Fun and Easy Summer Splash Sewing Round-Up

SummerSplashRoundUp Nancy Zieman 1

Fun and Easy Summer Splash Sewing Round-Up

SummerSplashRoundUp Nancy Zieman 1
Choose one or more of these fun summer-themed sewing projects and stitch some sunshine into your next picnic, pool party, or road trip. Whether you’re heading to the park, backyard, or beach—there’s an easy-to-make project for you. Here’s a roundup of a few of our favorite summertime sewing projects:

Mermaid Dress Up

NancyZieman MermaidTails

Grab this quick sewing tutorial and create a mermaid tail for dress-up all-year long. This idea was inspired by Nancy’s granddaughters. After watching Doll Costume Dress Up on Sewing With Nancy.

Colorful Bean Bag Toss

BeanBags NancyZieman Last

One of America’s family’s favorite outdoor games goes by quite a few names; cornhole, tailgate, bean bag toss, doghouse, Baggo, or, just plain bags. What would the game be without festive, colorful bags? Learn how to sew your own cornhole bags (or bean bags) and let the games begin! Find the bean bag sewing tutorial here.

Sew a Casserole Carrier

Stitch this Casserole Carrier project in an evening or two. Then, let your tasteful carrier help you get a handle on things. Cook, place a casserole in the center, wrap and GO! An insulated carrier is perfect for picnics and potluck dinners. The inner insulated pocket lets you store a hot or cold pack to keep the temperature of your dish just right. The carrier folds flat when not in use and can be laundered. See how easy it is to create this carrier, here.

Sew Easy Summer Napkins

Nancy Zieman Mitered Napkin Finished1

These easy to make napkins are ideal for a summer luncheon, picnic, or handmade hostess gift. Stitch a set of four napkins in an hour or less with Nancy’s sew-easy mitered corner technique. Showcase your favorite fabrics by mixing or matching fabric groupings, or make them from one fabric. Find the sewing tutorial for Easy Summer Napkins, here.

Sew a Kids’ Hooded Towel Wrap

Sew a Hooded Towel Wrap for Kids

Get ready for some cuteness! Sew a hooded towel wrap for the beach or bath time. We have a special gift for you today. It’s a free project sheet of sewing appliqués—the Owl and Teddy Bear faces—to stitch on the Towel Wraps that Luella and Avery are wearing.

Make a Beach Towel Wrap

TowelWrap Nancy Zieman

Summer is here and the pool is calling! Make a beach towel wrap easily with this tutorial from Sewing With Nancy guest Mary Mulari. This wrap is one of 14 in Mary’s book, All Occasion Fabric Wraps. Mary shares her step-by-step construction process. Watch the sewing demonstration on Sewing With Nancy and grab the sewing directions here.

Cool Off with a Pool Noodle Chair


You can sew your own Pool Noodle Lounger! Using mesh fabricand grosgrain ribbon, create a lounge-style seat that fits over a swimming noodle. Make one for yourself and another for a friend, and then share lazy summer afternoons seated and relaxed in the water—making more memories. Tune in to Sew Gifts–Make Memories, and learn Mary Mulari’s convenient way to stitch, fold, and store your lounger.

Portable Chalkboard Roll-Up


Whether it is a gift or simply a road-trip-sanity-saver, this Portable Chalkboard Roll-Up will be a hit with the kids, and probably the adults, in your life, too. Take the chalkboard roll-up on your summer vacation, to a restaurant, church, or anywhere your kiddos might need a quiet project. It rolls up for easy storage and transport. Find Nancy’s chalkboard roll-up sewing directions here.

Watch Sewing With Nancy online and on any TV.

Five Ways to Watch Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman

SummerSplashRoundUp Nancy Zieman 1

Clover Wonder Clips Kick off the summer season by sharing what projects you’ll be sewing this July, and August. Leave a comment below for a chance to win a 10-pack of Wonder Clips from Clover!

Nancy Zieman's Giveaway Winner

The randomly selected winner of a copy of a copy of Amazing Designs Snack Shop Collection from Nancy’s Notions, from the July 7 post is Ann West.

