Year in Review plus Top 10 Nancy Zieman Productions Blog Postings of 2021 and Book Giveaway

Nancy Zieman Productions Blog Year in Review 2021

Year in Review plus Top 10 Nancy Zieman Productions Blog Postings of 2021 and Book Giveaway

Nancy Zieman Productions Blog Year in Review 2021

“The love of sewing is our common thread.”

Nancy Zieman signature

As 2021 comes to a close, we’re taking time for a warmhearted and grateful look back at this year’s memorable moments and unexpected milestones. The Nancy Zieman Productions Team is honored to carry on Nancy’s love of sewing with you—Nancy’s dedicated viewers, readers, and friends. Thank you for your interest, support, and for your many contributions to carrying forward Nancy’s life work and mission of sharing the love of sewing with each other. Our work is a labor of love, thanks to Nancy and thanks to you!

Nancy Zieman Productions 2021 Block of the Month Christmas Quilt Sew Along

In January, Team NZP kicked off 2021 with our 2021 Block of the Month Fat Quarter Mystery Quilt Series – on the third Saturday of each month, we release a FREE! quilt block sewing tutorial right here at the NZP Blog! As you may know, our 2021 Block of the Month Fat Quarter Mystery Quilt  is a mystery no more – as our completed quilt was revealed, for the first time, in our December 18, 2021 Blog Posting! We designed this block sampler quilt titled, Merry Christmas All Year Round with the Merry Little Christmas Fat Quarter Bundle and Fabric Panel by Sandy Gervais for Riley Blake Designs. We’ve really enjoyed making this special BoM21 and revealing the center Fabric Panel design! Thank you for following along! And mark your calendars for Saturday, January 15, 2022 – when we’ll be launching our 2022 Block of the Month Sew Along Quilt Series!

Stitch it! Sisters Sewing Video Series Season Two Round Up at The Nancy Zieman Productions Blog

In January, we rolled out Season Two of Stitch it! Sisters with hosts Deanna Springer, Denise Abel, and Dana Casey – real life sisters from Team NZP, with more sewing, quilting, and machine embroidery project tutorials – featuring our easiest-ever sewing techniques, timesaving tools, and Classic Timesaving Tips by Nancy Zieman. Watch the Stitch it! Sisters right here at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog, at, and at our YouTube Channel at

Have you missed any episodes? Organize in Style, Sew up a Celebration, learn to use your serger for Decorative Projects, make a super-easy modern bed quilt, machine embroider Snowflake Coasters, learn Pattern Fitting the Nancy Zieman Way, Sew Knits, and more! Now you can binge-watch NEW! S!S Episodes at your convenience–right here at the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog.

Stitch it! Sisters Season Two Round Up at The Nancy Zieman Productions Blog

Stay tuned for Stitch it! Sisters Season Threecoming soon to later this month!

Watch Stitch it! Sisters on YouTube

Follow the Stitch it! Sisters, on YouTube and be one of the first to hear about our new sewing project episodes by clicking the SUBSCRIBE button, then clicking  the “bell” notifications button over at

Face Mask Sewing Tutorial at The Nancy Zieman Productions Blog

In February, new hope was on the horizon as the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out was underway, with the first shot administered on December 14, 2020. Along with many of you, we signed up to receive the shot and we continued sewing fabric face coverings for family, friends, and our local community outreach centers. We filled the growing need for quality sewing machines by adding bernette Sewing Machines to – each at an incredible value thanks to our friends at Bernina. You continued sewing along with us, all of us independently from our homes. Although we were separated by miles, across the country, and around the globe, the sewing community united to make a difference, contribute, and help one another–because that’s what sewers do! You encouraged and guided others while sharing your love of sewing by teaching basic sewing skills to friends that haven’t sewn in a while – or haven’t ever sewn before. Nancy’s words continue to say it all, The love of sewing is our common thread”.  Thank you for your incredible talents and efforts, and thank you for your creative kindness in 2021, and always!

