Photos Inspire Your Next Landscape Quilt
Start with a simple photograph, or collection of photographs, and give landscape quilting techniques a try. We always have great interest in the landscape-style of quilting on Sewing With Nancy. Many of you have embraced this art and have created wall quilts featuring the beauty of nature. Others have voiced an interest yet are hesitant to start. Taking the challenge to further streamline the process, I’ve invited my quilting buddy, Natalie Sewell, to present a series on landscape quilting from a beginner’s perspective. You can watch the first episode online.
Learn to Create Dark-Shaded Trees
During this three-part TV series, Natalie and I take a simplified approach to landscape quilting. It’s all about trees—dark-shaded trees, light-colored tress, snow-accented trees! You’ll learn to messy-cut, glue, shade, and finally stitch a tree—ta-dah, you’re a landscape quilter.
First we’ll show you how to create a simple fall scene. Natalie’s quilt, October Evening, features dramatic trees and simple foliage. Instead of showing you how to make this specific design, we’ll detail how to easily create trees with our raw-edge appliqué technique.
You’ll learn that your quilting “pattern” is no more, or no less than an inspirational photo. You’re not going to create a wall quilt that looks just like the photo, only use the photo as a guide. Watch online as we give fabric guidelines and create this scene. Find more information on the techniques in the book Beginning Landscape Quilting book and DVD.
Natalie and I enjoy sharing our landscape quilts. Windy (19″ x 22″) by Natalie Sewell shows how simple, yet effective a design can be.
Create Light-Colored Trees—Birch or Aspen
When you’d like to create a landscape featuring birch or aspen trees like Natalie’s design, Old Friends, some of the same designing principles apply, along with a few new tricks. In this design we’ll detail how to create depth and shape, and also how to improvise when you can’t find the exact leaf fabric.
This inspirational photo guided Natalie on what fabrics to choose.
I took some leeway with my quilt, Blue Birches, casting a blue hue to the birch trees.
Create a Winter Landscape
Winter landscape scenes pose new design opportunities. River Birch Trees in Snow by Natalie, showcases the stark contrast between the snow and trees. We think you’ll be slightly surprised to learn all the fabric options when your inspiration comes from snow-covered ground.
This photo “tells” you that very few fabrics are needed.
Thank you for joining us today for the first episode of Beginning Landscape Quilting. To watch this program or any recent Sewing With Nancy episode, go to nancyzieman.com and watch online.
Watch Beginning Landscape Quilting on Sewing With Nancy online.
Now that you’ve seen how easy it is to dive into landscape quilting, which season would you most like to capture in landscape quilt imagery? Leave your answer in the comment section below to be considered for a copy of Beginning Landscape Quilting from Nancy’s Notions. One winner will be randomly selected.
The randomly selected winner of a copy of The The Perfect T-Shirt Pattern from Pamela Leggett is Noreen.
Her comment was, “I like a pattern that has different design features. Thanks for the chance to win it. And thanks, Nancy, for the tips.”
Bye for now,
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Susie Furgason
I love the landscape quilts. They are on my list of quilts to learn to make. I have so many photographs to use as inspiration. Thank you
Liz Yent
I would love to learn landscape quilting. Each one shares a memory or story.
Liz Yent
Lanscape quilting is on my bucket list to learn. They portrait so much depth
Carol P
I love the winter landscape quilts. I think that would be the one I would start with. Seems like it would be easier then other seasons. Fall would be my next choice.
Carol in Arkansas
I am a beginner with both a sewing machine and also to quilting. I have done one wall panel quilt and am working on another right now. My goal is to do wall quilts of my own design once I can free motion quilt better. I would absolutely love to have this book and DVD to help me on my journey! Thank you for the chance, Nancy. My choice of seasons would be anything but winter, not fond of the very limited palette of winter.
Cynthia Schlais
I think a fall landscape would have the most vibrant colors.
I love birch trees and would love to make a four seasons wall hanging with the trees as the showcase.
