Embroider Baby Bibs That Will Bring Smiles

Milestone Month Birthdays Embroidery Nancy Zieman 18

Embroider Baby Bibs That Will Bring Smiles

Milestone Month Birthdays Embroidery Nancy Zieman 18Looking for that perfect baby gift? Embroider milestone baby bibs. These 12 bibs are sure to bring smiles and be used first as photo props to record each month’s milestone birthday, then for lunch time.
I used the Carefree Appliqué Alphabet Embroidery Design Collection,  jersey baby bibs, and of course colorful fabric.

How to embroider baby bibs, Nancy Zieman Sewing With Nancy The embroidery collection includes three sizes of each letter, I chose the 3.5″ letters and the corresponding circle appliqué.

How to embroidery baby bibs, Nancy Zieman Sewing With NancyHow to embroidery baby bibs, Nancy Zieman Sewing With Nancy


  • Carefree Appliqué Alphabet Embroidery Design Collection
  • Children’s Perfect Placement Kit: Bib Template
  • Paper-backed fusible web
  • Assortment of fabrics
  • Assortment of Madeira Embroidery Thread
  • Bobbins wound with bobbin thread
  • Sticky-Back Tear-Away Stabilizer 


  • Merge circle first, and then the number(s) designs from the embroidery collection.
  • Position the number inside the circle and allow for the word month or months below the number.

Note from Nancy: I used one of the alphabet fonts that are included on my Baby Lock embroidery machine when spelling out “months.”

Milestone Month Birthdays Embroidery Nancy Zieman 19

  • Trace the mirror-imaged number and circle appliqués onto the paper side of paper-backed fusible web. The appliqué outlines are included in the Carefree Appliqué Alphabet Embroidery Design Collection, which makes this process truly easy!
  • Roughly cut the fusible web 1/4″ larger than each shape.
  • Fuse to wrong side of fabric.

Milestone Month Birthdays Embroidery Nancy Zieman 1A

  • Cut out each number and circle on the traced line.
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Milestone Month Birthdays Embroidery Nancy Zieman 3
  • Press fusible mesh stabilizer to wrong side of each bib.
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  • Hoop a sticky-backed stabilizer, release the paper and stick the bib to the adhesive side of the stabilizer. 
  • Use the Children’s Perfect Placement Kit: Bib Template to position the appliqué on the bib. Position a target sticker in the template opening.

Note from Nancy: This bib template ensures that all 12 of the appliqués will be positioned in the same spot. It’s a great time saver, plus there are another 15 templates in the kit.

Monthly Baby Pictures | Month Milestone Birthday | Embroidered Bibs by Nancy Zieman | Sewing With Nancy
  • Insert hoop into the computerized embroidery unit.
  • Align needle with target placement sticker.
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Easy Automatic Appliqué Technique

  • Remove target sticker; embroider the first thread color—the circle outline.

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  • Remove the paper backing from the appliqué and position the wrong side of the appliqué fabric over the embroidered outline.
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  • Fuse the first cut-out appliqué. 
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Note from Nancy: If you opt to embroider fabrics with a pile, such as a terry cloth bib, position Wash-Away Stabilizer over the appliqué to keep the stitches from sinking into the fibers.

  • Embroider the second thread color—the tackdown stitch.
  • Embroider the third thread color—the satin stitch.
Milestone Month Birthdays Embroidery Nancy Zieman 10
  • Change thread colors to match the next appliqué shape.
  • Stitch the next thread color—the outline of the number.
Monthly Baby Pictures | Month Milestone Birthday | Embroidered Bibs by Nancy Zieman | Sewing With Nancy
  • Remove hoop from machine. (Do not remove fabric from the hoop.)
  • Remove the paper backing from the fabric appliqué number(s).
  • Place the appliqué within the outline.
  • Fuse the appliqué to the fabric.
Monthly Baby Pictures | Month Milestone Birthday | Embroidered Bibs by Nancy Zieman | Sewing With Nancy
  • Reinsert the hoop into the embroidery machine.
  • Continue embroidering thread colors two and three.
  • Embroider the word month or months with the remaining thread color. Month is only used for the first month bib.
Monthly Baby Pictures | Month Milestone Birthday | Embroidered Bibs by Nancy Zieman | Sewing With Nancy
  • Carefully cut away excess stabilizer from behind the project.
Milestone Month Birthdays Embroidery Nancy Zieman 15a

These bibs are a pleasure to make and will become a cherished memory for the newest member of the family.
Milestone Month Birthdays Embroidery Nancy Zieman 17

 Watch Machine Embroidery in Six Easy Lessons (Part One and Twoon Sewing With Nancy online.

For a chance to win a copy of the Carefree Appliqué Alphabet Embroidery Design Collection, please share ideas and/or project where you would use these appliqué alphabet embroidery designs.
How to embroider baby bibs, Nancy Zieman Sewing With Nancy
Nancy Zieman's Giveaway Winner
The random winner of a copy of the All Occasion Fabric Wraps book from Mary Mulari is Patricia Neal. She said: I would love to make one of these beach towel wraps for each member of my family. I have always found it uneasy to comfortably hold a beach towel around myself and I see others ‘fighting’ with them also, this solves that problem! Thank you!
Bye for now,
Nancy Zieman The Blog

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  • Pam Hopp
    July 9, 2016

    Hand-made bibs are a staple in my baby gift stash. Your designs are a must have to add to the stash.

  • Suzanne R
    July 9, 2016

    Alphabet could be used on small fleece baby blankets or burp cloths.

  • Susan Spiers
    July 9, 2016

    This is so cute of an idea-I think adding the same design to a burp cloth and/or a receiving blanket would be a wonderful baby shower gift!