Deanna Springer and Pam Mahshie on the set of the Stitch it! Sisters Video Series April 2021

In March, we recorded Stitch it! Sisters with our first guest! We welcomed Pam Mahshie from Bernina to share her vast knowledge of serger over lock sewing. Pam and Deanna share how to use various decorative serger overlock stitches plus a “no-sew’ zipper technique to make a Serger Techniques Pouch–completely on a serger! Pam demonstrates six different serger overlock stitches while completing  her Serger Techniques Pouch: 4-Thread Overlock, 3-Thread Narrow Seam, Flat Lock, Chainstitch, Narrow Coverstitch, and Wide Coverstitch! Our Serger Techniques Pouch Video launched in April during National Serger Month!

Nancy Zieman Productions Sew Quilt Create Weekend Event in May

In May, Team NZP held our First Annual SEW•QUILT•CREATE Weekend Event & SALE, May 13-15, 2021– at Nancy Zieman Productions! Viewers joined the Stitch it! Sisters for their 10 Projects to Sew For Summer seminar presentation LIVE on Facebook at

Sew Quilt Create Weekend in Beaver Dam Wis at The Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio Save The Date May 2022

Save the Date! May 13-15, 2022 – in Beaver Dam

Announcing the 2nd Annual Sew•Quilt•Create Event, and Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio Grand Opening Event at 120 Front Street in the Fine Arts District in downtown Beaver Dam. Enjoy in-person educational lectures by sewlebrity presenters, Make-it and Take its, Product Demonstrations, Annual Event Sale with special pricing on bernette sewing machines, and NEW! Nancy Zieman History Exhibit–coming soon to the Second Floor of The Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio. Plus meet the Stitch it! Sisters!

Stay tuned for updates on the 2nd Annual Sew•Quilt•Create Event and more! Be sure you are subscribed to the Nancy Zieman Productions E-Newsletter at

Shier Family Painted Mosaic Tile at the First Annual Arts and Peony Festival in Beaver Dam Wisconsin for the Nancy Zieman Mosaic Mural

June brought the first annual Wisconsin Arts & Peony Festival, in Beaver Dam, WI, featuring art projects, music, food, tours of Ovan’s Peony Farm, The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show Log Cabin Quilt Exhibit at the DCCA, and a tile painting event lead by artist Steven Bennett–shown above with Poppy Shier. 288 12″ square tiles were painted by community members for four mosaic murals –to be installed on the east facing exterior wall of the Beaver Dam Area Community Theatre. The first two murals will celebrate Lois Ehlert and Nancy Zieman and would be revealed in October! Mark your calendar for Next Year’s Wisconsin Arts & Peony Festival on June 4, 2022.

Artist Steven Bennet and Poppy Shier Painting Mosaic Tiles at the First Annual Arts and Peony Festival in Beaver Dam Wisconsin for the Nancy Zieman Mosaic Mural

During the 2021 Arts & Peony Festival, Artist Stephen Bennet (shown above with Poppy Shier) organized a mural painting event on Saturday, June 12, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Beaver Dam Area Community Theater (BDACT) scene shop at 117 W. Maple Ave.

Shier Family Painting Mosaic Tiles at the First Annual Arts and Peony Festival in Beaver Dam Wisconsin for the Nancy Zieman Mosaic Mural

The event was free for people of all ages. No particular skills were required, other than to follow a few simple lines. Bennett donated his time and talents to this project. Four distinguished artists who have roots in Beaver Dam will be honored in this project, including Nancy Zieman, Lois Ehlert, Fred McMurray, and Eric Kalkhurst.

120 Front Street, Beaver Dam WI 53916

On July 2, Richard Zieman and Ted Zieman of Zieman Properties purchased a two-story building located at 120 Front Street in the fine arts district of downtown Beaver Dam–which would soon become the NEW! Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio.

Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio in Beaver Dam WI under construction

Restoration of the exterior of the building were made possible by a downtown improvement grant.

Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio in Beaver Dam WI under Construction

Renovations were underway on the inside including two new restrooms and a classroom.

C&T Creative Spark Top Stitch Competition 2021

August, Deanna competed in the C&T Creative Spark ‘Top Stitch’ Competition – Wisconsin Edition 2021 hosted by Judy Gauthier. Contestants include Chris Lynn Kirsch, Mary Hertel, Jill Repp, and Deanna Springer. Top Stitch Day One: Umbrella Sewing Challenge.