Bev Donaldson
I would like to see spring/early summer with lots of birch
Marlyn Brunskill
I have been sewing for 54 years. I am also a photographer. I have always wanted to do a landscape quilt, but never knew how to start. Thanks for the idea. Hope I win the book.
janice Zavitz
A life long dream was to quilt and I have been going full force since retiring and almost an empty nest now!
landscapes is at the top of my list but I admit I am overwhelmed and hesitant..I have so many pictures and ideas in my head but haven’t started yet…I am going to watch your video right now, thankyou!
LoAnn Trowbridge
I have many projects to finish, but would like to try some landscape wall hangings. I think four seasons would be nice. The one I really want to do is of a big old hickory nut tree that was in my mom’s yard. It had a “bench” in front of it where most of her grandchildren had their pictures taken over the years.
I’d like to make an autumn scene from my childhood home area of colorful trees on limestone bluffs.
Julie Kill
I have lots of photo from a trip our family took to the Black hills in 2010. I’ve also picked up some fabrics to make a landscape quilt. I didn’t know where to start! I would dearly like to win the book, so I have some guidlines to start from. Thanks for the tips!
Cindy M
I can’t tell you how many times I have watched this video, it’s great!! I’d love to make a landscape quilt however it’s not of a season but rather a picture my late son drew a few weeks before he passed. I’ve been collecting fabric, now I just need to learn the technique! Thanks for the “lesson!”
lstangl482 at aol dot com
Terry Hedeman
I would love to try to make landscape quilt of the beautiful bluffs near my cabin in Iowa.
Thank you Nancy for the inspiration and your positive personality!
Nancy Rayside
I was inspired by your landscape quilting to make one of my own. It was to be a fall scene but turned out looking like a tree over water from a summer cottage. Anyway, I love it and it hangs in our bedroom. now I would like to do a Fall landscape quilt.
Gina M
Autumn! Pleasant memories of growing up around deciduous trees; kicking through them as I walked to school, jumping in piles of leaves with the neighborhood kids, the landscape seemed on ‘fire’ with color. Now I live in the Pacific NW; mostly evergreen trees.
I’d love to do a fall or winter landscape. Thank you for the giveaway.
Linda Kelley
Landscape quilts are beautiful, but I’ve only made one. I’d like to make one with a spring theme.
Cathy Ferguson
I have always wanted to figure out how to do Landscape quilts. Love watching your show.
Becky Gutzman
I would love to make a summer landscape quilt of our farm. Seeing the crops, cattle and barns always makes me happy about where I live.
Fall and winter are my favorite seasons–fall colors being energetic while winter is more serene. I have a many places to hang landscape quilts and will use your techniques to to build them. Thanks for sharing your tips and instruction with the sewing community. Keep ’em coming!
Autumn! With the beautiful colours of reds and oranges. This tecnique s on my bucket list so am very interested in learning more.
janet walters
fall would be my inspiration, I’ve never made a landscape quilt, but I sure would like to try. the wall hangings I’ve seen are all breathtaking!
Linda Regan
I honestly never realized how much I leaned toward winter scenes until my teenage daughter’s friend came over and asked, “How come all your paintings are snow storms?” I even had a framed poster of the Polar Express! Growing up in Buffalo NY, gives you an appreciation of the beauty of snow on trees and bushes and rooftops. Each snowfall is different. I want to “freeze” a snow scene in a landscape quilt.
Marie Kozma
A quilted landscape of a lake in summer would be so warming and cheery during our Idaho winters. I need the help getting started! I feel another project coming!
JonElizabeth Hortenbury
Would love to have a copy, I enjoy photography and quilting/sewing and this would be a great way to help me learn to recreate a photo using a different medium!! I love all seasons but Fall is by far my favourite, with all the beautiful bold colours!!
Sandi Larkibs
Living in Florida makes it easy to love all 4 seasons…..but my favorite would have to be the Fall….
Joanne P.
Would start with the autumn season. I have been collecting fabrics for landscape quilts, seasons, mountains, etc. Just need to get busy doing it!
I have always been particularly fascinated by the idea of capturing the shades and shadows of a snowy winter landscape. The color palette is limited and yet capturing the shades of grey, white and blue is challenging.
Linda Hoffman
I would start with autumn. I love the fall colors up here in Minnesota.
I would love to capture autumn in a landscape quilt. Those are my favorite colors and I have LOTS of fall colored fabrics. I would also love to capture birch trees in the same scene. Nancy and Natalie make it look so easy!
