Wind Chime Quilt—Fresh for Spring

Quick Column Quilts by Nancy Zieman

Wind Chime Quilt—Fresh for Spring

Quick Column Quilts by Nancy Zieman As you probably know, I am a big fan of making interesting projects with quick methods. Sometimes, like many of you, I just do not have the time to devote to a complex intricate design. When I started designing quilts with columns instead of traditional quilt blocks, my head spun with ideas and I found the designs appeared complex and intricate, with ease of construction. Welcome to the third blog post and third Sewing With Nancy episode in the series on my book on Quick Column Quilts.

Wind Chime Column Quilt

Quick Column Quilts by Nancy Zieman The wind chimes hanging from our deck served as the inspiration for this Wind Chime Column Quilt. Just like real wind chimes, the angled accent pieces, seem to move as if gently nudged by the wind. Here’s a little preview of how I designed this column quilt.

  • Auditioning fabrics: You’ll learn how to use a print fabric to audition other fabrics to see if they’re compatible. The striped fabric served as the color inspiration for this quilt. All of the “wind chime fabrics” came from my stash.

Quick Column Quilts by Nancy Zieman

  • Waste not want not: Since some of the fabrics were short on yardage, I designed a way to use every inch of a strip. You’ll have to tune into the show to learn this technique. It’s easier to see it demonstrated than to write about it. Just call me lazy!

Quick Column Quilts by Nancy Zieman

Folded Flying Geese Wall Hanging

Quick Column Quilts by Nancy ZiemanNo half-square triangles are needed to make these artistic Flying Geese. Start with squares, fold three times, and presto the folded triangles create 3-dimensional Flying Geese. Plus, the background columns are not cut, but rather one piece of fabric. Hmm, it’s kinda interesting.

Floating Squares Column Quilt

Quick Column Quilts by Nancy Zieman

This double-sized quilt looks difficult to make, but not so! The darker squares float on the light background of the quilt top, made with some creative cutting and sewing of crosswise strips. Not to worry; you will not be required to cut squares. I’ve opted for a quick-to-make column quilt!

13 Quilt patterns are detailed in the book, Quick Column Quilts.

Quick Column Quilts by Nancy Zieman

Bye for now,

Nancy Zieman The Blog

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  • Carol P
    March 17, 2016

    I like the wind chime quilt, love the look and name!

  • Lori Rogers
    March 17, 2016

    I love this quilt as it is modern and quick! I make donation quilts for the teen oncology department of a near by hospital so “modern and quick” is perfect for me!

  • Diane C
    March 17, 2016

    The wind chime quilt but also the flying geese

  • Robyn
    March 17, 2016

    Love the floating squares column quilt. It’s beautiful and I love your color choices.

  • Martha Drabiski
    March 17, 2016

    I love all of these quilts. I think they are perfect, love the quilting.

  • Jo
    March 17, 2016

    I have always wanted to try the floating squares quilt think about black with bright squares !

  • Margaret C.
    March 17, 2016

    The wind chime quilt evokes movement. I am swaying towards it.

  • Karen
    March 17, 2016

    I like all of the quilts would be great to win the book. I think my favorite would be the wind chime.

  • Cyndi
    March 17, 2016

    The original column quilt is so inspiring. When I am reading your website I am inspired. This book and your instructions make these patterns all seem possible and not overwhelming.

    Thank you for the give away.

  • Joy
    March 17, 2016

    Love the wind chime quilt!

  • sandy haber
    March 17, 2016

    I like the wind chime quilt the best. We have a small hanging wind chime on our porch, I love the sound. Looks like once the fabrics are chosen that the quilt will go together relatively quickly — always a plus!!


  • Marianne
    March 17, 2016

    I rather like the wind chime quilt but color choices make all the difference! Your technique of choosing a multi color print and picking colors from that piece is both ingenious and foolproof. Thanks Nancy for designing patterns for today’s busy quilter. Gives us equal time for gardening.

  • Tammy Kazmierczak
    March 17, 2016

    Definitely the wind chime quilt. I love the diagonal aspect within the columns.

  • Kate
    March 17, 2016

    I’ve already drawn the wind chime out on my computer
    Your quilt is perfect as it is, but I thought about adding a fine cord or even a zig zag stitch as a “string” connecting the chimes. If only I had a 10th of your talent Nancy. Blessings to you

  • MaryEllen
    March 17, 2016

    It’s so hard to decide which is one , but I like the floating squares !
    Thanks for the giveaway

  • Erin Dumont
    March 17, 2016

    I love the simplicity of the floating squares quilt. Two-color quilts are always very striking!

  • Peg Whitham
    March 17, 2016

    I am in lust for the Wind Chime quilt. We’rerefreshing our master bedroom in a beachy theme and wind chimes for right into that theme.

  • Debora Nipper
    March 17, 2016

    I don’t know if i could choose, but the floating squares seems to have LOTS of possibilities!