  • Donna G.
    July 9, 2016

    Great idea! This alphabet design set has so many uses. I can see using it to do an ABC blanket.

  • Lynn P
    July 9, 2016

    I would use these on onesies. What a cute way to announce the monthly milestones! The bibs are cute as well. I would also live to create an alphabet book for my grandbabies! Thank you!

  • Virginia Pulse
    July 9, 2016

    Carefree Appliqué Alphabet Embroidery Design Collection would be great in squares on a birthday quilt. Could be a baby quilt, lap quilt, wall quilt or bed quilt. Gives love and keeps you warm from the heart.

  • Judy graczyk
    July 9, 2016

    A set of these bibs along with a small photo album would be a great shower gift!

  • diane c
    July 9, 2016

    I am making quilts for all my grand nieces and nephews. These letter would be a great way to personalize their quilts

  • Claudia Orozco
    July 9, 2016

    I would make up a softie book with the alphabet and another one with the numbers as a fun teaching device for children

  • Claudia Orozco
    July 9, 2016

    I would make a softie book with the alphabet and another one with the numbers as a fun teaching device for children

  • Kathie
    July 9, 2016

    I have a brand new neighbor, only 3 weeks old, and I’m sure his Mom would be delighted to take monthly pictures of Xavier wearing his numbered bibs!

  • Bonnye
    July 9, 2016

    My new 10 month old grandson would look cute wearing a bib with the appliqué.. Never enough bibs at this age.

  • Sheryl
    July 9, 2016

    I would love to embroider bibs for my new grandson. I am just learning embroidery and I’m saving up for a machine that has embroidery features but until then I’m using my regular sewing machine but I’m limited what I can do. I would make bibs and a quilt blanket with his name on it.

  • carol tyrka
    July 9, 2016

    We are expecting our eighth great-grandchild and would love to make these for her.

  • Pat
    July 9, 2016

    I would use these designs on a baby quilt I am making for my Goddaughter who is expecting her first child. Thanks for the chance to win.

  • E. Ann
    July 9, 2016

    I make baby blankets and burp pads to match. Would be perfect to use on both!!! Thanks for more ideas.

  • Jeanet Wilson
    July 9, 2016

    How adorable it would be to use this collection to personalize as many of baby’s things as possible with his/her initials or name. Or it would be lovely to make a quilted name banner for baby’s room.

  • Starla
    July 9, 2016

    it would be fun to add my granddaughter’s names to the backs of quilts I make for them.

  • sharon P
    July 9, 2016

    Wow so many uses for this design collection beyond bibs. How about blankest, onsies, t-shirts, party hats, banners, pendants and the list goes on and on. Love this collection.

  • Gail Beam
    July 9, 2016

    So many uses for this alphabet! I would use them on beach towels, totes, sweatshirts, and T’s as my grandchildren are teens. Thanks for the great tutorial and chance to win! Gail

  • Char
    July 9, 2016

    I would like to make potholders and use fabric special for that month,

  • Kelly Sasman
    July 9, 2016

    Not only are the letters in the Carefree Appliqué Alphabet Embroidery Design Collection great for baby or toddler items but I would like to use them on burlap garden banners that are so popular now.

  • kathy
    July 9, 2016

    My grandson was just born 3 days ago and I would love to make him bibs to mark the months!!!!

  • kathy
    July 9, 2016

    Our grandson was just born 3 days ago and I would love to make him bibs for each month!!

  • Tina
    July 9, 2016

    I love this idea. I would make monogrammed Christmas stockings.

  • Michelle Hall
    July 9, 2016

    As I have a 3 new babies coming to my family in the next few months I am sure I would use this idea to make some baby gifts. I love he idea of a bib or onesie for each month.

  • Joanne Dillon
    July 10, 2016

    My second great grandchild will be joining her “big” brother Malachi expected mid November. I think the designs would be great on onsies as well as bibs and let’s not forget burps! Gotta go – I hear my machine calling!

  • Cindy Schultz
    July 10, 2016

    You could use to make a birthday banner with the child’s age and name, you could also make different holiday banners using the applique. Great idea.

  • Cindy Cooke
    July 11, 2016

    I’ve got an only child grandson who will soon be welcoming his baby brother into his family. I can see making matching T-shirt and onesie with appropriate letters or numbers…these are cute! Thanks for the opportunity to lesson the sibling rivalry that is sure to come into play!

  • Amber Winey
    March 9, 2017

    Check out Kidsblanks by Zoe for your preemie, infant and toddler apparel needs. Low minimums and quick turnaround http://www.kidsblanks.com

  • Sue W
    April 9, 2017

    I have many cousins that have many children, and there is always a baby shower to go to. These adorable bibs are sure to get many “ohhh, how adorable” from the group. I also like the idea of a small blanket for the stroller; so many passer-by’s ask “how old?”.

  • Lib Bakis
    April 10, 2017

    I have made over 700 bibs from fingertip towels in 25 years of sewing them. I do not have embroidery machinery. I applique cutouts from other fabric scraps, and sometimes I hand stitch initials on the bibs. My sons fondly call them Lib’s Bibs ! I get the Christmas towels from Kmart and give the USO suite at the airport for military families at Christmastime.to show my support…

  • Karen Poole
    May 12, 2018

    I love making bibs as gifts for new babies, in addition to the monthly milestones on the bibs I would add other milestones like holidays, you could use the framed appliqué and put a Christmas tree or stocking, and for Easter I’d put a cross or Easter egg or bunny, and so on! That adds to the times they can use the bibs!

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