Sew A Mug Rug from Fabric Scraps

Stitch the perfect stocking stuffer, a gift for a friend, or an accent for your home using fabric scraps! Nancy’s easy-to-sew mug rug pattern is ideal to stitch using a peppermint theme. In no time, create a set of festive drink coasters.
If you don’t have a favorite go-to recipe for homemade hot cocoa, our friends at PBS have one for you to try! The secret is in the crushed peppermints.
Supplies, Notions, and Fabric:
- Point 2 Point Turner
- Pellon’s Shirtailor Interfacing
- Fusible Fleece
- Trace’n Create Carefree Curves Template Set
- 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge
- 6-in-1 Stick ‘n Stitch Guide
- Assorted Fabric Scraps

- Each single mug rug requires:
– Four fabric squares cut 4″ x 4″
– Two interfacing squares cut 7-1/2″ x 7-1/2″
– One fleece square cut 7-1/2″ x 7-1/2″
- Cut four squares each measuring 4″ x 4″ from four fabric scraps.
- Cut one square of fabric 7-1/2″ x 7-1/2″ for the back.
- Cut one square 7-1/2″ x 7-1/2″ from the fleece and two same-sized squares from the interfacing.
- Use the 6-in-1 Stick ‘n Stitch Guide on the sewing machine plate to mark perfect 1/4″ seam allowances.
- Use the Carefree Curves template to trace a circle onto the stacked fabrics.
- To create the top of the mug rug, layer pieces in this order:
- Fleece, adhesive side down
- Sewn Four-Patch, right side up
- Interfacing, adhesive side up
- For the mug rug back, layer pieces in this order:
- 7-1/2″ fabric square, right side up
- Interfacing square, adhesive side up
- Stitch directly on the marked lines of both the top and bottom sets.
- Trim excess fabric 1/8″ past the stitching line using a pinking rotary cutting blade, on both top and bottom pieces.
- Use scissors to trim away excess interfacing, leaving 1″ of interfacing.
- Turn the interfacing to the wrong side.
- Carefully, smooth the circle edges with the turner.
Notice that the adhesive side of the fusible fleece is facing you as you smooth the interfacing. We’ll use this adhesive to fuse the top and bottom circle shapes together in the center of our final mug rug. Be mindful of the adhesive during the next pressing step.
- Layer the two circles, wrong sides together.
- Press.
- Position and set the seam guide to allow you to stitch a consistent edgestitch around the circle.
- Stitch in the ditch, sewing along the seams. If needed, use a fabric scrap to start the stitching onto the mug rug. Cut away extra fabric when stitching is complete.

Watch Sewing With Nancy online
For additional fun sewing projects, pick up Nancy’s book Sew Simple with Rectangles & Squares.
Or Watch Sew Simple with Rectangles & Squares (Part One, Part Two, and Part Three) on Sewing With Nancy.
Happy Sewing,
Team Nancy Zieman
Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.
Lorna DeSantis
Favorite holiday tradition is putting up the Christmas decorations on black Friday.
diane c
My favorite holiday tradition is family attending Church together on Christmas Eve.
Jan N.
My favorite holiday tradition is getting together with my family to make Christmas goodies.
Linda E in AZ
All those wonderful Christmas cookies that my mother and I used to bake together (of course we’d eat a few too!).
Paula Nordt
My favorite tradition is baking holiday cookies with my children. Then we pack them up on pretty plates to give to friends.
Patricia M Radloff
Sharing the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve & morning with family & friends.
Susan Spiers
Great book! My own favorite tradition is giving everyone in my family a hand-made Christmas ornament! Thank you, Susan
Patricia M Radloff
Sharing the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day with family & friends is the best tradition for the season.
My favorite holiday tradition listening to Christmas music while I’m baking. Also going to Church on Christmas Eve for the candle light service.
Lynn Kuitems
My new favorite Christmas tradition is finding a ministry to give toward. I give in memory of my Father who is now in heaven. Compassion has gifted families with an animal to provide food and income especially in Africa. I also look for ways to give by sewing or quilting for others.
We always love watching the children act out the story of Christ’s birth.
Marsha Lufkin
My favorite family Christmas tradition is piling everyone in the car and cruising the neighborhood to see Christmas lights while we all sing Christmas carols.
Phyl McCord
We used to spend a little time each night reading a Christmas story aloud. Now that the children are grown and not living at home, we try to get together for one night and watch “A Christmas Carol”.
Betty Crawford
My favorite holiday tradition when our children were all at home, was to have breakfast then read the Christmas story before we opened our gifts. Now with ten grandchildren and two great grandchildren, it is so special for all of us to get together for Christmas dinner!
