13 Quilt Patterns All with a Modern Common Theme
Modern, streamlined, quick, with characteristics such as these, the column quilt will no doubt soon become your go-to form of patchwork. Quilt designs are commonly based on squares, triangles, or circles—or a combination thereof. Celebrate March as National Quilting Month by adding a new word to your repertoire of patchwork descriptions: The word is columns!
Get ready for a Quick Column Quilts journey! Choose from the thirteen column quilt designs in my Quick Column Quilts book and TV show. If you’re new to quilting or want to refresh your skills, there’s a design for you!
The Original Column Quilt
This easy-to-piece design can be made into a double- or full-size bed quilt. the gradation of colors provides great visual impact! I found inspiration for this quilt design from a beach towel that was left behind at our home, by a friend of the family.
Quilt To Give
I modified the origional column quilt (above) and created this super-quick quilt design—to make and donate to individuals and families in need. The quilt is easily made from a fabric stash with perhaps few purchased fabric additions. The center of each column features scrappy patchwork. You can easily create a Quilt to Give by yourself, or invite friends to sew with you—like we do at Quilt Expo.
Heartbeat Column Quilt
No matter the size—baby to king—you can sew this quilt in a heartbeat! Colorful accent strips in a variety of widths make up the heartbeat pattern, while the subdued one-color strips add a perfect background for the design.
Interrupted Columns Quilt
This speedy-to-make queen-size quilt is designed with a very easy lesson in color coordination. Simply find a print you love for the sashing, and choose five colors from the print to use for the column solid color fabrics. The interruptions—horizontal strips—stop the lengthwise movement while creating a more artistic appeal.
Carefree Column Quilt
Fat quarters, those convenient fabric cuts approximately 18″ x 21″, are ideal for this next column quilt. Made with six fat quarter cuts and a background fabric, this lap quilt is ideal for bright fabric choices or large-scale prints.
Wind Chime Column Quilt
The wind chimes hanging from our deck served as the inspiration for this Wind Chime Column Quilt. Just like real wind chimes, the angled accent pieces, seem to move as if gently nudged by the wind.
Folded Flying Geese Wall Hanging
No half-square triangles are needed to make these artistic Flying Geese. Start with squares, fold three times, and presto the folded triangles create 3-dimensional Flying Geese. Plus, the background columns are not cut, but rather one piece of fabric. Hmm, it’s kinda interesting.
Folded Scrappy Column Quilt
Are you looking for a stash buster or a scrap quilt project? This folded column quilt is the answer! The steps are simple: fold, then quilt. There are no pieced triangles and zero bias cut edges. This three-dimensional project has guidelines, rather than an exact pattern, so it is perfect for every size fabric scrap in your stash. Talk about easy!
Dotted Columns Wall Hanging
Switch it up by making an abstract wall hanging with column-quilt techniques and fun fabrics. This artistic silk dupioni wall hanging includes “dotted columns”—circles appliquéd over the easy-to-create columns. Use a tool designed especially for making circles such as the Circles Sew Simple Tool. It makes the circles fast, painlessly, and perfect!
Happy-Go-Lucky Chevron Column Quilt
Use novel piecing techniques in this Happy-Go-Lucky Chevron Column Quilt. Mix and match the wide and narrow strips of fabric to create care-free chevron columns. No matching necessary—use only straight stitching.
Hit-and-Miss Table Runner
At first glance, this table runner looks like it is pieced with traditional hexagons. Not so with this speedy column quilt design. The hexagon shapes are created with two halves, eliminating the intersection of three seams, otherwise known as Y-seams. With this technique, faux-hexagon halves are stitched in columns with relative speed and ease. Plus, the results are dramatic!
Tumbling Tumblers Column Quilt
Take a recognizable tumbler quilt design and turn it on its side. Combine several sizes of tumbler shapes and presto, you have a modern quilt design that breaks most sewing rules. And, the piecing is super-simple!
Floating Squares Column Quilt
This double-sized quilt looks difficult to make, but not so! The darker squares float on the light background of the quilt top, made with some creative cutting and sewing of crosswise strips. Not to worry; you will not be required to cut squares. I’ve opted for a quick-to-make column quilt!
All 13 quilt patterns are detailed in my book, Quick Column Quilts.
