Sew To Give–Sewing & Quilting Outreach Opportunities

Nancy Zieman's Sew To Give

Sew To Give–Sewing & Quilting Outreach Opportunities

Nancy Zieman's Sew To Give

In December 2015, Nancy Zieman created Sew To Give™Nancy Zieman’s Sew To Give spotlights sewing, quilting, and volunteering outreach programs – and the individuals that volunteer their time and talents to help others. Over the years, in the Nancy’s Corner Segments on her Public Television show, Sewing With Nancy, Nancy Zieman interviewed guests with amazing charitable goals. Listed below is a grouping of many of the organizations that touched Nancy, and give us all the inspiration to sew and quilt for others. As Nancy often says on Sewing With Nancy, “The gift is in the giving!”

Sew To Give | Nancy Zieman Charity and Outreach Sewing and Quilting Campaign | Nancy's Corner | Sewing With Nancy

Suggest a Sew to Give Outreach Opportunity or Organization by emailing the NZP Team at [email protected]

Want to donate fabrics or supplies locally? Check with resources in your immediate area, such as:


Sew To Give—Sewing & Quilting Outreach Opportunities

Alzheimer’s Activity Mats

Visit their website:

About: Activity mats are designed to safely stimulate and soothe people with Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism, ADD, head trauma, or persons recovering from strokes. Activity mats are made by volunteers and donated to care facilities and caregivers.

For the pattern and more information:

How to help:  Click Here


American Hero Quilts

Visit their website:
About: Providing quilts as a metaphoric hug and a way to express our gratitude to our wounded service men and women who served in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
How to help:


Anti-Ouch Pouch (one of American Sewing Guild’s Community Service Projects)

Visit their website:
About: Giving back is a vital part of a full and rewarding life. Nothing is more fulfilling than using your skills and passion to contribute to the quality of life of others in need within your own community.

How to help:



Visit their website:

About: Aprons4Alzheimers is a non-profit organization that provides funds for Alzheimer’s respite care. Gwen O’Leary raises funds through the sale of her book “When Life Hands You Alzheimer’s, Make Aprons! A Daughter’s Journal of Her Mother’s Last Months” and the sales of handsewn aprons by the author and volunteers.

How to help:


Binky Patrol

Visit their website:

About: A binky is a homemade blanket that can be sewn, knitted, crocheted, or quilted.  They range in size from 3 feet square up to twin bed size.

How to help:


Capes for Kids

Visit their website:

About: Helping others through sewing. Handmade items such as pillowcases, dolls and capes are key to the healing process for women and children rebuilding their lives in shelters. Capes for Kids provides inner strength, encourages imagination, and brings out the inner superhero in every child.

How to help:


Case For Smiles

Visit their website

About: Helping kids feel better to heal better with a bright, cheery pillowcase.

How to help:


Camo Quilt Project

Visit their website

About: Crafting camouflage, packable quilts for our troops. (PDF)

How to help:


Chica Nica Doll Dresses

Visit their website

About: The Chica Nica Doll Dresses program allows women to stay in their community, learn a skill, earn an income, and live with dignity. Women from the Learning Centers in Nicaragua are sewing beautiful dresses designed to fit 18″ dolls.

How to help: purchase doll dresses at


Coffee Creek Correctional Quilters

Visit their website

About:  Coffee Creek Quilters teaches quilting classes to women incarcerated at the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility in Wilsonville, Oregon. Since 2002, we have provided a positive, hands-on program that gives our students an opportunity to learn and practice many life-enhancing skills.

How to help:


Comfort Doll Project

Visit their website

About: The Comfort Doll Project is a group of artists who create and donate their beautiful dolls to be delivered specifically to women in domestic abuse shelters to let them know that they are unique, worthy, beautiful, and deserve all good things in life.

How to help:


Crafting Comfort

Visit their website

About: Crafting Comfort is a network of sewing volunteers in the Central Texas area. Many of the volunteers working on our projects are members of other volunteer organizations such as the National Charity League, the American Sewing Guild, Dell Children’s Medical Center Volunteers, the Community Sewing Project of Austin and others. Volunteers contribute thousands of hours each year making handcrafted items designed to provide comfort.

