Use Precut Fabric for Speedy Projects
Specialty cuts of coordinated fabrics wrapped in a bundle, are a common, convenient way to test out a new fabric line. Think of the gift of potential! But that potential can be elusive if you’re hesitant to untie the ribbon and create something special. On today’s episode of Sewing With Nancy, Maria DeGroot, a teacher who specializes in making quilt projects from fabric bundles, joins Nancy Zieman. Watch the first episode of this NEW! three-part series—Precut Fabric for Speedy Projects.
Before her monthly quilting club meeting, Maria searches for a bundle of precut fabrics. She dreams of what could be made from the stack of 40 cuts, then she puts that dream into reality. Bundles of 5″ squares are an ideal starting point for a quilt. Most of the fabrics used in our featured projects were precut! You don’t need to make decisions on which fabrics go together. Plus, most of the cutting work is complete.
Precut Reference
We’ll be using precut fabrics throughout this three-part series of Sewing With Nancy. If you’re curious what we mean by “precut fabrics,” here’s a quick reference:
- 5″ squares: Charm Packs or 5″ Stackers
- 10″ squares: Layer Cakes, Ten Squares, or 10″ Stackers
- 2-1/2″ squares: Mini-Charms
- Fat Quarter: 18″ x 22″
- 2-1/2″ strips: Jelly Rolls, Roll-ups, Design Rolls, Rolie Polie
- 5″ strips: Dessert Rolls, Charm Rolls
- 1-1/2″ strips: Honey Buns, Skinny Strips
- 6″ triangles and hexagons are also available, but not in this series.
Charm Pack Scramble Quilt
By mixing one charm pack and two pieces of cut yardage, cream and rose, the first quilt creates a very orderly random quilt. Sounds like a paradox, but the random placement of each 5″ square keeps the quilt moving and coordinated while the rose and cream fabrics bring order to the design. Marie will show us how easy this quilt is to make on today’s episode.
Charm Pack Scramble Variations
It’s amazing how cutting a basic 9-patch block into four sections and then shuffling the components can change the design of a quilt block. Now expand that concept, making a Charm Pack Double Scramble block. It’s a super-sized block that looks complicated, but that’s easily created by thinking outside the box. You won’t want to miss the magic on today’s NEW! Sewing With Nancy episode.
Maria and Nancy show you how to assemble and stitch the basic 9-patch block. It is the stepping-stone for a much more complicated-looking design. Notice, we said “complicated-looking.” Of course the actual block couldn’t be easier!
Fours the Charm Quilt
Stitch four 5″ blocks together into a traditional arrangement, then see what possibilities await you. A simple cut from point to point and the addition of a strip, turn what was once a basic 4-patch block into the Fours the Charm block. See how easy it is to cut and add the strip on today’s new episode, Precut Fabric for Speedy Projects on Sewing With Nancy.
Basic block construction coupled with a secondary cut or two is the key to producing interesting quilts with charm packs. Give it a try!
Precut Fabrics for Speedy Projects Book Includes:
- Nancy Zieman and guest Maria DeGroot showing how to use precut fabric packages for a variety of projects
- Incorporating precut fabric options—5″ squares, 10″ squares, 2-1/2″ strips—with yardage to quickly create coordinated projects
- Easy techniques to give 9-patch blocks a whole new look
- Quickly making volumes of half-square triangles from 10″ precut squares to arrange in modern blocks
- Giving a new twist to a traditional Log Cabin block, complete with on-point layout and setting triangles
- Creating gussets to form totes
- Using alternative fabrics (flannel and fusible foam) as batting
- “Quilt-as-you-go,” using the wobble stitch
- Making and positioning straps for totes
- The following projects:
- Charm Pack Scramble Quilt and variations
- Four’s the Charm Quilt
- Chocolate Cake with Sprinkles Quilt
- Quarter Log Cabin Quilt
- Charming Tote
- Strip by Strip Reversible Quilt
- Split and Spin Pinwheel Quilt
- Quilt & Go Tote
Watch Precut Fabrics for Speedy Projects (Part One and Part Two) on Sewing With Nancy online.
For a chance to win a copy of the new book, Precut Fabrics for Speedy Projects from Nancy’s Notions, leave a comment sharing which type of precut you purchase most often.
The randomly selected winner a copy of Adventures with 5-inch Fabric Squares from Mary Mulari is Kathryn Smotryski.
Her comment is, “I’d do the scissor pocket. It would be nice to have one to hang around my neck as I sew my bindings, embroider, or hem a pair of slacks.”