Watch Quick Column Quilts (Part One, Part Two, and Part Three) on Sewing With Nancy online.
For a chance to win a copy of Quick Column Quilts by Nancy Zieman from F+W Media, please leave a comment sharing which of the 13 quilts is your favorite.
Bye for now,
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Patti Serenko
I like the interrupted columns. What fun you could have with color.
Jane h
My favorite is the Heartbeat Column Quilt.
Anne Z.
My favorite is the Folded Flying Geese. I think it is such an innovative technique and creates an attractive wall hanging.
Thanks for all the continued inspiration!!!
Cindy M
Tough choice! I’d like to try the Floating Squares using a rainbow of colors! Thanks for all these great ideas!
lstangl482 at aol dot com
Kathleen Johnson
I like the hit and miss table runner!
Liz Fergus
Floating Squares and Columns! I might play a little with color by adding a bright spot here and there. Lovely.
Sherril Harris
I liked the wind chime column quilt the best. It looked quick & easy to make plus I loved the colors.
Donna Belisle
My favorite one is the carefree Column quilt, but the Dot Columns Wall Hanging is a huge second choice.
Thinking I like the first original column quilt with all its symmetry and predictability.
Rosalyn Schultze
I love the Dotted Columns Wall Hanging made with silk dupioni. I particularly like the rich colors used in making this artistic quilt.
I love the floating squares! Such an easy, but beautiful design. Thanks for sharing these.
Marie Day
I love the Quilt to Give. Some thing about ALL those different fabrics just pulls me in. And I love the idea of giving to those in need.
Kathleen Scribner
I like them all, they look so modern; but i especially like the Dotted Columns quilt, I would put special things in the circles.
I like the interrupted one. Thanks for the chance.
Though I am in the ” early stages” of quilting , I was quickly drawn to the colorful Happy Go Lucky Chevron and love challanges so this is a goal for me to d
Though I am in the ” early stages” of quilting , I was quickly drawn to the colorful Happy Go Lucky Chevron and love challanges so this is a goal for me to do.
I liked the heartbeat quilt the best until I viewed the wind chimes quilt! I really like all the patterns and I could see making several of these quilts. Thanks!
Maureen Larsen
The Carefree and the Floating Squares are my favorites. I am usually not a fan of modern patterns but these look like such fun!
Kathy Renz
I can’t pick just one! My favorites are the carefree column quilt, the folded flying geese wall hanging, happy-go-lucky chevron column quilt, and the hit-and-miss table runner. I would have labeled myself as traditional but I am definitely drawn to these modern quilts. Thank you, Nancy, for these exciting new ideas.
Kind of hard for me to pick just one. That being said, my eye first went to the Happy Go Lucky Chevron quilt. I really like the quilting on each of the chevrons and how well it stands out. The Quilting just POPS. Looks like a project I could actually quilt on my domestic machine.
carolyn montgomery
folded flying geese is my favorite, but really i like them all. thanks for the chance to win.
I like the Carefree and the Wind chime column quilts.
Mary Wippold
Choosing my favorite was not easy. I’d like to make each and every one of them. But the Carefree Column really caught my eye. It reminds me of a Mondrian painting.
I love the heartbeat quilt, I think it looks like a city skyline with a reflection of the skyline in reverse!
Lisa Haggstrom
I LOVE the Carefree Column Quilt. The color combinations are endless.
LaDonna Reynolds
I like them all!!! They are beautiful. My favorites would have to be the Heartbeat and Wind Chimes quilts. They are very different, plus I love the names. Heartbeat would be so cute in a baby quilt simply because of the name of the quilt, and, of course, you’d have to put it on the quilt label on the back for even more special meaning. Ha
brenda greene
the interrupted columns is the one I want to try to make first. but I would have several others on my list to make someday
Cherryl Campbell
I love the wind chime quilt! I can hear their soft melody floating on the breeze…..
Karen L.
As others said, it is hard to pick just one. it’s a bit like being told to pick your favorite child. Each one has it merits. For some reason I am drawn to the Heartbeat column quilt. In the right fabrics I can see this looking more like a city with it’s reflection below. Fascinating! Thanks for doing the give-away!