Top Stitch Day Two: Vest Sewing Challenge.


Top Stitch Day Three: Hanging Lamp Sewing Challenge.

Judy Gauthier host and producer C&T Creative Spark Top Stitch

Thank you to C&T Publishing and thank you to Judy Gauthier(above), quilter, educator, and producer and host of Top Stitch–which will air later this year on C&T’s Creative Spark online learning platform.

Five Ways to Watch Sewing With Nancy hosted by Nancy Zieman on Public Television and online at

In August, we celebrated 39 years of Sewing With Nancy! Back in 1982 when the first Sewing With Nancy show aired, never did Nancy dream; #1,  that she would record over 35 years of television, and #2 that her show would continue to air on multiple channels and across the internet including on YouTubeCreate TVPublic Televisionand online at!

In 2022, we’ll be Celebrating 40 Years of Sewing With Nancy on television! What an amazing and honorable milestone. Congratulations to the talented Sewing With Nancy Crew! And a big thank you to all of Nancy’s dedicated viewers!

The Zieman Family at the Wisconsin Broadcasters Hall of Fame Banquet honoring Nancy Zieman in August 2021

On August 26, 2021, Richard Zieman, the Zieman Family, along with family friends Deanna Springer, Donna Fenske, and Kathleen Gittus headed to the Wisconsin Broadcasters Hall of Fame Banquet, at the Blue Harbor Resort in Sheboygan, WI, to participate in honoring Nancy for her outstanding service and for dedicating her career to broadcasting Sewing With Nancy from Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin Broadcasters Hall of Fame Banquet honoring Nancy Zieman in August 2021

Richard Zieman accepted the prestigious WBA HoF award on Nancy’s behalf with a beautiful speech.

Richard Zieman and Deanna Springer at The Wisconsin Broadcasters Hall of Fame Banquet honoring Nancy Zieman in August 2021

Watch the very special Nancy Zieman Tribute Video at the Wisconsin Broadcasters Hall of Fame Website.


Nancy Zieman Quilt To Give Sewing Bed Quilts for Individuals and Families in Need at The Nancy Zieman Productions Blog

August 23-27, Team NZP hosted The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show: Quilt to Give Week, our annual community quilting project held each year onsite at The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show. This year, we’d again be sewing bed quilts at home, as we shared step-by-step sewing directions at the The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show Facebook Page. Then, quilters shipped their quilts to NZP for donation to individuals and families in need. We were overwhelmed by the outpouring of your support! WOW! Thank you!



In September, Team NZP launched our third annual I Sew For Fun Kids’ Sewing Challenge! Kids ages 6-13 shared how they “sew for fun”— The challenge was for youth ages 15 and under to share how they “sew for fun”— while making a cinch sack with Barbie or Hot Wheels fabric by Riley Blake Designs, along with a Mystery I Sew For Fun sewing tool by Clover.

Every one did a great job making their Cinch Sacks! Through Team NZP’s blog tutorials, video tutorials, and books & patterns were honored continue Nancy’s mission of teaching and sharing her love of sewing to every one of all ages. NZP’s annual Sewing Challenges are a way you can show and share your love of sewing all year long!

Because of your wonderful support, we’re pleased to announce Team NZP’s 2022 Sewing & Quilting Challenge Events Lineup!

  • March 2022: NZP Pillow Sewing Challenge
  • May 2022: The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show Mod Mini Challenge
  • September 2022: NZP I Sew For Fun Kids’ Sewing Challenge
  • October 2022: NZP Table Runner Sewing Challenge
  • November 2022: NZP Christmas Stocking Sewing Challenge


The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show annually in Madison Wisconsin each September


The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show Virtual Edition September 9-12, 2011 Virtual Edition

In August, Deanna headed to the studios of  PBS Wisconsin to begin recording segments forThe Great Wisconsin Quilt Show–Virtual Event 2021.

