NEW! Wall Hanging & Table Runner Sewing Tutorial with 2-1/2″ Precut Fabric Strips

S!S117 NEW Growth Chart Wall Hanging Tutorial Video by The Stitch it! Sisters at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog

NEW! Wall Hanging & Table Runner Sewing Tutorial with 2-1/2″ Precut Fabric Strips

S!S117 NEW Growth Chart Wall Hanging Tutorial Video by The Stitch it! Sisters at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog

NEW! Make a Wall Hanging or Table Runner with colorful & convenient 2-1/2″ precut fabric strips – and add a fresh home decor accent to a wall (or table!) in any room of your home. With our easy sewing tutorial below, you’ll learn step-by-step how to make our NEW! Wall Hanging and/or Growth Chart project – ideal for beginners and seasoned sewists, alike!

NEW! Watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging Sewing Tutorial Video by The Stitch it! Sisters

NEW! Watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Wall Hanging and see how easy it is to make our NEW! Growth Chart Wall Hanging Sewing Project. Save time not cutting fabrics into 2-1/2″ strips and learn how to make our Wall Hanging with 40 beautiful 2-1/2″ fabric strips–already pre-cut for you! We’ve designed our NEW! Growth Chart Project to be enjoyable to sew, and to decorate a wall while providing an attractive presentation for recording memorable moments — along with children’s heights – as they grow!

Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging


Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging Bundle Box Sewing Project available at ShopNZP.comBuy it! Buy Sewing Tools, Sewing Patterns, Sewing Fabrics and More at by Nancy Zieman ProductionsThen, head over to and purchase our NEW! Exclusive Wall Hanging & Table Runner Bundle Box! This NEW! Bundle Box features colorful 2-1/2″ pre-cut fabric strips; binding, backing, & applique fabrics; Pellon® Sew-in Fleece Batting; Pellon® Wonder-Under®; Cotton Ruler Twill Tape, and the NEW! I Sew For Fun Growth Chart Wall Hanging Pattern — with full-color step-by-step instructions. Exclusive Bundle Box includes everything you’ll need to make this project. You’ll supply the thread. Quantities are limited.

NEW! Watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging Sewing Tutorial Video by The Stitch it! Sisters

NEW! Watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Wall Hanging see step-by-step how to sew our NEW! Wall Hanging Sewing Project with Nancy Zieman’s Classic Timesaving Quilt Column Quilts Techniques. This 24″ wide x 64″ long wall hanging/table runner provides a beautiful backdrop for a growth chart! OR, choose to skip the tape measure twill tape & appliqué numbers, and make a beautiful new wall hanging or table runner for your home!


S!S117 NEW Growth Chart Wall Hanging Tutorial Video by The Stitch it! Sisters at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog

Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging Sewing Tutorial Video by The Stitch it! Sisters at the Nancy Zieman Productions BlogBuy it! Buy Sewing Tools, Sewing Patterns, Sewing Fabrics and More at by Nancy Zieman ProductionsThen, head over to and purchase our limited edition NEW! Exclusive Wall Hanging Bundle Box! Our fun NEW! Bundle Box contains everything you’ll need to make this project, including NZP’s NEW! Wall Hanging Pattern — with full-color step-by-step instructions, and exclusive Classic Timesaving Sewing Tips by Nancy Zieman! Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC

SHOP our NEW! Patterns and Exclusive Bundle Boxes at

Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging Bundle Box Sewing Project available at

S!S117 NEW Growth Chart Wall Hanging Tutorial Video by The Stitch it! Sisters at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog

NEW! Wall Hanging & Growth Chart Sewing Tutorial

Approximate finished size: 24″ W x 64″ H

NEW! Wall Hanging/Table Runner Tools & Supplies:

Create Strip Sets

 JT445_01 Quilter’s Starch Savvy available at shopnzp.comNote From Team Nancy Zieman ProductionsPreshrink 2-1/2″ precut fabric strips by steaming and pressing, and steaming and pressing a second time, and then spray press and starch fabric with June Tailor’s Quilter’s Starch Savvy — press and starch, press and starch.

NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
  • Pair dark and medium tone fabric strips with light tone background fabric strips.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
  • Place fabric pairs right sides together and pin through all layers – at each short edge.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
1/4 Inch Quilting Presser Foot available at
Note From Team Nancy Zieman ProductionsAttach a 1/4″ Quilting Presser Foot to machine, and chainstitch strips continuously. Chainstitching with a 1/4″ Quilting Presser Foot saves time and maintains accuracy!
  • Clip threads between each strip set.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
  • Press all seam allowances flat, to set the stitches. Then, press seams open.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner TutorialNote From Team Nancy Zieman ProductionsPress seams open using the steam from your iron, then press seam with Tailor’s Clapper, and hold for just a few seconds, it will leave a nice flat crisp professional looking seam.
Tailor's Clapper available at

Determine Layout

  • Fold each tube in half, varying the amount of visible light background fabric.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
  • Layout and stagger strata strips in two columns: Column A and Column B. Place strata strips with dark fabrics toward center. Layout in desired your order, or according to illustration (below).
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
  • Offset fabric strips by one row. Position one half of one strata strip at the top of Column A. Position the second half of the same strata strip at the bottom of Column B.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
Note From Team Nancy Zieman ProductionsFor future reference when later assembling quilt, take a digital photo of your quilt layout – before moving on to the next step.

Assemble the Wall Hanging

  • Place Column A strata strips, right sides together, in pairs. Pin along along one long edge.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
  • Press seams flat, then press to one side.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
Clover’s Straight Tailor’s Awl Stiletto available at
Note From Team Nancy Zieman ProductionsUse a Clover’s Straight Tailor’s Awl/Stiletto to help guide the seam allowances under presser foot.
  • Stitch strata pairs together. Press seams flat, then press to one side – in the same direction as Column A strata pairs.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
  • Continue stitching strata pairs together until Column A strata strips are completely sewn together. Press seams flat, then press seams in the same direction.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
  • Repeat steps above, stitching Column B strata strips, right sides together, in pairs. Press seams flat, then press to one side – in the opposite direction of Column A seams.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
  • Continue stitching strata pairs together until Column B strata strips are completely sewn together. Press all Column B seams in the opposite direction of Column A seams.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
  • Place Column A to Column B with right sides together. Pin.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
  • Press seam flat to set the stitches. Then, press seam open.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial

Machine Quilting

  • Prepare quilt for straight line machine quilting. Create a quilt sandwich, layering the quilt top, batting, and backing. Spray baste layers together using Quilt Basting Spray, hand-baste, or pin baste layers together.
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial
Note From Team Nancy Zieman ProductionsUse Team NZP’s Ultimate Quilt ‘n Stitch Presser Foot for quick and easy straight line machine quilting your wall hanging!
Clover's Ultimate Quilt and Stitch Presser Foot Available at
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial

Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging Sewing Tutorial

Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging
Note From Team Nancy Zieman ProductionsBe sure to position the Tape Measure Twill Tape, in the center of the quilt – with the numbers counting upwards!

Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall HangingMachine Appliqué

  • With pencil, trace reversed numbers 1 through 6 on paper side of Wonder-Under paper backed fusible web.Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging
  • Following manufacturer’s instructions, place rough side of Wonder-Under to wrong side of solid black cotton fabric. Press with dry iron. Allow to cool.Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging
  • Using a craft scissors, cut out number appliqués. Gently peel off Wonder-Under paper backing.Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging
  • Position fusible appliqués, to right side of quilt, about every twelve inches. Alternate number appliqués in Column A and Column B. Center numbers halfway between quilt edges and Tape Measure Twill Tape.
Note From Team Nancy Zieman ProductionsPlace numbers along same plane as 12″ markings on Tape Measure Twill Tape/Ribbon. Beginning at the bottom of the quilt, place number 1 or 2, and work upwards placing remaining numbers. NOTE: See Hanging Options on (below) to determine your desired numbering layout; 1-5 or 2-6.
Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging

Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging

  • Attach an Open Toe Applique Presser Foot, and set sewing machine for an appliqué stitch, blanket stitch, or medium zigzag stitch (3.5 mm width, 1.4 mm length).
  • Stitch around outside edges, and inside edges, of appliqué numbers.Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging

Note From Team Nancy Zieman ProductionsWhen stitching –or appliquéing– numbers to quilt, stop with needle down on the outside of appliqué fabric when turning outside curves or corners; and stop with needle down on the inside of appliqué fabric when turning inside curves and corners! Always test stitches on a sample appliqué number– fused to a fabric scrap.