Sherrie Strabel
Happy Go Lucky would tend to be my favorite. Would like to try it with the new collection I have in my stash waiting for the right pattern
Katherine Noack
I like Carefree Column quilt the best. I have some flower prints that would be look great in that pattern. Always enjoy the articles.
Linda E in AZ
My favorite is the Wind Chime quilt because it is airy and different.
Ennis A
Love all of these. But I have two favorites!! Happy-Go-Lucky Chevron and the Interruped Columns!! Love those and would love to be the winner! Thanks.
I like the folded scrappy column quilt. Great way to use up my scraps.
Christine M
I like them all, but if I had to choose it would be the Interrupted Column Quilt!
Gina M
Marvelous! Love the quick piecing techniques-especially the hexies! I wonder what our Grandmothers would say … to see the bright colors and bold graphics of todays’ modern quilts!
Love the folded geese wall hanging. I’m thinking bright summer colors.
Olga Castillo
I like all the quilts. My first quilt to make from your new book would be the Tumbling Tumbler Column quilt. It looks like a fun quilt.
Carol Netzler
I just told my husband that I really only like to do traditional quilting. But I must say I love the column quilts! I think my favorite is the heartbeat column quilt. We have new babies coming our way, and this will make a great gift.
Sharon Thomsen
I love the heartbeat quilt! So fresh and beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity!
They are all beautiful, although the Carefree Column Quilt and the Folded Flying Geese really caught my eye. This just goes to show how something very simple can be extraordinarily beautiful….
Barbara O
What a hard choice. I would have to go with two that have always challenged me, Hit and Miss & Folded Flying Geese. Always hard to do Y seams and matching flying geese.
They all look great. The Scrappy Quilt is a great way to use up scraps. I have started saving mine. The hexi table runner would be good to make also. Thanks.
The original column quilt in those soft colors is my favorite but I really like all of the patterns. The chevron pattern is interesting and is my second favorite.
Marilyn Logan
I love the floating squares quilt pattern. It would be striking in any two colors or done in bright colors on black background.
Dino Candelaria
The are all beautiful in there own way. Some I like the colors, some the pattern but I the uniqueness of the Folded Scrappy Column and it’s potential is what attracts me the most
Nancy Carney
My favorite is the Heartbeat Column quilt. I think you could really have fun with the colors you use and the name of the quilt expresses “Life”.
It’s always hard to pick a favorite! BUT, if I have to pick just one, I am going with “Quilt to Give.” I’m especially fond of the red, white, and blue color scheme, too! Our church has just started a quilter’s group making quilts for mainly moms and babies in need, but hopefully branching out to those in nursing homes, and any others in need as the Lord leads. It’s very exciting, and I am glad to be a part of it. This quilt pattern is perfect for what we are doing! Thanks for sharing your time and talents with all of us! ~ Crystal
The Heartbeat Column quilt, love the colors and random widths.
cynthia bauer
I am new to quilting and so happy to have found your website for information and inspiration! Love all the designs and am drawn to the wind chimes quilt as well as heartbeat quilt. Thank you for the opportunity.
Trudy V
I have 2 favorites, Wind Chimes and Floating Squares
Susan Walter
I really like the Floating Squares quilt.
Folding flying geese quilt. That’s my favorite quilt for the ages! I’m not sure any pattern can knock flying geese out of my #1 spot.
I love The Dotted Columns Wallhanging. I see so many ideas when I look at it. It would make a gorgeous quilt also.
Susan Walter
I really like the Floating Squares.
Joyce West
The Happy Go Lucky Chevron and Folded Geese are my favorites. The Table Runner would be great to use for practicing free motion quilting designs.
Linda Jennings
I like the floating squares and the original column quilt shown in red, white and blue, especially since I make patriotic quilts and donate them to our local VA Hospital
Folded scrappy is my favorite
I adore the Folded scrappy quilt
Love how simple columns turn into beautiful quilts! Great must have book! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us again!
Susan Crist
Folded flying geese. Actually all of then!
Jeanne Nava
My favorite is the Carefree Column Quilt.
Folded flying geese is my favourite
Linda Holmstrom
They are all very fun and a wonderful way to use fabrics from my stash but if I have to chose a favorite I would say the Dotted Columns wall hanging.