Our volunteers understand how a warm quilt or a handcrafted toy can provide security in stressful situations. Handcrafts made with love and concern for the recipient provide their own healing power.

How to help:


Days for Girls

Visit their website:

About: Days for Girls provides sustainable feminine hygiene supplies for girls in developing countries so they do not need to miss school or work. Every girl in the world deserves education, safety, and dignity.

How to help:


Enchanted Makeovers

Visit their website:

About: Enchanted Makeovers’ mission is to create environments for women and children living in shelters that educate, empower, open a path for creativity and self-expression. Enchanted Makeovers’ mission is to transform homeless shelters for women and children into places that inspire behavioral and psychological change. Through various projects, mentoring programs and makeovers of the physical space, women and children are introduced to a way of thinking that helps to shift their outlook about their lives and possibilities for the future. The shelter is transformed into a “beacon of hope”. Mentoring programs such as the“Sacred Sewing Room”, “Stepping into the Dream”and “Capes for Kids” develop important life and coping skills. Thousands of women, teens and children will escape to shelters each year and will rest in the transformed bedrooms, use the sacred sewing rooms, and receive projects and Enchanted Makeovers’ programs. December 2019 marks the 13 year anniversary and to date Enchanted Makeovers mission has impacted over 60, 000 people locally and nationally.

How to help:


FabMo Fabric & More

Visit their website:
About: FabMo rescues designer, high-end fabrics and provides it to artists, teachers, and others for their creative reuse.
How to help:


Giving Doll Project, The

Visit their website:

About:  Their mission is to give faith, love, joy, hope and comfort to children worldwide, at times of special need through the construction and distribution of handmade cloth dolls.

How to help:


Giving Quilt, Inc., The

Visit their website:
About: Promotes the creation and presentation of quilts that provide comfort to children and adults, and works to increase public awareness with a biennial public quilt exhibit and presentation ceremony.
How to help:


Hat Ladies, The (and Gentlemen)

About: In a typical season the Hat Ladies and Gentlemen host about 50 Hat Gigs. All the hats are donated to the recipients at a school or program–all with high concentrations of low-income children.

Often, the children select the colors for their hat, and they sit with a Hat Lady or Gentleman to have it sewn to size. For many of the children, this is the first piece of brand-new clothing that belongs just to them.

Note from Nancy Daly: “In November 2015, our grand total of fleece hats topped the 50,000 mark. In December, 2019 our grand total of fleece hats topped the 80,000 mark! Thinking how to truly mark the occasion and celebrate, we did it in true Hat Ladies fashion, by smiling and then going on to make hat number 50,001! The Hat Ladies (and Gentlemen), numbering around 50 people, will gather for an end of season luncheon in January.” – Nancy Daly

How to help: If you’re inspired to make hats for children in your community, or would like to know more about this organization, please contact Nancy Daly at [email protected]

Get the pattern: and download the pdf pattern here.


Hope 2 Others & Hats 4 Hope

Visit their website:
About: Hope 2 Others mission is to improve the quality of life in developing countries. Hats 4 Hope (pdf brochure) helps babies from dying of hypothermia during the first 10 days of life. Hats 4 Hope kits include a knit hat, blanket, booties/socks, onesies, a sleeper, cloth diapers, and a bar of soap, as well as flip-flops and a toothbrush for the mothers.

How to help:


Linus Connection, The

Visit their website:
About: The Linus Connection make and deliver handmade security blankets for children in crisis situations in the Central Texas area.

How to help:

Little Dresses for Africa

Visit their website

About: Our mission is to provide relief to children of Africa, by distributing dresses to little girls, primarily in African villages, but also other countries in crisis.  Little Dresses for Africa also distributes Britches for Boys. Because of the widespread AIDS pandemic, little girls and boys are often left to be the primary care givers of their young siblings. It is our hope that in delivering dresses to these young girls, that a seed will be planted in their hearts, in the name of Jesus, that they are worthy.