Deanna Springer and Dana Casey Present Piece and Quilt For the Holidays at The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show 2021

In September, we celebrated the 17th annual Great Wisconsin Quilt Show! For the second time, instead of welcoming you to our in-person show, PBS Wisconsin and Team NZP welcomed you to our virtual show  – online at Deanna again headed to the studios of PBS Wisconsin and moderated the Video Lectures followed by Live Q&A, along with the talented PBS Wisconsin Engineering, Digital, and Events Teams working in-studio and remotely from home!

The Amazing Great Wisconsin Quilt Show Team successfully produced and hosted another exciting virtual event including educational lectures pre-recorded remotely at national presenters homes, a robust virtual vendor mall made possible by our amazing vendors, special quilt exhibits, and the 10-category juried and judged quilt contest exhibit – embraced by our incredible quilters and created by the talented team at PBS Wisconsin!

Continue to explore The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show 2021 Quilt Exhibits, Quilt Contest Winners, Recorded Video Lectures with Q&A, Virtual Vendor Mall, and the Nancy Zieman 4-H Virtual Community Quilt, and find entry forms for the 2022 Quilt Contest, 2022 Celebrating 40 Years of Sewing With Nancy Quilt Challenge, and 2021 Kids’ Quilt Challenge Entry Forms at


Visit the Nancy Zieman Community Mosiac Mural behind the NEW Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio in the fine arts district in Downtown Beaver Dam Wisconsin

October is always an exciting month for Nancy Zieman Productions! Nancy Zieman started her first business, Nancy’s Notions, in October 1979, and her second business, Nancy Zieman Productions, in October 2007. Deanna Springer, along with her sisters Dana Casey and Denise Abel, and Richard Zieman, started and Stitch it! Sisters in October 2019.

IMG 0456

Sew it ‘seams fitting’ that Team NZP opens the NEW! Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio in October 2021 – while at the same time our community unveils the new Nancy Zieman Mosaic Mural on October 15, 2021–with a Ribbon Cutting Event.

BDACT president Scott Eberle took the lead on the mural project. On October 7, Scott, along with a volunteer crew, adhered the colorful tiles to a 12-foot by 12-foot frame made by Breuer Metal Craftsman and installed by Hometown Glass & Improvement.

Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio Store Opening Event with Sewlebritys Mary Mulari Deanna Springer Rhonda Pierece and Rita Farro

We were thrilled to have Mary Mulari present her seminars, Rhonda Pierce demonstrate Schmetz Sewing Machine Needles, and Rita Farro make Pop-In Appearances at our October 15 Store Opening Event! Thank you Mary, Rhonda & Rita!

Visit the Nancy Zieman City Bench at the NEW Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio in the fine arts district in Downtown Beaver Dam Wisconsin

A NEW! Plaque was installed honoring Nancy – on the city bench located in front of the Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio.

Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio Store Opening Event with Nancy Zieman Bench Dedication with Richard Zieman Deanna Springer and Mayor Rebecca Glewen

Deanna and Mayor Becky Glewen surprised Richard with this special plaque unveiling!

Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio Store Opening Event in Beaver Dam Wisconsin with Deanna Springer Denise Abel Dana Casey and Sarah Schulz

Our small but mighty team, Deanna, Denise, Dana, Sarah (above), and Richard, along with the help of family members, close friends, and a team of talented contractors, went above and beyond this year spending countless hours planning, building, and opening the beautiful NEW! Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio in just 3 months, all while managing Stitch it! Sisters production, our e-commerce site, pattern & bundle box production, and publishing the Nancy Zieman Productions Blog. AMAZING!

NEW Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio in the fine arts district in Downtown Beaver Dam Wisconsin

  • BREAKING NEWS! A Nancy Zieman History Exhibit is planned for the 2nd Floor of the NEW! Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio. Slated to open in Spring 2022 and will feature images, awards, and early garments sewn by Nancy on her mother’s sewing machine—including Nancy’s award-wining wool coat she made as a 4-H project in the 1960s, along original Landscape Wall Quilts designed and sewn by Nancy.