I like the tumbling tumblers. thanks for the chance to win.
The Happy Go Lucky Chevron pattern would be the first one I’d make. I’ve never sewn a chevron pattern and this one looks like fun!
Karen Jencks
I have two favorites. I love the Wind Chime and the Hit or Miss.
Karen B
I really like the scrappy column quilt as I could see the dimensional prairie points and scrappy fabric to be interesting to kids. I also like the floating squares as it looks so clean and refreshing…but of course, blue is also my favorite color.
Thanks for the ideas.
Love the Carefree Columns!
Dorothy Schreyer
I have fallen for the Happy Go Lucky Chevron Quilt! Modern but fun!
Bev A
I really like the tumbler one because of the variety of sizes of the tumblers and the colors. But I also like the idea of the scrappy fold one because it sounds like a new technique and a great way to use some scraps!
Nancy Toupin
I like the happy go lucky chevron. Especially the second one. Thank you for the good ideas! These will be great patterns for the charity quilts I make as well as quilts made for gifts!
Joanne P.
I like them all, but Carefree and Tumbling Tumbler are my favorites. I have checked the book out of our library several times, thanks for a chance to win my own copy!
Martha H
I like the Wind Chime, looking at it I here the chimes ringing.
The Quilt to Give is just marvelous – what a way to use up small scraps!
It’s always so much fun to read these blogs. It’s a wonderful inspiration infusion! I’m going to make sure our church quilting group is aware of the Quilt to Give. My personal favorite is the Wind Chime Column Quilt. (maybe because I a collection of windchimes!) I’m already envisioning it for our travel trailer. Thank you, Nancy, for these great blogs!
Julie Craven
Floating squares is my favorite. It might be that I love the blue and white together. Always my favorite color combo.
Judie Z
I just love Carefree Columns – asymmetrical quilts are a favorite of mine! Thanks!
Stephanie Alexander
Quilt to give in patriotic colors is my favorite. Since retiring I am able to devote more time to Quilts of Valor. This is one I will definitely make.
Eileen Girens, WI
Heartbeat column I would love to make & my 2nd choice is Floating Tumblers. All are nice. Thanks for the chance to win.
Cindy Holthaus
I would like to make the Wind Chime Column quilt. It caught my eye right away when I looked through the quilts even before I knew there was a give away. Would really love to win the book. Thank you.
What a wonderful book! I would love to make at least half the projects you’ve shown here, but the one that I am sure would be made first is the carefree columns design. Half the quilts I make are donated to local charities and some of those are for children so this design made up scrappy in bright colors would be sure to please a child.
I found this to be a hard choice, but have decided that I like the Happy Go Lucky Cevron quilt. I really like the small, floral that separates the chevron. Thanks!!
I love the Chevron quilt.
Mary Esser
My favorite quilt is the Happy-Go-Lucky Chevron Column Quilt. I plan to watch all three of your videos. These quilts are beautiful .
It was very hard to make a choice but I will go with the Happy-Go-Lucky Chevron Column Quilt, because it is all straight lines to sew and no matching.
Katie Caprero
I LOVE the floating column quilt. That’s the one I want to try
Judy Jones
I love them all but the Wind Chime quilt is my favorite.
Shelby Bpnner
I really like the Folded Flying Geese!
Kathy S.
Love the Heartbeat Column quilt. Going to make mine with a pale yellow background with a variety of gray strips, so I really need the book! Nancy’s directions are always so clear and user friendly.
Judy G.
I thought I was a “traditional” kind of gal, but love these quick column quilts. I think the “Carefree Column” quilt is my favorite.
Robbi Slusarick
I love all the quilts, but I think I would start out with the Folded Scrapy Quilt, followed by Carefree Column, then……………..Thanks for the give-away!
Kathy Hartwell
These are all beautiful but I really like the “Folded Flying Geese” but “Floating Square Column” comes in a real close second. Thank you for sharing your wonderful creations.
Susan Spiers
The Windchime Column quilt-love the colors and the quilting! Thank you, Susan
I love circles so dotted columns is my favorite.
I enjoyed watching the videos. I like the heartbeat one for an
Upcoming baby quilt I have to make. I am certainly going to
Try and make it.