Happy Sewing,
Team Nancy Zieman
Nancy Zieman Productions, LLC.
Anne Z
I like to purchase 2-1/2″ jelly roll strips. I can use them in so many different ways.
I love precut fabric, and tend to buy charm packs the most.
Maureen. Bearb
This sounds like a wonderful book. How can I order one .
Marilyn logan
I use mostly charm packs and layer cakes
I enjoy working with precuts for it saves me so much time and the cutting is completed for me. So many cute ideas using precuts.
Laura Palulis
I like to purchase layer cakes, and I can make a quick button quilt in an afternoon. Each one makes a unique gift for someone on my list. Because there is such a variety of coordinated fabrics in the layer cake, it is more economical and easier than purchasing the appropriate fabric in yardage.
Carol Netzler
I have purchased charm packs in the past. Believe it or not they’re still in my stash. I guess I need to try one of these projects!
I don’t often purchase precuts, but with a book full of great ideas I’d be doing just that. I particularly like the charm pack scramble. I’d love to make that first.
Nancy Parrish
Fat quarters are the most common pre-cut I purchase. I have purchased strips and a 10 inch package in the past. Seems I always wish I had more of the fabrics.
Ann West
I love all the precuts but I particularly like jelly rolls because of their versatility. Thanks for the opportunity.
Linda murphy
I really like this idea of using precuts
I’ve only used precuts a couple of times and they were strips
I almost always purchase Jelly Rolls. After viewing this episode I bought a couple of Charm Packs and made a 9-Patch lap quilt. The results were beautiful!
I like fat quarters and 10″ squares.
I purchase fat quarters the most. Thanks for the chance to win.
I use the 2 1/2″ strips most often. I find they are easy to use for a number of sub cut shapes. My eyes have been opened, however, with this series about how useful the 5″ and 10″ squares can be.
Nancy Drake
Jelly rolls are my preferred pre cuts.
Hannah W
I have a few of everything, mostly I get fat quarters
Rosalind Gutierrez
Since I like to create baby quilts, I buy more charm packages & also 10″ layer cakes which I cut into charms.
Susan Spiers
Fat quarters – just enough for what I am making!
Kathie Bachelet
2 1/2 jelly rolls. Can make fast baby blankets or adult throws very quickly and everything is already coordinated for you.
I think I have more layer cakes, they seem the most versatile I can cut into squares if needed.
Margaret Lawrence
By far my favorite pre-cut is the 2 1/2” strip (but the 5” square is definitely a contender!). I would love to see the suggestions in this book for creating beautiful things with these pre-cuts…thanks for the cahance to win!
Linda Roetman
I have a huge supply of at quarters that I need to use. I do love the charm squares an mini squares but I need some inspiration for what to make with them. Winning this book would give me the inspiration to do that. I appreciate the chance to win this wonderful book. Thank you!
Sherril McGann
I tend to buy charm packs. They are fairly inexpensive and you get a piece of each fabric.
Sally Maxwell
I’m a first-time quilt maker. HELP!
Judy Johnson
I love the precuts. I have eye limitations and they help me get a true cut each time I use them. I have a supply of 5″ (lots),
10″, 2-1/2 strips, and fat quarters. I even buy some yardage to go with the precuts. I say I use the Jelly Rolls the most and purchase them more often.
I tend towards fat quarters, although jelly rolls come in a close second. Now if I ‘d only use them!
Marti Meadows
I love jelly rolls!
I do buy precuts of all types, but the ones I find most useful for a variety of projects are fat quarter cuts. Their larger basic size enables me to use them in a wider variety of subcuts. But I constantly search for good books with patterns for using all types of precuts, so I hope to win this book.
I like the fat quarters. You can make larger projects, but still do the small projects with them.
Kathryn Englebretsen
I buy fat quarters but am ready to try charms and other precuts to make faster quilts. Cutting isn’t my favorite part of quilting.
Donna W
I buy fat quarters most of the time. But, I also buy charm packs to use for table runners/toppers.
Bonnie Kirkpatrick
I find the 10 inch squares have the most patterns so I buy them the most. I like jelly rolls as well.
Ennis A
I’ve used 10 inch squares. But would love to use the 5 inch to make the Fours the Charm!!! Love it!!! Thanks.
I buy fat quarters as I prefer to pre wash my fabrics. Have bought charms to add colour to applique quilts or because the line is so darn lovely I can’t resist.
I just started sewing. And precuts are great!
I’m a new sewer so precuts. Are the way to go
beth d.
I purchase mostly jelly rolls
I have enjoyed using charm packs, jelly rolls, and layer cakes, but prefer the layer cakes because they are more versatile.
