Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial and FREE! Shipping Weekend

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial and FREE! Shipping Weekend

Big Bigger Santa Bag Now Available at Nancy Zieman Productions at ShopNZP.c0m

Sew our Big-Bigger Santa Bag with Christmas Fabrics and Red Cotton Canvas that expands to handle Christmas gifts, laundry and/or storage needs. It’s a bag or tote that has both function and style! Reverse the Big-Bigger Santa Bag for a whole new look. The sewing is streamlined with a few rectangles of sturdy canvas fabric and cotton quilting fabric. Included our exclusive Pattern are directions for adding secondary handles, located 10″ below bag top edge. This secondary set of handles lends versatility to the Big-Bigger Laundry Bag! Plus, pattern includes Classic Timesaving Tips by Nancy Zieman!

Countdown to Christmas 1000 x 550


Free Shipping Weekend at Dec. 16-19, 2022 at Nancy Zieman Productions


Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Sewing Tutorial at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog Featuring Wildflower Boutique Fabrics by Riley Blake Designs

Big Bigger Santa Bag Now Available at Nancy Zieman Productions at ShopNZP.c0m


Watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 109: Big-Bigger Laundry Bag

Watch Stitch it! Sisters Program 109: Big-Bigger Laundry Bag video with hosts Deanna Springer and Dana Casey. In this video, the Stitch it! Sisters share step-by-step fabric cutting and sewing techniques for making NZP’s Big-Bigger Laundry Bag from our Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Pattern.


Big Bigger Santa Bag Now Available at Nancy Zieman Productions at ShopNZP.c0m


Buy it! Buy Sewing Tools, Sewing Patterns, Sewing Fabrics and More at by Nancy Zieman ProductionsThen, head over to and choose our exclusive Big-Bigger Santa Bag Bundle Box designed by the Stitch it! Sisters! Our Big-Bigger Santa Bag Bundle Box feature, Christmas Fabric by Riley Blake Designs. The Big-Bigger Santa Bag Bundle Boxes include ALL SUPPLIES needed to make one Big-Bigger Santa Bag! You’ll supply the thread.

Countdown to Christmas 1000 x 550

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

Approx. finished size 11″ W x 30″ H x 9″ D

Big Bigger Santa Bag Tools & Supplies

Prepare Fabrics



Timesaving Sewing Tips from Nancy ZiemanPre-shrink coordinating fabrics by steaming and pressing, and steaming and pressing a second time, and then spray press and starch fabric with June Tailor’s Quilter’s Starch Savvy — press and starch, press and starch.


Note from Team NZP


You’re the designer! Choose to make self-fabric bag handles with a 1″ Bias Tape Maker, or opt to make bag handles from ready-made cotton webbing (below).

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

1-1/6 yd. Cotton Quilting Fabric for outer bag and handles; 1-5/8 yd. Canvas Fabric for inner bag, contrasting outer bag, and handles; 1/3 yd. Pellon Peltex One Sided Fusible Ultra Firm Stabelizer.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial


Timesaving Sewing Tips from Nancy ZiemanStreamline the sewing process by cutting easy fabric rectangles!

Cut Fabric and Interfacing

  • Cut two 1-3/4″ crosswise fabric strips from cotton quilting fabric for self-fabric handles.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Cut two 22″ x 36″ rectangles from cotton quilting fabric for outer bag.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Cut two 1-3/4″ crosswise fabric strips from canvas fabric for self-fabric handles.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Cut two 22″ x 36″ rectangles from canvas fabric for inner bag.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Cut two 22″ x 14″ rectangles from canvas fabric for contrasting outer lower accent.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

6" X 24" Omnigrid Ruler

Clover's 45mm Rotary Cutter

Optional: Cut four 14″ lengths of Red Cotton Webbing (for handles made with webbing).

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

Stitch it! Sisters with Deanna Springer and Dana Casey You’re the designer! Choose to make make bag handles from ready-made cotton webbing, or opt to sew self-fabric bag handles with a 1″ Bias Tape Maker (below).