  • Thunder
    March 17, 2016

    The geese intrigue me, but when I saw floating squares… I had an instant vision of bright green squares, with a silver grey background !
    Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book.
    You are always a great inspiration. 😉

  • Penny Duane
    March 17, 2016

    I love the floating squares. It’s symmetric and I love, love, love white and blue together. It looks so clean and fresh.

  • vera schmidt
    March 17, 2016

    I like all of them but my favorite is Folded Flying Geese wall hanging. I have a strong preference to flying geese quilts/wall hangings. Thanks for giving us the chance to win the book

  • Alisa Vogt
    March 17, 2016

    I love the wind chime quilt. It may have something to do with the color, but I do think it’s a pattern that I could manage to do! 🙂

  • Joanne P.
    March 17, 2016

    Like them all, but the flying geese is my favorite!

  • Mickie McElroy
    March 17, 2016

    I love the wind chimes quilt. It’s a refreshing new idea. i can see it as a wall hanging. I have a notion to do it as hanging with free strips hanging on top. Then, I would hang it on the wall on my porch so the strips could move in the wind like a wind chime.

  • Constance Hill
    March 17, 2016

    I really like the Wind Chime quilt. It makes me think of the soft breezes that send the music of the wind chimes in the air.

  • Constance Hill
    March 17, 2016

    I really like the Wind Chime quilt. It makes me think of the soft breezes that move the chimes.

  • Ellen
    March 17, 2016

    Love the Wind Chime quilt, looks whimsical!

  • Jean Palionis
    March 17, 2016

    I do believe that of your beautiful quilt designs, I really would like to try the wind chime colum quilt. They all are so pretty it is hard to pick just one. Having your book will give me plenty of choises! Thank you for offering.

  • Earlene Ginter
    March 17, 2016

    Could I use double knit (have gobs)?

  • Bonnie C
    March 17, 2016

    With wind chimes being one of my favorite things, my choice is definitely Wind Chimes. It’s just a breath of spring is on it’s way!

  • Kathy Grant
    March 17, 2016

    Hard to pick just one – but I really like the wind chime quilt – and it may be the colors speaking to me. Thanks for sharing and for all you do to make quilting such a pleasure!

  • Cheryl
    March 17, 2016

    I have always wanted to do a flying geese quilt but have not wanted to do all the piecing. Thanks for your easy and inspirational methods.

  • Mickie
    March 17, 2016

    I really like the wind chime quilt. It’s a refreshing new idea. I have an image of it as a wall hanging, with strips on top of the colors, I would hang it on the wall of my porch, so the strips could blow in the win a la wind chimes.

  • Starla
    March 17, 2016

    My favorite is Floating Squares, but I’m intrigued by the flying geese column quilt, as well.

  • margaret
    March 17, 2016

    I like the folded flying geese best – the geese have always been a favorite

  • Candice
    March 17, 2016

    For some reason, the Floating Squares calls to me, but the Wind Chime is a very, very close second. I will be checking this book out, and looks like I’ll be adding it to my collection!

  • Mary B
    March 17, 2016

    Love the floating squares. The use of just two fabrics is so dramatic while making fabric choice so very easy! Love it, love it!

  • Carol in Arkansas
    March 17, 2016

    I LOVE the flying geese. Just beautiful. Thanks for the chance at the book.

  • Mary Daum
    March 17, 2016

    At the age of 60+ I’m fairly new to Quilting, and am self taught. No sewing background of any kind. Most of inspiration comes from blogs, you tube, and magazines. I love the quilts from Nancy but my mind is set on making the wind chime quilt. It “talks to me”, and will be my next project. Have my fabric in washer as I write this. Yea! I’m so excited.

  • Arline Bivins
    March 17, 2016

    I LOVE the Wind Chime Column Quilt Pattern. I’m new to quilting and would love to make for my Granddaughter who is graduating high school in June. I’ve bought several fabrics themed in Music and was having trouble picking a pattern I thought she would love. This is it!
    Thank you Nancy for all the help and creativity you do.

  • Jelinda P.
    March 17, 2016

    I would love to make the Windchimes quilt using fabrics the colors of sea glass.

  • Debra
    March 17, 2016

    I’ve sewn lots of quilts but have never done the column method- it looks fun and easy to do and a good way to use up some of those “saved” pieces we all have. I think I’ll try the wind chimes pattern first. Thanks for the inspiration, Nancy!

  • Cathy M
    March 17, 2016

    I love your blog posts as much as I love to watch Sewing with Nancy! The quilt that I am most interested in making is the Flying Geese Wallhanging. I struggle with traditional flying geese – keeping them square and uniform. I’d like to try this different technique! Thank you.

  • Kathy
    March 17, 2016

    I really like the flying geese the best, although the purity of the two colour floating squares is very appealing also. If I win the book, I will just have to make both of them! Thanks Nancy!

  • Rhonda D in KY
    March 17, 2016

    I really like the Wind Chime quilt. It reminds me of the wind chimes that I need to get out and hung for the spring and summer seasons.