I Sew For Fun Snack Shop Embroidery Designs by Nancy Zieman

Her comment is: My almost two, at the end of July, granddaughter is just getting into sunglasses. That would be the first design I would try.


Happy Sewing,

Team Nancy Zieman

Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC.

Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC

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  • Ann Hause
    July 14, 2018

    I cannot wait to make the swim chair noodle. I see the noodles in the garage every day and look forward to floating in the lake in them again.

    July 14, 2018

    This summer I will be making a Mystery quilt, finishing a quilt for my best friend. Plus I have 5 others to bind.

  • Nancy
    July 14, 2018

    Right now I am hemming curtains for my nephew and then I will be finishing up a quilt. Thanks for the giveaway.. Love wonder clips !

  • diane c
    July 14, 2018

    lots of stuff — making gifts for a baby shower both for the baby and the guest who will be attending

  • Sharon
    July 14, 2018

    So many cute ideas–not enough time to do them all.

  • Bonnie
    July 14, 2018

    The Casserole Carrier is a great project that would be useful year round. I am currently working on summer placemats and table runner. The carrier would be a nice addition to this set.

  • Laura Vernola
    July 14, 2018

    My granddaughter loves mermaids. I am going to try the mermaid outfit for her.

  • Mary Ann Knorr
    July 14, 2018

    This summer I’m finishing some UFO’s and making a quilt for my son and daughter in law to be for their wedding gift.

  • Jean
    July 14, 2018

    My twin granddaughters will love the little mermaid skirts. I will have to make one purple and one pink.

  • Lona Nordgren
    July 14, 2018

    I enjoy Nancy’s blog. I can always find interesting projects to keep me out of trouble, (or perhaps I should say keeps me in trouble!) Thank you.

  • Noreen
    July 14, 2018

    I need to make some simple tops that don’t wrinkle when packed for travel.

  • Hannah W
    July 14, 2018

    I’ve got a Christmas project to get started on and a quilt I’m hand quilting this summer.

  • L Watson
    July 14, 2018

    Right now I am not doing much but mending, which I actually do enjoy doing. However, I may be getting together with my daughters, my sister, and my niece to sew for a charity, which sounds like lots of fun! We are planning on sewing reusable feminine hygiene pads for care boxes that are given at Christmas time.

  • Rosie
    July 14, 2018

    I’m making wall hangings for my granddaughters, with princess themes.

  • Joanna
    July 14, 2018

    Been thinking about those casserole holders…now is the time to make one! Thanks!

  • Lee Ann Wagner
    July 14, 2018

    I’ve got a few ideas for some tunics or mini dresses I’d like to make for my next project.

  • Janet johnson
    July 14, 2018

    I have a couple of patio chairs that could use new covers to brighten up the area. I have the fabric but I have to remember to pick up a couple of heavy duty needles for my machine.
    I would also like to make some casserole carriers. The one shown is so pretty. They would make great gifts.

  • Clovis
    July 14, 2018

    Earlier I made a top. I will be making different top with this facebook group I’m in. I’m working on a skirt with lace. Thanks for the chance to win.

  • Sandra
    July 14, 2018

    I have no clips but have seen them and wondered how they would work. Love having a chance to try them out.

  • Bonnye
    July 14, 2018

    The cassarole carrier is really cute. I would love one of these.

  • Starla
    July 14, 2018

    I’m making a new bag to hold my swimsuit, towels, goggles, cap, etc.

  • Sandy
    July 14, 2018

    These wonder clips are wonderful for encouraging young sewers to match up their edges and finish their projects!!!!

  • Martha
    July 14, 2018

    I’m making quilted gifts these 2 months: BBQ apron, set of placemats, 2 lap quilts, and 4 pincushions.

  • kathy
    July 14, 2018

    i am going to work on quiet book for my grandson. Can’t wait to get going on it

  • Beverly
    July 14, 2018

    This summer I will be sewing some clothing items as well as making Christmas quilts for family members.

