Readers Finish 2017 Block of the Month

2017 BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman Collage

Readers Finish 2017 Block of the Month

2017 BlockOfTheMonth NancyZieman Collage

Today, we’re featuring YOUR quilts! All these amazing quilts were stitched using tutorials from the 2017 Nancy Zieman Fat Quarter Mystery Block of the Month on the NZP blog. When you finished your quilt or quilt top, you emailed photos to [email protected]. We the love quilts and variations so much that we are showcasing them here today. Keep sending your photos!

See all the quilt blocks, as they are turned in, on our NZP Facebook Photo Albums. Like our Facebook page to see even more quilting, sewing, and machine embroidery projects:

A Little Background

During this 12-month block of the month challenge, all blocks are made from one 24-piece fat quarter bundle and 2-1/4 yards of cream background fabric. We’ve used Nancy Zieman’s fat quarter bundle, Garnet, it’s Nancy’s debut fabric line from Penny Rose, a division of Riley Blake Designs. Here’s the original quilt created by Team Nancy Zieman:

2017 FinishedBoM NancyZieman

Reader Quilts and Quilt Tops

Since the complete block tutorials are hosted on the NZP blog for free, you can start a new Block of the Month sampler quilt project at any time! It’s so inspiring to see so many different quilts created from the same quilt pattern. The different settings and sizes are wonderful.

MarieKozma e1524770844328

Quilt by Marie Kozma


Quilt by Linda Cline



Quilt by Cathey Hooper


Quilt by Clovis Perkins


Quilt by Debbie Morse


Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Donna Fryman

Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Jacquelyn Koslowski

Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Judy Andersen

Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Karyn Menagh

Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Laurie Ladd

Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Lorene

Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Margaret Becker

Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Patricia Pryde

Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Paula B.

Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Sharon Villers

Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Sandra Bradford

Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Kristy Loghry

Quilts and quilt tops created using the 2017 Nancy Zieman Block of the Month | Sewing With Nancy

Quilt by Jan Herfindal

She’s Our Star: 2018 Block of the Month

Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC’s FREE 2018 block of the month program is a great way to finish a quilt in manageable monthly installments. One block at a time is an easy approach to creating a larger quilt. Whether you are a beginner or seasoned quilter, a block of the month is a great opportunity to stitch. In 2018, Team Nancy Zieman is offering a fantastic quilt! We cannot show you the finished design quite yet. We’re keeping it a mystery!

MysteryBoM ShesOurStar

After a few months of wrangling with the perfect theme for the 2018  Mystery Quilt, Team Nancy Zieman decided to honor Nancy’s legacy with a quilt titled, She’s Our Star. Today we’ll introduce you to the Block of the Month and let you know what supplies you’ll need to create a fantastic star-based quilt for 2018.

Though we won’t be sharing all the blocks at once, we will be posting a new quilt block tutorial on the third Saturday of each month, for the first six months in 2018. The NZP Team will guide you, step-by-step to create two blocks each month from Nancy Zeiman’s Farmhouse Floral fat quarters(18″ x 22″ fabric rectangles) and background fabrics.

All 12-blocks will feature Nancy Zieman’s Farmhouse Florals Fat Quarter Pack.  Read more and join in the 2018 Block of the Month here.

FHF Rectangle NancyZieman

Watch Sewing With Nancy online and on any TV.

Five Ways to Watch Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman

Jump start the fun with your very own No-Hassle Triangles Gauge from Clover USA. For your chance to win, leave a comment sharing which color palette you’ll use in your 2017 Mystery Quilt.


Nancy Zieman's Giveaway Winner

The randomly selected winner of a New! I Sew For Fun 5-In-1 Sliding Gauge from Clover is Helen Grantham.

Her comment is, “Oh, I will miss Sew Expo this year. It is the greatest show ! I would love to win this tool, it looks like it is very versatile and therefore a must in my sewing room. Thank you for carrying on with Nancy’s dream. I have learned so very much from that lady! Safe travels.”

9607 B IF 5 in 1 Sliding Gauge WMa

Happy Sewing,

Team Nancy Zieman

Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC.

Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC

Content in this feed is © copyright 2018 by Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website.
The FTC requires us to tell you that Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC has provided products by other companies in the course of doing business. The FTC requires us to advise you to take this information into consideration when reading this posting.
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  • Ennis A
    February 20, 2018

    Perfect name to honor Nancy’s legacy!! Yellow and Red prints with a Cream background will be my color choices. Thanks. Can’t wait to work on this all through 2018!!

  • Clovis
    February 20, 2018

    I started the 2018 Block of the Month with colors red, blue, green, yellow with a flower print with the colors.

  • diane c
    February 20, 2018

    I am actually thinking more scrappy — each block would have its own colors

  • Margaret Scott
    February 20, 2018

    I will use a rose mult colored fabric for the 2018 star quilt,
    Looking forward to honoring Nancy.

  • Anne Scott
    February 20, 2018

    I would use all 1930’s reproduction fabrics, primarily blue, yellow, and pink with a little green and lavender thrown in as accents. I love multi-color quilts in lighter shades! I was honored to meet Nancy a few years ago. I learned so much from this classy, talented lady over many years. I will miss her tremendously. Keep going on with her legacy, please.

  • Nancy Thone
    February 20, 2018

    What a great idea to honor Nancy’s memory with a star quilt! I’m in, and will use batiks in teals with light backgrounds.

  • Donna Fecteau
    February 20, 2018

    what a great idea. I’m in. I think I will buy Nancy’s fabrics.

  • Max
    February 20, 2018

    I am in and going with Purples.

  • laura
    February 20, 2018

    Have a large stash of 1930’s fabrics waiting to be used

  • Cindy K
    February 20, 2018

    I really like the blue and white.

  • Shirley Clark
    February 20, 2018

    I think this is perfect to honor Nancy’s legacy! I’ve always loved blues and reds so that’s what I’d pick.

  • Pat
    February 20, 2018

    I like the color palette in the fabrics featured in Nancy’s collection. I plan to use them.

  • Barbara Sandwick
    February 20, 2018

    I learned to sew correctly from Nancy and will use pinks and reds for my blocks.

  • Bonnye
    February 20, 2018

    I will use purples.

  • Gail Beam
    February 20, 2018

    I think I like a red, white, and blue color combination.

  • Beverly
    February 20, 2018

    My favorite- Civil War reproduction would look great with these blocks.

  • Jeanette
    February 20, 2018

    lavenders, purples, and soft greens

  • Karen
    February 20, 2018

    A Star quilt is a perfect way to honor Nancy.
    I will use Nancy’s Farmhouse fabrics, the yellows and reds!
    Learned so much from Nancy and continuing to learn with each new project. Thank you for continuing her legacy.

  • Peggy V
    February 20, 2018

    In honor of Nancy I will be doing this quilt along and use my stash. Would love to have the fabrics Nancy designed, but I just retired and must stay within my budget. I know she will be happy to see all of her loyal followers still with her.

  • Kathy
    February 20, 2018

    I think I will be doing mine in multi colors. I have a large stash and want to start using it up. I think this will be a wonderful tribute to Nancy. Thank you for carrying on her legacy.

  • Janie Harvey
    February 20, 2018

    Blue, Blue, and Blue.

  • Sunni
    February 20, 2018

    How about soft “girly” florals: cream, rose\pink, blue and a touch of Nancy’s favorite color – green. Still missing you Nancy.

  • MaryEllen
    February 20, 2018

    First off–It is so great to see what BOM quilters have done. Beautiful quilts..thank you for the view.
    I think I would use blue/blue green, my favorite colors.

  • Anne Z.
    February 21, 2018

    I love blue and tan.

  • MRoyce
    March 2, 2018

    Hi, is anybody here interested in online working? It’s simple survey filling.

    Even $10 per survey (ten minutes of work). If
    you are interested, send me email to hans.orloski[@]

  • Brenda Reed
    March 22, 2018

    I want to make this for a very dear friend but what is the best way to purchase the fabrics since the Garnet fat quarters are no longer available and I would like to make it in Purple. Basically, how many of each color palate should I get or just use my own ideas?

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