How to help:

Get the pattern here:


Lydia Project, The (where women coping with cancer are not alone)

Visit their website:

About: Provides a handmade, designer tote filled with encouraging items and Lydia’s copyrighted journal for women undergoing cancer. Each tote has purple handles as a visual bond between women coping with cancer.
How to Help:


MADACC (Cage Comforters)

Visit their website:

About: The MADACC Cage Comforter Program enlists volunteer sewers to make small comforters and toys for the kittens, cats, and small dogs in our care. Our animals love their comforters! The comforters not only ease the stress of our homeless animals, they also help to ease the transition when the animals are transferred, because they take their comforters with them to our animal placement partner organizations.

Cage comforters can be made from any type of material except looped fabric like chenille or terry cloth that might get snagged in the animal’s nails. They should be a finished size of:

  • Dog Blankets: 24″ x 34″
  • Cat Blankets: 10-3/4″ x 15″
  • Cat Front Lobby Condos
  • Sleeping Area: 10″ x 24-1/2″
  • Play Area: 28-1/4″ x 24-1/2″

How to help:


Makers Coalition, The

Visit their website:

About: We are a coalition of businesses, educational institutions, non-profit organizations and service providers coming together to build a trained cut and sew industry in America.  Therefore, we want to ensure the businesses that need high quality cut and sewing industrial craftsmen have the talent they need to grow. Join the movement to restore and build the industrial sewing heritage of America. We are working together to find, train, and employ a proud, creative, and skilled workforce for today and future generations.

How to help: We welcome your donations to help fund scholarships and programs, marketing, and other activities to grow The Makers Coalition.


Martha’s Task

Visit their website

About:  Martha’s Task is a training and work program for homeless and disadvantaged women in the Bartlesville, Oklahoma area. Homeless women are taught the skill of sewing by a staff of volunteers. The seamstresses are offered a place to sell their hand-sewn items through Martha’s Task’s unique gift store in Bartlesville, OK . These women retain 100% of every sale to support themselves.

How to help:


Mitsy Kit

Visit their website

About: The Mitsy Kit sewing and quilting kit, provides adapted materials and training to enable the blind, elderly, memory impaired, and all others young and old, to enjoy hand sewing and quilting using their sense of touch in place of eyesight.

How to help:


Mongolian Outreach

Visit their website:

About: Piecing together a better future for Mongolian women

How to help: Purchase Mongolian products


More Than Warmth

Visit their website:

About: The project was designed to teach children about different cultures and give them a chance to reach out to children in another country. Students create a tangible group project through social studies, art, and literature. A quilt and booklet of letters connects with children across geographical and political boundaries.

How to help:


Newborns In Need

Visit their website

About: Provides baby gowns, hats, blankets, sleepers, isolette covers and other baby essentials to hospitals, homeless shelters, and other organizations that provide for premature and newborn infants.

How to help:


One Million Pillowcase Challenge

Visit their website

About: American Patchwork & Quilting is challenging quilters, sewers, and crafters to help us reach our goal of donating one million pillowcases to local charities.  Many charities can benefit from the donation of a pillowcase and the challenge gives you the opportunity to donate and make a difference in your community.

How to help:


Operation Chemo Comfort

Visit their website:

About:  To offer comfort and services to patients impacted by cancer for the purpose of supporting their psychological and physical wellbeing. Hats and scarves are needed.

How to help:


Ovarian Cancer Quilt Project

Visit their website

About: The Ovarian Cancer Quilt Project was established to educate the public about the risk factors and symptoms of ovarian cancer through the artistry of quilting. The Online Quilt Auction benefits research. This program aims to develop effective screening methods and ultimately a cure for ovarian cancer.

How to help:


Patient Pouch T&B Foundation

Visit their website

About: Inspired by Tyler Barnett and Brayden Bateman, T&B Foundation is here to fight childhood cancer and brighten the day of childhood cancer patients everywhere! The mission of T&B Foundation, Inc. is to encourage and support families with minor children battling cancer. We do this by providing Patient Pouches to the children with activities and diversions while awaiting and undergoing cancer treatment.

