The Sewing Whisperer
By Nancy Zieman with Marjorie L. Russell
Illustrated by Philip Ashby
Not far from here, beside a wide river,
The village of Sewland was in quite a dither.
It wasn’t a normal crisis, no ma’am,
No cats caught in trees, no shortage of ham.
No, this was a crisis concerning their notions –
A bobbin and needle and thread-led commotion.
In a challenge too big to wrap thoughts around,
The peace in each project could no longer be found.
Bobbins were bouncing and couldn’t be caught,
Needles were jabbing more often than not.
Scissors were snippy, and rotary blades blunt,
And runaway thread was the goal of a hunt.
Sewland called for my help in the middle of night,
Their knock on my door gave my dress form a fright.
What could be done to bring order, they asked,
And I knew who to go to from far in the past.
I blew off the dust from an old address book,
To find the right name, I knew just where to look.
The Sewing Whisperer was our only hope.
We needed her help in order to cope.
Years it had been since I knocked at her door,
Not since the great panic of late ‘94.
Back then Sewland’s people feared while they weren’t lookin’
Their friends and neighbors would turn to scrapbookin’,
Putting an end to the sewing they treasured
A thought that brought sadness ‘way beyond measure.
“Be calm, carry on dears,” the Sewing Whisperer advised,
Not one to be hurried, her counsel proved wise.
So now with a challenge of a new style,
I drove to her house, mile after mile.
She opened the door with a sweet little grin,
Offered me tea and invited me in.
I told her the story, and gave her our plea
For help with crazed notions that seemed ready to flee.
“Sewland,” she said, “has just too much to do.
Projects piled high hide both gray skies and blue.”
“Needles scatter,” she added, “bobbins run away
Since they just want to work, or as they call it, ‘play’.”
“All that is needed,” the Sewing Whisperer confided,
“Is for Sewland to finish what’s already started.”
“To start and get through it you need intervention
A come-all, all-nighter, just-sewing convention,
By sewing and sewing and sewing beyond measure,
You’ll finish old projects and bring back your pleasure.”
“Sewing Whisperer,” I asked in a confidential way,
“Will you join us next weekend for an all sewing day?”
She turned to start packing as she gave me a smile,
Then we drove back to Sewland, mile after mile.
Blogs and newspapers announced a Stitcher’s Sew-A-Ree
On the very next Saturday, at quarter past three.
A sewing all-nighter, snacks and sips of sweet wine
Would calm frayed nerves in the nick of time.
On that day City Hall was the sewing place to be.
Townspeople gathered—young and old—it was something to see!
Soon the machines were a hummin’ – it was almost a song.
Then, like children, unruly notions calmed and sang along.
Quilts, skirts, tote bags, pajamas—so many completed,
Brought smiles to faces once sewing defeated.
And this is the lesson we learned on that day,
A happy occasion when we found a new way,
To cope when our projects are unruly and beyond,
No need to call the Sewing Whisperer, just “Stay Calm and Sew On!”
The End
I hope you enjoyed my silly sewing rhyme. Thank you to my friends, Philip, for illustrating, and to Marj for helping me fine tune this rhyme. It will be back to the normal writing fare when you return to the blog next time.
Bye for now,
Content in this feed is © copyright 2013 by Nancy Zieman and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website.
Mary Jo Pigott Groom
🙂 very enjoyable.
k cullen
Love it. Will print it out, frame it and hang it by my sewing machine.
Denise Lafleur
I enjoyed reading it, and it sounds like I need the Sewing Whisperer!
Enjoyed very much. Missing you today as WVIZ has as special on.
Linda Yosick
Very cute!
Nancy Knight
Loved it thanks brought a smile to my face.
Carol Breault
That was delightful! thanks
Love it! It would make a great wall hanging -artwork included! 🙂
Nancy it’s wonderfully entertaining. I think you should publish it. I would definitely buy. Well done!!!!!
Mitzi Weber
How cute was that! I need the Sewing Whisperer at my house. Thanks for the inspiration.
Patty O'Neill
I love the sewing wisperer. It is wonderful. I also think I will print it out and hang it in my sewing room. It is a classic.
Thank you Nancy.
Patty O’Neill
Porcupine Point Designs
What a fun way to start my morning! Loved it!
And now, inspired by your show,
It’s off to my own little sewing room to sew……….
Thank you. How very, very funny and very apt too. One of my daughters and I are getting together next week-end to do just this -finish off a multitude of started-but-not-finished sewing; pairing patterns to fabrics in her stash; repair or cull garments that are hanging around in her basket awaiting attention and generally just have a great sewing week-end. I hope she returns the visit later in the year so I can get sorted too 😉
Judith Stalcup
You are truly a woman of many talents, and I love and follow them all! This is delightful and should be published!
