Choose the Absolute Easiest Way to Sew
We generally think of two or three different ways to stitch most techniques, yet we generally use just one method. Which one? The absolute easiest way, of course!
This week’s featured online Sewing With Nancy program is the first of a three-part series on The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew.
Use just a few pins for pattern layout.
- Starting with pattern layout, cutting, and marking, learn ways to streamline and improve your sewing skills.
Do sewing darts have you in a dither?
- Learn how to use an index card or sticky notes as the sewing guide for effortless dart stitching, It’s the next Absolute Easiest technique.
One size does not fit all when it comes to sewing gathers!
- The type of fabric, the width of the seam allowances, and the project dictate the absolute easiest way to add gathers to fabrics. Nancy show’s you four options during this TV episode, plus there are more in the book, The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew.
Changing the rules is part of the sewing game.
- When adding elastic to knits, you’ll find this, by far, the simplest way to a sew casing. You’ll be stitching less and enjoying it more.
There’s a secret trick when sewing a casing in sportswear.
- You’ll think to yourself, “Why didn’t I think of that!” (Watch online for the trick.)
All of Nancy’s favorite sewing tips are in one book.
The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew chapters include:
- Sewing Notions
- Sewing Machine Confidence
- Serger Spotlight
- Patterns
- Fabric Facts
- Sewing Basics
- Beyond the Basics
Watch The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew (Part One, Part Two, and Part Three) on Sewing With Nancy online.
For your chance to win a copy of The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew from Nancy’s Notions, leave a comment sharing your most common sewing challenge.
The randomly selected winner of a copy of the book Beginning Landscape Quilting from Nancy’s Notions is Dorothy Dell.
Her comment is, “This is an art form I have admired for years. I love the look of wildflowers so that will be my choice to try once I retire and that time is coming up soon. ”
Happy Sewing,
Team Nancy Zieman
Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC.
Have enjoyed making my own clothes for more than fifty years, but Nancy’s tips are always golden. Fantastic to have them all in one book.
Thanks for all the great tips you have been giving.
Great tips.
Peg G
Nancy’s tips make so much sense, I truly said “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Linda Erickson
I think that fitting pants is my greatest challenge, so there is a lot of sew, then check, then sew some more. Probably second greatest is setting in sleeves.
Carol Murphy
My biggest challenge is sewing around curves and keeping a consistent seam allowance. Thanks for entering me
Kathryn Englebretsen
I would really enjoy having this book. My interest at this point in my life is putting elastic in waistbands. When I was younger, I never liked elastic waistbands. Now that I am retired, I find elastic is the most comfortable.
Lynda A
I’ve been sewing about 50 years of my age of 58, and I know the basics quite well. I would love to learn the beyond the basics of sewing, and open new avenues of creativity.
Kathleen Duncan
Keeping fabrics even when stitching. Looks like some great ideas.
Although I have a wonderful (recently serviced) Bernina machine, and I change my needles often, I have trouble sewing knits – trouble getting a seam started, skipped stitches, etc.
Sandi Corlett
When I teach beginners to sew, it is hard for many of my students to stitch an even seam allowance. This is especially true when the seam is long.
Sewing a consistent seams is always a challenge for me. I look forward to any tips Nancy shares.
Laurie Devers
I have been sewing clothes for myself for more than 50 years. Maybe now is the time to see if I have developed the best sewing habits. I know Nancy will help me!
beth d.
have used some of Nancy’s sewing tips for making my clothes. would love to own the book.
Nancy Taylor
At one time we are all beginners, I have found that revisiting the basics or the updated basics very worth my while. I would love to have this book in my collection.
Thanks for everyone who works with Nancy Zieman’s Production.
Nancy Taylor
Patience! I need to pace myself. I always want to “get it done” so I can go on to the next project. I have to be more patient with myself so I can sew it the right way – whichever “right” way works for me that is! ; – } I’ve been sewing for about 60 years and have learned a lot, but there are ALWAYS more and better techniques to pick up. That’s all part of the fun! Thanks for the contest entry.
Nancy has ALWAYS made sewing more enjoyable with her excellent tips and demonstrations. Prayers continue for her family and friends.
Karen Videgar
I enjoy making clothes and other items for my grandchildren. I’ve always struggled with elastic on getting it sewed and not leave a “bump” in the casing. In the past I have used many of Nancy’s tips and have found them so easy and helpful! I began watching her shows from the start and have purchased the booklets from the shows that were helpful for me at the time. I’m always open for new ideas/suggestions.
Laura Olson
My challenge is consistent seam allowances in sewing curved construction. Always love more tips and giveaways thanks so much.
Within the next couple of months I’ll be free to start sewing again…haven’t been able to for twenty years! Really need to get updated to all the latest, and I know Nancy can do that for me. We all will miss her for years to come, and appreciate The Team keeping her shows on for us.
My sewing bugaboo is the full bust adjustment.
I look forward to the next episode’s tips on darts as my daughter’s law office wardrobe is to include several sheath dresses and fitted tops with different types of darts.
