Teach Me to Machine Quilt Book Tour
Welcome to the Nancy Zieman blog stop along Pat Sloan’s Mega FUN Book Tour. Pat is kicking off the release of her new book, Teach Me to Machine Quilt. She takes a step-by-step beginner approach to machine quilting.
The book is full of great approaches to any machine quilting situation. One of Pat’s techniques that I found particularly innovative was her approach to machine quilting around appliqué shapes. In the pages of Teach Me to Machine Quilt, find the detailed instructions to design and fuse appliqué shapes.
Set up a straight guideline. Pat recommends painter’s tape. What a wonderful and simple solution!
Using the tape as a guide, Pat then illustrates how to stitch in straight lines; jumping over the appliqué shape.
Thanks so much, Pat, for sharing this great tip, and so many more!
On this Mega FUN Book Tour you have an opportunity to win one of five e-books from Pat Sloan and Martingale Press/That Patchwork Place. Hop over to the book tour hub for details.
Make sure to visit other stops along the tour:
Pat’s Mega Fun Book Tour!
Nov 18
- Bonnie Hunter quiltville.blogspot.
com/ - Pam Vieira-McGinnis pamkittymornin
g.blogspot.com/ - Alyce Blyth www.blossomheartquilts.
com/ - Kimberly Einmo www.kimberlyeinmo.com/
Nov 19
- American Patchwork & Quilting Magazine www.allpeoplequilt.
com/blog - Mathew Boudreaux misterdomestic.net/
and instagram.com/ misterdomestic/ - Moda – Carrie Nelson blog.modafabrics.com/
Nov 20
- Amy Smart www.diaryofaquilter.com/
with an Interview - Katja Marek of www.katjasquiltshoppe.com/
visit www.facebook.com/Katjas- Quilt-Shoppe and www.instagram.com/katja_marek/
Nov 21
- Lee Monroe www.maychappell.com/
- Jacquelynne Steves jacquelynnesteves.com/
blog/ - Stephanie Palmer latenightquilter.com/
- Mary Abreu instagram.com/
Nov 22
- Sarah Maxwell of www.homesteadhearth.com/ Visit designsbysarahj.wordpress.
com/ with a Giveaway! - Debby Brown higheredhands.blogspot.
com/ - Jane Davidson quiltjane.com/
- Linda Thielfoldt lindathielfoldttheq
uiltedgoose.blogspot.com/ - Janet Clare janetclare.co.uk/blog/
- Baby Lock www.facebook.com/
babylocksewing and instagram.com/babylocksewing/
Nov 23
- Cheryl Brickey meadowmistdesigns.
blogspot.com/ - Helen Stubbings hugsnkisses.typepad.
com/ - Kimberly Jolly of www.fatquartershop.com
visit fatquartershop.blogspot. com/ and www.instagram.com/fatquartershop/
Nov 25
- Sherri McConnell www.aquiltinglife.
com/ - Julie Karasek of www.patchedworks.com/ visit fabricjules.blogspot.com
/ - Ebony Love lovebugstudios.com/
blog/ - Martingale blog.
Nov 26 – My Birthday!!!
- Scott Hansen bluenickelstudios.com/
- Victoria Findlay Wolfe bumblebeansinc.blogspot.
Nov 28
- Amy Friend www.duringquiettime.
com - Heather Valentine thesewingloftblog.
com/ - Melissa Corry www.happyquiltingmelissa.com/
- Amy Ellis www.amyscreativeside.
Nov 29
- Aurifil Erin Sampson auribuzz.wordpress.
com/ - Christa Watson christaquilts.
com/ - Nancy Zieman www.nancyzieman.com/
blog/ —Sharing a project - Amanda Niederhauser www.
Nov 30
- Kim Niedzwiecki www.gogokim.com/
- Karen Miller karensquiltscrowscardin
als.blogspot.com/ - Wendy Sheppard ivoryspring.
wordpress.com/ - Brenda M. Ratliff of Pink Castle Fabrics visit www.
Bye for now,
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pat sloan
Thank you for being part of my tour Nancy!!!
Janice King
Thank you, Nancy, for sharing Pat’s newest book with your readers. Always trying to learn something new keeps our skills alive! Thanks to Pat Sloan for explaining things so well in her book.
Diane S.
Thanks for the “heads up” on this new book. It sounds interesting. I need all the help I can get on learning to quilt.
Carol Burns
Looks like a wonderful new book. It should help all of us that try to machine quilt, I’ve done small items, but never attempted anything very big. This might help give me the courage to do bigger items.
Pamela McDonald
Thank you for sharing and being on the tour, this is a lot of fun! The tape is a great tip.
What a great tip! I would have never thought of that. It takes away some of the fear of machine quilting. Thanks for sharing – I’m looking forward to the reading the rest of the tips in the book!
Agnetta Person
I just happen to have some painter’s tape and no paint. Looks like I’ll have to do some quilting.
I love this ‘Tour’ idea, and the painter’s tape is an excellent start for me. Thanks for introducing me to so many new sites!
Janet Sabol
Great illustration of a tip from Pat’s book! Thank you!
Lori Morton
What a Super review! Looove the painter’s tape Tip! Wow!! Love this Book already…& knoooow I need it!!! Is on my wish List for sure!! 🙂
Carolyn Niemeck
Great tip. I never would have thought of this to aid in teaching my grandson to sew. Thanks