Gail W
I would choose spring. To me it is the beginning of new life because my daughter was born in May….my favorite month of the year.
Susan Spiers
I live in the deep south-so early fall would be my pick-just before the end of the summer leaves & blooms! A rainbow of colors!
Thank you so much for drawing my name for the tee shirt pattern. I like the variety off ways you can use it.
Have seen so many lovely creations in landscape quilting, but didn’t know where to begin. This book would seem to hold the answer to that question and guide me through completion.
It would definitely be fall!
Melissa Polk
Living in Florida, we have so many beautiful tropical areas. As an amateur photographer, I would love to make a landscape quilt using some of this scenery. I have already started building my stash!
I think every season is wonderful! I’d do all four!
a summer scene for me lots of green. i love landscapes. thanks for the hard work you put in ti shiw us how,
beth d.
I would do all four seasons. Spring would be my favorite. Hope to win this.
My favorite season is fall and that would be my choice.
Not a season but a tree. I have lived in Alaska for 40 years but I still miss the sycamores from Pennsylvania and I would try recreate them.
My husband is retired military and we have seen so many beautiful places. I would love to capture some of our memories in landscape quilts! I just haven’t been brave enough to start. I have a stash of fabrics I have been collecting just for this project. Your book would be such a great help for me! Thank you!
Jackie T
Those landscape quilts are all beautiful. I would like to do a Spring one to see if I could capture the greens of Spring.
Trude Jackson
I absolutely adore your work! I have seen other examples of landscape quilts…and am by no means impressed…your examples are GORGEOUS…and interpret the photos beautifully! LOVE IT!
Diana Mikus
I love spring. The awakening of the earth is magical. Birds singing and building nests and the trees budding out in the glorious colors of all shades of green. I would love to learn how to capture this in a quilt.
Shirley Clark
I loved seeing Nancy do a demo on these quilts at an event I went to in Shreveport, LA. She makes it look so easy.
I think a fall quilt would be a lot of fun to work on because of the beautiful colors of the leaves in fall.
Marilyn Martens
I would really like to try a winter one, or spring or all of them. I would like to win this as you always have good tips.
Dee Kasper
I’m anxious to make a landscape quilt – but although the trees are fantastic – I would like to do a beach scene. I’ll get to it this year for sure !
Mary Bittel
I love landscape quilts but don’t have the courage to try one. I would love to make a winter scene, which would include cardinals as a focal point.
Trisha Lediard
I started as a landscape photographer years ago so I have lots of photos, but then I discovered quilting and I am so hooked. My camera is covered in dust and my sewing machine used daily. I made a landscape quilt from a picture I took of my son and grandson holding hands walking down the road. I’m sure I did things wrong but enjoyed the process and final results. I learned a lot from your video, thank you.
Roxanne C Kelley
I would like to make a spring landscape quilt. The flowering fruit trees and the other budding trees are so pretty. I think several colors could be used.
Susan Nixon
Thanks for an interesting post! I would probably make a winter landscape – maybe winter in the desert, though … a little different – green-barked palo verdes, for instance. Thanks for the chance to win!
I’d really like to make a large wall size quilt with all four seasons. Being from Central Wisconsin we experience this every year and all have there own beauty which can be seen on the hills and in the valleys of our area. Having the book would be a great help to put it all together!!
Brenda Ackerman
Over the years since living in Southern Oregon, I have fallen in love with the beauty of waterfalls. From the smallest ones that develop over a couple of larger rocks in a mountain run off creek near our home to large ones you only see while out walking the woods to discover nature at its best. I would so love to learn how to create a quilt like one of these waterfalls we visit quite often. Thank you for sharing all of your expert guests talents along with your own expert talents with us! I love watching your show and reading your blog!
dorothy Swindle
all seasons are wonderful in Arkansas,I like the wonderfulll colors,especially when I see and old cabin to work with.
Dee in arkansas
I love landscapes. It’s a toss up between the seasons, depends on how I feel.
Thank you Natalie and Nancy for sharing these techniques, it brings my comfort level up some to attempt landscaping.
I think I would start with fall because of all the beautiful vibrant colors but in the end I know I would want to have one of each season. I so love the changing of the seasons.