I really prefer traditional quilts, but if I were to choose one to make…I would choose Carefree Column. I liked the color array that was put in that quit.
There is a typo in my response, on the word quilt. If it is currently being reviewed before it is posted. Can that be corrected if not, please don’t post it. Thank you.
Sandra Jacobs
I love them all, but the Tumbling Tumblers really caught my eye. I need to make that quilt!
Dorothy Martin
I LOVE floating squares b/c it reminds me of my constant dreaming to have MORE time to stitch! What a great pattern. The others are also interesting, but I would have to ‘study’ them more to enjoy. What a nice offer from generous Nancy./
I love the carefree column quilt. It is so colorful and perfect for a boys room.
Mary Brock
Love the clean crisp look of floating squares then second the technique of the folded flying geese. Really just like them all!!
Carol Rechtoris
I like the wind chimes version and the 4-patch from a few years ago…
I love them all-especially the Heartbeat Column.
Peggy V
I love the tumbler quilt!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful book!
Jeanette Spellmeyer
i love the Carefree column quilt. Is so versatile, I could make this with any color fabric! love your show on PBS!
Sara Byman
I love the Quilt To Give and the wonderful story behind it, not to mention all the smiles on the ladies faces! I would love to win this book and stitch the quilts for someone to love! Thanks for the opportunity!
Beautiful quilts. The chevron pattern is so striking. I love it.
Hard to choose just one…I have already started pulling fabrics for Windchime, Carefree Column, and Tumbling Tumbler, cuz why make only one quilt at a time!
My favorite is the Dotted Columns Wall Hanging with the Floating Columns Quilts coming in as a close second. I would like to make the wall hanging first.
I like the Happy Go Lucky Chevron quilt. I am not sure what is meant by folded for the scrappy quilt or the geese. I can see the column quilt with circles in baby room colors in background and the circles as bubbles or printed child or baby prints or better yet embroidered! Same light background and one for boy and one for girl. I have a couple sets of twin Baby quilts I need to make for my girlfriends as grandmother gifts.
Judy W.
My favorite is the Carefree Column quilt, but I also really like the Wind Chimes. Now that I’m retired, I spend time every day working on comfort quilts and Quilts of Valor. I’d love a chance to win your new book!
Janice Milan
The wind chimes.i’m drawn to the angled cuts and colors. i recently purchased a bag of strips at a quilt show. This gives me inspiration.
I like the ‘Quilt To Give’ most, because I give away so many quilts. It makes me happy.
Tricia Thurman-Beckman
I love all these quilts. …so simple but so striking, each in a different way. Thank you Nancy for designing these column quilts! !
Judy Maddocks
I just love circles so Dotted Columns has my first vote. It was a hard decision because they were all wonderful. I may have to make some others choices as well.
Thank you Nancy, I really appreciate you and watch all you video’s and have learned so much from you over more years
than I can remember. Keep up the good work.
Roberta Johnson
Carefree Column Quilt is my favorite.
Pam M
I love the movement in the Wind Chimes quilt. You can almost hear them!
Mary Green
I love ’em all for different reasons but I think my favorite now would be the chevron quilt because I see an opportunity to practice different FMQ designs. The scrap buster would help me cut down some of my scraps and the folded FG and scrappy one look fun and interesting because of the texture they would provide. I see lots of charity-quilt options here. As always, thank you, Nancy, for your great ideas and super clear instructions.
Shirley Hale
They are all beautiful, however my fave is the floating blocks.
Virginia Smith
I am tossed about Folded Flying Geese and Wind Chime Really like them Both
Emily Williams
I like the Carefree Column Quilt. I’m on a mission to improve my free-motion quilting skils and the individual blocks would make a fine opportunity to practice different designs.
Louise Johnson
I like the original column quilt the best but in different colors than the one shown.
Sally Ellis
The heartbeat all the way!!! After spending 33 days in the hospital with pneumonia, etc., it’s all about the heartbeat! And pushing air in and out. LOL.
Joyce Taylor
My favorite is the wind chime column quilt but I like all of them. I used the flying geese pattern to make a baby quilt and it was a hit.
I’m looking forward to making the Floating Column quilt. I see a lot of opportunity for different looks with coordinated scraps or unusual prints. Fun pattern and quick!