Laura Jean
What a wonderful way to brighten my day. Thank you Nancy, Phillip, and Marj!
Rita Sheloff
I loved the rhyme!!! Please do more of them!
Rita Sheloff
I loved the rhyme!!! Please do more of them!
Sandra Pickard
Loved it!! It would make a cute wall hanging!! It was wonderful to finally get to meet you after watching your your show for 23 years!!! At the Sew Expo in Washington last weekend. Thank you
That is terrific. I love the sketches and poem itself. I am a resident of “Sewland” it apparently. Thanks for this.
Mary Gordon
That was really cute – thank you. 🙂
L Carolyn Ghearing
Hahahahahaha!!!! LOVED it!
I love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Thank you for making me smile. I love this rhyme. Very cute!
Very clever Sewing Whisperer. Can relate.
We knew you were talented but this is a new side of you! Amazing!
I just love it. Thanks. I would love to print this out. It is also very encouraging.
I love the idea of the Sewing Whisperer. It encourages me to finish some project. And Sewland, I love this idea. Will share this poem with my daughter.
Shirley Burns
Absolutely adorable, brought a big smile to my face and almost a tear realizing I need the “whisperer” to help me out too!! It is a classic that should hang on every sewing room’s wall…..Great lesson for us all…..Thanks Nancy !!
That is classic beautiful art all by itself!!!! I love it!!
Nancy Owens
Oh, this would be such a great poster for my sewing room…….print them and I’ll buy 3 for myself and my sisters!
Always knew you were talented!!!!!!!
joy smith
Loved it all, earlier this week our daughter brought a little poster for the sewing room “Keep calm and get the seam ripper”! Perfect timing, many thanks for all you do.
Kristin Krause
Nancy, that was delightful!
Very clever!
Margaret Lawrence
Thank you, Dr. Sew-ss! Sew clever…
Margaret Graham
This was a treat! THANKS!
Betty Hedges
I loved it!!! I think a poster would be great, or maybe a sewing kit. You know just another project to start. LOL
What a delight! You’ve really told the story of all us quilters. Keep up the good work.
Marsha Nelson
Sew cute and a great reminder to get to those UFOs’.
Judy Brennan
This is so fun, Nancy! Thanks for creating this and posting it. I loved it. Great to see you at Sew Expo and get a pic with you. Loved your lecture and your evening program with Mary.
Love it! And the illustrations are wonderful! Love, Carry on and Sew!
Yes, definitely you need to make a poster for us to purchase. Really hit home. Love it.
Marilyn M
That was great. Makes me want to get up and finish all of my unfinished projects. Too many to count.
Janice Elkins
Loved the poem and it certainly hits home for a lots of us, I’m sure. Thank you.
Natalie Sewell
Delightful! A new side of you has emerged! Charming!
Was in the middle of something complex, so I took a time out to check my email, and was so ready for a sewer’s smile! Very well done!
What a fun reminder of what I need to do – finish up a few projects! Thanks for the treat!
Claudy Arfaras
Nancy Zieman just like a dream can, stitch away your backed up day! Looked inside for our trusted guide to find these words in such away! Now that’s talent she’s kept silent until this lucky day! More we say of your words like clay and an easy way to buy it….
Juliet Smebakken
Hmmmm. “Finish what you have started …. O.k., maybe over a reasonable period of spare time, but pulling all nighters is an extremely unhealthy “solution” to what is essentially a problem with gluttony, Nancy. Forgive my directness, but at the risk of being rude, I think that having too much to do is essentially symptomatic of wanting too much, or being unable to say ‘no’ to others, rather than do what is in your own best interest.
Once upon a time, I followed the same “all nighter” work- harder solution/philosophy to life and passed it along to my precious daughter, as well. While simultaneously maintaining her place in the top one percent of students at her school academically, she was an athletic-scholarship recipient as the result of year-around athletic/leaderhip in each team she competed in – soccer, gymnastics, track; she was a participant and/or leader of multiple school organizations – national honor society, band, school play, environment club, etc. etc. etc. She won numerous awards for her skills in French, music, and sports. She was a full-time lifeguard and canoe-camp counselor every summer.
The over-achieving came to a climax in her junior year in high school when she slipped into a grand mal seizure, after an all-nighter of setting up (and then participating in ) her school prom. The neurologists tell us that we may never know what caused her seizure, but that in all liklihood, it was the stress and lack of sleep due to her relentless academic/athletic/social pursuits that triggered it.
Obsessed with creative ideas? Now I am satisfied to simply write them down in a journal, to tackle at another time, or pass them along to others, instead. Sometimes I’ll even staple a swatch of “the perfect fabric” I found for the project in the notebook. For some reason, this helps me let the idea go until another time.