What beautiful quilts! I have never done a landscape quilt but after seeing these beauties I would really like to try. Both of you make it look so easy! I would probably begin with an autumn quilt. The colors are so warm and inviting.
Angela Curtis
My favorite season is fall so my first attempt would have to be that. Thanks for the guidance and the opportunity to win.
I have always been a winter person, so I would definitely begin with a winter scene. The contrast of the green evergreens and maybe a red barn in the distance would make for a striking quilt. Thank you for demonstrating how to make these landscape “pictures”. You are an inspiration.
Lori M.
Love this type of quilting. I am wanting to make one, but always feel that I cannot find the “right” fabric. Thank you for this amazing giveaway….
I think I would like full spring into summer with all the flowers
Kelly Sasman
Fall is my favorite season. Love the colors of fall and would enjoy making a fall landscape quilt.
Nancy Karas
I have the perfect picture to use as inspiration from a summer trip. It has a curved wood fence an trees and I will add some flower detail. Thanks for the opportunity to learn more about landscape quilting.
Karen A
I’d like to do a landscape with my flower beds in full bloom in early June.
What a joy seeing you & Natalie work together…love the birches and snow….that would be a great way to start. Thank you for guiding us along this creative journey… Hope to see more of your art work….soon.
Your posts are always so full of great information. Would love to do some of this work. Kudos!!!
Your posts are always so full of great information. Would love to do this technique!! Kudos!!!
Elaine G.
I’d like to make a landscape quilt for Fall. I have the perfect fabric in my stash (been sitting for a few years) that would make great leaves. Thanks to this tutorial I can now put this fabric to use!
Lynne Hoyt
I am interested in landscape and portrait quilting. I think this technique would be a great beginning point in how to choose fabrics.
For some reason, I am drawn to winter scenes.
Edna Marks
I have always admired landscape quilts and wanted to make one but have no idea where to start.
Sally Groff
I would love to do a summer landscape quilt. That would be so bright and cheery!
Fall fall fall i love those orange and reds so stunning. Never tried landscape quilting but it looks wonderful and something achievable and totally different. Love DIFFERENT.
Geneva Crowell
I love the idea of using landscapes for wall hanging, photos an d quilt tops too, but how do I get the photo printed on fabric?
I’d love to do a mountain view for each season. What am I waiting for?????? Thanks for the inspiration!
Winter would be good. Even though I don’t like the snow much, snow on the trees are beautiful. Thanks,
Spring time is my favorite. When everything is that beautiful green color.
Judy Stephens
I would love to do an early spring quilt with many shades of green and perhaps some lingering pockets of snow as seen from my home in Montana. Thanks for a great series on beginner landscaping quilts!
Terry Butz
My favorite would be the colorful season of fall, though winter would be a close second.
Jean Jones
Every year I’m most eager for Daylight Savings Time and spring. After a cold winter with darkness creeping in during the late afternoon, my soul craves the sunlight, warmth, and delectable colors of spring.
Janie Harvey
My choice would be a spring scene including the beautiful greens and pinks of East Tennessee during the Knoxville Dogwood Arts Festival. The dogwoods, azaleas, redbuds, weeping cherry trees and apple trees, among others make a breathtaking color scheme.
I think I would try a summer landscape quilt. I have so many beautiful flower photographs that I would like to incorporate somehow into a quilt.
I love all of the landscape quilts above but I think the one that really made my blood race in the summer scene with a tree in the center.
neecee crisp
i would love to make a fall landscape. thanks for the many tips you give us .
Mary Jo
I am a nurse who loves to quilt and every morning when I leave for work there is a beautiful section of country road that I travel where the sun is coming up and the beautiful field of trees and flowers and the road is curvy and just a beautiful picture. That is what I want to quilt.
Valerie Thompson
I want to do a spring time in the desert
Landscape photography has always been my passion. Your techniques give me the courage to create my own ‘fabric landscapes’ so receiving your generous offer for book and DVD would DEFINITELY be very helpful and appreciated!
Terry McNulty
I love fall landscapes and I love fall leaves.
Winter is my favorite season with snow and cold, so that would be my first attempt. Nancy, I loved watching as you and Natalie coordinated on the landscape piece together. After all, as you said, it is impressionistic!
