Easy to Sew Travel Bags with Quilted Fabric

Sew Simple With Rectangles and Squares, a new 3-part series on Sewing With Nancy.

Easy to Sew Travel Bags with Quilted Fabric

Sew Simple With Rectangles and Squares, a new 3-part series on Sewing With Nancy.“I like to sew but I really don’t have the time.” Sound familiar? My Sewing With Nancy three-part series, Sew Simple with Rectangles & Squares, addresses streamlining the process. Change the way you think about projects and patterns. Everything demonstrated is simply cut from rectangles and squares!

The Travel Trio

During this first episode, learn how to create a weekender tote, cosmetic bag, and luggage saddlebag. This travel trio is made using comparable sewing steps, straight stitching, and double-sided quilted fabrics.

Cosmetic Bag

Even if you’ve never sewn before, you can stitch this bag!

Sew Simple With Rectangles and Squares, a new 3-part series on Sewing With Nancy.

Weekender Tote

After learning how to make a simple cosmetic bag, apply many of the same sewing steps to create a Weekender Tote. It’s a super-sized cosmetic bag with the addition of sturdy straps and double pockets.

Sew Simple With Rectangles and Squares, a new 3-part series on Sewing With Nancy.

Luggage Saddle Bag

For ease of travel, make a saddlebag for your carry-on luggage or rolling case. Two sizes of bags are attached with connector straps.

Sew Simple with Rectangles and Squares, a 3-part Sewing With Nancy series.

When not using this handy accessory on your luggage, zip the bags together and it’s a handy shoulder tote.

Sew Simple with Rectangles and Squares, a new 3-part Sewing With Nancy series.

Sewing With Nancy Trivia—This photo was quickly taken on the Sewing With Nancy set. Notice the tape on the floor? Those are the positioning marks for my chair in the Nancy’s Corner area. We had to move the chair in order to take the photo. Now you see how we keep all our props and furniture in the right place!

Watch Sew Simple with Rectangles & Squares (Part OnePart Two, and Part Three) on Sewing With Nancy.

Sew Simple With Rectangles and Squares, a 3-part Sewing With Nancy series

12 Complete Projects in Sew Simple with Rectangles & Squares

All the projects featured in the three-part series, plus a bonus, are included in the book, Sew Simple with Rectangles & Squares.

Sew Simple with Rectangles and Squares, a new 3-part Sewing With Nancy series

Bye for now,

Nancy Zieman The Blog

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  • JaneH
    February 11, 2016

    I love the saddle bags! I never have enough hands in the airport and these would be perfect.

  • Carol P
    February 11, 2016

    I like the weekend tote, it would be what I would use the most. The saddle bags is a great idea! Never thought of that! I don’t fly a lot, but I could see where it would be these would be handy.

  • Sally Groff
    February 11, 2016

    The Weekender Tote is my favorite pattern of the 3. A girl can never have too many totes! I use them all the time! 🙂

  • Kimberly Hubbard
    February 11, 2016

    I love these bags. I have seen some of the other sew easy with rectangles and squares on some of your other shows. All of the projects are useful in everyday life. I travel regularly and the addition of the travel accessories will come in handy. Thank you Nancy!!

  • Bonnye
    February 11, 2016

    I like the cosmetic bag. It would keep all my small items organized in my purse.

  • Debra
    February 11, 2016

    The luggage saddle bag is great. I like its’ duo purpose feature–zip the two bags together and I have a handy tote! Thanks for the giveaway Nancy.

  • Barbara Jackson
    February 11, 2016

    I like the cosmetic bag. It’s just the right size to keep lots of stuff collected in one place without being bulky. Thanks for the simple projects – I can sew but it’s nice to have projects that don’t take all day!

  • Mary S
    February 11, 2016

    The cosmetics bag reminds me of one of my first projects learning to sew when I was in jhs I am a new empty nester and want to start sewing again. These are great first projects. I am thrilled that I found Nancy to help me get started. The saddlebag might also work on a bicycle.

  • Cheryl M
    February 11, 2016

    I work in a Sales/Marketing department and we are all “road warriors” and I think all of these bags are super and would make great Christmas gifts…it would take me that long to make all of them!

  • Mom C
    February 11, 2016

    Weekender Tote for me. I am always looking for the perfect bag for overnights and to carry on planes. It has to be big, but not too big, able to carry just a little or a lot and fit under my seat. I like zippers to secure things and I can always add pockets. Looks great. Thanks.

  • Pat
    February 11, 2016

    My favorite is the weekender tote. It uses the same process learned in the cosmetic bag but extends it to make the tote. I must admit I am ashamed to say I may very well use this tote as my handbag! Thanks for the cute and clever design.