How to help:


Point Hope

Visit their website:

About: A voice for forgotten children. Their mission is to raise awareness and champion the cause for forgotten children.

How to help make Beanies for Babies:


Prayers & Squares

Visit their website:
About: Prayers & Squares is an interfaith outreach organization that combines the gift of prayer with the gift of a hand-tied quilt. Each knot represents a prayer.

How to Help:


Pretty Pockets

Visit their website

About: Pretty Pockets are handsewn covers for drain bulbs used by post-surgery breast cancer patients. Spread JOY through CREATIVE GIVING.

How to help:


Project Linus

Visit their website:

About: Project Linus provides homemade blankets to children in need.  Our mission:

  • FIRST: Provide love, a sense of security, warmth, and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.”
  • SECOND: Provide a rewarding and fun service opportunity for interested individuals and groups in local communities, for the benefit of children.

How to help:


Putting Prayers to Action (formerly Tender Loving Care Ministries)

Visit their website:

About: Clothing the underprivileged children of  the Appalachian Mountains—Southern Ohio, Eastern Kentucky, Southwestern Virginia, and West Virginia.

How to help: or

Quilts for Kids

Visit their website:

About:  Volunteer quilters transform fabrics into patchwork quilts that comfort children in need.

How to help:


Quilts of Valor 

Visit their website:

About: Quilting to honor & comfort those touched by war; The mission of the Quilts of Valor Foundation is to cover service members and veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.

How to help:


Quilt to Give

Visit their website:

About: Tornadoes, floods, and fires have recently devastated thousands of homes. We’ve all seen video on TV and online of the unbelievable destruction. Monetary donations are greatly needed—and I’m sure many of us have been able to contribute. In addition, making and giving needed bed quilts is another way of showing support and encouragement. Follow the step-by-step sewing directions to create quilts with your sewing/quilting groups.

How to help:

Get the pattern:



Visit their

About:  Rethreaded is a social entrepreneurship that is breaking the cycle of the sex trade by offering viable and creative work to those affected by the sex trade i.e. prostitution, drug addiction, and human trafficking. Rethreaded offers the oppressed a chance to grow into the fullness of who they are. Rethreaded provides a four-month holistic job training program for women in the Jacksonville, Florida area who are coming out of lives of addiction, violence, human trafficking, and prostitution.

How to help:


Sew For Hope Kids

Visit their website

About: Sew For Hope is a community-based group affiliated with Big Bend Homeless Coalition in Tallahassee, FL. Our group makes and gives away quilts and afghans for homeless and impoverished children from newborn to 21 years of age.

How to help:


Sew Much Comfort

Visit their

About: Sew Much Comfort provides custom-made adaptive (Velcro closures) clothing, free of charge, to all wounded service members from current conflicts and from all branches of the military and National Guard. We wish to aide in their recovery, provide a tangible reminder of our gratitude for their sacrifice, and give them an added measure of comfort, dignity, and freedom as they recover from their injuries and return to everyday life. Adaptive clothing accommodates their medical devices and situations, provides ease of use, increases personal independence, and minimizes the visual impact of their injuries.

How to help: Donate or volunteer at


Sew Powerful Purse Project

Visit their website:
About: The annual Sew Powerful Purse Project enables girls in Zambia to stay in school. Purses are made and sent to Zambia as gifts. The local seamstresses make re-usable hygiene products and together they are provided to girls as part of health training.
How to help:


Sewing Machine Project, The

Visit their website:

About: The Sewing Machine Project, Inc. (SMP), a qualified s.501(c)(3) organization, was formed in 2005 for the purpose of  collecting and distributing sewing machines to groups committed to using the machines to provide opportunities to create, learn new skills, build self-confidence, and contribute to their own livelihoods and the well-being of their families and communities. Since 2005 we have distributed over 1800 sewing machines, helping people become self-sustaining through sewing.  We work locally, nationally and internationally.

