The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew, Part One
We generally think of two or three different ways to stitch most techniques, yet we generally use just one method. Which one? The absolute easiest way, of course!
This week’s featured online Sewing With Nancy program is the first of a three-part series on The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew.
Use just a few pins for pattern layout.
- Starting with pattern layout, cutting, and marking, learn ways to streamline and improve your sewing skills.
Do sewing darts have you in a dither?
- Learn how to use an index card or sticky notes as the sewing guide for effortless dart stitching, It’s the next Absolute Easiest technique.
One size does not fit all when it comes to sewing gathers!
- The type of fabric, the width of the seam allowances, and the project dictate the absolute easiest way to add gathers to fabrics. Nancy Zieman show’s you four options during this TV episode, plus there are more in the book, The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew.
Changing the rules is part of the sewing game.
- When adding elastic to knits, you’ll find this, by far, the simplest way to a sew casing. You’ll be stitching less and enjoying it more.
There’s a secret trick when sewing a casing in sportswear.
- You’ll think to yourself, “Why didn’t I think of that!” (Watch online for the trick.)
All of Nancy’s favorite sewing tips are in one book.
The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew chapters include:
- Sewing Notions
- Sewing Machine Confidence
- Serger Spotlight
- Patterns
- Fabric Facts
- Sewing Basics
- Beyond the Basics
Watch The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew (Part One, Part Two, and Part Three) on Sewing With Nancy online.
For your chance to win a copy of The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew from Nancy’s Notions, leave a comment sharing your most common sewing challenge.
The randomly selected winner of an electronic quilt pattern created by Tammie Bowser, plus a video course in her stitched art techniques. Tammie will personally create the winner’s quilt pattern using their random photo, is Jackie Cheek.
Her comment is: I have two thoughts in mind, I would Ike to do one of my family when we were all much younger. My mom’s birthday is in November and it would be such a surprise for her. I think I only have the picture in black and white but I can check on it. I have it electronically and it would need to be enlarged. The other idea is to surprise my brother with his because he’s always been supportive of my creative interests.
All youth, age 15 and under, are invited to participate in the NEW! 2019 I Sew For Fun Kids’ Sewing Challenge! Enter the challenge by purchasing the Official 2019 I Sew For Fun Kids’ Sewing Challenge Cinch Sack Kit, at the NEW! NZP Shop. Quantities are limited! Find challenge details in the September 24 NZP Blog Posting.
Happy Sewing!
Team Nancy Zieman
Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.
Emma Smith
My challenge is putting in invisible zippers. I can never seem to get each side even.
Cindy K
Putting a bias cut binding on a quilt with a lot of curves
Chantal Lapointe
I find it challenging to finish necklines with pre-packaged bias tape.
Zippers are always a challenge for me.
This book would solve a lot of issues I have when sewing LOL! I would love to have it.
Genevieve Schultz
Putting in invisible zippers and sewing lightweight fabrics without it puckering.
Getting a nice even clean finish with zippers is a challenge for me. Any tips are welcomed and sounds like this book would be a help.
Carolyn T
My most recent challenge is learning my (inherited) sewing machine ‘s features. Nancy’s back-to-basics book and this video will help me overcome that challenge.
Kelly Sasman
Seeing slippery fabrics like silk or sheer thin fabrics I still struggle with. How to avoid puckering or slipped stitches with this fabric 100% is frustrating at best.
Pam P
Keeping the seam allowances consistent and straight is my constant challenge.
Finding enough time to sew all my ideas. Sewing using the easiest method would allow me to get more accomplished!
Amy B
Setting in a sleeve so the gathers are even – no pinches – often takes me several tries.
My biggest problem is threading the sewing machine.
I would say button holes are my biggest sewing challenge. Even though the button hole foot is supposed to do all the work, it never seems to work quite perfectly for me. I do like creative sewing tips.
Sherry P
Making sure I don’t clip my curves too short or everything will be off!!! Like the oven mitts I made everyone one year for Christmas. They couldn’t get their thumb in the thumb hole!! Not good!!
My biggest challenge is sewing in zippers. They never look right! Very discouraging.
Lorraine Alves
Oh, so many challenges but my most challenging sewing is setting in sleeves. I find I use so many pins that I am constantly stabbing myself. A simpler and less stabbing technique would be greatly appreciated.
Buttonholes and zippers are my biggest challenges.
kathleen sweet
My daughter just told me she is getting rid of the huge desk that she doesn’t use and putting up a table so she can learn to sew!! What a great gift this would make.
Zippers and buttonholes are always my biggest challenge.
Sandra C
I love to sew but having RA it is a struggle to use my hands so anything that makes it easier for me is wonderful. I love all of Nancy’s books that I have and would love to have this one too.
I do struggle with zippers and always have.
Marilyn Dunstan
I’ve been quilting for a while and trying to get back to some general sewing. I realize it’s not coming as easy as it once did when I sewed all the time. I know this book would help me get my mojo back. Nancy’s instructions have helped me in the past and still will be helping me now and in the future. I’m so glad for her continuing TV show.
My biggest challenge is finding the time to sew. I love to sew but so many of my friends and neighbors need repairs or alterations. I love to help them.
Karen Talley
The hardest thing to sew is the finishing touches. I can follow many projects to completion. But once I hit a snag, I tend to move to another unfinished project because I’ve become frustrated with the prior project. When I see a great pattern or beautiful fabric, it’s over.
Cynthia T
I have issues when cutting silky fabrics.
Martha O.
Wish I had a time-saver for adding lining to my daughter’s store-bought dresses and jackets.
Diane Whitt
I have challenges putting in a sleeve.
Barb K
Zippers and buttonholes are a little challenging!
Delois Campbell
These tips would be so helpful to me as I teach myself.
Finding the time & space to sew; getting past unfinished and unbegun projects. Nancy’s always been an inspiration — her tips have never failed.
Joan Bullock
My challenge is remembering how to do a technique without a book with pictures and instructions if it’s a technique I don’t use often. I may remember the technique, but can’t figure out to put it into practice.
I would love to purchase the entire set, “The absolute easiest way to sew,” as I have seen on the local PBS TV show several times, but, of course, the shows are older productions – they never go out of “style,” as Nancy Zieman’s techniques are timeless. In fact I have written to you before wondering why you don’t put all of her technique books back into production.
Joan Bullock
Nancy Zieman’s techniques and styles are timeless. Her solutions to solving a sewing problem are – why didn’t I think of this, it’s clearly genius.