The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew – Part One
We generally think of two or three different ways to stitch most techniques, yet we generally use just one method. Which one? The absolute easiest way, of course!
This week’s featured online Sewing With Nancy program is the first of a three-part series on The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew.
Use just a few pins for pattern layout.
- Starting with pattern layout, cutting, and marking, learn ways to streamline and improve your sewing skills.
Do sewing darts have you in a dither?
- Learn how to use an index card or sticky notes as the sewing guide for effortless dart stitching, It’s the next Absolute Easiest technique.
One size does not fit all when it comes to sewing gathers!
- The type of fabric, the width of the seam allowances, and the project dictate the absolute easiest way to add gathers to fabrics. Nancy Zieman show’s you four options during this TV episode, plus there are more in the book, The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew.
Changing the rules is part of the sewing game.
- When adding elastic to knits, you’ll find this, by far, the simplest way to a sew casing. You’ll be stitching less and enjoying it more.
There’s a secret trick when sewing a casing in sportswear.
- You’ll think to yourself, “Why didn’t I think of that!” (Watch online for the trick.)
All of Nancy’s favorite sewing tips are in one book.
The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew chapters include:
- Sewing Notions
- Sewing Machine Confidence
- Serger Spotlight
- Patterns
- Fabric Facts
- Sewing Basics
- Beyond the Basics
Watch The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew (Part One, Part Two, and Part Three) on Sewing With Nancy online.
For your chance to win a copy of The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew from Nancy’s Notions, leave a comment sharing your most common sewing challenge.
The randomly selected winner of a copy of the No-Hassle Triangles Quilt Blocks book, is Kar.
Her comment is: Card Trick and Nancy’s Spool are my favorites. Love how Nancy has turned this sampler quilt into something even a beginner, like me, can be successful at and enjoy making.
Happy Sewing!
Team Nancy Zieman
Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.
Hardest thing for me when sewing is zippers
Lorna DeSantis
Zippers pose the greatest challenge
Nancy Lewis
I have a new sewing machine that doesn’t have a buttonhole attachment, so sewing them manually has became a challenge.
Jo Savino
casings to put elastic in. No matter what size elastic, I always have trouble getting it to lay flat and be even.
Beverly J Smith
Where can I purchase N. Zieman’s books?
Martha O.
Zippers and buttonholes are two aspects of sewing I avoid!
The hardest thing for me is free motion quilting square loops.
I try to avoid zippers and buttonholes at all costs. I just can’t seem to get them to look professional.
Zippers, even though I’m getting better at it, but we are still not a 100% couple – LOL … FIESTA 🙂
Shirley C
I have been sewing since middle school, but I still need to know how to do a better job of gathering of fabric. Thanks Nancy for your vast knowledge of tricks and tips.
Cheryl K
Hemming by hand is my biggest challenge. I’ve never been able to keep the stitches level and the same distance apart.
jean brazelton
My biggest challenge in sewing is sewing elastic.
Theresa Kennedy
Like many sewists, my biggest challenge is zippers and altering a pattern to fit. Nancy always had lots of good tips and tricks in all areas of sewing.
Zippers and buttonholes are a challenge for me.
Oh, how I wish this book had been around when I started sewing. What a great gift for someone just staring to sew and a nice reference guide for the experience sewer.
Constance Smith
my hardest thing is even looking top stitching
Linda H
The hardest part of sewing is making button holes and putting in zippers. This book would be very helpful.
Penny Fern Dudley
My most common sewing problem is attaching bias tape to an item. No matter what I do it always looks sloppy on one side r the other.
Karen King
I do mend items for my family and I am amazed I have not thought of some of these great ideas. As a teacher I often would fix clothing for my students-like patches over holes and torn hems. Here is a tip rather than pin boy/girls scout patches use glue sticks, makes it much easier to sew. Gluing also keeps one from bending all of their pins!
Gail K
My nemesis is creating nice turned-out corners; usually one of a matching pair will turn nicely, the second one will be a real bear.
Margaret C.
My serger needs a work out. Every year it is on my skill list.
Sandra C
This looks like one of Nancy’s best books as I love EASY TIPS and elastic casing is a problem for me. Would absolutely love this book to add to my Nancy’s book collection. I call them my Nancy’s Enclopedias to Seeing. Every volume is priceless.
Julie Kill
Proper Fitting is my biggest problem, so the tricks with darts and elastic ideas help me!
Shirley Wright
I have found that everything that I have tried that Nancy suggest has been the easiest way to sew Just remembering the tip when I get ready to use it is the problem. A book would be a great reference. Thanks Nancy.