How to help:


Sharing the Weight (Weighted Blankets)

Visit their website:
About: Sharing The Weight organization based in Iowa makes and distributes weighted blankets to special needs children free of charge.
How to help: 


Sleeping Bag Project, The (formerly Ugly Quilts)

Visit their website:

About:  Help the homeless by making simple sleeping bags from recycled fabrics and distribute them FREE to those in need.

How to help:


Southeast Asia Project

Visit their website

About: Create jobs, help orphanages, provide education, and give the gift of clean water to rural Cambodians. Minnesota Veterans for Progress is currently involved in the following four humanitarian projects in South East Asia:

  • Installing water wells in rural Cambodia for land mine victims.
  • Supporting two ethnic schools located in the poorest district in Vietnam.
  • Building a sewing center in the Siem Reap Province of Cambodia to empower rural women and help reduce sex trafficking of girls.
  • Supporting two orphanages for abandoned children in Hanoi, Vietnam,and Siem Reap, Cambodia.

How to help:


STITCH (Sewing Together in The Caring Highlands)

Visit their website:

About: STITCH teaches sewing to Kentucky Refugee Ministries women. They have come from Somalia, Sudan, Nepal, Cuba, Kenya, Iraq, and Congo, to name but a few. They have sewn tote bags, aprons, skirts, tops, dresses, caftans, tablecloths, bedspreads, and pillowcases.

How to help: They need sewing machines; sewing notions, such as thread, scissors, marking tools, etc.; gift cards for JoAnn Fabrics and Hancock’s so that they can replenish supplies; and fabrics that are washable, since dry cleaning is out of the question for their students. Two to three yard pieces of fabrics are preferred. If you would like to contribute to the STITCH program, please write to:

Janet Raderer at [email protected] or Anna Gray Slagle at [email protected]


Stitchin’ for Kids

Visit their website:

About:   Stitchin’ for Kids create gifts for children of all ages requiring extended stays in hospitals. The gifts are intended to entertain as well as to provide comfort.

How to help:

For patterns:

Sue Rock Originals Everyone, Inc.

Visit their website:

About: Healing domestic violence survivors with textiles—One Stitch at a Time! Our mission is to train women in the textile arts—teaching lessons of self-empowerment.

How to help:


Teal Mini Swap

Visit their website:

About:  Teal Mini Swap is a way for EvaPaige Quilt Designs to help raise awareness of Ovarian Cancer.

How to help:

Threads of Love

Visit their website:

About: Threads of Love, through the effort and support of many participants in chapters across the country, provides clothing, blankets, and other handmade articles for tiny, premature and sick infants. Includes a crocheted or knitted cap, day gown, blanket, lovie doll, and a prayer for healing.

How to help:


Tiny Stitches

Visit their website:

About: Mission is to provide basic clothing for newborns in North Georgia whose families are not able to provide for them. Distributed through social workers and nurses.

How to help:

Warm Up America and Tiny Hats for Tiny Babies

Visit their website

About:  Each year across the world, 1 million preterm babies die within their first 28 days. Unable to regulate their temperatures, they are vulnerable to hypothermia and ultimately death. Tiny hats give tiny babies a fighting chance. They also distribute warm afghans of all sizes, adult hats, scarves, and other baby items to people in need.

How to help:


Remember, The gift is in the giving!

Bye for now,

Nancy Zieman The Blog

Content in this feed is © copyright 2015 by Nancy Zieman and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website.
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  • Starla
    December 5, 2015

    Thanks for the information — plenty of opportunities to give!

  • Nancy P
    December 5, 2015

    Wonderful listing of resources for helping others who are hurting or struggling through difficulties. Thank you Nancy Zieman! You are my sewing inspiration!

  • Martha
    December 5, 2015

    Nancy thank you for providing this list of wonderful opportunities to give a helping hand.

  • Kate
    December 7, 2015

    Thank you so much Nancy, it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about so many in need…You are truly a beautiful woman Nancy, you give so much of yourself. I’ll copy this to keep on hand. I don’t know how you manage to do so much, I feel ashamed compared to what you have so lovingly accomplished. Be well, God Bless you Nancy

  • susan w
    December 8, 2015

    Thank you so much! I am familiar wit several of these-you might add dolly donations to your list-but am always looking for other projects and needs. this is very much appreciated!

