewitz
NANCY, I have always admired your talent. I started watching your program over 20 years ago and was thrilled with the things I learned from watching. I am thrilled to hear you are recovering. God certainly is good to leave you with us for many more years. You are a blessing in our lives. Looking forward to the new shows.
Thank you Nancy for teaching us sew much thru the years.
I met you once when I was buying fabric at your store.
What a thrill for me. You are so gracious. My prayer is for
a good recovery and continued success in your life.
From France, Hi Nancy, I had the same surgery in March 2015, extensive rehabilitation and a lot of pain … now I’m driving, walking, etc … finally I saw, so good luck to you!
Janice Taylor
Dear Nancy,
Glad you are doing well. My Granny had this done and lived on her own until she was 100. Wishing you all the best. The hard part was the therapy.
Good luck,
Janice Taylor
silvana bottino
Best wishes from a follower from Argentina
Carol Skilling
Thank God you are on the mend. May He continue to give you courage, perseverence, and strength while His huge arms enfold you, Nancy.
Love, Carol
Sue Lockwood
So glad to hear that you are doing well. Remember it takes one day at a time. Looking forward to more of your great sewing tips.
You have been in my prayers, and I am so glad to hear you are healing well. I will continue to pray for your continuing recovery.
Loretta T. Consiglio
So happy to hear you are mending well and your spirits are up….May God continue to peacefully heal you and encourage you to be exactly where He want you!!
Shirley Holmber
My continued prayers for your complete recovery. I know I am not the first or the last person to tell you how what an inspiration you are.
Sue Wagenaar
So happy you are healing and have made so much progress since your surgery. I look forward to the new season and all the new things you have to offer us. I also look forward to the Quilt Expo in Sept. One of my very favorite events to attend. Praying that you continue on the road to a full recovery.
Sue from Wis. Rapids
Learning to use your new “parts” will be like learning to use new sewing machine accessories – you’ll soon be a whiz! Best wishes for continued strong recovery.
Diane S.
I’m so glad to hear you are recovering and able to go back to work. Normalcy in our lives is healing in itself. My thoughts and prayers have been with you.
Shirley Clark
I’m so glad to hear you are on the mend. I’m sure it’s much more challenging than most people realize. I had a knee replacement, and that alone was enough of a challenge, and yet you had much more done.
I do pray the pain is not too hard on you. I’m sure it’s much better than it was at first. You are an amazing lady!
Laura Jean Rusin
I’ll keep the prayers and good healing Qi coming your way, and you keep mending and improving. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGs
Joan Stone
Thank-you dear Nancy for the update on your recovery! I’ve kept my eye out for an update and am so glad you are doing so well. Your courage helps others I am sure. God bless you and we all look forward to your great shows ahead and to see you again. God speed! Joan
Linda Heimerl
I’m so glad to hear you are doing well. As someone who has had two knee replacements, I understand the grueling therapy routine! But it’s worth it! You have great support – thank you for sharing your update. You are an inspiration and I’m wishing you the best in your continued recovery! You are in my prayers!
Ginny Vennerholm
Dear Nancy,
It’s wonderful that you are doing so well, keep up the good work. Recovery is never easy so I wish you the very best and be as bright spirited as always. Look forward to all the great and wonderful ideas that you always share.
Take care,
so glad you are so much better, and still improving. I am one of those unfortunate women with large breasts (triple D!), and have difficulty finding clothes to fit. I’m looking for a pattern that has adjustments for fitting problems like this. Is this something you could create for us to buy? Or do you know of a source?
I’m new in receiving your emails and projects which I enjoy rearing I do wish you the best and I know that GOD is with us always.!!!!!!!! I have had open heart surgery 7 weeks ago and I know GOD answers our prayers but we need to receive HIS WILL TOO!!! MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS love and hugs Laura
Jessie Fyfe
You will never know how pleased I am that you are recovering so well! My prayers remain with you for a full recovery.
