Quilt With Carefree Curves – Part One

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Quilt With Carefree Curves – Part One

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves TemplatesCurved seams have been in traditional quilt blocks for years. Unfortunately, curved seams are not necessarily fun or fast to sew, until now. Using two squares, yes squares, you can create a 1/4-circle block, similar to the well-known Drunkard’s Path design, without matching any opposing curved seams.

Watch and learn as Nancy Zieman demonstrates the simple machine appliqué technique in this two-part Sewing With Nancy series, Quilt with Carefree Curves. It is the featured online Sewing With Nancy video.

Traditional Curved Piecing Technique

Let’s take a look at the traditionally cut pieces used to make a curved seam block. To sew the seam, opposing curves must be joined. Whenever Nancy tried to sew this seam, she was quite unhappy with the results. She generally avoided all quilt patterns with curved seams, and she’s not alone.

Templates Come to the Rescue

Liking the looks of curved-seamed blocks, but totally not liking the technique, Nancy thought about enlisting the help of a sewing product, fusible interfacing and some unconventional quilting techniques.

Nancy found it easier to trace the curve shape and then sew those curves, rather than working with opposing seams. So, she developed a set of templates, Carefree Curves Quilting Templates. These templates assist you in making traditional to super-sized blocks.

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves TemplatesTo create the 1/4-Circle blocks, Nancy used the circle template, which makes three sizes of blocks: 4-1/2″, 6-1/2″, and 8-1/2″.

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves TemplatesCarefree Curves Quilt Templates Nancy ZiemanHow to Create Carefree 1/4-Circle Blocks

  • For every four blocks cut four background squares, and cut one square to create four 1/4-Circles. The sizes are printed on the template.
  • Cut a square of lightweight fusible interfacing the same size as the 1/4-Circles.
  • Layer the squares (fabric and interfacing), right side of fabric to the smooth side of the interfacing.
  • Place the template on fabric/interfacing squares. Trace circle and quarter markings.

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates

  • Stitch along the traced line.

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates

  • Trim away excess fabric. For best results, use a pinking shears or pinking rotary cutter blade.

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates

  • Align ruler along quarter markings. Cut, using rotary cutter, ruler, and mat.

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates

  • Trim away excess interfacing from the interior, leaving 1″ of interfacing.

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates

  • Turn interfacing to wrong side. For best results, run a smooth edge Hera Marker along the stitching line to define the curve.

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates

  • Press curved edge, making certain seam is at the edge.

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates

  • Pin 1/4-Circle to one corner of the background square. Each sewn/cut circle creates four blocks.Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates
  • Machine stitch 1/4-Circle to block, using a straight stitch, blind hem, or zigzag stitch.

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves TemplatesDesign Options:

When you watch The Best of Sewing With Nancy series, you’ll see all of these steps in motion! Plus, Nancy shows how easy it is to create a variety of designs.

  • 1/4-Circle—you’re not limited to one size of circle. Here Nancy placed the larger 1/4-Circle in one corner of the block and the smallest 1/4-Circle in the opposite corner.

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates

  • Propeller

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates

  • Mohawk Trail

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates

  • Drunkard’s Path

Sewing With Nancy | Nancy Zieman | How To Quilt with Carefree Curves Templates

Watch Quilt with Carefree Curves (Part One and Part Two) on The Best of Sewing With Nancy.

The Best of Sewing With Nancy TV Show hosted by Nancy Zieman

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Nancy Zieman's Giveaway For a chance to win a copy of the Quilt with Carefree Curves book and a set of the Carefree Curves Templates, tell us which Carefree Curve Design from the show is your favorite. Now, we didn’t show you all of them, there are more to see on the TV show! A random winner will be announced August 22.

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 Giveaway Winner 5 131

The randomly selected winner of a copy of The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew from Nancy’s Notions, is Michelle Hall.