Amy B
Sleeve caps on set-in sleeves. I’ve rarely accomplished one where the gathers did not get pinched. Also, invisible zippers are always a mystery.
Pamela Benson
Using a double needle!!! I ALWAYS end up with skipped stitches!!! Accckkkkhhhhhhh
Barb K
Button holes and Zippers are challenges!
Zippers, that is something I have always had a problem with. Sewing, then taking out and then sewing again.
Brenda Terrell
I seem to have a difficult time attempting to do free motion quilting. It always looks so easy, but not for me. I will keep up the practice tho.
Zippers are a challenge for me.
Chris Vick
Elastic drives me crazy, getting the right length for give and take
Lorraine Alves
Princess seams give me a great deal of trouble. Do you sew with the larger curve on top or on the bottom? What presser foot would be best to use? So many question and Nancy had the answers.
I still sew hems by hand. I need to feel confident in using the hem foot so my sewing will be quicker and easier. I would love Absolute Easiest tips! Thanks for the chance to win it.
Linda R Vernon
Button holes and Lining are difficult for me. Thanks
Cindy K
Buttonholes and zippers are my biggest challenge.
Bernadette Hoeller
I am 94 and sewing dresses for Little African Girls. I would love the book so I could teach my 14 year old Greatdaughter how to sew. Blessings to all.
Kathie Robbins
Oh, my goodness! I make quilts (not advanced level, but confident intermediate, I would think), but I do NOT sew clothes! My greatest challenge was teaching and helping several young women (ages 12 – 17) at church how to make Pioneer Trek re-enactment clothes! THAT was hard, but I did it!!
Jan C
I would be so thrilled to gift this to my granddaughter.
Martha Morgan
Fitting – period.
Ruth Falk
My biggest sewing challenge is simply finding time.
Charlotte Brown
My serger intimidates me so much so that I have never tried to use it. (I bought it 20 years ago).
Zippers are my nemesis. No matter what I do, I always have an error around the pull tab.
Nancy McFall
replacing elastic and zippers AAARGH!!!
Zippers and darts! They make me have to meditate before and after working on them.
Elastic in waistbands. They always roll on me!!
Sue C
While being taught how to sew in Jr. High school, my instructor would tell us that it takes time and patience to perfect zippers and buttonhole. Now 40 yrs later I must say that it takes time, patience and Nancy’s tips.
Joyce Ciembronowicz
Now my elastic won’t have that “bump” left when bringing the ends together. I love that tip.
Jane Kolterman
My biggest challenge was myself! I was so scared to start anything, but I watched Nancy and she inspired me! She showed me all the tricks and I felt that it was possible! I never met her, but I feel like I lost a friend! She was so clever! Now I make quilts with ease! I am unstoppable! Thanks Nancy, my friend!
Averil Brownhill
Sewing pants that fit. Impossible? !
Diane Putzer
Putting in zippers. The lap near the pull usually looks off.
Regina Harris
Buttonholes and zippers are my biggest challenges, especially repairing a zipper.
Sherri G
Making clothes that fit is my biggest challenge.
Margie V.
Buttonholes and darts but the tip to use an index card etc to mark the placement is great.
Sewing sportswear and elastic are always a challenge for me! This would be great to share with new sewers in our 4-H Program!
DeAnns S
My most challenging issue is sewing plackets! They are always bulky around the corners and don’t lay flat. Invisible zippers would be next on the list.
Zippers clothes that fit time to sew
Bev Bolduc Aldridge
I have a machine that is great for quilts with teeny tiny stitches, it is bad when making clothing – it is a disaster. There is no way to adjust stitch length or width therefore I cannot make gathers or basting stitches or zigzag stitches. Still ‘the absolute easiest way to sew sounds fantastic.
Zippers used to pose a problem until I watched Nancy’s video and re[;aced the zipper on my grandson’s hoodie. EASY!
Peggy V
Nancy had so many clever ideas, would love to win this book!!
Cynthia U Barnett
Nancy continues to be such an inspiration for all who watch and learn from her talents!
Cynthia U Barnett
Finding time to sew is one of my biggest challenges. I’m going to start following Nancy’s advice is 10-20-30 Minutes to Sew!
What can I say, zippers can be a challenge. It seems that I am always a stitch or two off around the top of the zipper. Any tips are most welcome!
Stephanie H
Zippers are the trickiest for me. Would love if Nancy’s book:
The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew
Was put in print again. I would love to purchase it. Thanks so much! 😊