Quilting With Nancy—Fat Quarter Mystery Quilt

GarnetMystery 1

Quilting With Nancy—Fat Quarter Mystery Quilt

GarnetMystery 1

Get ready for my Fat Quarter Mystery Quilt, starting next week, January 21. Each month in ’17, you’ll find a complete quilt block tutorial posted on my blog, using  fat quarters*  (18″ x 22″ fabric rectangles) from a 24-piece bundle.

Badge QuiltingWithNancy1

So how do you get ready? Here are the simple steps:

First—Gather Fabric

All 12-blocks will feature my Garnet Fabric collection. You’ll need:

  • One Garnet 24-Fat Quarter Bundle for the print fabrics
  •  2-1/4 yards of a neutral or background fabric. (I used Cream from Riley Blake Designs Shades collection.)
  • 3/4 yard binding fabric–we chose Garnet Red Vine.

 Note from Nancy: Of course you may use any other 24-fat quarter collection and neutral background fabric.

The third Saturday of each month during ’17 you’ll receive a new quilt block idea in this blog. We just finished the quilt (Sorry, it’s a mystery so you can’t see it yet.), which measures 57″ x 75″, upon completion.

FatQuarters Garnet NancyZieman

Second—Sharpen Your Tools

Well, not really, but do make certain that you have a sharp blade in your rotary cutter. Gather your cutting mat and ruler. The other main notion used each month is the No-Hassle Triangle Gauge. Okay, that’s one insight, there are half-square triangles in this Fat Quarter Mystery Quilt. Best news yet, they’re easy to create with the No-Hassle Triangle Gauge.

2017 BoM Preview Nancy ZiemanBasic Supplies for the entire 12-month mystery:

Supplies Nancy Zieman

Other BoM Quilt Projects

Did you follow along in or ’15 or ’16 for our Block of the Month projects? If you finished part of all of the quilt blocks or the entire project, please share photos.  We’d love to see and share them! Post your pictures to my Facebook Page or email them to [email protected].

2015: Adventure Quilt

2015AdventureQuilt NancyZieman 1In 2015 we jumped in making two blocks each month. The blocks were bold and bright. Using various templates from Clover USA, we created an interesting large sampler quilt. Join the fun anytime. The patterns are free and online at the 2015 Adventure Quilt link on my blog.

2015AdventureQuilt NancyZieman Quilt

2016 Quilt Extravaganza

In 2016 we finished a block of the month project, which featured the Carefree Curves Template set. The possibilities are endless with this template; it is one of my favorites. We used pieced fabric strata each month to yield a very scrappy finished quilt. Just like the 2015 project, this Block of the Month is always free and online at the 2016 Quilt Extravaganza link on my blog.

2016FinishedQuilt Nancy Zieman

Note from Nancy: Fat Quarters are a 1/4 of a yard of fabric created by cutting a half of a yard and then cutting that section into two 18″ x 22″ pieces. Contrary to what non-quilters might think, a fat quarter is not a body part! Little humor, very little.

Watch for the first block of the month on January 21!

NancyZieman BoM 2017 Teaser

Bye for now,

Nancy Zieman The Blog

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  • Clovis
    January 14, 2017

    Hi Nancy,
    I think I will do this project. Your 15 & 16 quilts are beautiful.

  • Gayle Neely
    January 14, 2017

    Sounds like fun! I enjoy mysteries, been reading some during winter days.

  • Sandy Granger
    January 14, 2017

    I am excited to start your new project. I love your past project.

  • Barbara Hamptonqu
    January 14, 2017

    Nancy I want so much to make a quilt from scratch. Is this mystery quilt a project for beginners? Thank you, Barbara

  • Diana Phillips
    January 14, 2017

    This is just the kick in the pants that I need to get back into sewing. I had brain surgery in December and things can still get fuzzy. The quilts from 15 and 16 look amazing. I would love to create something just as beautiful.

  • Theresa
    January 14, 2017

    I think I have been avoiding triangles for awhile so I could use the practice. This looks like a project for me.

