Sew Precut Fabric Strips Into Amazing Projects

PartThree Precuts First NancyZieman 1

Sew Precut Fabric Strips Into Amazing Projects

PartThree Precuts First NancyZieman 1

Convenience. My guess is that word is important to many of us. We search out ways to streamline our lives. In the sewing and quilting arenas, fabric manufacturers took our needs to heart, producing precut fabric bundles. Ahh, convenient!

On today’s episode of Sewing With Nancy, Maria DeGroot,  a teacher of the convenient, works with the many sizes of precut bundles and is here to share precut quilt projects in our third and final program of our mini-series. If you missed parts one or two, watch them online.

Precut Reference

We’ll be using precut fabrics throughout this three-part series of Sewing With Nancy. If you’re curious what we mean by “precut fabrics,” here’s a quick reference:

  • 5″ Squares: Charm Packs or 5″ Stackers
  • 10″ Squares: Layer Cakes, Ten Squares, or 10″ Stackers
  • 2-1/2″ Squares: Mini-Charms
  • Fat Quarter: 18″ x 22″
  • 2-1/2″ Strips: Jelly Rolls, Roll-ups, Design Rolls, Rolie Polie
  • 5″ Strips: Dessert Rolls, Charm Rolls
  • 1-1/2″ Strips: Honey Buns, Skinny Strips
  • 6″ Triangles and Hexagons are also available, but not in this series

We’ll be starting out with Maria’s favorite tote pattern. A precut package of 2-1/2″ strips is what’s needed for this tote. I’ll be showing a quilt as-you-go technique that is ideal for all levels of sewing.



Quilt & Go Tote

Start out with this favorite tote pattern and a precut package of 2-1/2″ strips. Learn how to use the quilt-as-you-go method to create this bag on today’s new episode of Sewing With Nancy.

Fabric Precut NancyZieman 1

Strip-by-Strip Reversible Quilt

Strips sewn end-to-end are the first step in making our next project from 2-1/2″ crosswise strips. We call it, the Strip-by-Strip Reversible Quilt. Two packages of strips are used, one for each side of the quilt. It’s a speedy quilt project that results in a lightweight quilt, ideal for warm climates or summertime naps.

Fabric Precut NancyZieman 2Here’s a peek at the quilt’s back, though it is so striking, either side might be the front or back.

Fabric Precut NancyZieman 3

Split and Spin Pinwheel Quilt

Most of us are familiar with half-square triangles, but what about half-square rectangles? Hmm, not as common. Learn how 10″ precut fabric bundles are ideal for creating this unique design that Maria calls, Split and Spin Pinwheels. There’s a secret to assemble this block, which we’ll share with you on this new TV show! Watch Online and learn the secret.

Fabric Precut NancyZieman 7

Fabric Precut NancyZieman Cover

  Precut Fabrics for Speedy Projects Book includes:

  • Nancy Zieman and guest Maria DeGroot showing how to use precut fabric packages for a variety of projects
  • Incorporating precut fabric options—5″ squares, 10″ squares, 2-1/2″ strips with yardage to quickly create coordinated projects
  • Easy techniques that give 9-patch blocks a whole new look
  • Quickly making volumes of half-square triangles from 10″ precut squares to arrange in modern blocks
  • Giving a new twist to a traditional Log Cabin block, complete with on-point layout and setting triangles
  • Creating gussets to form totes
  • Using alternative fabrics (flannel and fusible foam) as batting
  • “Quilt-as-you-go” using the wobble stitch
  • Making and positioning straps for totes
  • Projects:
    1. Charm Pack Scramble Quilt and variations
    2. Four’s the Charm Quilt
    3. Chocolate Cake with Sprinkles Quilt
    4. Quarter Log Cabin Quilt
    5. Charming Tote
    6. Strip by Strip Reversible Quilt
    7. Split and Spin Pinwheel Quilt
    8. Quilt & Go Tote

 Watch Precut Fabrics for Speedy Projects (Part OnePart Two, and Part Three) on Sewing With Nancy online.