The Absolute Easiest Way to Sew by Sewing With Nancy Zieman

Her comment is: Finding time to sew is 1 challenge, the other is doing a fly front zipper. They intimidate me and so I have never tried one.


Happy Sewing!

Team Nancy Zieman

Nancy Zieman Productions. LLC.

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  • Nancy Lewis
    August 8, 2019

    I am really drawn to these designs, but I have always loved the Drunkard’s Path. Great tool and ideas!!

  • Carol Gurges
    August 8, 2019

    I have always wanted to try a drunkard’s path but have always been too “chicken “ to try!

  • Sue Roy
    August 8, 2019

    I’ve sewn curves and these templates & book sure look interesting.

  • Ann West
    August 8, 2019

    I really like the Mohawk Trail pattern. This is a great tool that I should use in the future! Thanks.

  • Sandra N
    August 8, 2019

    I have always wanted to make a drunkards path. This tool looks like the answer to a successful quilt!

  • Sandra C
    August 8, 2019

    I have always wanted to try the Drunkerd’s Path but curves are not my friends so I shy away from them. I am sure the book plus the templates would give me the knowledge and skill to tackle them right. I love the demonstration pictures you have included on doing the curves and cutting into fourths, and have 4 ready to turn, press and sew. Really makes me want to try doing curves for the first time without worrying about puckers. Thank you for the chance to win Nancy’s book and the templates too.

  • Christi
    August 8, 2019

    I love the circles and the split circles. Waxing and waning moon.

  • Lorraine Alves
    August 8, 2019

    Drunkard’s Path is my current favorite. But I must agree, making items with curves test’s my patience.

  • Martha O.
    August 8, 2019

    Interesting technique with new-to-me tools.

  • Lillian Klaeger
    August 8, 2019

    I love how you have made this so easy! I would start with Drunkards Path. Looks like fun!!!!

  • Clovis
    August 8, 2019

    I made the Drunkard Path one way. Can always use another template to make exact circles. Thanks for the chance to win.

  • Dixie
    August 8, 2019

    I love the Drunkard’s Path. Would like to try it.

  • Carol Gurges
    August 8, 2019

    Nancy’s Hearts and Gizzards quilt is beyond beautiful! I am afraid that it might be even more difficult than the Drunkard’d Path. The Propeller quilt would make a nice baby boy ‘s quilt.

  • Janet
    August 8, 2019

    I love the Drunkard’s Path but I keep looking at Propeller — it looks like planets in space to me. I think it would be fun to experiment fabrics that look like stars and planets.

  • Margaret Scott
    August 8, 2019

    Would enjoy making the Mohawk trail. My eye is drawn to the pattern.

  • Pat
    August 8, 2019

    I would love to try the Mohawk Trail. Wouldn’t think of trying it the traditional way. Thanks for the alternative method.

  • Anita
    August 8, 2019

    The one I like the most I believe Nancy called the “Mill Wheel”. I could see that in a cute baby quilt.

  • Linda H
    August 8, 2019

    I would love to try the Drunkard’s Path. It looks so easy with this technique and tools.

  • Barb K
    August 8, 2019

    I like the “Drunkard’s Path” because my mother made us one when we were married.

  • EllenB
    August 8, 2019

    I really like the Mill Wheel, but Drunkard’s Path is a traditional favorite of mine!

  • DebbieW
    August 8, 2019

    The Blackbird Pie is what I would make, my favorite for using the 1/4-Circle Template.

  • bethd.
    August 8, 2019

    drunkard’s path is the one I want to try if I had the templates and book. I hope to win.

  • Bev Bolduc Aldridge
    August 8, 2019

    I have tried Drunkard’s Path and it cold not lay flat, so was not at all on my favorites list of patterns. I like the Mohawk Trail which looks similar to another pattern and I like the look of Hearts and Gizzards. Nancy Ziemans directions make more sense and her templates could be better than having just 1 size to work with in creating a quilt. Would love to have supplies to make easier curved blocks, like having templates covering different sizes.