  • Lynn M Kuitems
    January 14, 2017

    I love the colors of your fabrics. Can you list how many dark, medium and light as well as how many tans needed. I have a large stash I am committed to using and have a whole lot of reds. Thanks for new ideas. I enjoy your emails.

  • Ethel Dibble
    January 14, 2017

    I am interested in making the 2017 mystery quilt. I have been sewing for years but just getting into quilting. Would this be something that I would be able to do? What if I have a problem with something, would there be help available to answer questions.

  • Debby
    January 14, 2017

    do you give us an alternate method of making the half/square triangles so we don’t have to buy any special tools? I’d like to do the quilt, but don’t want to buy a “gadget”

  • Arden
    January 14, 2017

    I cannot wait to start this! My girlfriend and I did and completed the 2015 quilt. It was so much fun. I’m looking for some good photos to send to you, Nancy. I did the green and she did pink! We sure learned lots by sewing the blocks…..arden

  • Marty
    January 14, 2017

    Looking forward to it!

  • Sandy H
    January 14, 2017

    This sounds like fun, but what I really need to do is use some of the fabric I already have. Do you think this quilt would work well as a stash buster?

  • Alma
    January 14, 2017

    I’ll attack my precious, growing and eclectic stash of fat quarters this year and follow along with your mystery quilt blocks. I guess if I get prepared with eight dark, eight medium, eight light and a background to suit them all I should be fine. Just wondering if solids (such as displayed in Amish quilts) might work……

  • Rhea
    January 15, 2017

    The only quilting I’ve ever done was a couple appliqué quilts 40 years ago with my grandmother! Is this quilt something that’s doable for a beginner? I love your new fabric line and would really like to try this project!

  • Jill McConville
    January 15, 2017

    I am intrigued by this mystery!

  • Nancy L James
    January 15, 2017

    I am a beginner quilter. I would like to try the 2017 mystery quilt but in looking at the 2015 and 2016 quilts, I feel intimidated. Is this something a beginner can do? Trying to decide before I purchase fabric and tools.

  • S carter
    January 16, 2017

    I am very excited to try your mystery quilt, as I am still a beginner and love to watch your show.

  • Kristy
    January 16, 2017

    I have not done a BOM quilt before, so this will be my first. Very excited! I will be using Rhapsody in Blue Fat Quarter Bundle.


  • Tina
    January 17, 2017

    Can hardly wait, got everything ready in my sewing room, all cleared out, vacuumed and dusted and got the containers ready for the bits and bobs! Now I need my quilt shop to open on Friday!

  • Sue Rhodes
    January 19, 2017

    want to participate in the Block of the Month but use some of my stash. wondering if you can do this with 12 half yards or if you need the 24 variations?

  • Bonny Peters
    January 21, 2017

    If we are using only FQ’s and a background fabric then we don’t need yardage for a border, correct? I am going stash diving for FQ’s and see what I come up with.

  • lorene k
    January 29, 2017

    how do you print off instructions – besides screen printing? is there somewhere where it is in a sheet page form or pdf? thanks

  • "Willie" Loyall
    March 16, 2017

    Love the Garnet collection, which I intend to buy just as soon as I figure out how to print the cutting/sewing directions in regular-size page form. (when I click “Print PDF”, I get a blank page.)

  • Mary
    March 23, 2017

    I love the mystery quilt blocks and was wondering if the “summer breeze” fat quarter pack would be a good fabric choice for the quilt.
    I’m not a big fan of the color red so I thought I’d try something else. With that being said, I have a difficult time visualizing what colors look good so I’m turning to you, the experts.

    Please let me know if you think the summer breeze collection would work well for this mystery quilt.
    Thank you

  • Leonore Barna
    May 19, 2017

    I would like to do a quilt as you go. Is it possible to do the bomb with this design?

  • Mary Vanderford
    July 8, 2017

    Is this a mystery quilt or a block of the month quilt?

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