Prepare Self-Fabric Bag Handles

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

  • Pin fabric strip end to ironing board, and iron the folded fabric strip as you pull the bias tape maker.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

Stitch it! Sisters with Deanna Springer and Dana Casey Pin fabric strip end to ironing board, and iron the folded fabric strip as you pull the bias tape maker.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Position Double-Sided Basting Tape on the backside of one folded canvas fabric strip. Finger press in place. Remove paper backing from tape.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

  • Center and place one folded cotton quilting fabric strip over the tape on the folded canvas fabric strip, wrong sides together, and finger press to secure.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Edgestitch along the two long edges of fabric strip set.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Repeat steps above for remaining self-fabric handle fabric strips.
  • Sub-cut fabric strip sets into four 14″ handles.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

Optional: Prepare Ready-made Cotton Webbing Bag Handles:

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Using Clover’s Hot Ruler and an iron, press under 1/2″ along each short end of handle strips. Place a Wonder Clip at each pressed handle end and set aside.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

Prepare Bag Accent

  • Turn the two 22″ x 14″ rectangles of canvas fabric horizontally, with wrong sides facing up.
  • Using Clover’s Hot Ruler and an iron, fold and press under 1/2″ to wrong sides along 22″ top edge of both rectangles.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Using a 6-1/2″ square ruler and Chaco Liner, mark and cut out 5″ squares from each of the lower corners of both canvas rectangles. Cutouts will later form gussets at bag bottom!

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial


NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

Create Outer Bag

  • Turn two 22″ x 36″ rectangles of cotton quilting fabric vertically, with wrong sides facing up.
  • Using Clover’s Hot Ruler and an iron, fold and press under 1/2″ to wrong side along 22″ top edge of both fabric rectangles.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Using a 6-1/2″ square ruler and Chaco Liner, mark and cut out 5″ squares from each of the lower corners of one cotton quilting fabric rectangle. Cutouts will later form gussets at bag bottom!

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

  • Place one canvas accent rectangle to lower edge of one cotton quilting outer bag rectangle, wrong side of canvas fabric to right side of cotton quilting fabric. Wonder Clip/pin.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Topstitch along upper edge of canvas accent fabric, near fold.
  • Baste canvas accent to outer bag along remaining fabric edges, using a 5 mm stitch length and scant 1/4″ seam.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Repeat steps above and create a second outer bag unit and set aside.


Stitch it! Sisters with Deanna Springer and Dana Casey Machine basting is a great way to keep fabric layers together during the sewing process and eliminates pinning! Machine baste with long running stitches, 5mm in length, to hold 2 or more layers of fabric in position. And, there’s no need to remove the basting stitching – they’ll be hidden within the seams of the finished bag project.


  • Place the two outer bag units right sides together. Wonder Clip/pin.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial


  • Stitch or serge bottom bag seam.
Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial
  • Using an iron, press seam open or to one side.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Unfold pressed under outer bag top edges and align side seams, with right sides together, Wonder Clip/pin.
Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial
  • Stitch or serge side seams.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Using an iron, press seams open or to one side.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial


  • Meet bag gusset cutouts on one lower bag edge, right sides together, folding side seam to align/stack with bottom bag seam.
  • Stitch or serge gusset seam. Press seam flat.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

Repeat steps above for opposite outer bag gusset and set aside.

Create Inner Bag

  • Turn two 22″ x 36″ rectangles of canvas fabric vertically, with wrong sides facing up.
  • Using Clover’s Hot Ruler and an iron, fold and press under 1/2″ to wrong side along 22″ top edge of both canvas rectangles.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Repeat steps above for second canvas rectangle.
  • Place the two rectangles of canvas fabric, right sides together. Wonder Clip/pin.
Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial
  • Stitch bottom inner bag seam.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Using an iron, press seam open or to one side.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial


Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

  • Unfold pressed under inner bag top edges and align side seams, with right sides together, Wonder Clip/pin. Stitch side seams.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Using an iron, press seams open or to one side.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Meet bag gusset cutouts on one lower bag edge, right sides together, folding side seam to align/stack with bottom bag seam.
  • Stitch gusset seam. Press seam flat.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Repeat for opposite inner bag gusset.

Note from Team NZP


Use your standard sewing machine to sew gusset seams. The layers of fabric may become too thick to stitch with a serger.

Assemble Inner and Outer Bag and Attach Handles
• Using Clover’s Point 2 Point Turner, turn outer fabric bag right side out.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

  • Re-fold pressed under top bag edges at 1/2″ pressed line.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Insert inner canvas bag inside outer bag, wrong sides together, aligning side-seams. Pin or Wonder Clip.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Topstitch inner and outer bag together, near folded edge. Press.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Using an erasable fabric marking pen, or Chaco Liner, and Supersize 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge place a 3″ mark on each side of side seams, 1″ down from upper edge of outer bag (make a total of four markings.)
Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

  • Position the folded end of one handle to one of the marked lines. Carefully pin through layers with a sturdy Flower Head Pin.

          Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

Stitch it! Sisters with Deanna Springer and Dana Casey Because we’re stitching through Double-Sided Basting Tape, use a Super Nonstick Needle Size 90/14 – to topstitch handles in place.

NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

  • Topstitch fabric strip set handle or optional ready-made Cotton Webbing handle to bag – stitching along handle side, top, and bottom, forming a stitched 1″ square with optional “X” pattern.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial


Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

  • Repeat steps above and attach handle at opposite edge. Be sure handle is not twisted!
  • Repeat for second handle on opposite side of bag.
  • Turn bag wrong side out.

Attach Secondary Handles 10″ Below Bag Top Edge

  • Using a Chaco Liner and Supersize 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge, place a 3″ mark on each side of side seams at 10″ down from upper edge of inner bag. Repeat marking a total of four markings.
  • Position and pin the folded end of one handle to one of the marked lines.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial


NEW! Big-Bigger Laundry Bag Tutorial

  • Topstitch fabric strip set handle or optional ready-made Cotton Webbing handle to bag – stitching along handle side, top, and bottom, forming a stitched 1″ square with optional “X” pattern.

Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial

Stitch it! Sisters with Deanna Springer and Dana Casey When sewing handles to bag, convert sewing machine to free arm position.

  • Repeat steps above and attach handle at opposite edge. Make sure handle is not twisted.
  • Repeat for second handle on opposite side of bag.

Big-Bigger Santa Bag Features

  • For a “big” fabric bag, fold top edge over at secondary handles.
  • For “bigger” fabric bag, extend bag fully up.
  • Reverse Big-Bigger Laundry Bag for a whole new look!


Big Bigger Santa Bag Sewing Tutorial at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog


Big Bigger Santa Bag Tools & Supplies

Countdown to Christmas 1000 x 550 Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC

Shop Exclusive Big Bigger Santa Bag Bundle Box and Christmas Fabrics at

Santa Big Bigger Bag Bundle Box Available at Nancy Zieman Productions at Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLCAvailable at Nancy Zieman Productions at

Shop Winter Barn Quilts Fabrics at
NEW! Winter Barn Quilts Fabric Collection Now Available at Nancy Zieman Productions at
NEW! Winter Barn Quilts Fabric Collection Now Available at Nancy Zieman Productions at Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC

Shop Summer and Fall Barn Quilts Fabrics at

Barn Quilts Fabrics Available at Nancy Zieman Productions at


NEW! Holiday Jewels by Amanda Murphy for Benartex Now Available at Nancy Zieman Productions at

NEW! Winter Jewels Fabric by the Yard Available at Nancy Zieman Productions at



Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio BERNINA Dealer and Fabric Store in Beaver Dam Wisconsin at 120 Front Street

Visit the Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio  at 120 Front Street in Beaver Dam, WI 53916

920-356-9546 phone

[email protected]

Store Hours • Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.



BERNINA logo EMB claim blk belowR cymk

❄️ Join us this Friday & Saturday for our Countdown to Christmas Event with a FREE! Dessert & Demo with Deanna ❄️ this Friday & Saturday at The Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio!

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Join us this Friday & Saturday, Dec. 16 & 17, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for our Countdown To Christmas Event at The Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio!

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Join us this Friday & Saturday, Dec. 16 & 17, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for our Countdown To Christmas Event at The Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio!

❄️ Test Drive any BERNINA sewing machine or serger made with high-quality Swiss Engineering and receive a FREE! Gift of Swiss Chocolate Truffles –Friday & Saturday Only– exclusively in-store at The Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio!
❄️ Dessert & Demo with Deanna Springer, 2 p.m. on Friday & Saturday
❄️ Shop our Countdown To Christmas Sale and save up to 30% Off Select Sewing, Quilting, & Machine Embroidery Supplies

❄️ BERNINA & bernette Special Sale Pricing
❄️ Holiday Prize Drawing Giveaway
❄️ Hot Cider & Coffee


Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio

120 Front Street

Beaver Dam, WI 53916

920-356-9546 phone

[email protected]

Store Hours

Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday & Saturday!

Happy Sewing

Team NZP & The Stitch it! Sisters

Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.


Stitch it! Sisters is a production of NZ Productions LLC. Content in this feed is © copyright 2022 by Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website. The FTC requires us to tell you that Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC has provided products by other companies in the course of doing business. The FTC requires us to advise you to take this information into consideration when reading this posting.

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