  • Kathleen Swinkowski
    February 11, 2016

    I love the cosmetic bag. All are beautiful and so useful. And I really love the fabric that was used.

  • Nancy
    February 11, 2016

    I’m intrigued by the luggage saddle bag and look forward to trying it.

  • Lynn Aronson
    February 11, 2016

    I think my favorite would be the fabric bin organizers. I do wish you would make an addendum pattern for lids! I would make them to organize my craft and sewing room ( it has taken me almost 45 years to finally get after raising 5 children and my in laws lived with us for many years), not to mention gifts for others!

  • Marcia
    February 11, 2016

    I love the options of many bags. My first choice would be the weekend tote, I have a large stash and could pick my favorite colors. Thank you.

  • Jean
    February 11, 2016

    The weekend tote is on my to-do list! It would make a great gift as well.

  • RuthAnn
    February 11, 2016

    I love all of them, but my favorite is the cosmetic bag. My granddaughter is of an age where she carries needful items when she visits or goes on a sleepover. This would come in handy for her. And, as an aside, I like the way you use different colored tissue paper for each project!

  • Debe
    February 11, 2016

    I like the tote but haven’t made it, but I made the wall pockets & the baskets from this series. They went together really easy & look so nice. I added machine embroidery to the fronts of them.

  • Diane C
    February 11, 2016

    Luggage Saddle Bag

  • Linda Brngal
    February 11, 2016

    I love the saddle-bag. I don’t use too many cosmetics, but the saddle-bag looks like it would be a best seller.

  • Joyce
    February 11, 2016

    Definitely the weekend tote. It would be perfect for a plane trip!

  • Bertie S
    February 11, 2016

    I love the fabric bins, you can personalize them and the closet organizer, going to make one for my stabilizers.
    Nancy, you make all projects so easy to follow with step by step instructions. Have loved watching you for years.

  • Brenda P
    February 11, 2016

    I really like the caddy and fabric boxes. I went to the Nancy’s Notions website to read more about the book and DVD also. I love ALL the projects and the variety of uses. The caddy can be used for jewelry or quilting supplies when I visit my friend up north and we sew together. Fabric + Friends = FUN!!! 🙂

  • Leslie Walker
    February 11, 2016

    I like the make-up travel bag…I currently use large ziplock bags, but have had to endure the cheeky comments of my sister and daughter…

  • Carol
    February 11, 2016

    I love the trio totes and also love the simplicity of squares and rectangles. Can never have too many bags especially with all the electronics and their accessories that we seem to collect.

  • Camille
    February 11, 2016

    Love to make bags of any kind but the cosmetic bag is my favorite in this series.

  • Peggy
    February 11, 2016

    I love the weekend tote. Such great instructions. I think this would be great to create so many uses.

  • ValerieB
    February 11, 2016

    Well, it’s really not fair to choose when I like all of them; however, since I need a new cosmetic bag, I’d really like to make that first.

  • Mary
    February 11, 2016

    The fabric totes. They work great. I agree lids would be useful. I think this will be my Christmas gift this year to the female relatives in my family. Would also be great Secret Santa gifts.

  • Helen Stewart
    February 11, 2016

    My first to make would be the fabric bin organizers as I have a small room to organize since we moved to smaller home. Then I always like to make totes of many sizes.

  • Karen Nelson
    February 11, 2016

    I love the luggage saddlebags!!
    My daughter just came back from Florida. I want to make her one!!
    Very innovative!!
    She’ll love it!!

  • Sharon E
    February 11, 2016

    The basket would look great in my sewing room.

  • Starla
    February 11, 2016

    I love the idea of the luggage saddlebags!

  • Dawn
    February 11, 2016

    I have your book and CD for the bag patterns. However I can’t find the great quilted fabric like you used. HELP.

    • Louise Johnson
      February 11, 2016

      I agree with you, Dawn. It took me a long time to find fabric that I really liked. I love the fabric Nancy used; I would make a whole set of everything in that fabric if I could buy it!

  • Sherry Bartlett
    February 11, 2016

    I’d love to make the luggage saddlebags first, then the tote and cosmetic bag. They are beautiful!

  • Dawn Weideman
    February 11, 2016

    Love the idea of just using squares and rectangles. The weekender bag would be great for all of the “stuff” I find I need to travel with after my luggage is full.

  • Louise Johnson
    February 11, 2016

    I cannot decide which project is my favorite. I have made two saddlebags: one using a couple clearance quilted table runners and another using tapestry home decor fabric. Of course neither one is exactly to Nancy’s specific directions, but they both are great, and I have received numerous positive comments about them — lots of promo for Nancy!
    Then I have also made the tote which has been an extremely practical catch-all flight bag. I added a band across one of the outer pockets to put over my luggage handle for stability while rolling through the airport. I cannot decide!
    Best of all, finding or creating the perfect ribbon/fabric combo is very rewarding. One time I used a decorative stitch on a smaller plain ribbon over a larger plain ribbon to tie the whole look together better.
    It is all great (and practical) fun!