  • Donita
    December 9, 2015

    Sewing lap quilts for the Red Bird Mission Thrift shop to pass out. Also donating any sewing or quilting material or supplies I do not need.

  • Linda S
    December 9, 2015

    Our guild chapter donates quilts yearly to local organizations and I plan to make a twin size quilt for someone to wrap up in and keep warm.

  • Deb
    December 9, 2015

    Thank you for all this information. I plan to make lap quilts and pet beds to help others.

  • Collette Batten
    December 9, 2015

    I give knitted sweaters I make to the poor and clothes for children and women I make. I give wigs for cancer women who without hair nothing you make looks as good as it would look when having a good stylish wig to go long with it. My husband take medicines that are NOT out of date to a clinic for the poor for others to use. He gets them from others that have died and the love ones don’t just want to throw them away. His is the hardest because of the lost of someone but helps when wheel chairs and other things can be used for someone else. It gives us such JOY.

  • Lola Naylor
    December 9, 2015

    I am sewing a quilt to take to Jalapa, Guatemala. I volunteer to go there for 30 days every year through an organization called Wells of Hope. I teach teen girls and women how to sew so that they have a skill and can make money and be self-sufficient. Last year, I saved lots of scraps from the clothes that they made so that I could teach them to sew quilts in 2016. I’m also keeping old tee shirts and cutting them into strips so that I can teach them how to make braided rugs. I’m making one of them (a small one that can fit in my suitcase). These women/teens live in ‘houses’ made from either cinder blocks or cornstalks. They all have dirt floors, so I think braided rugs are a great idea for them to have to keep them warmer on the cooler nights in the rainy season. My great-grandmother would be happy that I remembered her dirt floors and braided rugs and quilted bedspreads.

  • Judy Forkner
    December 9, 2015

    Thanks Nancy! My local quilt guild makes lots of quilts for charity. We make quilts for foster kids that the church where we meet sends to camp every year. The kids sleep at camp with the quilts on their beds & then the quilts belong to them when they leave camp. We also make quilts for our local safe house & quilts of valor.

  • Tami Nothsyine
    December 9, 2015

    I plan to make a quilt to auction off for breast cancer awareness and for prostate cancer awareness through a local foundation. I am also going to work with the foundation to get other quilters involved and to try to get a bigger following

  • Carol H
    December 9, 2015

    I plan to make cuddle quilts for CVAN, a battered women’s shelter. Each person coming for shelter is given a cuddle quilt. Girls & boys need comfort as well as their mothers.

  • Grace
    December 9, 2015

    I have been making blankies for Project Linus for probably 15 years. I started out knitting and crocheting the afghans even before there was a local chapter–just drop-offs. After my brother gave me his embroidery machine, it opened up a whole new world of for me. When I added a serger to my sewing room, I realized that I could make embroidered fleece blankets in such a greater quantity! Our local chapter is very active and we distribute hundreds of blankies every year. I am so happy to be a small part of it, bringing comfort to so many children.

  • Dawn
    December 9, 2015

    I would love to win the tablet keeper or something else..All of your products are great

  • Chris M
    December 9, 2015

    I will make machine quilted quilts for our local Gospel Mission and and I hope to also include some other blankets for children. it is not in winning anything, but rather the joy I receive in giving. I also hope to make some things in the future for those with Alzheimer’s since a family member has recently been diagnosed. I was very interested in the activity mats and now have a friend interested in them for her Austic grandchild. Thank you Nancy for the wonderful resource listing!

  • Jean
    December 10, 2015

    I am now meeting with the Senior Citizens group in our area.Sewing with them as an activity for them. We are making quilts and they will be sold and the money goes to help out the center and anyone there that needs a little extra help.They really enjoy getting together and they have a purpose to look forward to.

