Red, White, and Blue Sewing Round-Up

Red, White, and Blue Sewing Round Up by Nancy Zieman - Sewing With Nancy - Red, White, and Blue

Red, White, and Blue Sewing Round-Up

Red, White, and Blue Sewing Round Up by Nancy Zieman - Sewing With Nancy - Red, White, and Blue

Enjoy our July Project Round up featuring projects in Red, White, and Blue!

Quilt To Give

After modifying the original column quilt, I created this super-quick quilt design—to make and donate to individuals and families in need. The quilt is easily made from a fabric stash with perhaps few purchased fabric additions. The center of each column features scrappy patchwork. You can easily create a Quilt to Give by yourself, or invite friends to sew with you. Read more about this project at

Quilt To Give Pattern by Nancy Zieman - Sewing With Nancy - Red, White, and Blue

Sew Stylish Red Wrap

Choose an elegant fabric to wear when you’re out for the evening or select a knit fabric to make your next wrap to keep at your office for those days when the air conditioning is too cool. There are two ways to sew the Aurora Wrap—Mary and I show you both options on this episode of Sewing With Nancy.

Stylish Wrap by Mary Mulari and by Nancy Zieman - Sewing With Nancy - Red, White, and Blue

Soft-Sided Bins

Store craft items, sewing supplies, toiletries, and stationery in these flexible bins. The ready-made pockets give double the storage space. Plus, the bins can be stored flat when not in use. This is recycling at it’s best! When you watch online, you’ll learn the basics of taking apart cast-off jeans, and making something creative. Read more about these denim fabric bins on my blog.

Recycle Denim Fabric Bins by Nancy Zieman - Sewing With Nancy - Red, White, and Blue


Clever Kids at Play Apron

Combine parts of two shirts for this child sized apron included in Sew Green Makeovers. The handy front pocket is the cuff and a portion of a shirt sleeve. The back of this reversible apron features fabric with a Boy Scout theme. The apron ties are grosgrain ribbon and another shirt cuff and sleeve are used for the front pocket. Kids love to have their own aprons, and for these aprons to be memory gifts, the shirts of special adults are terrific sources of fabric. See how the apron is made with a demonstration from Mary Mulari.

2 Apron MaryMulari SewGreen

Sew a Lightweight Jacket

It is never to early to think about your upcoming fall wardrobe! My jacket pattern with The McCall Pattern Company will keep you fashionable and comfy. Pattern M7512 is a tapered jacket with two unique collar options and sleeve lengths—ideal to wear during three seasons. The fabric I chose to use in both versions is ponte knit, a medium weight fabric that stitches like a woven, but drapes like a knit. Look for the pattern at Nancy’s Notions and grab more pattern details on my blog.

M7512 a

“Pop of Color” Cinched Tote

Kicking off this second episode of Nancy’s Favorite Handbag Sewing Techniques is the cinched tote.  A continuous or infinity strap, made with double-quilted fabric, weaves in and out of the grommets providing flexibility and expandability at the same time. It’s easy to make and enjoyable to carry.

Did you know that you can create piping with a serger? You’ll learn this sewing tidbit when you watch the show or follow along in the Nancy’s Favorite Handbag Sewing Techniques book from Nancy’s Notions.

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Super Hero Doll Pattern

Leap tall buildings in a single bound—well, not really. But that’s an option for play! Joan Hind’s super hero pattern can create those playful thoughts, after you spend just a small amount of time doing the stitching! See this costume and many others in her book Doll Costume Dress-Up featured on Sewing With Nancy.

Doll Costume Dress Up as seen on Sewing With Nancy Zieman

Watch Sewing With Nancy online.

Watch Nancy Zieman Videos1


The randomly selected winner of  the Grandmother’s One Patch Template: Tumbler Block from Clover is Ella Ruth.

Her comment was, “Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful tumbler flag. I need to get more red, white, and blue fabric.”

Bye for now,
Nancy Zieman The Blog

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  • Brenda Terrell
    July 8, 2017

    I love this pattern. Looks relatively easy. What a great way to help your community. Thank you for sharing.

  • Gail Beam
    July 8, 2017

    I love those jean fabric bins!

  • Karen Tucker
    July 10, 2017

    Up-cycling at its best! Love old denim jeans – you can do so much with them.

  • Donna Fecteau
    July 11, 2017

    i love the idea of the scrappy column quilt. Awesome!

  • Sharron Coleman
    July 16, 2017

    I saw part 1 of your “Jeans deconstruction” episodes and loved your ideas. It reminded me of another show you aired about making a new garment using a favorite old garment for the pattern. I have been unable to locate and watch it online. Is there any chance you will re-air that show? I would love to make some new maxi skirts that are no longer being sold in stores, before my current ones are too worn out to wear any longer. I’ve already had to retire my favorite maxi denim jumper. I so appreciate your ideas and instruction Nancy! Thank you so much!

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