Finish Your 2016 Block of the Month Quilt

Block of The Month 2016 Nancy Zieman

Finish Your 2016 Block of the Month Quilt

Block of The Month 2016 Nancy Zieman

Twelve short months ago we jumped on this exciting circle and curve quilt extravaganza to make a block of the month quilt. Little did you know it was a mystery quilt and block of the month as each new block was revealed on the third Saturday every month. I’m grateful to have you participate in the quilting event with me. If you are just starting the journey on your own or with your quilting friends, find each block here:

One 12-inch quilt block was created each month, for a total of 12 blocks for my finished quilt. Here’s how to assemble and finish the quilt:


Trim all quilt blocks to measure 12-1/2″ x 12-1/2″.


  • 1-1/4 yards fabric for sashing (bright green)
  • 1/3 yard fabric for cornerstones and binding (pink)
  • All additional neutral strata for border

Arrange the Quilt

  • Use a design wall, floor, or large work table to arrange the quilt blocks. With 12 blocks, I chose a three by four grid.

2016BoM Finished NancyZieman 1

  • Move the blocks around so lighter and darker blocks do not clump at one area of the quilt. The block placement will vary based on your fabric choices.

Cut the Sashing Pieces and Assemble the Quilt

Note: All seams are 1/4″.

  • Cut 12-1/2″ x 1-1/2″ sashing strips. Stitch to the right edge of every block.

2016BoM Finished NancyZieman 2

  • Stitch a sashing strip to the left edge of the blocks in column one.

2016BoM Finished NancyZieman 3

  • Cut a 12-1/2″ crosswise strip of sashing fabric (green) and a 1-1/2″ crosswise strip of the cornerstone fabric (pink). Stitch strips together to create a strata. Label as strata one.

2016BoM Finished NancyZieman 4

  • Cut another 12-1/2″ crosswise strip of sashing fabric (green) and two 1-1/2″ crosswise strips (pink) for cornerstones. Stitch strips to create a second strata as pictured. Label as strata two.

2016BoM Finished NancyZieman 5

  • Subcut strata: Cut ten 1-1/2″ sections from strata one and five 1-1/2″ sections from strata two. Pictured below are the sections required for each sashing row.
Note from Nancy
You will have left over fabric in strata two after cutting the seven sections, but not enough fabric in strata one to cut all the 21 strips. Here’s a quick solution: Remove one of the cornerstone sashing strips from strata two after cutting the seven sections; then cut the remaining sections needed for strata one. 
2016BoM Finished NancyZieman 6
  • Stitch the sections together. Create five strata rows.

2016BoM Finished NancyZieman 7Sashing

  • Stitch sashing rows to quilt block rows along the top edge. For the lower row, add a second sashing row to the lower edge.
  • Press seam allowances toward the sashing strips.

2016BoM Finished NancyZieman 8top

Add the Border and Binding

  • Cut 2-1/4″ strips across the neutral strata border. The number of cut strips will vary depending on the width of your pieced strata.

BasicStripSetSteps NancyZieman 6a

  • Stitch the border pieces together end to end, and apply to the quilt using your favorite border technique.

Basic Quilt-Making Reference

To finish this quilt completely, see the detailed instructions in my book Fearless Quilting Finishes. I cover layering the backing, batting, and quilt top; the basics of machine quilting; and the absolute easiest way to apply the binding. See the demonstrations in the Fearless Quilting Finishes three-part series on Sewing With Nancy.

The Finished 2016 Quilt Extravaganza!


Watch Fearless Quilting Finishes (Part One, Part Two, and Part Three) on Sewing With Nancy online.

Fearless Quilting Finishes with Sewing With Nancy/NancyZieman

Coming Soon—2017 Block of the Month Quilt

I don’t have to tell you how much fun we’re having with the 2015 and 2016 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month programs. And, I think you’ll enjoy what I have planned for 2017! I’ll give you a hint: Get fired up for half-square triangles, quarter-square triangles, and more!

2017 BoM Preview Nancy Zieman

Please send me photos of your quilts made from my 2016 Quilt Extravaganza Block of the MonthShare on Facebook, plus a host of other social media channels. Connect With Nancy today!

Bye for now,

Nancy Zieman The Blog

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  • Bonnie Thiem
    December 31, 2016

    This was a very interesting quilt. I just loved it. Thanks, Nancy, for your talents. Looking forward to 2017 and your new BOM. Happy New Year.

  • Marty
    December 31, 2016

    Really looking forward to the 2017 triangles BOM! Blessings in the New Year to you, your staff and your family.

  • marlene stabin
    December 31, 2016

    The 2016 Block of the month is beautiful. I love the unusual blocks you created with such vibrant fabric.

  • Starla
    December 31, 2016

    What a fun quilt!

  • Debi
    December 31, 2016

    New Years Resolution- BOM! Hopefully I follow through…..

  • Lorna
    February 12, 2017

    The directions state to “Stitch a sashing strip to the left edge of the blocks in column one” yet the accompanying picture shows every block with a stashing strip on the left edge. What am I missing?

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