Martie in CA
I definitely like the Heartbeat. I have been looking for a project with the linear quilting and this is perfect. Thanks
The column quilt looks like a favorite for me, maybe it is the colors too. Like all but would make this one. Thanks Cece
Heartbeat Column is my favorite. All are pretty and would love to make all of them !
Let’s see, I watched all three of your column quilts programs on local PBS and I think I like the Wind Chimes the best. No, I believe the Dotted Circles are my favorite. Hmmm, no, no, I definitely like the Floating Squares more. Sigh, ok, no more fooling around, I like the Flying Geese most. Wow, I just like them all & find it kinda hard to pick just one (could you tell?!).
Anita P.
I love the Carefree Column Quilt. Think it would make a great baby or toddler quilt to teach colors.
Judy Allen
Wind chimes is my favorite.
I have 2 – the care free & the chevron – would love to try both of them
Melody Lutz
Heartbeat column is my favorite!
Edna Marks
I like the Happy go lucky chevron quilt.
Linda Morales
I like the windchimes column quilt the most, the others are also nice.
Vicki H
I like the Wind Chimes quilt.
Jean Beinemann
I love the carefree column pattern!
I love them all but think the first one I would tackle would be the Wind Chime, I’m partial to Wind Chimes and usually have a few blowing in the breeze around the house.
Barb p
I like them all and very hard to pick one but I think the one I would want to make first is the Carefee Column Quilt. Thanks for the chance to win your amazing book
Peggy Carnahan
My fav is the Happy Go Lucky Chevron but I like them all.
Anna A
Love love love the Carefree Column quilt!!! Will definitely be making this one!
Debra Davis
Love the Floating Squares Column Quilt! Lovely
Carefree quilt ! Although each pattern appeals, something about Careful calls to me. Wonder how far my stash will go? Thanks for all you do for so many.
Judy Forkner
Floating Squares is calling my name! But, truth be told, I like the others lots, too! Thanks!
What’s not to like! But to choose one, the Dotted Columns Wall Hanging. It’s a column with a circular twist! Thanks for providing great options.
Gail Beam
The original column quilt would be the quilt for me since I am not a quilter and one that I think I might be able to do.
Jennifer Reinke
What wonderful and quick inspiration! They are all beautiful—I am most drawn to the Folded Flying Geese one at this moment…but every time I look through them, I can change my mind! Decisions, decisions. . . . Thank you!
I like all of them, but have 2 favorites- interrupted columns and the floating columns wall hanging.
Sandy E
I would like to try the hexagon table runner for a quick project learning a new technique using faux hexagons plus columns. Simply Modern.
My favorite is the Heartbeat Column quilt because of the simplicity of the design.
Jean Long
I have seen some column quilts and didn’t think much about them but I love these. Color and placement makes all the difference. Easy construction with spectacular results I think my favorite is the flying geese. i have always wanted a flying geese quilt and I think I have found the perfect one. Thanks Miss Nancy!
I’d like to make the Floating Squares quilt in an school colors with a T-shirt quilt on the other side.
Solveig VanOverbeke
I love the floating squares quilt because of the simplicity of 2 colors and clean design. I have been watching Sewing with Nancy since the beginning (??? years) and love her projects. Thanks for a chance to win this book!
Rosalind Gutierrez
I am drawn to the Folded Flying Geese quilt.
The Carefree Column Quilt really jumps out at me!
All are beautiful, the Carefree Column quilt is nice because it can be used for so many things. Something simple, fussy cutting or even appliquéing a design on top.
Elizabeth Lewis
Wind chimes is my favorite. I’d love to try making this.
Connie L.
I am intrigued by the folded flying geese wall hanging. I’ve always wanted to make a flying geese quilt and this sounds like a creative new technique that gives an unusual 3D result.
The Happy Go Lucky Chevrons is my favorite, followed closely by Interrupted Columns and Heartbeat!
Susan caswell
Love the dotted columns wall hanging. I think I would have to make it into a quilt.
I like the Hit and miss table runner the best. I can see it made into a quit!
Nancy W
The heartbeat columns quilt appeals to me. The modern feel of the colored strips and the irregular length of the columns gives it a terrific visual look.