Quilt Binding

NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Growth Chart Wall Hanging Tutorial

Hanging Options

  • Hang Growth Chart on wall at 12″ above floor; when numbering wall hanging with numbers 2 – 6.
Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging
  • Hang Growth Chart on wall with binding touching floor; when numbering wall hanging with numbers 1 – 5.

Stitch it! Sisters Program 117 Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging

Note From Team Nancy Zieman ProductionsOur Growth Chart is attractive, functional, and fun! Record growth measurements – anywhere on quilt front – with a silver metallic paint pen, and/or permanent fabric markers.
Growth Chart Quilted Wall Hanging Sewing Tutorial Video by The Stitch it! Sisters at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog Record Child's Height anywhere on Wall Hanging
Note From Team Nancy Zieman ProductionsOr, choose to skip the tape measure twill tape and appliqué numbers, and make a beautiful new table runner or wall hanging for your home!
NEW! Stitch it! Sisters Table Runner Tutorial Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC

SHOP our NEW! Patterns and Exclusive Bundle Boxes at

New Growth Chart Sewing Project Kit Bundle Box available at Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC

Shop NEW! Elastics, Cotton Webbing, Zippers & More at

Shop NEW Elastics and Trims at


Nancy Zieman Productions The Blog Giveaway

Stitch it! Sisters 5" Fabric Short Stack

For a chance to be the random winner of a Stitch it! Sisters 5″ Fabric Short Stack with exclusive S!S button & sticker, please leave a comment below sharing your thoughts about our NEW! Wall Hanging/Table Runner/Growth Chart Project and/or where you’d use your NEW! Wall Hanging/Table Runner.

Nancy Zieman Productions will give away one Stitch it! Sisters 5″ Fabric Short Stack to one US resident in the 48 contiguous states. Winner must reply within 30 days to the official giveaway announcement email message – sent from Nancy Zieman Productions. Email Team NZP at [email protected].

Celebrate Summer Sewing!

Team Nancy Zieman

Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.


Stitch it! Sisters is a production of NZ Productions LLC. Content in this feed is © copyright 2020 by Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website. The FTC requires us to tell you that Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC has provided products by other companies in the course of doing business. The FTC requires us to advise you to take this information into consideration when reading this posting.

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  • Lorna
    June 9, 2020

    This wall hanging/growth chart is beautiful!

    June 9, 2020

    Love this project.

    May make them for my great nephews

  • Liz Fergus
    June 9, 2020

    I plan to make the table runner. I think this will be perfect for my new dining table and the directions are easy to follow. I am a new quilter and this project is perfect for me as a beginner. Thank you sew much!

  • Diane Putzer
    June 9, 2020

    The table runner option would be a good way to use a jelly roll!

  • Nancy
    June 9, 2020

    This is a great idea. Love the colors.

    June 9, 2020

    A lot of lovely jellyrolls to make a wall hanging.

  • Barb K
    June 10, 2020

    Lots of great projects to choose from!

  • Lorraine Alves
    June 10, 2020

    The opportunity to make either a wall hanging or table runner is great. The design lends itself to a wide range of colors to fit all color schemes.

  • Dixie
    June 11, 2020

    I want to make the growth chart for my grandson.

  • Sharon Aurora
    June 15, 2020

    I love this! Another idea to make for my grandnephew.

  • Cynthia
    June 20, 2020

    Great idea, I’ve been looking forward to using my greens and blues jelly roll. This is a fun item to make for a fundraiser donation. Would it be alright as long as I give you credit for this pattern? Thank you!

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