Stay tuned for updates on Sewing Classes, Store Events and more! Be sure you are subscribed to the Nancy Zieman Productions E-Newsletter at

Deanna Springer on Bernina Sew & Sew Podcast with Host Meg Goodman

Also in October, Deanna shares a rare behind the scenes look at Nancy Zieman Productions during a new podcast! Deanna joined Meg Goodman for an interview on Bernina’s Sew & S0 Podcast. Tune in for this delightful chat with Meg and Deanna, as they talk all things Sewing, how Deanna got started sewing at age 6, how 4-H guided her career path with Nancy Zieman, and now with Stitch it! Sisters. Deanna shares a behind the scenes look at family life and growing up in Wisconsin with her three sisters. Plus exciting news of what’s next for Nancy Zieman Productions. Listen here, today!


As the podcast conversation wraps up, Deanna talks about the many barriers Nancy broke through in the 70’s and 80’s, and how Nancy really changed the industry.

And now for a 2021 moment we’ve all been waiting for, drum roll sound effect please … … … …

Announcing the Top 10 Nancy Zieman Productions Blog Posting Tutorials of 2021

10. Stitch it! Sisters Season Two Round Up & Wrap Party

9. Mary Mulari Apron Pattern Round Up

8. Quilt As You Go Pet Placemats

7. Sew a Mug Rug from Fabric Scraps

6. Patriotic Table Topper Sewing Tutorial

5. Towel Topper Sewing Tutorial

4. Potholder Plus Sewing Tutorial

3. The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show Quilt To Give Week

2. Effortlessly Cut, Mark, and Stitch 1/2-Square & 1/4-Square Triangle Blocks

1. 2021 Block of the Month Fat Quarter Mystery Quilt Series

Most Popular Pages on The Nancy Zieman Productions Blog in 2021:

Nancy Zieman's Sew To Give Community Service Charity Sewing Project Ideas at The Nancy Zieman Productions Blog

Nancy Zieman’s Sew To Give–Sewing & Quilting Outreach Opportunities!


Join Stitch It! Sisters; Deanna Springer and Dana Casey (from Team NZP) for fun sewing adventures as they share sewing and quilting project tutorials – featuring Nancy Zieman's easiest-ever sewing techniques and timesaving tools. Stitch It! Sisters is a production of Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC.

Follow the Stitch it! Sisters on Facebook and Instagram and be one of the first to hear about our new projects, events, and Breaking News! Follow the Stitch it! Sisters on Facebook by clicking the “Like” button at Follow Stitch it! Sisters on Instagram at


Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio Retail Store in Beaver Dam Wisconsin

And now for another 2021 moment we’ve all been waiting for, drum roll sound effect please … … …

Announcing ShopNZP’s Top 10 Sewing Tools, Patterns and Bundles of 2021:

10. Clover’s Hot Ruler and Hot Hemmer Set by Team NZP

9. Seams Right by Team NZP for Clover

8. 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge by Team NZP for Clover

7. 6-in-1 Stick ‘n Stitch Seam Guide by Team NZP for Clover

6. The Ultimate Quilt ‘n Stitch Presser Foot by Team NZP for Clover

5. No-Hassle Triangles Gauge by Team NZP for Clover

4. No-Hassle Triangles Ruler by Team NZP

3. Nancy Zieman’s Confident Sewing Collection Book

2. I Sew For Fun Point 2 Point Turner by Team NZP for Clover

1. Nancy Zieman, The Rest of the Story–A Memoir of Faith Family and Friends Book with DVD by Richard Zieman

Find our Top 10 Sewing Tools, Patterns, Bundle Boxes, and more (above) at!


Follow Team NZP on Facebook and be one of the first to hear about our new projects, exhibits, and Breaking News! Follow us on Facebook by clicking the “Like” button at our Facebook Page.

Announcing ShopNZP’s Top 10 Stitch it! Sisters Sewing Project Bundle Boxes of 2021:

10. Wrap It Up! Casserole Carrier

9. Sew A Celebration Quarter Square Patriotic Table Runner

8. Quilt As You Go Pet Placemats

7. Cooler Grocery Tote

6. Sew Organized Fabric Bins

5. Quilt Quilting in the Hoop: Winter Snowflakes

4. Colorblocked Shoulder Bags

3. Serger Techniques Pouches

2. Pattern Fitting the Nancy Zieman Way

1. Quilt Quilting in the Hoop: Fall Leaves Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC

Visit by clicking the “Shop” tab at the top of the NZP Blog, anytime!