Sharon Jacobson
Thoughts and prayers are with you always as you continue with your recovery. Thank you for sharing your update with us. God’s blessings to you and your family.
Mary Green
Thank you for your update, Nancy. So glad to hear things are going as planned. I know how hard knee replacement recovery can be and its definitely not for the weak. You’ll find it all worth it in the end. You remain in my thoughts and prayers. God bless…
Mary T
Thank you for the update! So glad to hear you are on the mend. Hope you know the your viewers love and wish you a speedy recovery. Thoughts and prayers will continue as you regain your health. May God Bless you and your family. Thanks again for the many years of wonderful sewing shows.
Thank you for the update. I have been thinking of you a lot lately. You are an inspiring person for me. At the age of 73 I am going thru a lot lately with my health. Will keep you in my thoughts and look forward to seeing you on pbs.
Best Wishes as you heal!
Sharon L-S
Your show has been one of the constants in my life . I have enjoyed all the segments even the ones I know I won’t do. I still pick up hints from each show. Sew glad to hear you are progressing sew well. Hugs and prayers to you.
Donna McAfee
Dear Nancy, thank you for the update. It looks like you are doing well and following “all the rules”. Prayers for your full recovery and return to your show. I have been watching you for as long as I can remember. You are such an inspiration to all who care about you.
Cay Long
I had knee replacement last Oct so know how hard it is to recover. Between my drill sargent (PT) and my husband I finally could bend the knee to 120 degrees and walk again (without a walker) First time to sit at the sewing machine and sew was great. Now the 4-H sewing judging season has started. It is so much fun to see what the kids have made and have them tell all about their projects. I learn as much from them as they learn from doing the projects. Nancy, life has returned to a new normal for me and all these other people listed here. What a fantastic blessing for you to know so many people care about you. Thank you for all your talents and examples you have showed us over the years. Can’t wait to see your new shows.
Nancy McCalpin
Thank you for the update. Have been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers . So glad you are doing well. Look forward to watching you for a lot more years.
Toni Wilson
I’ve been looking for an update and it is such good news. Had 2 knee replacements. The PT is really hard but it is so worth the effort. Keep working hard. Praise God that he allows you to continue in your commitment.
Robin H
I’m happy to hear that you’re healing and able to get back to filming. You’re such an encouragement to me! God bless you!
Thank you for the update. Glad to hear you are doing well. I hope you realize what a loving and loyal following you have. With that many prayers I am sure you will do well.
Katie Trunzo
Oh Nancy, it is so nice to hear your great newsy update. Sounds like you are have progressed so well!! I’m sure everyone dear is so happy you’re moving forward.
Our prayers and support continue for you and yours.
Judy sharpe, Guelph, On. Canada
You are a real trooper Nancy and such an inspiration to us all. Keep up the good work. You are always in our prayers.
Fran Johnson
Dear Nancy,
What wonderful news!!! So happy that you are doing so well. I’m looking forward to watching your new programs. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents with us for so many years.
ME Pendleton
You have always been such an inspiration to myself & so many others. Continued prayers & good wishes !
Dear Nancy – ever since I discovered your wonderful shows you have been my inspiration. Sharing your energy and creativity with people of all ages and stages is the catalyst by which I have renewed my love of sewing and given new life to my flagging confidence in my sewing ability. If you have done this for me you have done for it for millions of people. May your recovery be complete and uncomplicated and may you feel the love that is for you from all parts of the world. Thank you for what you have meant to me. From Way DownUnder where the kookaburras sing and the kangaroos hop for joy that you are mending well.
You are amazing! I am so happy that you have good things happen lately.
Jennifer Fried
Dearest Nancy,
So glad you are doing so well. I’m sure that you have overcome a lot. You are a great inspiration to so many. Glad that you are able to contiue sharing all your talents with all of us. God bless you and all your family and staff.
