Nancy Zieman Productions Announces The 2023 Pillow Sewing Challenge
The Nancy Zieman Productions Team is excited to announce the 2023 Pillow Sewing Challenge, taking place March 4 – March 23, 2023! All sewers, quilters, and machine embroiderers are invited to participate in the Nancy Zieman Productions 2023 Pillow Sewing Challenge. Brainstorm, browse, design, and plan. Then, sew a pillow! Enter the NZP 2023 Pillow Sewing Challenge by emailing a hi-res photo along with your name and mailing address, including city and state to [email protected].
Make a pillow to showcase your sewing talents. Entries may be for any occasion, any color, or any size (finished pillow must fit on a sofa or comparable household furniture). Sew a pillow using as much imagination as you like. You may enter ONE pillow: Pillow must be completed within the last year and may not have been entered into previous Nancy Zieman Productions Pillow Sewing Challenges.
How to Enter
2023 Nancy Zieman Productions Pillow Sewing Challenge Guidelines
- Select or create your design. All sewing, quilting, serging, machine embroidery, and/or embellishment techniques are eligible. Pillow must be made within the last year and may not have been entered into previous NZP Pillow Sewing Challenges.
- How to enter: Send ONE high-resolution quality image of your finished Pillow to [email protected] by 11:59 p.m. CST on Sunday, March 26, 2023. Include your full name, address, and a sentence or two about your Pillow.
- One entry per person; open to US residents in the 48 contiguous states only.
- All Pillows will be judged, and winning entries will receive a prize from our generous sponsors!
Make sure you are subscribed to Nancy Zieman Productions E-Newsletter—so you won’t miss a thing. Sign up today! Join us on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.
- Grab our Pillow Sewing Challenge blog badge and let your friends know about this fun Sewing Challenge.
- Share your progress and projects on your social media sites using the hashtag #NZPPillowChallenge2023
- March 4, 2023—Pillow Challenge Kick Off
- March 26, 2023—Pillow Challenge Entry Deadline
- March 27, 2023—A Panel of Judges Review Entries
- March 30, 2023—Winners Announced! All decisions made by judges are final.
Thank you to our generous 2023 Nancy Zieman Productions Pillow Sewing Challenge Prize Sponsors Over $500 in prizes!
Pillow Sewing Challenge Prize Sponsors:
Join the 2023 Nancy Zieman Productions Pillow Sewing Challenge!
Join the NEW! 2023 Nancy Zieman Productions Pillow Sewing Challenge this March at the NZP Blog! Deadline to enter is Sunday, March 26, 2023.
Visit the Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio at 120 Front Street in Beaver Dam, WI 53916
920-356-9546 phone
[email protected]
Store Hours • Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Our annual Sew•Quilt•Create Weekend is May 18-20, 2023 in Beaver Dam!
NEW! Spring Store Sewing Classes and Events Announced!
Learn how to sew with The Stitch it! Sisters as they teach Nancy Zieman’s classic timesaving sewing techniques and easy sewing methods with fun sewing projects at The Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio! Our classes are ideal for beginners! Sign up for one or more sewing classes, today at ShopNZP.com.
Our store classes include fabrics, use of classroom tools, BERNINA and bernette sewing machines, and everything needed to sew each project! Sign up for one or more sewing classes in store or online at ShopNZP.com.
Happy Sewing!
Team Nancy Zieman & The Stitch it! Sisters
Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.
Stitch it! Sisters is a production of NZ Productions LLC. Content in this feed is © copyright 2023 by Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website. The FTC requires us to tell you that Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC has provided products by other companies in the course of doing business. The FTC requires us to advise you to take this information into consideration when reading this posting.
E.R Straus
Why is this contest limited only to USA citizens when Canadians have supported Nancy Zieman for many years and also because you advertise here and send us your product willingly. Not very good PR.