Screenshot 28 Logo by Nancy Zieman Productions LLC

Happy New Year Book Sale at Nancy Zieman Productions at Happy New Year Book Sale at Nancy Zieman Productions at Happy New Year Book Sale at Nancy Zieman Productions at Happy New Year Book Sale at Nancy Zieman Productions at Happy New Year Book Sale at Nancy Zieman Productions at

Happy New Year Book Sale at Nancy Zieman Productions at


Nancy Zieman Productions The Blog Giveaway

Nancy Zieman The Rest of the Story Nancy Zieman The Rest of the Story Book and DVD by Richard Zieman with Richard Zieman and Book Giveaway

For a chance to be the random winner of a copy of the book, Nancy Zieman, The Rest of the Story Book & DVD by Richard Zieman, please leave a comment below sharing your thoughts about 2021/2022.

Team NZP will give away one book, Nancy Zieman, The Rest of the Story Book & DVD by Richard Zieman, to one US resident in the 48 contiguous states. Winner must reply within 30 days to the official giveaway announcement email message – sent from Nancy Zieman Productions.



Happy Sewing and Happy New Year!

Team Nancy Zieman

Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.

nzp blog logo





Stitch it! Sisters is a production of NZ Productions LLC. Content in this feed is © copyright 2022 by Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC and may not be republished without written permission. You’re welcome to forward the email to a friend or colleague but it’s not okay to add the RSS feed automatically as content on a blog or other website. The FTC requires us to tell you that Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC has provided products by other companies in the course of doing business. The FTC requires us to advise you to take this information into consideration when reading this posting.

Make sure you are subscribed to Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC enews mailing list so you won’t miss a thing. Sign up at And join us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest!


  • Doris R
    January 4, 2022

    2021/2022 showed me the difference between people who want to live life and those who want to withdraw. I seek out places and people who try to live, laugh, and love as normally as possible. Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we might LIVE as Nancy lives…with her Savior in heaven!

    • Janine A
      January 4, 2022

      What an amazing year! Thank you for keeping Nancy’s I mission going!

  • Leah Wolfe
    January 4, 2022

    2021 wasn’t as productive for me in the sewing area. I hope that I can compete several projects in 2022.

  • Maxine
    January 4, 2022

    2021 was a rough year, but I am trying to be positive and look to the future. With God’s help we can all get through this trying time. I have been able to finish a lot of ufo’s this year. Looking forward to 2022.
    May God be with Richard and his family and all the viewing public.

  • Sandy
    January 4, 2022

    2021 brought out our individual views of the importance of family & health. My hope is that 2022 will continue to bring us all together even more.

  • Charlene M Bierema
    January 4, 2022

    In 2021 I was fortunate to have the opportunity to teach a group of 4-Hers their first sewing experience. Sewing is a very important memory for me because it was time spent with my Mother and Grandmother. I am looking forward to taking this group of 4-Hers to the next step in their sewing experience this year. The 4-Hers’ Grandmothers accompanied them to their sewing classes, thus I was able to share with them some of the tips I learned by watching “Sewing with Nancy”. Sewing is an art that can provide a child with self-confidence and a quality product. Thank you.

  • Dixie
    January 4, 2022

    2021 was a trying year for my family but brought us closer together. H0ping for a better 2022.

  • Deb Slater
    January 4, 2022

    Though the world is filled with many ills, I can always find a friendly face in Nancy Zieman’s videos. I’ve learned so much from her throughout the years. She always left me thinking I “could” do something because she was so good at providing the tools and confidence. I hope to visit her new studio sometime soon. Thank you for keeping her memory so alive! I look forward to introducing my granddaughter to her so she can learn, too.