For a chance to win a copy of the new book, Precut Fabrics for Speedy Projects from Nancy’s Notions, leave a comment sharing which type of precut you purchase most often.

Fabric Precut NancyZieman Cover

Nancy Zieman's Giveaway Winner

The randomly selected winner of a copy of Sew Simple with Rectangles & Squares from Nancy’s Notions is Heather.

Her comment was, “I have used old jeans, fabric scraps, and quilt batting scraps to make different projects.”

Sew Simple with Rectangles and Squares, a new 3-part Sewing With Nancy series

Bye for now,

Nancy Zieman The Blog

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  • Robyn
    August 24, 2017

    I love precut fabric, but I’m never sure what to do with them. Hence, they seem to just pile up! This book would give me ideas and the directions I definitely need! Thanks for the chance, Nancy!

  • Ann West
    August 24, 2017

    I really like working with jelly rolls. Thanks for this opportunity.

  • Nancy
    August 24, 2017

    I like all precut fabric. I tend to use more charm packs than anything.

  • CAROL L.
    August 24, 2017

    I love Fat Quarter bundles and Jelly Rolls! The colors are already coordinated and are perfect for the color challenged sewist, me! One problem though, actually using them in a project.

  • carol S
    August 24, 2017

    I usually buy jelly rolls and seem to have a bin full but never quite figure out what to make with them…they always look so nice in the store….

  • Louise
    August 24, 2017

    Most often I purchase a combination of 5″ squares and 2.5″ strips. I would love to try the variation on Irish chain glimpsed on the cover of the Precut Fabrics book!

  • Carolyn Kramer
    August 24, 2017

    I tend to procrastinate doing precuts, but would love to see your book to get ideas.

  • Leah
    August 24, 2017

    I purchase fat quarters. I have made a jacket and apron from them. I also use them for other small craft projects. They are not only time savers but also so versatile.

  • Ilana
    August 24, 2017

    I tend to buy jellyrolls the most but I am amassing a small collection of charm squares and layer cakes as well.

  • paulette
    August 24, 2017

    love the rectangle quilt – am going to try it with next quilt I start & see how it goes. would love your book to help with the project as well as the others you have shown:)

  • Cyndi D
    August 24, 2017

    I often purchase fat quarter bundles but I don’t always know what to use them for. Thank you for the great ideas.

    Thank you for the give away.

  • mary johnson
    August 24, 2017

    I usually try to find jelly rolls to make fast projects as well as the 10″ squares. Love watching Sewing with Nancy online and on my PBS station. Keep up the great work.

  • MaryAnn Buske
    August 24, 2017

    I use the jelly rolls mostly, charm squares are fun too. I feel the precuts save alot of time.

  • Elaine Howsley
    August 24, 2017

    I love the Charm Packs (5″) because I can back them with a piece of flannel and then hand stitch or bead designs on them before using! Easy “take with you” project!

  • Judith Peterson
    August 24, 2017

    I am fast becoming an ardent fan of layer cakes. They are very versatile!~ I find them most useful for small machine embroidery projects and they always work for regular quilt blocks. They are so much fun.

  • Yvonne Halley
    August 24, 2017

    I often use jelly rolls for sashing or binding. They are so handy. Thanks for ALL your inspiration Nancy.

  • Susan Spiers
    August 24, 2017

    I like to buy Fat Quarter collections-the best of everything-the choice is mine! Thank you, Susan

  • Marilyn Logan
    August 24, 2017

    2 1/2 inch strips

  • Joyce West
    August 24, 2017

    I purchase fat quarters. They can be used for so many projects from scrappy quilts to potholders. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book.

  • Cindy M
    August 24, 2017

    I like jelly rolls. I can make quick, easy last minute gifts when needed. This book would be a great help!