Jenny Fried
Deanna Walth
Dear Nancy, I am so happy to hear you are on the road to recovery and will be starting your new season on PBS in August. I have watched you on PBS through the years and have attended many years of the Sewing Expo in Puyallup, WA.
Others have said exactly what I feel for you and we all are inspired by you in many wonderful ways. God Bless you in your recovery. Deanna
Kathy Underwood
Just keep getting better and better! You’re in my prayers!
So happy to hear you are doing well, thanks for the update.
Janet Chamberlain
Thank God you are doing so good, and you will continue to improve your health with God’s help. Your strong healing power and your faith in God are your tools. Be strong and keep thinking positive. Take care yourself.
Julie Willis
So proud of you and so happy to hear you’re doing well!! Hang in there with the PT; it makes all the difference in recovery. Looking forward to a new TV season!
Pat Sexauer
Thanks for the update, glad things are progressing well. You’ve been my ‘heroine’ even before I read your book. I like every one else feels as though you are a part of my family and wish the best. Thanks for continuing to do what you do so well.
Kelly Sasman
You are a woman from a WI farm family – you will fully recover (as you always have)! Seriously, so many have been praying for you and our gracious Lord has answered them! I can’t wait to go to the exhibit in Oshkosh with my aunt & cousin in August. I also can’t wait to see your show fron there!
You are an inspiration to all! So happy that you are recovering so well! Blessings your way and many years to come sewing and inspiring all who meet you!
So glad to hear you are doing better. We all look forward to your return!
Joan K
Keep it positive and keep laughing, two very important things on the road to wellness. My thoughts are with you.
My prayers and thought are with you.
I loved going to you shop when I lived up that way. HAve always loved watching you on tv.
Love you, Nancy. You are one of my heroes. May you continue to be watched over and blessed every day.
Welcome back! Glad to know you are improving and able to get back to the things you like to do. You were missed! Hope all goes well on your healing journey.
Deb Tilton
Glad to hear that things are progressing well. Please know that you are in my prayers I’m happy that you are taping your shows because that means we, your sewing fans, can continue to learn new techniques and tips!! May God bless you and keep you close.
Barbara Baker
I just purchased your book and can’t wait to start reading it!! i love watching your show and have watched it since the 80’s! I hope you get well soon!!
Debra M
Nancy, I’m so glad to hear you are doing well. What a scary thing to go through but by sharing your story with all of us, you make us stronger and better able to face our daily challenges. God Bless you for all that you do for all of us!
Sharon Simmons
I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you.
I tried to send you a message when I first read about your current health issue but I had technical difficulties.
I am so glad to hear of your progress. I have been following you for so long that I can’t remember. I enjoy watching you. I learn something new each time I watch your program. Not just about sewing etc but about the many who help others with their talents and gifts from God. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family
Laurie G
How wonderful to hear you are doing so well. So many people are praying for your complete recovery, and that will pull you through.
Carole Fellows
Nancy, I just wanted you to know that I shared your blog post with my Art Quilts 101 facebook group and received 54 well-wishes for you (so far). I know everyone who knows you appreciate you keeping us informed of your progress and are pleased you are doing so well.
All the best on your continued recovery.
One of your many fans,
Carole Fellows
Darla in New Mexico
your show was my first inspiration to sewing and now I miss it when I can’t see it, and have been watching your show online for a long time. I began watching it when I was quite young and still continue to watch it.
I am a disabled nurse and believe me recovery time is actually more important than the procedure u have gone through, and keep telling yourself that it will get better and keep up the hard work. Don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have your show and your sewing knowledge to teach me new and easier techniques..GOD BE WITH U
Thank you for all you do and your inspiration! God Bless You and may you continue to improve as you continue on your journey!
This is the best news I’ve heard all day. You have been in my prayers and thoughts. No doubt you have been missed by your staff, and we can’t wait to see you on TV again. You’re positive attitude and perseverance are why we love you. We’re all rootin’ for you!! You got this.
