S!S 307 OESD Origami Gift Box Tutorial
Stitch an OESD Origami Gift Box – All in the Hoop of Your Embroidery Machine! Watch our Origami Gift Box Video on Stitch it! Sisters with Deanna Springer and Karie Coffee from OESD! Follow along as we share step-by-step directions for making OESD’s Origami Gift Boxes!
Watch Stitch it! Sisters Origami Gift Boxes Program 307
Then, head over toShopNZP.com and find our Exclusive OESD Origami Gift Box Bundle Boxes that include OESD AquaMesh Wash Away Stabilizer, OESD BadgeMaster Wash Away Stabilizer, OESD StabilStick Cut Away Stabilizer; OESD Luxe Sparkle Vinyl, OESD Origami Gift Boxes Design Collection on USB, Zippered Polyweave Storage Pouch, 12″ x 16″, and a Stitch it! Sisters Sticker!
Download the FREE! OESD Stabilizer Quick Reference Guide Printable!
Watch Stitch it! Sisters Origami Gift Boxes Program 307
Learn tips for selecting and hooping the right stabilizers for successfully stitching OESD’s in-the-hoop free-standing Origami Gift Box. Learn about AquaMesh Water Soluble, BadgeMaster WashAway, and StabilStick Cutaway Stabilizers. Plus Tips for embroidering with OESD’s NEW! Luxe Sparkle Vinyl, and how to easily assemble free-standing machine embroidered creations.
Stitch an OESD Origami Gift Box – All in the Hoop of Your Embroidery Machine! Tutorial by the Stitch it! Sisters
Hoop one layer of AquaMesh and one layer of BadgeMaster for all designs.
- Hoop one layer of AquaMesh and one layer of BadgeMaster for all designs.
- Adhere two layers of StabilStick CutAway to the wrong side of all applique fabrics to provide stiffness to the finished structure.
- Load selected design into the machine.
- Example design is 12888-03.
- Thread the machine per the thread chart.
- Place hoop on the machine.
- Stitch Machine Step 1, Front Fabric Placement Stitch.
- Remove the hoop from the machine, but NOT the project from the hoop.
- Place the hoop on a flat surface.
- Cut the prepared applique fabrics 1/4”-1/2” larger than theapplique templates.
- Cover the placement line completely with the preparedfabric.
- Tape in place to secure.
- NOTE: A separate Machine Step has been added to allowdesign work to be placed on the outside of the box if desired. Stitch the design between Steps 6 and 7 in the instructions. If no design is added to the box, add the back fabric now (see Step 7) and skip Machine Step 3, Back Fabric Cut Line and Tackdown.
- Remove the hoop from the machine, but NOT the project from the hoop.
- Trim the excess fabric as close to the cut line stitching as possible. If the outermost stitches (cut line) are cut, the inner stitches (tackdown) will still hold the applique in place.
- Tip: If the AquaMesh is cut or a hole is created while trimming the fabric, use Expert Embroidery Tape WashAway.
- Note: Design work for the box may be added here, before proceeding to Step 7.
- Turn the hoop over and place the back applique fabric right side up covering the placement stitch.
- Carefully tape to secure. Avoid pushing too hard on the stabilizer to prevent it from dislodging from the hoop.
- Return the hoop to the machine and stitch the remaining colors according to the thread chart.
- Remember to thread the sewing machine with matching thread in the top and bobbin.
- Rinse each piece in warm running water until the design is only slightly tacky.
- Place right side down on a non-stick surface to dry. Parchment paper or a cooling rack will prevent curling. Dry completely.
- Once dry, press right side down on a Perfect Embroidery Press Cloth.
- Line up the pieces to connect as shown. Thread the sewing machine with matching thread in the top and bobbin.
- Stitch together using a multi-step zigzag stitch (also known as a serpentine stitch). Back stitch at the beginning and end to secure. Trim thread tails.
- Match the eyelets and buttonettes as shown. Pull each buttonette through the corresponding eyelet, using button clips to temporarily hold them in place, as needed.
- Fold the three lid pieces interlocking at the grooves.
- Tadah! Your OESD Origami Gift Box is complete!
Stitch an OESD Origami Gift Box – All in the Hoop of Your Embroidery Machine! Tutorial by the Stitch it! Sisters
Learn about our NEW! 2025 Block of the Month Mystery Quilt Series at 2025 Block of the Month Mystery Quilt Series and find all the supplies needed at Nancy Zieman Productions at ShopNZP.com!
Visit the Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio at 120 Front Street in Beaver Dam, WI 53916
920-356-9546 phone
[email protected]
NEW! Store Hours • Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Happy Stitching!
Team Nancy Zieman & The Stitch it! Sisters
Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.
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