  • Karol Wright
    August 8, 2019

    I like the idea of using the 2 different size circles as well as the heart shaped design. I have often needed to make a design with a circle element and cold never get the two curved edges to sit well together. I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of using the fusible web and applique method !!!!

  • Marylou Wahl
    August 8, 2019

    I absolutely love the one Mohawk Trail-would love to try that one for sure!

  • Lola Lawrence
    August 8, 2019

    Would love to have this set. I have become obsessed with sewing & Embroidery. Over the years I have purchased several things from Nancy notions and very pleased with all.

  • Kelly Ducey
    August 8, 2019

    Am totally obsessed with my new hobby QUILTING. Absolutely love the Mohawk.
    Would love to be the recipient of the book and curve rulers.
    Thankyou for the opportunity

  • C DeLamare
    August 8, 2019

    After watching the show, I would like to try, Waxing and Waning of the Moon. I love the interface idea. It would be a blessing to win this gift. I quilt and donate a lot of what I make.

  • Gina Growe
    August 8, 2019

    The Drunkard’s Path is an absolute favorite and I’d love to try the Hearts and Gizzards (what a crazy name!) The book and rulers look fun and I appreciate the chance to win them.

  • Vicky S
    August 8, 2019

    I am a fan of Mohawk, Propeller, and Hearts and Gizzards. Every circle I have tried does not lay flat. Would love to finish the Circle quilt I started for my daughter’s wedding. This technique and the templates included may save the day.

  • Gail Beam
    August 8, 2019

    The book and rulers would be perfect for a beginner quilter like myself. Love the tutorial showing how easy using the rulers make these circles.

  • Joanna
    August 8, 2019

    Oh my gosh! How easy is this method!?! Would love to try all templates to create some wonderous quilts for the younger crowd in my family. Thanks for the opportunity!

  • Kathryn E
    August 8, 2019

    I love hearts and gizzards. I would also love to make a fan quilt. It would be wonderful to win the book and templates.

  • Michelle Hall
    August 9, 2019

    I really like the Mohawk trail design. What a clever way of making it

  • Anne Z.
    August 9, 2019

    I love the propeller. It is so unique and can be made in a variety of colorways.

  • Susan
    August 9, 2019

    The Ferris Wheel design is really so attractive and could be fun to do with various fabrics. This book and templates would be so handy to create these terrific circular designs.

  • Susan
    August 9, 2019

    The Ferris Wheel design captures the free spirit of a ferris wheel. The book and the templates would be fun to have to create these terrific circular designs.

  • Linda
    August 10, 2019

    I am anxious to try the Fool’s Puzzle – this method of curved piecing looks so easy!

  • cheryl uryga
    August 10, 2019

    I love the puzzle quilt

  • Renuka Girish
    August 10, 2019

    I love how dear Nancy made sewing so much easier with innovative and simplified techniques. She is one of my all time favorite guru. I love the drunkard’s path design and would love to try it with this technique.

  • Carol
    August 10, 2019

    I like the drunkard’s path design, especially in the green and red fabric that is shown.

  • Karen King
    August 12, 2019

    I used this technique once and made fish…I did not use the interfacing but rather double sewed the quarter circle (which was the gills) and allowed the seam allowance to fray giving the fish a 3-D look! I would like to try a Drunkard’s Path.

  • MoeWest
    August 14, 2019

    I like the waxing and waning moon design. I’m going to give this technique a try!

  • Carolyn T
    August 15, 2019

    I am all about “carefree!” Nancy’s fusible interfacing technique for making curves, and the templates, open up all kinds of possibilities. My favorite design in today’s blog is the Fool’s Puzzle.

  • Linda Morris
    January 6, 2022

    I would like to present my 91 year old mother one of Ms Zieman books. It is title Quilt with Catefree Curves. Can any one tell me where I might purchase it from.

  • Theresa
    March 18, 2023

    I’m looking for Nancy’s carefree cures book and templates

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