  • ines
    March 17, 2016

    WINDCHIMES…I can see a lovely quilt in the desert SouthWest colors

  • Ann Fredrickson
    March 17, 2016

    I love the wind chime quilt. It looks modern bur not stark. I feel most contemporary quilts look cool and aloof but this quilt projects warmth and comfort.

  • Pat Foht
    March 17, 2016

    I do really like them all, but the floating squares just intrigued me, so I would start there first!
    Thanks for the inspiration Nancy.

  • Tina
    March 17, 2016

    I really like Floating Squares. Looks so fresh. Thanks for the chance

  • Bonnye
    March 17, 2016

    I like the floating squares. It looks clean and neat.

  • Janis Turocy
    March 17, 2016

    I can just picture the wind chime Quilt in silver, grey and black. A nighttime wind chime, if you will.

  • tammy wright
    March 17, 2016

    I personally love the floating squares quilt. reminds me of water or oil flowing done strings on fixtures with lighting. That was popular back in the 70’s. So beautiful.

  • tammy wright
    March 17, 2016

    I personally love the floating squares quilt. reminds me of water or oil flowing down strings on fixtures with lighting. That was popular back in the 70’s. So beautiful.

  • Diane F
    March 17, 2016

    I love the floating squares. Could be floating triangles, rectangles, trapezoids. I love the two-color rendition, but think I would do this in a variety of brights, or a single colorway of blues or pinks and reds, or a variety of blues, mixing prints and solids. GREAT possibilities for imagination!

  • Linda Morales
    March 17, 2016

    Because I need to pick one….I would have to pick the flying geese, and this wasn’t easy.

  • Linda
    March 17, 2016

    I liked the “Folded Flyng Geese” quilt the best.

  • Shirley Marvin
    March 18, 2016

    While I like all of the quilts I really like the triangles the best.

  • Shirley Marvin
    March 18, 2016

    My vote is for the triangle quilt. Love it..

  • Donna McGraw
    March 18, 2016

    I would do the windchimes first .To use up my scraps. I do like them all though. They would all be good to use up some of my scraps.

  • Brenda
    March 18, 2016

    I love the wind chime quilt.

  • Pat McCoy
    March 18, 2016

    I love the wind chimes. The colors you display are beautiful. Reminds me of summer and my granddaughter Summer. She passed away suddenly, shockingly in August. She loved wind chimes. we have them every where.

  • ella ruth
    March 18, 2016

    The choice was easy for me. I love listening to wind chimes. The sound is so soothing. Wind chimes it is. But flying geese has always been a little scary for me so there’s the geese, then the floating blocks are something else too. I like the quilting on the floating blocks. I just like them all. Thank you for sharing with us. : )

  • bonnie glover
    March 18, 2016

    your making it hard to choose , it’s a close up but I like the folded fly geese

  • Vicki H
    March 18, 2016

    I love flying geese, but the Wind Chime quilt is my favorite.

  • Sandy K
    March 18, 2016

    Not an easy choice, I like the Wind Chime quilt most.

  • Bonnie Sutton
    March 18, 2016

    The color of the Chime Quilt caught my eye first ,because turquoise is my favorite. When I read how easy it goes together,I was sold! Thanks for all your great ideas.

  • Linda Conner
    March 18, 2016

    I love the Folded Flying Geese !! I am just starting on my Quilting journey and have only sewn a couple of wall quilts. But have wanted to start a Flying Geese quilt from the beginning. This is the perfect pattern for me !! Thank you for helping all of us with your patterns and advise !!

  • Bev Hancox
    March 18, 2016

    Too many beautiful quilts, but the floating squares column quilt really jumped out at me. It would make a unique wall hanging as well. Thank you so much for all the inspiration you provide.

  • Lillian K
    March 18, 2016

    Folded Flying Geese appeals to me. All of the Quilts are beautiful, though. Hard to choose.

  • Christine
    March 19, 2016

    Folded Flying Geese is my favorite. I’d make this into a quilt.

  • Brenda L. Pedersen
    March 19, 2016

    As much as I like the Floating Squares Column Quilt, I have to say the Wind Chime Column Quilt is my fave. I like the design and especially all the different fabrics. I can just visualize it in brights as well as batiks!

  • Enid
    March 21, 2016

    I like the wind chime quilt.

  • Pat Howell
    March 22, 2016

    The folding flying geese is my favorite of the quilts shown. I would love to make this quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.

  • Pat
    March 22, 2016

    I like the flying geese wall hanging the best. I would love to make this quilt. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  • Karen payton
    March 22, 2016

    The wind chime quilt looked fun and easy since I’m a beginner

  • Susan Lytle
    March 31, 2016

    I like the wind chime quilt, but all the column quilts look interesting.

  • Nancy Lenz
    April 4, 2016

    I love the flying geese quilt. It immediately took me back to fall days as a child in the north. Living in southernmost Texas I miss the changing seasons most of all.

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