Mary Ellen
Such wonderful news to hear; continued best wishes for you for an ongoing quick recovery. Although, I bet it doesn’t seem very quick to you. 🙂
Sue Hunt
Nancy, So glad to hear your doing so well. PT is so hard some days but luckily today they can do so much for us. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue to recover. Hoping to see you soon with your new projects on PBS. Best wishes for your good health. Sue
Linda Hamilton
What Wonderful News…GOD BLESS
Thanks for sharing the update. Giving thanks to God for the good news and praying for continued healing.
Hi Nancy, I’m happy you are progressing well. In 2007 I had double knee replacement surgery. I was 54. I had a little complication but,God took care of me, as well as the medical staff. They all were really pleased with my quick progress with the therapy. My prayer was to be able to walk on my own acccord and no cane or walker. I did all they asked of me. It was very, very, very painful and hard. But I was determined!!!! Being allergic to many meds made things somewhat difficult too but, I got through it. You will be just fine. I am sure all your medical team knows how grateful you are. We are glad for the great care you’re receiving. Continue to improve. Many blessings, Lorij
Erin M
Thank you so much, Nancy, for giving all of us an update on your progress, which sounds very good! We have always admired your sewing and teaching skills, but with your autobiographical book and now your blog of this latest health challenge, you’ve invited all of us to support you in a personal way. We are praying for your complete recovery, strength, and health so that you can continue to enjoy all that God has given you. Blessings.
Hi Nancy: I want to jump on the bandwagon of good wishes and best of health to you too!!!
I have been wondering about your recovery. Thanks for the update.
I will continue praying for you. And in these unsettling times, I am grateful that this is still a site where we can still mention God and prayers.
Barbara Hartford
I was sitting here watching your show (an episode I have seen a few times) and was wondering about your progress…My husband walked thru and send why not look her up on the web…I am SO HAPPY to hear you are doing much better. I have had my own “adventure” a couple of years back so I know what concerns one can have. I look forward to seeing you for many more years….but, take care of YOU first. May God bless you with a complete and speedy recovery. Thinking of you and praying for you.
Sandy Davis
Dearest Nancy, It’s so good to read your update, and praises to God that you’re recovering so well! My husband, Lee, & I have been praying for you since I first learned of your situation and we will continue to pray for complete healing and increased strength and stamina. Lee went through 3 surgeries withing 2 weeks in January – 2 of which were in 1 day! He had to have his hip/femur implant replaced from the first surgery of 2 yrs prior, where he had a complete hip/stem replacement. The stem had come loose and was giving him problems, so the decision was made to go back in & replace it. Through a series of complications, it had to be re-done 2 more times! He’s recovering very well, so we know you will continue to do, as well. He watches your programs with me and has come to love you as much as I do! Keep up the good recovery and we’ll be seeing you, hopefully in person some day!
What great news!! Thank you for sharing. You are so loved and appreciated!!! Please continue to take care of yourself as we all need you so much!!
I’ve been wondering how your recovery is going! Thank you for posting this …. Many best wishes go out to you, Nancy.
Mildred Squyres
I am so glad to hear you are doing so well. I’m sure with your determination you will be back walking as if it never happened.
Take care and God Bless you with good health for many years to come.
Delores Goudelock
Dearest Nancy – I was so glad to hear about how well you are doing. I have been and will continue to be praying for you as you continue your physical therapy. I pray that you feel our Heavenly Father’s presence of peace and comfort and strength during your recovery. My husband is a minister and when I make visits with him I often hear him say that God will not let anything happen to you that he cannot handle. Love to you and your family. Best wishes, Delores Goudelock.
Diana G.
I am so happy to hear you are doing good !! Keep on keeping on (as the old saying goes). Wishing you the best now and in the future !!