Brenda Ackerman
I love to buy Charm Packs and then mix and match with the scraps that I have trimmed down to 5 inch squares. The Quilt possibilities are endless!
I purchase charm packs when I want to see the whole fabric collection.
I love precuts and purchase charms, layer cakes and jelly rolls frequently. There are so many patterns for them now. What I like about them is that you get a whole line fabric in the bundles.
Brenda Nance
I don’t usually buy precuts but my granddaughter loves fat quarters. She gets them and uses them all the time for burp cloths, tissue holders and quilts. I think I would like the two and a half inch strips.
I have used the 5” square charm packs. I would enjoy trying new ideas.
Margaret C.
I love layer cakes. You have a broader view if you want to fussy cut.
I like the charm squares, 5″ but have my eye on a project where a jellyroll would be ideal. I’ve also been investigating projects with 10″ squares that would be new for me. Thanks.
Betty Tolan
I have never bought charm squares or any of these bundles – with this book I would do so as I would have all the cool ideas!
diane c
2-1/2″ jelly rolls and charm packs are what I buy most
J. Hitt
Have never purchased pre-cut bundles, because didn’t know how to use them. With the ideas in this book I’m sure I would enjoy doing so.
Nancy Ballard
I use the jelly rolls most often., but have also made quilts with the layer cakes and the charm packs.
Therese Bocchino
I have several Charm Packs, but I enjoy getting Jelly Rolls!
Traci Yenni
I’ve purchased many jelly rolls and charm squares. Honestly they are all in my stash waiting to be used. I need a good excuse to open them up.
I do buy precuts when they are great patterns!
I buy all types of pre cuts but have mostly used the jelly rolls. They make beautiful quilts and it’s a lot easier than cutting all those strips yourself.
Venita Abel
I have bought ‘Charm’ size mostly. Love these 2 episodes.
I usually get fat quarters.
I mostly buy fat quarters. They work great for many different projects.
Peggy S
I usually buy charms, but I do buy fat quarters also. I am now
cutting 5″ squares from fabric leftover from projects. I love working with this size and soon be able to do a scrap quilt.
Mary Zana Lawson
I like the charm packs. I do have a jellyfish roll waiting to be used up but the charm packs are my favorite.
I like the idea that the fabric in pre-cuts all coordinate. Something that I feel takes the most time in making a quilt. I love Cake layers!!!
I buy fat quarters from designers that I love and I like 10″ squares or layer cakes. There are many quilt blocks that can be made with a 10″ square.
Lillian K
I purchase more fat quarters than anything else, but charm packs are a close second for me. This book would be very useful.
I purchase mostly fat quarters and even those I hate to cut into.
Gail Beam
If I buy fabric other than by the yard, I buy charm packs and jelly roll strips.
Nancy Palumbo
I am working on two quilts now that use the 2.5 inch strips. I have bought all types of precuts. I like the variety of fabrics and having some of the work done so I can get right to sewing.
Doreen Linehan
I don’t usually buy pre-cuts. I did purchase some fat quarters a few times.
Catherine S.
I use the fat quarter bundles and 2 1/2″ jelly rolls.
I made the quilt using 5″ squares and then cut. Sew again using cuts and making 9 patch again. Beautiful. Love it. Loved Nancy. Enjoy watching. Jean
Michele Cariveau
I love to use jelly rolls. They’re already coordinated, and you can find them in any color you love.:-).
Carol Martineau
I love using all precuts. Less cutting more time to sew…it’s a win win….
The only precut I have ever used is 2 1/2 inch strips. I just did not know what to do with the others! This was a very helpful blog, I think I will try some of the squares next! Thanks. Oh I liked the chart of what size the various pre cuts are…thanks for that too.
Most of quilting supplies are packed for a move to a new state. Pre-cuts are giving me time to create, as my sewing machine is ready to sew. Using 2 1/2” squares to decorate tee towels for my new kitchen.
I usually purchase fat quarters, but I also have some jelly rolls and charm packs. This book would certainly inspire me to try a variety of precuts for my quilting. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Kathryn Smotryski
I’m just getting into pre-cuts this past few years, so Jelly rolls and charm packs are what I’ve been purchasing.
Gina C
I buy layer cakes most often…I can cut into 5″ squares if I need them! So glad to see the new episodes.
Michelle Hall
I am just getting started in quilting so I have bought mostly charm packs and jelly rolls
Christine A
I buy a lot of jellyrolls and charm packs and also pre cut my own from scraps in my spare time !!