I have always wanted to create a landscape quilt but have been and still am a bit daunted by the idea. Hopefully this series and your book will help me get over that fear. I would definitely want to make a fall scene as I love the warm, rich colors of fall. Thanks for the chance to win the book.
Gail Beam
A spring or fall landscape would be beautiful to make, because of all of the vibrant and subdued colors for these seasons.
I’d love to try to create a fall scene, as I see it from my own front porch. The view is beautiful and the fall colors are gorgeous. Thank you Nancy for your inspiring videos. You make even a beginner like me eager to dive into new and exciting projects.
Denise Miller
I would love to create a fall scene as I see it from my own front porch. The view is beautiful and the colors are so rich. Thank you, Nancy, for your inspiring videos!
I would like to winter in the mountains.
I love the colors of fall. It would have to be fall.
Linda Edwards
Thanks for such good instructions, Nancy. I think a springtime landscape quilt would be my first attempt.
I am drawn to all the landscape quilts. I have painted landscapes for years and to actually put them into a quilt is exciting.
Annette Canonica
I love fall. Not only the beautiful colors but the memories it brings, the cool air, the smell of autumn leaves and for me a sense of peace. I am inspired by your tutorials on landscape quilting and feel as if you make it accessible to anyone.
Judy A. Stanton
I love all the seasons. Each one has its own special beauty. I would like to start with a fall landscape quilt – all those beautiful colors!
I would definitely begin with an Autumn inspired photo due to the rich and warm colors.
Shannon Denbow
I loved watching first part so much that I had to watch the other 2. It was fascinating to learn. I have been entranced with landscape quilts and have been so intimidating. Now I dont feel so overwhelmed and would love to learn more. Thank you so much for having this series available. I loved it! I will probably watch it quite a few more times just to make sure things sink in :). Thank you!
I’ve been struggling with tree trunks for months. How I appreciate your guidance in getting me un-stuck.
Cindy K
I would like to make a landscape quilt of a winter scene. This book looks very interesting.
Arleen MacCallum
When I retire in a few years I plan on making some of these for different seasons. Beautiful to give as gifts or keep. I like the fact that I can use some of my pictures for inspiration. Thank you.
Love Love Love… I can’t wait to make one. I’m going to have to add a cardinal though. 🙂
Anne Z.
I would love to make a Landscape Quilt, which captures the lush greens of Spring.
Thank you for all the continued Inspiration.
Donna Ohl
Nancy, this series is just what I need. My Grandmother painted some aspens and I would like to reproduce her painting in a quilt. I would love to win this series.
Thank you for the opportunity!
Beth Neihof
I would love to make a landscape quilt using a photo from our family trips to the Rockies in the summer. It will be hard to choose just one so I may have to make several! Thanks for your constant inspiration!
I see beautiful colors in all seasons for landscape quilts. I would like to do a spring quilt as the tiny flowers and cheery colors give us hope after a long winter! Thanks for your inspiration.
I would be interested in doing a winter scene.
Janie Harvey
A spring scene like those in East Tennessee during the Knoxville Dogwood Arts Festival. Should include azaleas, dogwoods, redbuds, cherry and apple trees, among many others.
Susan Salo
I love the fall and would do a maple with it’s red and golden leaves. I am following your videos; landscape quilting is on my list.
Marilyn Jaye
I love to take photos of nature…I love to sew…this is perfect!
Becky Gesch
Love your books and programs on landscape quilting. These are my favorites. Thank you.
Susan E. Smith
You made the process so very simple and guided us step by step through the process. I highly recommend the program!
Judy Krueger
I love your landscape quilts, even was at your class in Madison. I have this fear of trying even though you make it look so simple. I have the material just need some courage.
Thank you for all you do for all of us.
Debra Kepler
I am a summer time girl!! I love the summer and everything about it. I don’t even mind the heat.
Debra Kepler
I am a summer time girl!! I love the summer and everything about it. I don’t even mind the heat.
Doris McMurry
I have never wanted to try quilting until I saw your series on landscape quilting. I would try this because I like to messy cut things and creating trees, flowers out of fabric would be fun. I would start with the summer scene so I could add bright flowers.