Sew the Absolute Easiest Pillows Ever!

How to Sew Pillows by Nancy Zieman | Sewing With Nancy

Sew the Absolute Easiest Pillows Ever!

How to Sew Pillows by Nancy Zieman | Sewing With Nancy

As the calendar turns to August, it’s time to start thinking back to school. Show your support by making a pillow for a special student in your life. Pillows are a go-to project for any skill level, they’re quickly sewn in most any size, and they can be made in multiple styles!

Tutorials Included

Wrapped Pillow Corners

WrappedPillowCorners Nancy Zieman First

Pillows, collars, and cuffs are just a few of the areas where corners need to be sewn. Cast aside the traditional technique and incorporate Nancy Zieman’s “absolute easiest way” to handle sewing corners. Learn to make crisp pillow corners using this tutorial.

Boxed Pillow Corners

Boxed-Corner Buttonhole Pillow Tutorial/How-To by Nancy Zieman

Give your living space a breath of fresh air by sewing new pillows. These boxed-cornered pillows are almost effortless to make. Learn how to add a nice boxy edge to each of the four corners. Learn how to make the boxed-corner pillows here.

Envelope Pillows LatticePillow NancyZieman

You can, of course, make any pillow design you wish. We thought this easy pattern might spark your creative juices. The Lattice Pillow features four machine appliquéd strips of fabric interlaced on a solid square. The pillow back is created in an envelope style and uses a hook-and-loop closure.

Embroidered Pillow Wraps

How To Make A Pillow Band Wrap by Nancy Zieman
You can easily change your home décor with a little fabric and a great embroidery design with this pillow wrap project. Embroider a seasonal motif on fabric or choose an elegant fabric design to complement your décor. Then, follow these simple directions to create a pillow wrap, or two! We’ve made this pillow wrap two-sided, which will save time, fabric, and add a splash to the family room all year ’round. Find the embroidered pillow wrap tutorial here.

Recycled Button-up Shirt Pillow

LumberjackPillow NancyZieman Lumberjack Pillow—from a flannel shirtWe call this recycled-garment project our Lumberjack Pillow, although you could make this from a loved ones’ shirt and sew a memory pillow as well. The technique used to fit the shirt around the pillow form allows for many shirts and pillow sizes to be created easily.

Throw Pillows Made From Quilt Blocks

Sew a Pillow from a Leftover Orphan Quilt Block Tutorial by Nancy ZiemanAlong our quilting journey, we try new techniques and test interesting ideas. Sometimes these valuable lessons and attempts yield “orphan blocks” or leftover quilt blocks that don’t belong to a larger quilt. Take one or more of these treasured quilt blocks and sew them into throw pillows. It’s an easy idea that doesn’t require any additional quilting! See how easy it is to convert your quilt blocks to pillows using this tutorial.

Pillows from Quilted Fabrics

Making pillows from double-sided prequilted fabrics is easier than you think! Nancy was smitten with the quilted eyeglass frames and polka dot duo from Riley Blake, knowing that a trio of pillows were destined for this playful fabric. Learn how to work with this fabric type in the Pillow Trio Tutorial.

Pillow Size Reference Chart:

Turn Orphan Quilt Blocks into Throw Pillows | Be My Valentine Quilt Block | Nancy Zieman | Sewing With Nancy

Watch Absolute Easiest Way to Sew (Part One, Part Two, and Part Threeon Sewing With Nancy online.


The randomly selected winner of Sew Smart-A Three Season Jacket DVD, from Nancy’s Notions, is Nina. SewSmart AThreeSeasonJacket Her comment is: Not only are your designs interesting and easy to wear, but your pattern directions are excellent. I recommend your patterns to others.


Happy Sewing,

Team Nancy Zieman

Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC.

Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC

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  • Lisa Lamie
    August 21, 2018

    Love the different sized charts to make it faster to get quilting!

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