  • Jennifer Moghaddam
    July 14, 2018

    I am making baby pallets, baby burp cloths, nursing covers, and knit tops .

  • Linda G
    July 15, 2018

    I expect to be making (or finishing) some clothing projects, some mending, and at least one room needs new curtains (4 non-standard, non-matching windows).

  • Nancy Matthews
    July 15, 2018

    I’m a holiday junkie and love Christmas in July! It’s the inspiration I need to get a jump on gift making! I’ve been working on charm and mini charm projects like tote bags with matching zipper bags. I also, love reusable hygiene pads and make them ahead to give to anyone interested.

  • Amelia
    July 15, 2018

    I am working on bag patterns for fall.

  • Gloria Kautzer
    July 15, 2018

    I would make a couple of Pool Noodle Chairs for friends. After a pool party with friends as we hung on noodles chatting, a pool noodle chair would be more comfortable.
    A wonderful idea!
    More lounging and floating with friends in the heat!

  • Donna
    July 15, 2018

    I have to design a strawberry Halloween costume for my 4 year old granddaughter. Thanks for giveaway.

  • Mary Selby
    July 15, 2018

    I am so looking forward to making different dresses for our 50th high school reunion!

  • Kathy
    July 15, 2018

    Hoping to create a dedicated sewing area somewhere, anywhere – the fabric and projects are piling up!

  • Bertie Stringfellow
    July 15, 2018

    I love the noodle cover idea, I use a noodle all the time, great gift for swimmers. I need to make a casserole cover too. Love all the neat ideas.

  • Charlotte D
    July 15, 2018

    Well, I have a new summer wardrobe to make for my granddaughters 18″ dolls. She has added 3 new dolls and they need clothing like the other doll “sisters”. My granddaughter will be 5 this month and when she plays in my fabric , everything goes in 1 of 2 categories: Its either doll clothes or new quilts for her dolls !!! Its heartwarming to see her take interest in fabric and sewing!!

  • Sarah
    July 15, 2018

    I am planning on getting together with ladies from my family to sew for a charity.

  • Nancy A Powell
    July 16, 2018

    I just finished 2 pool totes and plan to finish a quilt for my high school girls annual summer weekend at the bunk house. Each girl (13 of them) gave me a different fat quarter of fabric, not knowing any pattern or what others had bought and my challenge this past year was to make them into a quilt for the bunk house. It needs to be finished by the first weekend in August! I am getting close.

  • Joyce Schroeder
    July 16, 2018

    I am definitely in the mood to make some casserole carriers. I’ve always wanted some, but never took the time to figure out the math for myself.

  • Marilyn Hines
    July 16, 2018

    I plan to work on two king-sized quilts I started, one is a Grandmother’s Garden, the other is one I made my version of a tulip pattern my great-great grandmother made in the 1800’s. I also plan to make two large tote bags with plenty of pockets and plenty of room for carrying things, one for myself and one for my aunt. Can’t wait to get started! Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Bridget
    July 16, 2018

    This summer I will be making all sorts of bags. After just completing king size quilt top, I need some smaller projects!

  • Pat
    July 17, 2018

    This summer I will be sewing new covers for my patio furniture. These covers will be made from a UV resistant vinyl used in boat upholstery. The covers will protect my patio furniture from dew and rain thereby greatly reducing the amount of mold and dirt on the cushions. Once I’ve finished this necessary project I would love to try the bean bag toss and the beach towel coverup.

  • Harriet E. Williams Sr.
    July 17, 2018

    I have a skirt that I cut out last fall that I will finish and some mending that I have to take care of. I also want to embroider some hand towels for my daughter.

  • E. Watson
    July 18, 2018

    I’m planning on getting together with girls in my family too sew for a charity. 🙂

  • Sue W
    July 23, 2018

    I have to replace the bag that holds my 35 yr+ clothespins for the backyard clothes line; replace the bag that holds our outdoor Yard Darts game; new ‘holder’ to keep all my grocery reuseable bags in one place in my trunk; lots of little projects such as these

  • Susan
    July 23, 2018

    Plan to make some holiday decorations for newlyweds in the family.

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