  • Tracy
    August 24, 2017

    I enjoy working with all manner of precuts and usually buy based on whatever “top fabric” catches my eye – it doesn’t matter to me whether it’s fat quarters, jelly rolls, layer cakes, or charms – even quarter yards are useful precuts. I’ve found the same fabric lines throughout my stash several times. I love the versatility!

    Thank you for the giveaway chance, Nancy!

  • Linda Nelson
    August 24, 2017

    I buy fat quarters mostly, but also love charm packs.

  • Jean Long
    August 24, 2017

    I love them all- I tend to use jelly rolls but have turned more and more to fat quarters and charms. The trick for me to buy enough to make a really stunning project. Love these ideas and want to try the reversible quilt. I have a great jelly roll and some yardage that would coordinate well. Thank you for inspiration.Nancy. You have wonderful ideas and find others with wonderful ideas too. Thank you so much.

  • Sharon Koepper
    August 24, 2017

    I would have to take an inventory, but I probably have more jelly rolls,or maybe charm packs, or …, than other precuts.

  • Patty Coulter
    August 24, 2017

    I love buying the jelly rolls, it’s like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re going to get. So fun to see all the pretty colors

  • Kathy Luehrs
    August 24, 2017

    fat quarters

  • Terri D'Ambrosio
    August 24, 2017

    I usually buy one of each of the different precuts of the same fabric line.

  • carolyn montgomery
    August 24, 2017

    i buy a lot of fat quarters but, am also a fan of strips and layer cakes.

  • Laura
    August 24, 2017

    I buy fat quarters because I like to prewash fabric. The FQ size also gives more fabric to use for projects.

  • Susan B
    August 24, 2017

    I purchase the 5″ charms. They are so easy to use and I love the colors. Your TV segment on using Precut squares inspired me to want to make a quilt from them. I share craft time with my grand daughter. She is learning to sew and loves doing crafts.

  • Ruthi Henrichs
    August 24, 2017

    Fat quarters, but I want to purchase jellyroll to make the tote!

  • Donna W
    August 24, 2017

    I purchase fat quarters the most.

  • Nancy
    August 24, 2017

    I am very new at quilting, but I am going to purchase fat quarters next month as I delve into making quilts. I am very excited as I have never used pre-cut fabrics in the past.

  • Jean
    August 24, 2017

    I use jelly rolls to make quick quilts to give away to organizations that give comfort quilts to children who have undergone adverse situations (illness, fire, poverty, etc.) I am a fabric-a-holic so I use all fabric I can get my hands on including scraps.

  • lynn jarzombeck
    August 24, 2017

    Charm packs have a pile along with jelly rolls in my quilting room. I think the fun shapes are inspirational and use them as a wonderful decorating object too.

  • Jan Drzonek
    August 24, 2017

    I like the jelly rolls. Thank you both for some new ideas.

  • Martha Hood
    August 24, 2017

    New to quilting- I mean in starting and getting one finished- have done 2- in first 6 months decided to learn to quilt- they look great- well I think so- my daughters have them- now grand daughter wants one – Rainbow- how do I start- well jelly roll- have have couple – really about dozen- fat quarters – who knows- 5″ and layer cakes- wow – all the colors and choices- then the yardage- why do you have to have 1 favorite- make all the others feel bad- can-t do that- love them all- you also all your ideas and suggestions- love to have your book to “help” me get them all going and useful and feeling loved – thanks

  • Lillian K
    August 24, 2017

    I most frequently purchase fat quarters.

  • Sheila
    August 24, 2017

    Charm squares and fat quarters

  • scarter
    August 24, 2017

    I love to buy fat quarters and jelly rolls, but then have no idea what to make with them, so this book would be perfect to help me get started to empty my stash. Thanks, Nancy for your programs.

  • Tina
    August 24, 2017

    I buy fat quarters mostly. Thanks for the great ideas.