L Watson
The Carefree Column Quilt, or Happy-Go-Lucky Chevron Column Quilt are the ones that caught my eye.
Cindy Hoover
I would love to make the chevron quilt in shades of chocolate, taupe and cream. Yummy!
Chris Horton
I love the Floating Squares Column Quilt. I am intrigued to find out how the squares “float”. I really like the crisp navy and white color choices.
The folded flying geese is my favorite.
Cindy Mills
I really like the heartbeat column quilt. I don’t know why, but it really speaks to me. Maybe the simplicity of the quilt.
Pat Hartley
Any of these quilts would be fun to make but the floating squares is the first I would go for. I love the blue on the white background. The squares really pop against the white and even though the squares appear randomly placed, just a moments attention reveals the order among the blue.
I really love the wind chime quilt. Amazing designs.
I love the original column quilt best! I also love the colors that were used!
beth d.
I would like to the wind chimes column quilt. I could do with some wonderful fabrics.
Diane Putzer
I like the Carefree Columns quilt.
Peggy Sego
I love the complex appearance of thes quilts yet Nancy makes them easy. Thanks for the great quilts.
Angela Curtis
I like the Wind Chimes quilt best!
Doreen Linehan
I like the Happy Go Lucky Chevron Quilt.
My favorite is the original column quilt.
Kathy Lee
My favorite is the Carefree Column quilt!
Debra Iammatteo
I absolutely love Dotted Columns!
I so-o really want to broaden my quilting by trying some of these modern quilts. Thanks for all the info!!
Susie Furgason
I love them all. I want to make each one! If I had to choose. ..Carefree column …I would make first.
.Mary Kay McCarville
All beautiful quilts, but I especially love the “Happy-Go-Lucky Chevron Column Quilt”. The angles draw eyes to it over and over. The colors are so uplifting. I’m always amazed at the creativity of the quilter. It is balanced so beautifully. Lines and angles in piecing with curves and designs in the quilting.
I love them all but if I have to pick one, I pickI the Heartbeat pattern.
Alesha K Klein
I would love to make charity quilts with the Quilt To Give pattern from fabric scraps of the Fifi and Fido collection that I have left over. Sewing for “fur babies” in need would be the perfect choice for this scrap buster. Thank you for the giveaway.
Debbie Graves
I love the Folded Scrappy Column Quilt! The simple folded HST technique gives perfect results. This quilt would look great in sooo many color schemes. All this plus being a scrapbuster makes it perfect in my book! And did I mention quick and easy to boot? Awesome!
Cyndy from The Funny Farm
while I really like the Carefree and Windchime quilts, I have to say my favorite is the Dotted one. Something is always so appealing about circles!
Jean Near
I leaning toward the dots!
Rosemary Canfield
My favorite is Carefree Column
Erin M
Nancy’s projects and ideas are so inspiring to all of us! I learn from each of her TV programs! I like the flying geese quilt.
Hard to pick just one. My favorite is the Wind Chime column quilt. Love the colors.
Bernadette Briggs
I like the Carefree Column quilt and the Wind Chimes quilt the best.
I am 62 years old and I live in Phoenix AZ, I love the Wind Chimes and the Floating Squares because they take me home to the white sandy beaches of NJ where I spent my life walking those beaches. Living is Phoenix brings nothing but dusty brown, my memories of the Atlantic Ocean, white sandy beaches and salty breezes are with me daily.
Elaine Gates
A tough choice. I love the Floating Squares. I think the use of two colors helps the actual quilting to sing out. Thanks for all you do for sewing and quilting.
LoAnn Trowbridge
I like the “Heartbeat” quilt.
Donna Brooks
The Carefree Column is my favorite. I am going to work on recreating it with yellow and grays for my daughter. Those were her wedding colors
Jennifer Fried
Floating Squares. I love the simplicity of the color scheme, 2 colors. So fresh and bright.
I love the Heartbeat Columns Quilt <3
Going to try that one today 🙂
Jennifer ward
I like all the quilts shown, but the Quick Columns is my favorite! It would be great for my scraps!
Column Quilt is my favorite. It looks like the strips are floating. It appeals to the modern view I have in my own quilts. Thanks for the show of the different patterns.