I Sew For Fun Kids Camp Sewing Round Up at The Nancy Zieman Productions Blog
Schedule an I Sew For Fun Kids’ Camp this summer with your little sewing partner. You may end up doing up doing much of the work, but that’s okay! The LOVE comes from time spent together and letting your little partner do the “fun stuff.” Here’s a look at 13 easy sewing projects to chose from – in our I Sew For Fun Kids’ Camp Sewing Round Up, below! Find these projects and more in Nancy Zieman’s I Sew For Fun Book with DVD, available at Nancy Zieman Productions, ShopNZP.com
Sew an easy apron with your little sewing partner before your next baking project. Kids love to wear an apron just like yours. Make coordinating aprons from super-simple fabric squares, grosgrain ribbon, and Nancy Zieman’s Apron Sewing Tutorial!
Enjoy creative moments with the youth in your life while making our Fun Folded Hot Pad Sewing Tutorial. They’ll be so proud to say, “I made this gift for you, mommy/daddy/grandma/auntie.”
Sew a Super-Simple Skirt with a little elastic, 5/8 yd. knit fabric, and our Super-Simple Skirt Sewing Tutorial! Your budding little sewists will bloom, as they create their first clothing project.
Sew a reversible headband that is both practical and adorable—it keeps hair in place, while making a fashion statement! Ask your little sewing partner to choose two cotton fabrics and let the stitching begin with our Reversible Headband Sewing Tutorial. Approximate Finished Size: 11″ x 2″.
Have a PJ party with your little sewing partner as they make their very own pillowcase with our I Sew For Fun Pillowcase Sewing Tutorial. Sweet dreams will definitely follow! This easy project is a favorite for gift giving too! Approximate Finished Size: 20″ x 30″.
Do you have a fat quarter pack of fun fabrics and an a few hours to spend with your little sewing partner? If your answer is “YES,” then we have an artistic sewing project for you. Stitch our Art Caddy Sewing Tutorial made up of rectangles, ribbon and hair elastics! Approximate Finished Size: 13″ X 20″.
You’ve got the sewing power to help your little partner create their favorite superhero cape. Dress–up time and imagination time are so much fun with our Superhero Cape Sewing Tutorial. Approximate Finished Size: 34″ x 35″.
Our Cinch Sack Sewing Tutorial is super-easy with our step-by-step directions. Stitch this project in a weekend, then wear the cinch sack as a backpack – for carrying books or workout gear. The cinch sack also makes a great trick or treat bag! Approximate Finished Size: 16″ x 18″.
These snuggly quillows (quilt + pillow) are sewn with warm and toasty high loft fleece. You and your little sewing partner can make one for themselves, and one for their stuffed animal or doll. Our Fleece Quillow Sewing Tutorial will warm your “toesies,” and your heart! Approximate Finished Sizes: 58″ x 60″ adult/child-sized, and 27″ x 28″ stuffed animal/doll-sized.
Sew a super-easy quilt, with six fun fabrics, and our Two-Piece Block Quilt Sewing Tutorial. Gather supplies and precut fabrics; then set a stitching date with your little sewing partner! Approximate Finished Size: 36″ x 44½”.
This “colorful” Crayon Quilt Sewing Tutorial makes a future “Crayons to College” keepsake. Do you have a fabric stash and a few hours to spend with your little sewing partner? If your answer is “YES!”, then this easy quilting project is for you. Approximate Finished Size: 28-1/2″ x 40-1/2″.
Here’s a stylin’ denim Shoulder Bag Sewing Tutorial with streamlined shoulder straps and an easy zipper technique. The machine embroidery is optional. Kids love to be part of the embroidery process. Approximate finished size excluding strap: 8″ x 8-1/2″.
Infinity Scarf Sewing Tutorial
Create this “just like mommy” Infinity Scarf Sewing Tutorial with your little partner, using a pretty knit print. It’s so easy to sew, and makes a trend setting addition to any little girls’ wardrobe.
Attention I Sew For Fun Kids’ Camp Big Sewing Partners: Tune in and watch Nancy Zieman and her granddaughters, along with friends, take a modern approach to sewing. Nancy shares her team sewing-for-fun experience along with many tips for a big partner, and numerous insights for involving a little sewing partner—all while making simple, easy to sew kid-friendly projects. Watch I Sew For Fun on Sewing With Nancy!
We hope you’ve enjoyed our I Sew For Fun Kids’ Camp Sewing Round Up! Find these projects and more in Nancy Zieman’s I Sew For Fun Book with DVD, available at Nancy Zieman Productions, ShopNZP.com
Using the right sewing tools assists with creating successful sewing projects! Use I Sew For Fun Sewing Tools by Nancy Zieman Productions for Clover when sewing your next project with your little sewing partner! I Sew For Fun Sewing Tools are available at ShopNZP.com.
Shop Clover’s I Sew For Fun Sewing Tools and More at ShopNZP.com
Shop Land of Liberty Fabrics at ShopNZP.com
Celebrate Summer Sewing!
Team Nancy Zieman
Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.
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My 11 year old grand daughter would like to make a skirt, so that’s what we will do. She loves to come visit because she sees that I am usually at my sewing machine sewing something!
I don’t have any little ones at home. I will be sewing this summer and a seam ripper would come in handy. Can always use another seam ripper.
Deb Slater
I’m going to teach my 9nyear old granddaughter how to make an apron as our first project. She is revved and I can’t wait to spend time with her. I so want her to learn to sew/quilt!!