  • Karen
    August 24, 2017

    I have quite a stash of fat quarters but have now starting accumulating jelly rolls and layer cakes. I like to use precuts because they are much easier to handle in a smaller space.

  • Brenda Ackerman
    August 24, 2017

    5 inch Charm Packs are my favorite Pre-Cut. They work so fabulously with almost all projects!

  • Clovis
    August 24, 2017

    I buy a lot of fat quarters. Good ideas for the precuts. The tote would be great.

  • Dawn
    August 24, 2017

    I use mainly jelly rolls and get quarters, though I am trying later cakes more often lately. My problem is trying to figure out where to use them. This book looks like jusy what I need.!

  • Josephine Edwards
    August 24, 2017

    I buy layer cakes on sale when possible. If I need to cut them for strips, cornerstones, or 5″ squares I don’t worry about running out of the same fabric colorway.

  • Starla
    August 24, 2017

    I buy fat quarters to get a large variety of colors and patterns. But if I could have my wish, I’d wish for jelly rolls.

  • Diana
    August 24, 2017

    I seem to like to buy jelly rolls the most.

  • Sharie
    August 24, 2017

    Layer cakes are my favorite but it’s hard to pass any of them up!

  • Janet Fedor
    August 24, 2017

    I buy 2 1/2 ” strips and 5″ squares most often.

  • Pat
    August 24, 2017

    I use 2 1/2″ strips and fat quarter bundles most often. Thanks for the chance to win and for the valuable information your blog always provides.

  • Jackie T
    August 24, 2017

    I buy lots of fat quarters, but I also use jelly rolls. I am about to try a new quilt with a layer cake. I’m excited to try it.

  • Ruth Peterson
    August 24, 2017

    I purchase them all! Jelly rolls, fat quarter bundles and charm packs get used for many projects. I love seeing the entire line of fabrics.

  • Catherine Dorsey
    August 24, 2017

    I love using the charms and the ten inch squares to make yuck projects.

  • Susan Croinex
    August 24, 2017

    I haven’t bought any precut projects, but this book would give me the nudge to get started.

  • Linda Martindale
    August 24, 2017

    I have more charm packs than any other precuts, but I also have many jelly rolls, and layer cakes. I love the convenience of the precuts. They make projects go so much faster and also allow for less cutting for people with arthritic hands.

  • Kalen
    August 24, 2017

    I end up with a lot of charm packs

  • Casey Swanson
    August 24, 2017

    I would like to wave a magic wand over my 30 year stockpile of material and have a new precut stash. Never having to cut again,

  • Donna Ohl
    August 24, 2017

    I have just begun to buy pre-cut strips. I, too, would like my entire stash to be ready to sew.

  • Dawn
    August 24, 2017

    I usually pick 2 1/2 inch strips.

  • Joann
    August 24, 2017

    I’m constantly cutting up material scraps into 2″ squares, 2 1/2″ strips, 1″ strips & 2 1’2″ strips for any and all designs that accommodate my sizes. Would love this book to begin my prizes!

  • Jeanette withrow
    August 24, 2017

    I seem to gravitate to the layer cakes and I have made some quilts from them. I just love touching the fabric. Thanks nancy

  • beth d.
    August 24, 2017

    I mostly purchase jelly rolls, I have a few layer cakes, but like to do quilts with jelly rolls.

  • Susan T
    August 24, 2017

    Layers cakes for me, please!

  • Linda Rupe
    August 24, 2017

    I seem to collect jelly rolls and charm packs. Are fat quarters considered pre-cuts? I love bundles of fat quarters! They always look so pretty tied up in ribbon.

  • Kathy Renz
    August 24, 2017

    This will probably expose me as the math nerd that I am but I think the shape in the pinwheel quilt should be called half rectangle triangles.
    I’m sorry but I couldn’t help myself. I teach math so correcting is second nature.
    I love your newsletters and videos!

