A Modern Quilting Bee on The Best of Sewing With Nancy
Often you hear the phrase, “Quilting Bee”. We’re sure your mind pictures images of old: Friends, family, fabric, and fun. The Modern Quilting Bee has all those elements plus more. Join Nancy Zieman as she journeys outside the Sewing With Nancy studio to celebrate the art of quilting at the The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show in Madison, Wisconsin, and watch A Modern Quilting Bee on The Best Of Sewing With Nancy online.
Modern quilting is a buzz word in the quilting community. Weeks Ringle, author, publisher, designer, teacher, lecturer, and fabric designer joins Nancy for a chat on modern quilting—quilting as a reflection of today.
One of Nancy’s favorite fabrics to work with when she made her Landscape Quilts was hand-dyed fabric. Wendy Richardson is a master at dying fabric. Wendy joins Nancy and shares some of the processes she uses when hand-dying fabrics.
Nancy often said that she had the best job in the world, because she got to interview and learn from leaders and innovators in the sewing and quilting world. Lola Jenkins, quilter and lecturer, joins Nancy to share her quilting journey inspired by her life and heritage.
Nancy’s next guest and friend, Laura Wasilowski, shares her art quilting methods for combining slow-quilting and quick-quilting.
When most of us think of quilts, we generally think of bed quilts or wall quilts. In addition to two-dimensional, quilting is also three-dimensional. Lorraine Torrence, author, designer, and educator, joins Nancy to share her legacy exhibit of quilted garments.
Watch A Modern Quilting Bee on Sewing With Nancy online.
To watch Sewing With Nancy on your iPad, iPod Touch, or iPhone, download the app.
For a chance to win a copy of the book, Nancy Zieman, The Rest of the Story by Richard Zieman Please leave a comment below.
The randomly selected winner of the book, Sew Gifts–Make Memories from Mary Mulari, from the January 2 and 9 Blog Posts: Sew Gifts–Make Memories Part One on The Best of Sewing With Nancy & Sew Gifts–Make Memories Part Two on The Best of Sewing With Nancy is, Joe Helen Grimes.
Her comment is: I love making gifts for my family and friends. My sewing buddy and I start in January and sew together one day every week.
Happy Quilting!
Team Nancy Zieman
Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.
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Connie Gratias
Thanks for sharing all the interviews!!
Julie Kill
Such a wonderful Lady, and a wonderful legacy!
Thanks for keeping up with Nancy’s traditions, and for keeping her tips and secrets as well as her knowledge alive!
Thanks. I’d enjoy winning this book.
I have this book. Nancy’s story is so heart-wrenching yet so hear-warming too. Her challenges and the grace she showed while battling through them is so empowering. She was a truly wonderful person. I wish I could have met her. Thank you.
I cannot get enough of what this wonderful woman did for homemakers/students/male&female with her television shows on PBS. The longest running show and it still keeps playing. To have a book on how she managed to create (PBS CREATE) her show and such a wonderful insight to get to the TV world of sewing/quilting/embroidery would be fantastic. I wish they would make her show an hour. The only great thing is that there is YOUTUBE and her website that is available 24/7. Keep posting as there will be new people to catch her on PBS and have the same interests and will start on her website and emails. Thank you.
Carol Netzler
Thanks for sharing.
Pam Peterson
I enjoyed watching Nancy on PBS. Thanks for continuing to hare her insights on the blog. She made sewing a dignified profession and hobby.
Margaret C.
I made a Lorraine Torrance jacket based on seeing her interview with Nancy. One of a kind.
Kathleen Drzik
I didn’t start sewing until 7 years ago but was well-acquainted with who Nancy Zieman was and what she accomplished. My mom met Nancy at an event in Florida a number of years ago and asked her to autograph her sewing A-Z book for me – as a new “sewist.” My husband gave me Nancy’s Seams Unlikely for Christmas and I truly enjoyed Nancy’s story. I would love “The Rest of the Story.” –
I always enjoyed watching Nancy. I think of her as a friend. Thanks for sharing the interviews.
Cecilia H
I’ve watch Nancy’s sewing shows for over many years and just thought what a special person she was. Sharing her talent and sewing skills was so helpful to me as I have always done some type of sewing. I would love to read her story. Thanks for keeping her legacy alive.
I would love to read her story. Thank you for keeping her legacy alive. I have watched her shows over and over and always learn something new. I never tire of watching her, she was a wonderful teacher!
I’ve watched Sewing with Nancy for many years and always enjoyed her tips and new ideas.
Barbara H. A.
I still turn to Nancy for help when encountering difficult projects, or as a reminder when returning to an to a rarely used skill. It saddens us that she was taken so young. She made all our lives better.
Tracy C Osteen
Sweetest Nancy, a Beloved Friend, teacher, mentor, so many WONDERFUL things to many of us through her #1 TV series & many other ways of teaching! You felt like you knew her personally ❤️ I was basically self taught to Sew and later to Quilt however I must say you really did play a LARGE part in teaching me so many things! Thank You for who YOU were as a person and a Teacher of so many things, ❤️
Penny Droessler
still watch her show reruns every day, Nancy was a very inspiring person who thru her u-tube videos continue to teach us how to be a better sewer. She was a wonderful lady, and her spirit lives on.
Sandra Chapman
I have her book and it is wonderful. I watch any time I find her on our PBS channel and enjoy getting her newsletters. This book is definitely a must have for all.
Sandra C.
Judy M
So complete, so easy to follow were Nancy’s instructions for each and every project, re-watched until I think my tv will wear out! Lady really knew her stuff!
Nancy’s interviews are timeless and introduced us to many talented textile artists. Such a remarkable person and would enjoy reading her story.