Joyce wilson
Putting my old cheerleader uniform on, (wow it still fits after 50 years!) Shaking my pompoms,and here goes. COME ON EVERYBODY WHADDAYA SAY
GIMME AN N, GIMME AN A, GIMME AN NCY , GOOOO NANCY YEAH!! I’m saying prayers for you and cheering you on. You can do it!
It is good to hear you are doing great. Prayers are continually going up for you and your support system. A good person can’t be kept down no matter what is thrown your way in life. Only keep your eyes upward.
Dawn Baker
I give you a standing ovation in your recovery. I was saddened to hear of your illness. I was thankful for being able to purchase an assortment of your vidios. It has been my saving grace, because I work all the time and can not get to sewing classes. I managed to get in a few classes at the Auroa Sewing Center, Clarence N.Y. where we have a mutial friend. God bless and good health.
Barbara Palmatier
Wow did not realize your complications where so extensive. I am so pleased you are doing better and your staff and bosses are so understanding while you recover. It is great to have loving people around you that truely care. You are very blessed. Hope to see you some day, God willing. Take care.
Le Ann Osborne
I would really love to try this product for gathering. I’m sewing for a tiny grand daughter now and it would be so useful!
Peggy V
Thank you for sharing an update, so pleased you are recovering and doing so well. Blessings to you and your family! Looking forward to your new season on PBS.
Great news to hear, Nancy ! Sending good thoughts and energy your way from Texas to help you continue your healing and recovery. You’ve brought so much sewing education and enjoyment to so many of us, and we’re all here for you !! Take care, blessings !
Nancy , I am glad that you are recovering. I have you in my prayers that you continue to heal. Thank you for updating us on your progress.
Mary Hawkins
Dearest Nancy,
So thrilled to receive your wonderful update. You are an inspiration to all of us in so many ways. As a retired RN, I know you can only take one day at a time. you are always in my prayers. Prayers especially of comfort, healing and cancer free.
Much Love and a Big Hug!!!
Mary Hawkins, Salem, OR
Nancy Zieman
Thank you!
Sheila in MN
Oh, Nancy, that is wonderful news! I am so happy that your recovery is going so well. I have watched your show on PBS since the beginning, have waaaaay too many of your DVDs and books and am a regular customer at Nancy’s Notions. You have been a creative inspiration not only to me but my daughter and now my 6yo granddaughter who has just started sewing this late spring. She and I had a very frank talk about your illness. You should know that one of your youngest fans is wishing you well! 🙂
So happy to hear your doing so well. I have been watching you since the beginning and order my sewing/quilting supplies on your website. Love what you offer, Thank You.
God has blessed you in so many ways.
Sharon H
Nancy, we all have hurdles in our lives; some greater than others. You have certainly had your fair share, yet you continue to Praise God for your blessings. What a witness you are to the Goodness of God. Even in tribulation, there is triumph. And you certainly don’t need me to point out how many lives you have touched over the years, and what a blessing you have been, and continue to be, to others….myself included….just look at the responses you received from this one personal sharing to update us all. You are indeed blessed. Prayers for you and your family as well as the medical staff who continue to monitor you. You are also a part of that team, you know. The patient is a big part of that team. And your part is really big at this time, just doing what you have to do in order to heal and continue serving Him. Please keep us informed as you can.
Rhonda Ekblad
Thank you for sharing your life with us Nancy. It’s good to hear the good news you’ve given us. Admiration for you grows steadily as I learn more about you. Thank you for all you do for us. And heart felt thoughts are constantly being sent to you. Kindly – Rhonda
So happy to hear the good report on the recovery progress! I hope that you will be encouraged to know there are so many people who are covering you, your loved ones and medical providers in prayer. I just finished your book and loved it! Rest well and recover. We will patiently wait until we once again see your beautiful smiling face. Until then…
Meg Allen
You began your television show shortly after I was married, and I’ve been watching since then. You are a special part of my life, and so you have been in my prayers for improved health. I wish you continued good progress. Thanks for the update!