31 Bed-sized Quilts Made or Donated in Three Days
It was impressive! Thirty-one made-with-love quilts stacked on a table and ready to give away. That was the sight at the Quilt to Give area at our annual Quilt Expo, which was held September 4–6 in Madison. During the 3-day event, numerous twin-sized bed quilts were sewn using the free Quilt to Give instructions that are available online. Other attendees, brought in completed quilts using a variety of quilt patterns. Many individuals quietly left their quilt on the donation table without me being able to thank them. So today, I thank you!
Half of the quilts were donated to Enchanted Makeovers, a national organization that transforms shelters for women and children from surviving to thriving spaces. The images on their website tell the story of the amazing transformations.
The other half of the quilts were given to DIAS, Domestic Intervention Abuse Services in Dane County, WI. I must say I got a lump in my throat as the quilts were given away, proud of the donations from so many.
Next year at the Quilt Expo, September 10–12, 2015, we plan on the same event. (I did think of changing the pattern design, yet it’s an easy process).
Bye for now,
Venetta Alloway
It is so nice Nancy that you chose to give the quilts away to folks in USA and not donate them to some foreign country. I sometimes wonder how long the people in foreign countries keep a quilt when the weather becomes hot. A quilt is something made with love, and should be given to those that appreciate them.
Audrey Kinnard
The U.S. is known as a great nation…this should be a nation of great people.
These are beautiful! What golden hearts and hands these lovely ladies own. I hope to try my hand at quilting one day. I am not getting any younger so should probably start sooner than later.
Great inspiration seeing all of these quilts. Thanks Nancy for making the world a lovelier place to live in.
Diana Grindel
Beautiful ! and how thoughtful !
Theresa Schlaak
It was an honor to donate the time & effort for such a VERY worthwhile cause! THANK YOU, Nancy for giving us ALL that opportunity!
What a wonderful project!