  • Marty
    February 11, 2016

    I’ll make a saddlebag first!

    February 11, 2016

    Oh, that is easy, The Luggage Saddle Bag would be the first that I want to make.

  • Jean Palionis
    February 11, 2016

    What a great idea! I definately will make the weekender…so feminine

  • Gail Beam
    February 11, 2016

    I think the saddle bag is Awesome!! Perfect accessory for all types of things, such as a book, magazine, paper, gum, candy snacks, toys for kids, etc. to make layovers and airport time pass quickly and you don’t have to lug it around the airport because it fits on your luggage!!. I would love to win this book and CD.

  • Bear Angel
    February 11, 2016

    I love the Saddle Bag. I could really use it when I go to Quilt of Valor retreats. Especially with all of the extra things I have to bring besides my sewing equipment.

  • Sharon Kirby
    February 11, 2016

    Love these projects. They make great gifts as well.

  • Berenice
    February 11, 2016

    The weekender! My child travels between our house & her job twice a week. Does not need a big suitcase. Then those Saddlebags!

  • Tina
    February 11, 2016

    Wow! Really like all the projects but would pick the saddle bag if I had to choose.

  • Peggy
    February 11, 2016

    I would do the saddlebags first. Our granddaughter travels with her two little ones by herself often, her husband’s job does not permit him to stay on a visit as long as she can. She would be able to use the saddlebags in so many ways to make
    traveling easier for her.

  • KayZee
    February 11, 2016

    They’d all be useful, but I especially like the Weekender Tote.

  • Christina Gonzalez
    February 11, 2016

    I love the Weekender Tote. All of them are bags I would love to make.

  • Joyce Fitzgerald
    February 11, 2016

    I can hardly wait for spring break so my granddaughter and I can make the weekend tote

  • Mary Wippold
    February 11, 2016

    My favorite is the weekend tote. I can think of so many ways to use it-a shopping tote, storage for projects in progress, a book bag, etc. Honestly, who couldn’t use another tote?

  • Amy
    February 11, 2016

    I like the saddlebag, such a great idea, with multiple functions and uses.

  • Michelle
    February 11, 2016

    I think the weekender tote looks like something I could use a lot

  • Lillian K
    February 11, 2016

    The Luggage Saddle Bag is really a clever idea. And of course I could always use another tote!!

  • Mary Grace Ronan
    February 12, 2016

    I love to sew w/rectangles & squares & quilted fabric…would sew love to win!

  • Margaret Kohnke
    February 12, 2016

    I love the week ender tote. It is so perfect in size and would be a great gift.

  • Enid
    February 12, 2016

    I have made the cosmetic bag. You cannot make it like the picture, because the instructions have the zipper on the top.

  • Sherry Manning
    February 12, 2016

    Useful and pretty projects… exactly what I love!

  • Jackie Taxter
    February 12, 2016

    Would love to make the saddle bag. Thanks for an opportunity to win the book.

  • Linda Napiantek
    February 12, 2016

    I love that cosmetic bag. That pattern can be used as a clutch with other fabrics.

  • Linda
    February 13, 2016

    The weekender bag is a perfect size for short trips to visit my grandchildren. I would love to win, I have some double sided quilt fabric that is just waiting for a pattern!

  • Jan
    February 13, 2016

    I’m nuts about bags!!
    I try to make as many as I can! Your creativity blows me away! Love them all.

  • Mary S
    February 13, 2016

    All the bags are great, I can’t wait to make them all. I can see many uses for the saddlebag. Having worked in healthcare, the saddlebag would be a great accessory for walkers and wheelchairs.

  • Kay Strand
    February 13, 2016

    Saddlebag! But love all the projects

  • Barb
    February 13, 2016

    I could use a weekender bag, but I would also make the cosmetic bags. I love to make and give those with a gift card inside for Christmas, b-days, etc.

  • Lorij
    February 14, 2016

    I like the weekend toe and saddle bag. They are all really nice. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I hope that you are doing well.

  • connie
    February 16, 2016

    The saddle bag is my favorite project listed.

  • Kim H
    February 16, 2016

    I love the luggage saddle bag! That is unique.

  • Deanna
    February 25, 2016

    I love the weekends tote. Can’t wait to make it.

  • Deanna
    February 25, 2016

    I love the weekender tote. Can’t wait to make it.

  • Suzanne. Tetreault
    March 4, 2016

    I like the saddle bags attached to your luggage.

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