  • Anne Z.
    August 24, 2017

    I typically purchase fat quarters; however, with this new inspiration, I will now begin to purchase other precuts.

  • Diane Hubbard
    August 24, 2017

    I love to buy fat quarters! They’re just the right size for so many projects, and prices are often quite reasonable.

  • Linda TN
    August 24, 2017

    I seem to buy charm packs and jellyrolls. Then don’t know what to do with them. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  • Laurel Lee Pedersen
    August 24, 2017

    Love all kinds of precuts! I usually buy fat quarters, but buy them all!

  • Shaela
    August 24, 2017

    I’ve only bought the strips so far but have been given the 5 inch charms

  • Maureen Brown
    August 24, 2017

    I usually purchase 5 inch squares but recently tried some jelly rolls. It’s fun looking at the different ways to use them.

  • Linda Perkins
    August 24, 2017

    I love Fat Quarters and Jelly Rolls. You can do so much with them. I especially am loving the White on White Jelly Rolls. They make everything else pop.

  • margaret
    August 24, 2017

    this is great – need some new ideas for pre-cuts – would love to have this to get started

  • Gail Beam
    August 24, 2017

    I have some charm packs and jelly rolls that I couldn’t resist, because they were on sale. So far I have not used any of them. This book would me figure out what to make with them.

  • Jan N.
    August 24, 2017

    I purchase fat quarters and jelly rolls more than other precuts.

  • Terry
    August 24, 2017

    I like layer cakes since you can get many coordinated fabrics and cut them into various shapes. I found it hard to get a good 1/4 inch seam with pinked jellyrolls.

  • Susan Nicol
    August 24, 2017

    Generally I pick up fat quarters for my collection, I mean fabric hoard, um stash!

  • Virginia Dumouchelle
    August 24, 2017

    I like to use fat quarters and jelly rolls for most of my projects.

  • Suzanne Tobey
    August 24, 2017

    I like jelly rolls best but seem to find cute charm packs and buy them too. Only don’t know what to do with charm packs so they seem to be a collection.

  • Judy Valentino
    August 24, 2017

    I love 2 1/2 in strips!!!!!!

  • Liz Brittle
    August 24, 2017

    I am just realizing the fun you can with fat quarters! I’ve been collecting them like crazy cuz they are so yummy!!

  • Kaye M.
    August 24, 2017

    I like to buy fat quarters the best and have gotten some 5 Inch squares that were fun to experiment with.

  • Christine M
    August 24, 2017

    I usually buy Charm packs but lately I have also been purchasing jelly rolls!

  • Anita P.
    August 24, 2017


  • Donna
    August 24, 2017

    I have used Bali Pops or 2 1/2″ strips to make beautiful aprons and would love to use the projects in the book to expand my knowledge of quilting.

  • Doreen Linehan
    August 24, 2017

    I mostly purchase jelly rolls.

  • Lynn Again
    August 24, 2017

    I love the idea of precut strips in color coordinated fabrics but I haven’t used them in any of my projects yet! I have a new baby niece who would be the recipient of this prize if I won!

  • Bonnie
    August 24, 2017

    What a wonderful book with great quilting projects! I have purchased a variety of precuts, especially fat quarters and would love to win this book for creative ways to use my precut fabric stash. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  • Michele Cariveau
    August 24, 2017

    I love jelly rolls. They come already coordinated, in so many colors and patterns, I can spend hours deciding which kind to buy!

  • Kim
    August 24, 2017

    I always seem to use the same quilt pattern every time I use a jelly roll, and would love to have some more project ideas for using the 2 1/2″ strips. I have also been trying to decide what to do with some charm packs that I have had for a while. I’m always looking for new project ideas for precuts.

  • Mary Wippold
    August 24, 2017

    I buy jelly rolls most often. They’re great for quick quilts, totes and table runners. And there’s so many patterns that use them.