Beverly Smith
My favorite family tradition is going to the Christmas Eve candlelight service at church. The service ends at midnight and into the first moments of Christmas morning.
Sandy Gray
My favorite holiday tradition putting my tree up with my 3 grandsons. Then watching them open their presents Christmas morning.
My favorite family Christmas tradition is watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” on Christmas Eve.
when the oldest kids were just babes, my husband and I would join his brothers and sister and go to midnight mass while Meme and Papa would watch the kids. When our children were older, they joined us along with Meme and Papa. To be with family on the greatest night of the year was always a special tradition.
Margaret Graczyk
Our favorite holiday tradition is the Sharing of the Oplatek. This is a Polish (and now other Eastern Europeans) tradition where each person is given a piece of a square shaped, flat wafer that is almost paper thin and has holiday symbols pressed into it. It represents the “sharing of bread and good wishes” of the holiday and coming New Year. Each person offers another their wafer and that person breaks off a smidgen. Then they will then tell each other their good wishes for each other and then eat that small piece. This goes on, and around in front of everybody until everyone has told all the others that they are loved and cared for.
I look forward to my once a year family get together
on Christmas Eve for dinner and our HUGE White Elephant exchange.
Lisa L
My favorite holiday tradition is gathering all the family together on Christmas Eve for a simple dinner and then getting together again on Christmas Day for more family time. Grandkids are the absolute best!!
Karen Payton
We have always opened our stocking on Christmas eve, since my now grown children where babies.
My very favorite Christmas tradition is selecting an unrelated, needy child and remaining unknown while gifting the child with several clothing pieces, a book and Bible plus playtime items. I keep a budget for this and throughout the year watch sales for appropriate things and sew some of the gifts. When my children were young, they helped me select items (recipient was not at their school so never known to them). Now my daughter is doing the same in her community. 🙂
LindaC in AZ
My favorite holiday tradition is our Christmas Cookie Baking Day Extravaganza! When my children were small we started making cookies. Now that they are grown, we get together bake cookies and have a wonderful day. We have some traditional recipes we use, but with the addition of family members we also try new recipes each year. It’s the best day of the holidays.
Lillian K
My favorite tradition is preparing and filling Christmas stockings for our grown children and our grandchildren. We bring these stockings to our family get together on Christmas.
Cyrena Gibson
My favorite tradition is on Christmas Eve the family gathers at my house for dinner. We all hold hands for the Prayer before eating.
Cathy Burnett
Our favorite holiday family tradition is getting together at my home with all my family and extended family that can come….and playing an assortment of games….anything goes….hanging out and enjoying the fellowship till way into the morning hours. So thankful for a loving family that knows how to have fun.
Wanda Presley
My favourite tradition is serving Christmas dinner to the homeless, needy and lonely at a church & singing Christmas carols together!
Gina M
I am ‘older’ and my favorite traditions are more like favorite memories now. Families have grown and moved away. A few traditions carry forward; more new one are added. I *love* sewing Christmas Stockings all year long. They make great wedding presents, baby presents – and new ones are added as families grow (so far, I have been able to match the originals). One bride recently told the family that it felt like she was an ‘official’ member of the family when she saw her name embroidered on her stocking! After Katrina, I made matching stockings for one extended family that lost everything. (I also entered your stocking contest this year – the hexagon one, “Sew Very Merry” pattern)
Gina M
PS COMMENT: About the adorable mug mats…
It is easier to match the fabric the the mug, than to shop for a mug to match the mat you already sewed. (Ask me how I know this )
My favorite Christmas tradition is making cookies with my family. My 12 yr old daughter is starting to like to bake and it is fun to watch her succeed with a new recipe!
Suzanne. Tetreault
Making gingerbread houses is a tradition in our family !
Kim M Harrington
We always loved putting up my collections of special glass ornaments from years and years of receiving them for gifts. Also finding new ways to set up the Dickens Christmas village.
Stacie Pinkston
We all get new pj’s, slippers, coloring book and crayons on Christmas Eve. I love the time we spend together coloring in our pajamas!
Kris Valle
Hi Nancy – This mug rug is such a neat technique. I’m trying to think of other ways in my sewing I could use this. Thanks! Our favorite Christmas tradition is making a biscuits and gravy breakfast and trimming the Christmas tree in our pajamas and snacking on breakfast leftovers. A fun way to start the day and be together making the tree so pretty.
Peggy V
Favorite tradition since grandchildren were very little we have been making graham cracker gingerbread houses on Christmas eve. The oldest grandchild is graduating from college this year and the tradition continues!!! What fun!!!
Marianne Squire Maszer
Santa filling the stockings with mixed nuts, an orange, chocolate coins, a candy cane and other goodies. Thank you for the chance to win. Happy holidays to all.