Nancy, I want you to be a role model and “Stop the Madness” of the “MORE,MORE, MORE” culture that is killing us all. I want you to do it for your beautiful self, your beautiful family, your hard-working loyal staff, and all the people that look up to you for ideas, advice, and companionship.
Juliet Smebakken, one of your biggest fans
(P.S. My daughter is doing very well in college, since she [and I] have learned to let go of the need to complete or conquer “everything”. Thanks be to God.
Claudy Arfaras
Oh come on Juliette! Seizure because of hard work? First of all Nancy isn’t a child! Yes it’s true we can take on to much but to tell our Nancy she’s doing a dis-service or at least implying she is because of hard work is a joke! That’s downright unAmerican! I am very familiar with brain abnormalities because I have MS. I suggest you get a second opinion and maybe a third and fourth about the nature and cause of your daughter’s seizure! Hardworking woman unlike men seem to get this you do to much! If Nancy were a man would you tell him you work to hard? I bet not! The fact is many woman work their you know what off! How about some acknowledgment for the service to Nancy’s viewers and all the charities supported and you back off! Sounds like guilt to me for your daughter’s unfortunate illness and definitely a rare occurrence you choose to beat yourself up for and now others! Forgive yourself…..
Diane Dugan
Very clever. Thanks for the day brightener.
Linda Heck
Wish you could have this printed up? I think of few of us sure would love to have it hanging in our sewing rooms. Your words of wisdom are always so much appreciated.
Thanks Nancy!!
Barbara Landi
Was Mary Mulari the model for the sew-whisperer? Looks like her!
I guess somehow I’ve always known; but today I’m saying it…
you’re here to make the world a better place. Thanks so much for your lovely poem and the art, and thanks for all that you do to inspire and teach.
Love it – thanks for doing it!!!
Joyce J
I thought your “Kick It Up A Stitch” production was a hoot, now you expand your repertoire with poetry — so well done and clever!
Shirley Clark
Too cute!
joanne rose
You always inspire us to move on without fear. So many projects where does one start indeed. with so many new things to also learn.
It is comforting to know I am not the only one with multiple projects awaiting my attention. All clearly marked in their own containers.
to add to not just my own chaos, I have many my Mom could not complete. With her passing I have vowed to complete all that she started.
Oh my this takes me thru most crafts.
I will complete them all thou. we just have to hope for long winters. Oops that didn’t work this year maybe next
I truly enjoyed the the cute story, and your illustrators pictures, and it also did help me remember some of those ufos.
I do appreciate your comical side as well. A wonderful educator.
Betty Siple
I just received your email about the Sewing Whisperer. I am one of those that loves to start new projects and hate to finish them. I attended a meeting where our speaker said she worked on only one thing at a time. When it was finished, she would start another. I told this to an owner of a quilt shop I was visiting. She made me feel better, she said that she had many projects going and didn’t intend to finish them. I guess my family can worry over my UFO’s when I am gone. Thanks, I really enjoyed the poem!
Sharon J.
Your poem and artwork brought smiles and chuckles. This is definitely a keeper. It brings me much comfort knowing I am not the only one with unfinished projects — And it is a Hallalula Day when a few of these get completed. We must all Stay Calm and Sew On!!
suzanne Kauffman
Maybe you can take up book writing. So we have something to read when the sewing day is through.
Nice respite.
Thank you for the “silly” poem, it put a smile on my face. My sister and her daughter go once a year to a place called Shipshiwanna (sp?) for a sewing weekend. I don’t know if they pull “all-nighters” but they get a lot of UFO’s completed. I recently retired and am finding my sewing time a bit lonesome, so I hope to find a sew-a-ree nearby or maybe in far away Shipshiwanna.
Marie in the Mountains
Judy H
Oooh so cute and oh so true….I have lots of UFO’s and apparently sew do you…..
Nancy, have you tried writing books for your grandchildren? They would love it and so would you. [You need something to do in your free time.]
Nancy Zieman
Nice idea! Now, about all that free time . . .
Sandra Van Lankvelt
And, up in my sewing room I heard such a clatter,
I had to go look to see what was the matter.
My scissors and cutters were dancing all over
and even my sewing machine started it’s motor.
Well finally I said okay I am here
to finish my projects that have sat here all year???
Thank you so much Nancy for your beautiful story. I honestly did not realize that I had left a few of my projects unfinished for so long, until I read your “Sewing Whisperer”. How lovely it was to read and it started me to write a bit of a rhyme. LOLOL. I certainly hope that you maintain this story for a very very long time on your site it was GREAT.
God Bless
Louise Marie
What a treat. You are truly amazing. i have always loved the dog whisperer and the horse whisperer. Now i have the sewing whisperer to love!
Karen Luers
Oh how so true this is!! UFO’s can haunt! lol Keep up the fantastic teaching Nancy!!