Nancy Zieman Original Giclée Canvas Landscape Art Prints
Now Available! Original Framed Giclée Canvas Print Reproduction of Artwork by Nancy Zieman, using only the highest quality Giclée printing techniques.
Now you can have your very own Landscape Quilt Art Print by Nancy Zieman—enjoy in your home or give as a gift.
Out on a Limb – 25″ x 30″ $239
Front Porch – 31″ x 27″ $249
Peak Color – 21″ x 31″ $229
Moon Lit Birches – 31″ x 24″ $239
To purchase your Landscape Quilt Canvas Print Reproduction of Landscape Quilt Artwork by Nancy Zieman, please mail the completed order form and check or money order to Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC.
Print the Order Form—and Order Today!
You will receive a certificate of authenticity with each purchase of Original Giclée Canvas Print Reproduction of Artwork by Nancy Zieman.
Each print is made expressly for you. Please allow up to six weeks for delivery.
For a chance to win a set of eight Landscape Quilt Note Cards by Nancy Zieman, please leave a comment below and tell us which Original Giclée Canvas Print Reproduction of Artwork by Nancy Zieman is your favorite.
The randomly selected winner of Nancy Zieman’s New! Afternoon Picnic Fat Quarter Pack is Barbara Anderson.
Her comment is: The Kings Crown is beautiful and appropriate for April of 2019.
Happy Sewing,
Team Nancy Zieman
Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.
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Vivian Oaks
My favorite picture by Nancy is the Moon Lit Birches. Much as I hate the cold of winter, it’s still the prettiest with the white snow covering everything. Thanks so much for the chance to win!! The notecards would definitely be put to good use.
I so much enjoy watching your program. I also enjoy your products. I like the ‘front porch’ the best.
I really like the out on a limb.
Joyce Schroeder
Oh, what an opportunity! I just love the “Out on a Limb” piece. It would look lovely hanging in my bedroom.
Out on a limb. Beautiful color.
Joyce Migliore
I love the front porch!
Rita Long
Out On A Limb and Front Porch are so close I can’t make a decision. I love them all.
Martha O.
Always liked Nancy’s PEAK COLOR quilt as it reminds me of walking in the woods in autumn near my parents’ farm home.
Karen Christensen
I love them all, but Out on a Limb is my favorite.
Karen L Roop
They are all beautiful, it is hard to pick just one. I guess I would have to go with “Out on a Limb”!
Ann West
Peak Color is my favorite. It reminds me of the aspens in fall in Colorado.
L Watson
“Out on a Limb” is wonderful. I am amazed at the thought that someone made those beautiful pieces of artwork with fabric!
Donna Rothacher
Autumn has always been my favorite season so I would choose Peak Color as my favorite canvas.
I like Front Porch best because it would forever remind me of Nancy, the kind of “friend” to us all who you could enjoy a tall glass of lemonade with on the Front Porch!
Front Porch
Peak color is my favorite. I love the fall colors and the birch trees remind me of the woods in Northern Wisconsin.
Liz Baker
I love all of them, but I think that Fall Colors would be my favorite. It has so much vibrancy of colors that it does not need any title!
Moon Lit Birches reminds me of when it snows. The trees are bare covered with snow.
Sandra J Cantrell
My favorite is the front porch. How it says ” welcome home.”
Marianne Barta
I think my favorite is the Moonlit Birchs. Just beautiful
Linda Martindale
Moonlit birches just speaks to me…
Linda Whiting
They are all beautiful but my favorite is Peak Color. I love how the bright fall colors pop against the white birch.
Each of the four seasons is represented beautifully with these prints. I am drawn to the warmth of front porch .
My favorite is “Out on a Limb” because it makes me think of the beautiful springtime!
Barb K
I like the “Front Porch”–it reminds me of my brother and sister-in-law’s house.
Even though they are all lovely, Front Porch is my favorite. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Beth S.
Moon Lit Birches reminds me of the woods around our extended family’s cabin in northern Wisconsin.
I would choose the tree with blossoms. It’s a reminder that spring will come after a very cold winter
I love Nancy’s work and would love to have one of her arts adorning my home.
Peak color is my favorite because I love fall.
My favorite is Out on a Limb because it best describes the life and work of Nancy Zieman. She was always “out on a limb”…..cheerfully leading and in the forefront of new trends in sewing, inspiring us to follow her as she tried those new ideas. And, obviously, she was a talented artist in many mediums. I miss her gentle “Bye for now”.
My favorite is Out on a Limb because it best describes Nancy Zieman’s life. She was always “out on a limb”, leading us into new areas of sewing with innovative ideas and trends. She obviously was talented in so many mediums and inspired me to try new skills, too. I miss her, her shows and her gentle “bye for now”.
i love peak color. Even though I am looking forward to the warmer weather we are hoping to have, I always love the brilliant fall colors. Nothing like an Autumn brisk day looking at the foliage.
Rose Lerbakken
I love the Moon Lit Birches. I miss the birch trees from my childhood so that print brings back happy memories.
I love the Moon Lit Birches. I miss the birch trees from home in Minnesota. They are so beautiful.
I love all of the prints. My favorite is “Out on a Limb.” I read both Nancy’s and Rich’s books and even through Nancy’s pain and struggles she was able to find strength to renew her faith and emerge creating something beautiful and powerful. Just like the strong sturdy branches in “Out on a Limb” lead to soft, delicate pink flowers….and the renewal time after time, year after year, of spring after a long cold winter. The books and Nancy’s faith, love of family… her LIFE gives me hope. It reminds me of what a strong, talented woman can overcome if she holds firmly to her faith, family and positive goals.
Robin Hessefort
After the 2″ of snow this weekend, we are ready for spring. I chose “Out on a Limb”.
DeAnna S
They are all beautiful and inspiring. My favorite is Peak Color.
Lisa Smith-Atwell
I think the front porch picture is beautiful. Flowers like these remind me of summer, and the ease of life, no coats, no boots, no shivers, just outside where it is warm in the sun. Enjoy heaven faithful servant, you are certainly enjoying your reward.
Marion Blakely
I love them all, but “Out on a Limb” speaks to me of spring, new life, the promise of delicious fruit, and especially, the end of a long and cold Wisconsin winter. Spring always meant to me the chance to go to the warehouse sale, get new ideas and techniques, and say a few words with Nancy herself every year about her latest ideas. These landscapes were excellent ideas!
“Out on a Limb” is my favorite. I had the opportunity to see the original quilts at last year’s Quilt Expo and they are fabulous.
Carolyn T
“Out on a Limb” is my favorite. It perfectly complements a photograph my sister took and printed for me!
They are all very pretty but I would say that “Out on a Limb” is my favorite.
All the reprouctions of Nancy’s artwork are stunning, but Front Porch seems so inviting that you want to sit in a rocking chair on that porch and do some hand sewiing.
Angela Stoutenger
My favorite is Front Porch. Beautiful artwork.