  • Peg
    February 28, 2016

    The Sewing machine Project helped me get an after school sewing club started last year. We got 6 machines and have a meeting once a week with 6 – 12 girls, depending on other school activities. We are at a Catholic school in Appleton, WI. Our schools dedication to the community ties in nice with The Sewing machine Project’s goal of sharing and teaching. This year we have made costumes for Stations of the Cross and denim bags for toiletries that were gathered by Girl Scouts, then taken to one of our local Homeless shelters. Next project is toys!

  • Jodi Gustafson
    March 23, 2016

    Days for Girls is a wonderful opportunity to use sewing talents to help girls globally stay in school by providing sustainable feminine hygiene kits.

    See the wonderful response from girls in Malawi upon receiving these life-changing kits.

  • Bobbie Bateman
    May 21, 2016

    Where can you order blanks for Spa Days, I,e, slippers, cosmetic bags etc.

  • Josie pais
    August 20, 2016

    Pls give me info on the “Little Bits” project that you interviewed a woman about on your program this morning 8/20/16 on ETV a PBS station from South Carolina.
    May the Lord continue to bless you as you support projects for hurting & needy people.
    Thank you,
    Josie Pais
    9003 Torrence Crossing
    Huntersville, NC 28078
    (our town borders the Charlotte,NC city limits near the SC line)

  • Robin
    December 7, 2016

    I deconstruct men’s suits and use the lovely wool fabric to make quilts for our local food bank to give to those in need. I put blankets inside them to make them warm, and put inspirational verses on the front for encouragement.

  • Raylene Kruger
    December 7, 2016

    My favorite sewing charity is Quilts of Valor. I have given one quilt so far.

  • Becky Hournbuckle
    December 9, 2016

    I am part of a group of ladies who are making quilts for families who lost their homes in the recent Timberon, NM fire. We plan to continue meeting to use donated fabrics to make nap blankets for daycare kiddies at the church where we meet. Other quilts will be made for future needs as they arise. We love to support our mountain community here in the Sacramento Mtns.

  • Gina M
    December 10, 2016

    There is nothing like a quilt on a hospital bed to change the entire mood of the room and the visitors/staff! I am a cancer survivor; I know from personal experience… and from giving to other cancer patients. This summer an ‘old’ friend (I had not seen her in 51 years!) came through Seattle on the way from an Alaskan cruise. She was ill the last few days of the cruise and checked into a Seattle hospital when the ship docked. She had a history of cancer, but now it was in her colon! She spent a couple weeks in Seattle for some surgery before going home to New England. I visited her in the hospital and brought a quilt for her bed, and to take home. She passed away recently… the family hung the quilt at her memorial service … and her Grandson will be able to get a hug from Grandma when wrapped in her quilt. Made with love, given with love, and remembered with love!

  • Virginia Hahn
    August 7, 2017

    Thank you so much for this site. I will be happy to find contributions to your causes.

  • Judy Johnson
    August 28, 2018

    Nancy’s on-line newsletter always has such new and interesting information. I have been with Nancy for many years and was very sorry to hear of her passing. May she rest in peace. I had lost my husband about the same time and I really felt the loss of both wonderful people.

  • Paula Knowles
    March 29, 2019

    Dana asked a good question that received no response at all.
    Why hasn’t anyone mentioned a ballpark figure for the costs involved with this? That would be every so helpful for people who are on a very limited income, but still want to do something charitable. Thanks!

  • OrahLee Hoose
    May 23, 2019

    Thanks to Nancy and all those who have come after her. Hearing about the needs of others makes each of us very thankful for the blessings that we DO have. Many or most of these listed charity opportunities would cost but a person’s time and availability. Where you have read about something that you would like to help, just email (your public library will help you do this if you don’t have that available to you) or call the contact person. The organizations that I am familiar with, need hands, and are willing to show you how to do a part if you are willing. — Just keep asking and there are places to help! Bless you all for helping those who are in need.!

  • Bobby Craddock
    January 21, 2020

    Would be interested in having Our Community Service Program….listed with the others found here on this site.
    Scarves 4 Warmth Project
    Greensboro NC

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