  • Judith Huber
    January 4, 2022

    I am so happy that you have honored Nancy! I started watching Sewing with Nancy with my mom and continued to watch today. I never got go to Wisconsin to meet her, but I hope to visit the new studio in honor of her. I still watch on PBS and watch Stitch it Sisters too. May God Bless you, all of Nancy’s family!

  • Lora Newhouse
    January 4, 2022

    Stopped in to see the new shop in October. Very nice. Look forward to stopping again to see the upstairs.

  • Margaret O'Reilly
    January 4, 2022

    Sewing and quilting are my roots to maintaining a sane world.

  • carolyn
    January 4, 2022

    I always loved Nancy and she is still in my heart..
    The sewing sisters are a great choice to continue on
    Nancy’s love of sewing…Hope someday to visit the new store and museum.
    thank you for everything

  • Nichola Spoerl
    January 4, 2022

    I love watching the show with Nancy. I still learn techniques from her. I hope the quilt show happens in person this year. I really miss coming to Wisconsin for this.

  • Donna W
    January 4, 2022

    2021 was a confusing year in so many ways. Looking forward to a better 2022 with lots of quilting. Enjoy watching the reruns of Sewing with Nancy on PBS.

  • Rose Nell Burnett
    January 4, 2022

    I enjoyed reading Nancy’s autobiography. I have been wanting to read her husband’s book with the rest of the story. Nancy was an amazing
    lady and an inspiration to millions of sewers worldwide. We all miss her, but we are happy that her family and staff are continuing her legacy.

  • AS
    January 4, 2022

    Enjoyed Nancy’s TV shows.

  • Kathy Rowland
    January 4, 2022

    2021 was a rough year for so many of us. Our faith and prayers saw us through , as it will in whatever 2022 brings.

  • Bernadette Hodges
    January 4, 2022

    Nancy was an inspiration for many of us. I loved her shows. Hopefully I will be back in my sewing room. This has been a rough 2 years.

  • Deborah Benzi
    January 4, 2022

    Nancy was a true inspiration. She seemed to be a down to earth person with practical ideas. I found it very easy to follow her instructions. She is missed.

  • Kathy Myers
    January 4, 2022

    2021 showed me that sewers are such a generous group of people. I already knew that but it definitely was shown to the world. I am proud to be a part of such a wonderful group of people

  • Susan Du
    January 4, 2022

    I loved seeing the highlighted photos in the year’s review and am looking forward to great things continuing throughout 2022!

  • carol thomas
    January 4, 2022

    I appreciate the professional expertise, quality, and dedication to try to follow Nancy’s dedication to support us in our sewing and quilting journey 2021 and 2022.

  • alice simon
    January 4, 2022

    Nancy’s teaching and helpful hints were so down to earth. I hope that is what her successors plan to continue in her name in 2022. Good luck with the new store and teaching center.

  • Susan
    January 4, 2022

    I grew up in Beaver Dam and would love to keep Nancy’s heritage going.

  • Susan
    January 5, 2022

    2021 brought its challenges and yet, we persevered like Nancy. We welcome 2022 with optimism and face challenges with grace and dignity as Nancy did.

  • Roxie
    January 5, 2022

    “Sew” happy 21 is done! May 22 bring health and happiness to all of you! Happy stitching!

    • Cindy
      January 15, 2022

      I still watch her show on PBS. Looking forward to a healthy 2022.

  • Barbara
    January 5, 2022

    It is so touching that you all remember and continue Nancy’s love of all things sewing. What an amazing tribute to her! Her creative work has always been an inspiration to me. Amazing how many ideas, projects and educational opportunities that she has given us! Thank you Nancy.

  • Smith Janet
    January 5, 2022

    Thanks for keeping Nancy alive in spirit and in sewing! Her legacy will live on forever thanks to you all!

  • Lorraine Sutherland
    January 9, 2022

    Wow! It’s nice to see the variety of positive involvement the Nancy Zeiman team and Stitch It! Sisters had/have in the sewing community. What a wonderful way to honor Nancy. I’m looking forward to tutorials and challenges in 2022.

  • Connie Mantei
    January 10, 2022

    I have enjoy Nancy’s shows, the emails, tutorials, kits and everything Nancy Zieman! Keep them coming!

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