I have the most difficulty with a fly zipper in jeans…they drive me crazy! I love all the tips and hints in this easy way to sew blog. Please pick me for the free book! Pretty please!
I have the most difficulty with a fly zipper in jeans…they drive me crazy! I love all the tips and hints in this easy way to sew blog. If you pick me for the free book I would be sooo happy! Pretty please!
Edna Marks
always have trouble with seam allowances, no matter what I do seem to have to rio and sew again to get them right.
I have challenges with sewing curves. I’m sure that there are tips on making that easier in the book.
Marsha Chibitty
My challenge is using the right needle and right thread for the fabric I’m working with.
hi, i teach beginners sewing to christian womens job corp, and can use these ideas in your book with these classes! thanks vicki welch
Peggy S
I am 4’11” tall and sometimes when sewing a dress I have difficulty altering from the shoulder to the waist. If Nancy has a solution for this I would love to read it. There are some sleeve patterns I have problems fitting. Nancy’s directions are so easy to follow.
Life IA rough enough, sewing should be fun & easy!
I would love to learn how to sew on knits and adding the elastic in a waist band easier. You can always learn new tips!!
Andrea Fitanides
I always seem to have problems sewing and hemming denim.
Helen Stewart
I am always interested in saving time while sewing and think Nancy’s book would have many suggestions to do that.
Carol Hydeman
My biggest challenge is turning small/narrow tubes or straps.
Though I have been a sewist for many years creating an even zipper is always a challenge.
Thank heaven for Nancy for finding easier ways to do all kinds of sewing related things! The sewing thing I’ve always hated is making a very narrow strap that you stitch and then have to “turn”. I would love to have this book!
Mary Welman
My most common difficulty when sewing is alterations to make things fit right or replacing broken zippers – especially in jeans and hoodies. Jeans, well the difficulty in replacing that zipper is pretty self explanatory. With hoodies, it’s the stretch factor of the knit
Gail Beam
I would love to learn how to sew in zippers that are just for decorative trim, which seems to be all the rage right now. Love all of Nancy’s tips and techniques! She always makes sewing techniques look easy with her tips.
Bernadette Dizzine
I find adjusting the bust and waist for patterns most difficult, I am just getting back to sewing after fits and starts and really want to sew clothes that I would actually wear out of the house!
I would love to know the tricks for sewing. So far, I’ve only done quilts and a few skirts, but I would like to branch out and know how to sew more items.
Patricia Wester
I love Nancy’s tips. I have used many of them over the years but it would be so nice to have them all in one book for easy reference.
All those tips in a book would be a tremendous help. I can never remember the tip I need at the time that I need it, so I have to Google before I sew.
Yes, I love Nancy’s tips too. I struggled for many years with doing hems in jeans until I used Nancy’s easy way to hem them. That was great!
Kathryn Smotryski
My biggest challenge is hemming jeans so they don’t look like they have been hemmed.
Adjusting the darts in patterns so that the clothes fit me right.
Dorothy A Steingrubey
I think this book would be wonderful to win. I am always looking for more tips to learn. If all the cutting out of all my sewing projects would be measured and cut out for me, that would be the nicest thing that could happen.
J Martin
My biggest sewing challenge is putting in zippers.
My biggest sewing challenge is ZIPPERS!
My biggest challenge is getting the tension set right on my machine. For some reason, it always seems to be wrong!
I am Just learning to make cloths This book would be great I would learn to Sew Nancys way from the Start !!
Linda Cejnar
I don’t know how to sew anything except a straight stitch for quilt top piecing. I have a great big nice sewing machine that can do so much more, I just don’t know how.
Rita Skraba
My most challenging sewing issues are darts and gathering. I love all of Nancy’s tips. I’m always excited for another episode from Nancy.
Karen Videgar
Sewing zippers has always been a challenge for me in 40+ years of sewing. I don’t think they like me….LOL Any tips/suggestions I can find I will try.
Tamra Botkin
Sewing on a slippery fabric is challenging for me. I fear a mistake that would need picking out!
My biggest challenge in sewing has come to be cleaning off an area so I have space to lay out material and then having room to sew. My kids would say I’m a hoarder.
The most difficult part of a shirt that I sew for my son is the set in sleeve. So, I am hoping to get ideas how to sew that in easier, as well as other great tips for sewing. Thanks, Nancy.
Michelle Hall
zippers are always a challenge for me!
Sewing knits, elastic and smooth or slippery fabrics.
Karen Tucker
Replacing zippers!!!
My biggest challenge—and the thing I dread most about making anything that has one—-is something with a small, narrow tie that has to be turned after sewing. HELP!!
Christianne McCall
Invisible zippers
Michael Costello
Thanks for sharing this article and book about sewing, it helps me a lot, and I feel glad if you share some more information on dress sewing. I really enjoy if I make clothes for me and my family. I also read something more about the sewing here https://www.michaelcostellocouture.com/dressing-tips-tricks-how-to-use-measurements-to-make-a-dress/ I hope you’ll like it too.
Teresa Witt
My challenge has been altering and making those fitting adjustments. I am now teaching my granddaughter to see and if I can show her an easier way, that would be great Santa brought her her own machine!!!!