  • Lois Maciej
    August 24, 2017

    I haven’t sewn much with precuts, but have a couple of jelly rolls which I should put into a quilt or other project. This helpful book would really come in handy. Thank you for the chance to win it.

  • Lois Maciej
    August 24, 2017

    I have more 2 1/2 inch strips than other precuts. However, I haven’t made very many projects with precuts, so this book would be very helpful. Thank you for the chance to win this useful book.

  • Beverly
    August 24, 2017

    I love the versatility of layer cakes and they are the precuts I most often purchase.

  • Christi
    August 24, 2017

    I really like jelly rolls but honestly I will buy any of them based on design and color.

  • Suzanne
    August 24, 2017

    Seems my jelly rolls are multiplying! How great to have a book with so many good ideas.

  • Joan Palmer
    August 25, 2017

    I love the versatility of the charm packs! I use them for baby quilts for the NICU at our local hospital. The quilt block patterns are endless. Because some are pinked on the edges, they can also be topstitched and make for textured edges on top of the quilts.

  • Sha-Leine
    August 25, 2017

    I have purchased fat quarters in the past because I liked the fabric and there wasn’t any yardage left and have yet to use it. I LOVE jelly rolls! I’m disabled and haven’t been well so getting some motivation to sew which is my favorite hobby would be great. Some new patterns, and being able to use some beautiful fabric is just what I need to boost moral! Thanks a Bunch Nancy, for the opportunity!

    August 25, 2017

    I usually use jelly rolls, but would love to try some of the other precuts.

  • deb
    August 25, 2017

    I cut my leftover fabrics into 3 inch strips…………I now have quite a stash ready for these projects!!!!

  • Linda Edwards
    August 25, 2017

    I like charm packs for charity baby quilts and layer cakes for other quilts.

  • Carol
    August 25, 2017

    I have used 5″ squares but I see possibilities with jelly rolls next.

  • Jennifer Reinke
    August 26, 2017

    I love all the ideas shown–I usually buy charm packs, but have used jelly rolls as well. Would love to try the reversible jelly roll quilt using flannel as the batting!

  • Brenda
    August 26, 2017

    I purchase fat quarters the most because my granddaughter loves them. She makes all kinds of things with them. Tissue holders, burp cloths, small quilts, etc.

  • joyce
    August 26, 2017

    Fat quarters seem to be my most go to precuts. 2 1/2″ strips would be second.

  • ANKE
    August 27, 2017

    I like to buy fat quarters. This gives me a good sampling of a fabric line with pieces large enough to make a quilt , table runner or any other project that I decide to make.

  • Melanie
    August 27, 2017

    I tend to buy fat quarter bundles. It gives me a starting point to incorporate fabrics in my stash into a new project.

  • Jeannie Wellman
    August 27, 2017

    I have used fat quarter bundles for years. However recently I have started to used jelly rolls, especially when making small LaMoyne stars. Now I think I might rethink the star and go for the strips and log cabins. Thank you!!!!

  • Judy
    August 30, 2017

    My favorite precut fabric to use is fat quarters.

  • Patricia
    September 6, 2017

    I love them all, but I’m discovering that the charm squares are probably my favorite. So many possibilities!

  • Kathy
    September 12, 2017

    My favorite pre-cuts are jelly rolls, though color or print seem to catch my attention no mater which type of pre-cut it is.

  • Virginia Lyle
    September 18, 2017

    I use the jelly rolls to make new and exciting items for tbe home and for my friends.

  • Virginia Lyle
    September 18, 2017

    I love the jelly rolls to make new and exciting projects for family and friends.

  • Sharon
    September 30, 2017

    I love all the precut. I make quilts, table runners, purses, totes and anything else I can think of with them. I use the layer cakes, jelly rolls charms, fat quarters and even the mini charms (they make cute little baskets). My sewing room is full of them and yet more and more are being made that I just can’t resist! They are becoming my hoard! Love it! Love it! Love it!

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