Filling the ‘socks’…. My kids are in their 30’s and still look
forward to those Santa socks. Even the in-laws get the Santa sock with all kinds of goodies, and a banana and an orange in the toe !!
Julie-Ann Samuelson
My favorite holiday tradition is opening up the holiday stockings on Christmas morning. They’re filled with nuts, peppermint so, and an orange for our breakfast and a small gift to tide us over until everyone is up and ready to open the presents under the tree (which always has a few extra ones wrapped and ready for any guest who stop by).
Julie L
My favorite tradition is anything that lets me spend time with my family!
Karen McSparren
My favorite holiday tradition is baking cookies, making candy and breads for family and friends.
My favorite family tradition is sewing each new family member a Christmas stocking. The stockings are made from neckties or fancy fabric i.e. Satin, velvet, and laces. The squares are embroidered with decorative thread. My husband has had his stocking for over 70 years.
Paula Hedges
I have always loved waiting for the kids to come up/or down the stairs depending which house we are at to see what Santa has brought. As they have grown into adults, the memories are relived and just as precious.
Kathy E.
Every year, we pile as many people as we safely can into the car and ride around town searching out the best decorated houses. There are a few areas where every house is lit up like a tree…literally!
Gail Beam
Our favorite tradition when our daughters were little was to get each of them a new Christmas Eve nightie, roll their hair up in pink sponge curlers( for Christmas morning pictures), have them write a letter to Santa, andleave a plate of cookies and a glass of milk and a carrot for Santa and Rudolph.
Jeanann Montney
Each Christmas we enjoy having coffeecake made from my Great Grandma Katie’s recipe.
When the kids were little, I made cookies for the holiday.
We carry on the tradition of using Grandma’s fudge recipe. Fresh snow and cold weather are required as the fudge goes into the snow to cool. Making fudge together is special for us as it is a tribute to loved ones no longer with us. At the same time we are creating our own memories.
Ann Gold
A favorite family tradition at our house is the sharing of gifts on Christmas Day when all the Worship Services are completed (I am an organist) and the turkey is in the oven! Then we take the time to laugh and play together.
Florence Dupuis
When our son was young we started the tradition of monkey buns for Christmas breakfast. Now he is grown and has a family of his own, we go to his house to see our grandchildren open presents and have monkey buns.
Sue Ridge
Baking and icing Christmas cookies with my girls and grandson.
Anne Z.
My favorite Christmas tradition is having Christmas dinner with my family.
Colleen Gonzales
My favorite tradition is setting up the Nativity set that my sister made for me many years ago. It is even more important and precious since she passed away several years ago.
Kathy Luehrs
my whole family gets together on Christmas Eve – following the tradition my grandparents started
Suzanne Anderson
My favorite tradition is decorating the Christmas Tree
My favorite tradition was going to early Christmas eve service, going to grandma house with our cousins, getting dinner together, waiting for grandpa to finish singing with the choir in the second service. He would come home, we would have a fast dinner, so the kids could get to their presents. Then we would relax and have so dessert.
Martha long
Enjoying family during holidays!
Marianne in TN
Instead of giving gifts to everyone, we enjoy each other’s company and instead play what we call “Dirty Santa”. We each bring a wrapped gift, some really nice and others ‘white-elephant type’. We draw numbers to see who chooses first while having the opportunity to steal others already opened. It’s always a great time!
Marianne in TN
At our family Christmas gathering, we added a new tradition: Ugly Sweater Contest. We buy votes and the winner gets half the money, and a random voter gets the other half.
Sharon King
We always got together at our house on the 24th for pizza night and opening gifts. Now we get together at a long term care center where my husband is. We still have pizza night and open gifts with him, The grandkids love to go see Pappaw.
L Watson
There are so many traditions I love. Listening to Christmas music as early as October. Watching Christmas movies with my daughters. Making Christmas cookies together. Christmas Eve is a fun breakfast, then presents, followed by a “snacky” supper and game playing. Then on Christmas, spending the day at the grandparents house with cousins and lots of family. Faith, family and fun!
Now this is a challenge for me ! I would love the book
Being with Family
Kathryn E
my favorite holiday tradition is having Christmas potluck at my mother-in-law’s house. Tradition has meatballs and shrimp cocktail. The other dishes are whatever anyone else decides to bring. It is appetizer style and involves nibbling all day.
Becky Canuteson
My favorite holiday tradition is singing in our Church choir program on Christmas Eve. My husband and I read the Christmas story together on Christmas morning before joining with other family members for a brunch.
My tradition for Christmas is calling my sons and their families and expressing my love and holiday greetings!